private static void RegenerateCodeAndUpdateUiAccordingToRfsRename(string oldName, string newName, ReferencedFileSave fileSave)
            foreach (IElement element in ProjectManager.GlueProjectSave.AllElements())
                bool wasAnythingChanged = element.ReactToRenamedReferencedFile(oldName, newName);

                if (wasAnythingChanged)

                if (element.ReferencedFiles.Contains(fileSave))
                    BaseElementTreeNode node = GlueState.Self.Find.ElementTreeNode(element);
Example #2
        private static bool DragDropNosIntoElement(NamedObjectSave movingNos, IElement elementMovingInto)
            bool succeeded = true;

            // moving to another element, so let's copy
            NamedObjectSave clonedNos = movingNos.Clone();

            UpdateNosAfterDragDrop(clonedNos, elementMovingInto);


            var referenceCheck = ProjectManager.VerifyReferenceGraph(elementMovingInto);

            if (referenceCheck == ProjectManager.CheckResult.Failed)
                succeeded = false;
                // VerifyReferenceGraph (currently) shows a popup so we don't have to here
                //MessageBox.Show("This movement would result in a circular reference");


            if (succeeded)
                // If an object which was on a Layer
                // is moved into another Element, then
                // the cloned object probably shouldn't
                // be on a layer.  Not sure if we want to
                // see if there is a Layer with the same-name
                // but we maybe shouldn't assume that they mean
                // the same thing.
                clonedNos.LayerOn = null;

                BaseElementTreeNode treeNodeForElementMovedInto = GlueState.Self.Find.ElementTreeNode(elementMovingInto);

                MessageBox.Show("Copied\n" + movingNos + "\n\nto\n" + clonedNos);
        internal static void AddNewNamedObjectToElementTreeNode(BaseElementTreeNode elementTreeNode, NamedObjectSave namedObject, bool modifyNamedObject)
            // We no longer need to modify new named objects this way
            // AttachToContainer defaults to true and won't do anything
            // on Screens.  It looks like AddToManagers was always true.
            //if (modifyNamedObject)
            //    if (elementTreeNode.SaveObjectAsElement is EntitySave)
            //    {
            //        namedObject.AddToManagers = !(elementTreeNode.SaveObjectAsElement as EntitySave).IsUnique;

            //        namedObject.AddToManagers = true;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // Vic says - when a file is loaded in a Screen,
            //        // it is added to managers.  When it is loaded in
            //        // Entities, it is not and components of it are cloned
            //        // Therefore, if we're in a Screen, we should assume that
            //        // we are going to load from a file for this new object and
            //        // not set the AddToManagers to true.  But IF the new object
            //        // is going to be an Entity, then the PropetyGrid will handle
            //        // setting its AddToManagers to true.
            //    }




            // Highlight the newly created object
            TreeNode treeNode = EditorLogic.CurrentElementTreeNode.GetTreeNodeFor(namedObject);

            if (treeNode != null)
                MainGlueWindow.Self.ElementTreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode;
Example #4
        public static void RemoveNamedObject(NamedObjectSave namedObjectToRemove, bool performSave, bool updateUi, List <string> additionalFilesToRemove)
            StringBuilder removalInformation = new StringBuilder();

            // The additionalFilesToRemove is included for consistency with other methods.  It may be used later

            // There are the following things that need to happen:
            // 1.  Remove the NamedObject from the Glue project (GLUX)
            // 2.  Remove any variables that use this NamedObject as their source
            // 3.  Remove the named object from the GUI
            // 4.  Update the variables for any NamedObjects that use this element containing this NamedObject
            // 5.  Find any Elements that contain NamedObjects that are DefinedByBase - if so, see if we should remove those or make them not DefinedByBase
            // 6.  Remove any events that tunnel into this.

            IElement element = namedObjectToRemove.GetContainer();

            if (element != null)
                if (!namedObjectToRemove.RemoveSelfFromNamedObjectList(element.NamedObjects))
                    throw new ArgumentException();

                #region Remove all CustomVariables that reference the removed NamedObject
                for (int i = element.CustomVariables.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    CustomVariable variable = element.CustomVariables[i];

                    if (variable.SourceObject == namedObjectToRemove.InstanceName)
                        removalInformation.AppendLine("Removed variable " + variable.ToString());


                // Remove any events that use this
                for (int i = element.Events.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    EventResponseSave ers = element.Events[i];
                    if (ers.SourceObject == namedObjectToRemove.InstanceName)
                        removalInformation.AppendLine("Removed event " + ers.ToString());

                // Remove any objects that use this as a layer
                for (int i = 0; i < element.NamedObjects.Count; i++)
                    if (element.NamedObjects[i].LayerOn == namedObjectToRemove.InstanceName)
                        removalInformation.AppendLine("Removed the following object from the deleted Layer: " + element.NamedObjects[i].ToString());
                        element.NamedObjects[i].LayerOn = null;


                #region Ask the user what to do with all NamedObjects that are DefinedByBase

                List <IElement> derivedElements = new List <IElement>();
                if (element is EntitySave)
                    derivedElements.AddRange(ObjectFinder.Self.GetAllEntitiesThatInheritFrom(element as EntitySave));
                    derivedElements.AddRange(ObjectFinder.Self.GetAllScreensThatInheritFrom(element as ScreenSave));

                foreