private void ChangeLineMaterial(BaseLineVisual3D visual3D, Ab3d.DirectX.Materials.ILineMaterial newDXMaterial)
            // First get the DXEngine's SceneNode that was created from WPF's Visual3D
            var sceneNode = GetSceneNodeForWpfObject(visual3D);

            // Otherwise we need to get the ScreenSpaceLineNode.
            var screenSpaceLineNode = sceneNode as ScreenSpaceLineNode;

            if (screenSpaceLineNode == null)
                // ScreenSpaceLineNode is usually created as a child node of a WpfModelVisual3DNode:
                // WpfModelVisual3DNode is created for LineArcVisual3D (because it is derived from BaseLineVisual3D and that is derived from ModelVisual3D)
                if (sceneNode != null && sceneNode.ChildNodesCount == 1)
                    screenSpaceLineNode = sceneNode.ChildNodes[0] as ScreenSpaceLineNode;

            if (screenSpaceLineNode != null)
                // Once we have the ScreenSpaceLineNode, we can get the used LineMaterial that has ReadZBuffer
                screenSpaceLineNode.LineMaterial = newDXMaterial;

                // IMPORTANT:
                // When we manually change the properties of materials or SceneNodes,
                // we also need to notify the changed SceneNode about the change.
                // Without this the DXEngine will not re-render the scene because it will think that there is no change.
        private void Show3DLines(BaseLineVisual3D lineVisual3D)
            // To better view how 3D line is created from triangles,
            // we adjust the camera to direct front view
            Camera1.Heading  = 0;
            Camera1.Attitude = 0;
            Camera1.Distance = 500;
            Camera1.Offset   = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);

            // This sample is a detailed inspector for MeshGeometry3D objects.
            // To show MeshGeometry3D from 3D lines, we need to do a little trick:
            // 1) We need to create a new Viewport3D, sets its size (very important because the Viewport3D will not be shown and size is needed to get PerspectiveMatrix)
            // 2) In the new Viewport3D set the camera to the same camera as out main camera.
            // 3) Add line to Viewport3D.
            // 4) Force line geometry generation with Ab3d.Utilities.LinesUpdater (register Viewport3D and then call Refresh).
            // 5) After that we can access the MeshGeometry3D for the 3D line.

            var mainViewportCamera = (PerspectiveCamera)MainViewport.Camera;
            var perspectiveCamera  = new PerspectiveCamera()
                LookDirection = mainViewportCamera.LookDirection,
                Position      = mainViewportCamera.Position,
                UpDirection   = mainViewportCamera.UpDirection,
                FieldOfView   = mainViewportCamera.FieldOfView

            var viewport3D = new Viewport3D();

            viewport3D.Camera = perspectiveCamera;
            viewport3D.Width  = MainViewport.ActualWidth;
            viewport3D.Height = MainViewport.ActualHeight;


            //var geometryModel3D = line.Content as GeometryModel3D;
            var geometryModel3D = lineVisual3D.Content as GeometryModel3D;

            if (geometryModel3D != null)
                _rootMesh = (MeshGeometry3D)geometryModel3D.Geometry;
        private BaseLineVisual3D CloneLineVisuals(BaseLineVisual3D lineVisual)
            BaseLineVisual3D clonedLineVisual = null;

            // NOTE:
            // This method supports only cloning LineArcVisual3D and WireBoxVisual3D

            var lineArcVisual3D = lineVisual as LineArcVisual3D;

            if (lineArcVisual3D != null)
                clonedLineVisual = new LineArcVisual3D()
                    CircleCenterPosition = lineArcVisual3D.CircleCenterPosition,
                    Radius             = lineArcVisual3D.Radius,
                    CircleNormal       = lineArcVisual3D.CircleNormal,
                    ZeroAngleDirection = lineArcVisual3D.ZeroAngleDirection,
                    StartAngle         = lineArcVisual3D.StartAngle,
                    EndAngle           = lineArcVisual3D.EndAngle,
                    LineColor          = lineArcVisual3D.LineColor,
                    LineThickness      = lineArcVisual3D.LineThickness
                var wireBoxVisual3D = lineVisual as WireBoxVisual3D;
                if (wireBoxVisual3D != null)
                    clonedLineVisual = new WireBoxVisual3D()
                        CenterPosition = wireBoxVisual3D.CenterPosition,
                        Size           = wireBoxVisual3D.Size,
                        LineColor      = wireBoxVisual3D.LineColor,
                        LineThickness  = wireBoxVisual3D.LineThickness
