public static bool AddEnchantment_Prefix(Tool __instance, BaseEnchantment enchantment, ref bool __result) { try { if (enchantment == null) { return(true); } if (!enchantment.IsForge() && !enchantment.IsSecondaryEnchantment()) { // Enchantment is a primary enchantment. __instance.enchantments.Add(enchantment); enchantment.ApplyTo(__instance, __instance.getLastFarmerToUse()); __result = true; return(false); // don't run original logic } if (__instance is MeleeWeapon && enchantment.IsForge()) { if (enchantment is DiamondEnchantment) { // Skip adding diamond enchantments, they should result in 3 other enchantments getting added in Forge. __result = true; return(false); // don't run original logic } // Enchantment is a Weapon forging or Galaxy Soul enchantment } return(true); // run original logic } catch (Exception ex) { ModMonitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(AddEnchantment_Prefix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); return(true); // run original logic } }
public static void GetEnchantmentFromItem_Postfix(ref BaseEnchantment __result, Item base_item, Item item) { if (base_item != null && base_item is Slingshot sling && sling.CurrentParentTileIndex == 34 && Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 896)) { __result = new GalaxySoulEnchantment(); } }
public BaseEnchantment GetEnchantment(Item item, BaseEnchantment ench) { if (item is Tool tool) { return(tool.enchantments.FirstOrDefault(e => e.GetName() == ench.GetName())); } return(null); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { instance = this; Log.Monitor = Monitor; BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantments().Add(new MoreLuresEnchantment()); var harmony = HarmonyInstance.Create(ModManifest.UniqueID); harmony.PatchAll(); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { Mod.Instance = this; Log.Monitor = this.Monitor; BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantments().Add(new MoreLuresEnchantment()); HarmonyPatcher.Apply(this, new FishingRodPatcher() ); }
public override void receiveLeftClick(int x, int y, bool playSound) { Item item = Game1.player.items.Count > selected ? Game1.player.items[selected] : null; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) { if (buttons[i].Contains(x, y)) { if (item is Tool tool) { Game1.playSound("smallSelect"); BaseEnchantment ench = GetEnchantment(tool, enchantments[i + offset]); if (ench != null) { tool.enchantments.Remove(ench); } else { tool.enchantments.Add(enchantments[i + offset]); } } return; } } if (upArrow.containsPoint(x, y) && ScrollUp()) { Game1.playSound("shwip"); upArrow.scale = upArrow.baseScale; return; } if (downArrow.containsPoint(x, y) && ScrollDown()) { Game1.playSound("shwip"); downArrow.scale = upArrow.baseScale; return; } if (scrollBarTrack.Contains(x, y)) { scrolling = true; return; } for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++) { if (inventory.inventory[i].containsPoint(x, y)) { Game1.playSound("stoneStep"); selected = i; UpdateSelected(); return; } } }
public static bool _OnDealDamage_Prefix(BaseEnchantment __instance, string ____displayName, Monster monster, GameLocation location, Farmer who, ref int amount) { if (!(__instance is BaseWeaponEnchantment) || ____displayName == null || ____displayName == "" || !ModEntry.advancedEnchantments.ContainsKey(____displayName) || (ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers.ContainsKey(who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName) && ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers[who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName] == Game1.ticks)) { return(true); } AdvancedEnchantmentData enchantment = ModEntry.advancedEnchantments[____displayName]; if (enchantment?.parameters?.ContainsKey("trigger") != true) { return(true); } if (enchantment.parameters["trigger"] == "damage" || (enchantment.parameters["trigger"] == "crit" && amount > (who.CurrentTool as MeleeWeapon).maxDamage) && !Environment.StackTrace.Contains("OnCalculateDamage")) { context.Monitor.Log($"Triggered enchantment {} on {enchantment.parameters["trigger"]} {amount} {(who.CurrentTool as MeleeWeapon).enchantments.Count}"); ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers[who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName] = Game1.ticks; if (enchantment.type == "heal") { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["chance"]) / 100f) { int heal = Math.Max(1, (int)(amount * float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["amountMult"]))); = Math.Min(who.maxHealth, + heal); location.debris.Add(new Debris(heal, new Vector2((float)Game1.player.getStandingX(), (float)Game1.player.getStandingY()), Color.Lime, 1f, who)); if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("sound")) { Game1.playSound(enchantment.parameters["sound"]); } } } else if (enchantment.type == "coins") { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["chance"]) / 100f) { float mult = float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["amountMult"]); int coins = (int)Math.Round(mult * amount); who.Money += coins; if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("sound")) { Game1.playSound(enchantment.parameters["sound"]); } } } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Function that substitutes in an enchantment. /// </summary> /// <param name="base_item">Tool.</param> /// <param name="item">Thing to enchant with.</param> /// <returns>Enchanment to substitute in.</returns> public static BaseEnchantment SubstituteEnchantment(Item base_item, Item item) { try { if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 74) && ForgeMenuPatches.CurrentSelection is not null) { BaseEnchantment output = ForgeMenuPatches.CurrentSelection; ForgeMenuPatches.TrashMenu(); return(output); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModEntry.ModMonitor.Log($"Failed in forcing selection of enchantment.\n\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); } return(BaseEnchantment.GetEnchantmentFromItem(base_item, item)); }
public EnchantMenu() : base( (Game1.uiViewport.Width - 800) / 2, (Game1.uiViewport.Height - 600) / 2, 800, 600, true ) { enchantments = BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantments().ToArray(); incompatible = new bool[enchantments.Length]; inventory = new InventoryMenu(0, 0, false); int buttonHeight = (height - 32 - inventory.height) / buttons.Length; for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++) { buttons[i] = new Rectangle(0, 0, width - 32, buttonHeight); } maxOffset = enchantments.Length - buttons.Length; upArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 48), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 459, 11, 12), 4f ); downArrow = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(0, 0, 44, 48), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(421, 472, 11, 12), 4f ); scrollBar = new ClickableTextureComponent( new Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 40), Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(435, 463, 6, 10), 4f ); scrollBarTrack = new Rectangle( 0, 0, scrollBar.bounds.Width, height - inventory.height - 140 ); UpdateSelected(); PlaceWidgets(); }
public static bool IsEnchantedOrEnchantable(Item item) { if (item != null && item is Tool) { foreach (BaseEnchantment enchantment in (item as Tool).enchantments) { if (!enchantment.IsForge() && !enchantment.IsSecondaryEnchantment()) { return(true); } } if (BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantmentsForItem(item as Tool).Count > 0) { return(true); } } return(false); }
// Lists the next several enchantments to be applied to the given tool, // up to the given limit. public static List <Prediction> ListForTool(Tool tool, uint limit, bool cumulative = false) { Utilities.CheckWorldReady(); if (!IsAvailable) { throw new UnavailableException("enchantments"); } List <Prediction> predictions = new (); Tool fakeTool = tool.getOne() as Tool; // Start from the next enchantment and continue to the limit. uint fromNumber = Game1.stats.getStat("timesEnchanted"); for (uint number = fromNumber; number < fromNumber + limit; ++number) { // Select a random available enchantment per the base game rules. Random rng = new ((int)number + (int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame); var candidates = BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantmentsForItem(fakeTool); var enchantment = Utility.GetRandom(candidates, rng); predictions.Add(new () { number = number, enchantment = enchantment, }); // If the enchantments are cumulative on the tool itself, // simulate applying this enchantment to be ready for the next. if (cumulative && enchantment != null) { fakeTool.AddEnchantment(enchantment); fakeTool.previousEnchantments.Insert(0, enchantment.GetName()); while (fakeTool.previousEnchantments.Count > 2) { fakeTool.previousEnchantments.RemoveAt(fakeTool.previousEnchantments.Count - 1); } } } return(predictions); }
public static void Forge_Post(MeleeWeapon __instance, Item item, bool count_towards_stats, ref bool __result) { try { if (!mod.Config.EnchantableScythes || !__instance.isScythe(-1)) { return; } if (item is MeleeWeapon other_weapon && other_weapon.type == __instance.type) { __instance.appearance.Value = (__instance.IndexOfMenuItemView = other_weapon.getDrawnItemIndex()); __result = true; return; } BaseEnchantment enchantment = BaseEnchantment.GetEnchantmentFromItem(__instance, item); if (enchantment != null && __instance.AddEnchantment(enchantment)) { // deleted diamond case if (count_towards_stats && !enchantment.IsForge()) { __instance.previousEnchantments.Insert(0, enchantment.GetName()); while (__instance.previousEnchantments.Count > 2) { __instance.previousEnchantments.RemoveAt(__instance.previousEnchantments.Count - 1); } Game1.stats.incrementStat("timesEnchanted", 1); } __result = true; return; } __result = false; } catch (Exception e) { mod.ErrorLog("There was an exception in a patch", e); } }
public static bool CanAddEnchantment_Prefix(Tool __instance, BaseEnchantment enchantment, ref bool __result) { try { if (enchantment == null) { return(true); // run original logic } if (__instance is MeleeWeapon && enchantment.IsForge()) { if (enchantment is DiamondEnchantment && GetValidForgeEnchantmentsForTool(__instance).Count <= 0) { // No more forge enchantments can be added. __result = false; return(false); } // Enchantment is a normal forge enchantment, check the existing level if there is one foreach (BaseEnchantment exisiting_enchantment in __instance.enchantments) { if (enchantment.GetType() == exisiting_enchantment.GetType()) { if (exisiting_enchantment.GetLevel() >= 3) { __result = false; return(false); } break; } } __result = true; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ModMonitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(CanAddEnchantment_Prefix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); return(true); // run original logic } }
public static void Forge_Postfix(Tool __instance, ref bool __result, Item item, bool count_towards_stats = false) { BaseEnchantment enchantment = BaseEnchantment.GetEnchantmentFromItem(__instance, item); if (__instance is Slingshot && enchantment != null) { if (enchantment is GalaxySoulEnchantment && __instance is Slingshot sling && sling.CurrentParentTileIndex == 34 && sling.GetEnchantmentLevel <GalaxySoulEnchantment>() >= 3) { __instance.CurrentParentTileIndex = ModEntry.Instance.config.InfinitySlingshotId; __instance.InitialParentTileIndex = ModEntry.Instance.config.InfinitySlingshotId; __instance.IndexOfMenuItemView = ModEntry.Instance.config.InfinitySlingshotId; string[] slingData = Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\weapons")[__instance.InitialParentTileIndex].Split('/'); __instance.BaseName = slingData[0]; __instance.description = slingData[1]; GalaxySoulEnchantment enchant = __instance.GetEnchantmentOfType <GalaxySoulEnchantment>(); if (enchant != null) { __instance.RemoveEnchantment(enchant); } } if (count_towards_stats && !enchantment.IsForge()) { __instance.previousEnchantments.Insert(0, enchantment.GetName()); while (__instance.previousEnchantments.Count > 2) { __instance.previousEnchantments.RemoveAt(__instance.previousEnchantments.Count - 1); } Game1.stats.incrementStat("timesEnchanted", 1); } __result = true; return; } __result = false; return; }
public static bool _OnMonsterSlay_Prefix(BaseEnchantment __instance, string ____displayName, Monster m, GameLocation location, Farmer who) { if (!(__instance is BaseWeaponEnchantment) || ____displayName == null || !ModEntry.advancedEnchantments.ContainsKey(____displayName) || (ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers.ContainsKey(who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName) && ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers[who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName] == Game1.ticks)) { return(true); } AdvancedEnchantmentData enchantment = ModEntry.advancedEnchantments[____displayName]; if (enchantment.parameters["trigger"] == "slay") { context.Monitor.Log($"Triggered enchantment {} on slay"); ModEntry.EnchantmentTriggers[who.uniqueMultiplayerID + ____displayName] = Game1.ticks; if (enchantment.type == "heal") { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["chance"]) / 100f) { int heal = Math.Max(1, (int)(m.Health * float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["amountMult"]))); = Math.Min(who.maxHealth, + heal); location.debris.Add(new Debris(heal, new Vector2((float)Game1.player.getStandingX(), (float)Game1.player.getStandingY()), Color.Lime, 1f, who)); if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("sound")) { Game1.playSound(enchantment.parameters["sound"]); } } } else if (enchantment.type == "loot") { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["chance"]) / 100f) { if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("extraDropChecks")) { int extraChecks = Math.Max(1, int.Parse(enchantment.parameters["extraDropChecks"])); for (int i = 0; i < extraChecks; i++) { location.monsterDrop(m, m.GetBoundingBox().Center.X, m.GetBoundingBox().Center.Y, who); } } else if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("extraDropItems")) { string[] items = enchantment.parameters["extraDropItems"].Split(','); foreach (string item in items) { string[] ic = item.Split('_'); if (ic.Length == 1) { Game1.createItemDebris(new Object(int.Parse(item), 1, false, -1, 0), m.Position, Game1.random.Next(4), m.currentLocation, -1); } else if (ic.Length == 2) { float chance = int.Parse(ic[1]) / 100f; if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < chance) { Game1.createItemDebris(new Object(int.Parse(ic[0]), 1, false, -1, 0), m.Position, Game1.random.Next(4), m.currentLocation, -1); } } else if (ic.Length == 4) { float chance = int.Parse(ic[3]) / 100f; if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < chance) { Game1.createItemDebris(new Object(int.Parse(ic[0]), Game1.random.Next(int.Parse(ic[1]), int.Parse(ic[2]))), m.Position, Game1.random.Next(4), m.currentLocation, -1); } } } } if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("sound")) { Game1.playSound(enchantment.parameters["sound"]); } } } else if (enchantment.type == "coins") { if (Game1.random.NextDouble() < float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["chance"]) / 100f) { float mult = float.Parse(enchantment.parameters["amountMult"]); int amount = (int)Math.Round(mult * m.maxHealth); who.Money += amount; if (enchantment.parameters.ContainsKey("sound")) { Game1.playSound(enchantment.parameters["sound"]); } } } } return(false); }
public static bool Forge_Prefix(Tool __instance, Item item, ref bool __result) { try { BaseEnchantment enchantment = BaseEnchantment.GetEnchantmentFromItem(__instance, item); // This gets displayed twice because the game does it once to display the "Result" item in the menu. ModMonitor.Log($"Adding {(enchantment != null ? (enchantment.IsForge() ? "forge enchantment" : enchantment.GetDisplayName()) : "null enchantment")} from item {(item != null ? item.Name : "null")} to tool {__instance.Name}", LogLevel.Debug); if (enchantment != null && enchantment is DiamondEnchantment) { // Diamond Enchantment is now replaced with up to 3 other random enchantments. Still get a slight discount on the cost. if (GetValidForgeEnchantmentsForTool(__instance).Count <= 0) { __result = false; return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Try to add 3 new enchantments. List <int> valid_forges = GetValidForgeEnchantmentsForTool(__instance); if (valid_forges.Count <= 0) { // Can't add enchantments break; } int index = Game1.random.Next(valid_forges.Count); int random_enchant = valid_forges[index]; switch (random_enchant) { case 0: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Emerald Enchantment as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new EmeraldEnchantment()); break; case 1: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Emerald Aquamarine as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new AquamarineEnchantment()); break; case 2: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Ruby Enchantment as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new RubyEnchantment()); break; case 3: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Amethyst Enchantment as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new AmethystEnchantment()); break; case 4: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Topaz Enchantment as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new TopazEnchantment()); break; case 5: ModMonitor.Log($"Adding Jade Enchantment as part of Diamond Enchantment process", LogLevel.Trace); __instance.AddEnchantment(new JadeEnchantment()); break; } } __result = true; return(false); // don't run original logic } return(true); // run original logic } catch (Exception ex) { ModMonitor.Log($"Failed in {nameof(Forge_Prefix)}:\n{ex}", LogLevel.Error); return(true); // run original logic } }
public BaseEnchantmentWrapper(BaseEnchantment item) => GetBaseType = item;
public override bool CanAddEnchantment(BaseEnchantment enchantment) { return(false); }
public static void AddEnchantment_Postfix(Tool __instance, ref bool __result, BaseEnchantment enchantment) { if (enchantment != null && __instance is Slingshot && enchantment.IsSecondaryEnchantment()) { var lastUser = AccessTools.FieldRefAccess <Tool, Farmer>("lastUser"); //__instance.RemoveEnchantment(enchantment); __instance.enchantments.Remove(enchantment); enchantment.UnapplyTo(__instance, lastUser(__instance)); foreach (BaseEnchantment existing_enchantment in __instance.enchantments) { if (enchantment.GetType() == existing_enchantment.GetType()) { if (existing_enchantment.GetMaximumLevel() < 0 || existing_enchantment.GetLevel() < existing_enchantment.GetMaximumLevel()) { existing_enchantment.SetLevel(__instance, existing_enchantment.GetLevel() + 1); __result = true; return; } __result = false; return; } } __instance.enchantments.Add(enchantment); enchantment.ApplyTo(__instance, lastUser(__instance)); __result = true; return; } }
public static void GetEnchantmentFromItem_Post(Item base_item, Item item, ref BaseEnchantment __result) { try { if (!mod.Config.EnchantableScythes) { return; } if (base_item is MeleeWeapon weapon && weapon.isScythe(-1)) { // actual enchantments if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 74)) { var enchantmentRandom = new Random((int)(Game1.stats.getStat("timesEnchanted") + (uint)((int)Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame))); __result = Utility.GetRandom(BaseEnchantment.GetAvailableEnchantmentsForItem(base_item as Tool), enchantmentRandom); return; } // weapon forging if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 60)) { __result = new EmeraldEnchantment(); return; } if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 62)) { __result = new AquamarineEnchantment(); return; } if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 64)) { __result = new RubyEnchantment(); return; } if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 66)) { __result = new AmethystEnchantment(); return; } if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 68)) { __result = new TopazEnchantment(); return; } if (Utility.IsNormalObjectAtParentSheetIndex(item, 70)) { __result = new JadeEnchantment(); return; } // deleted diamond case __result = null; } } catch (Exception e) { mod.ErrorLog("There was an exception in a patch", e); } }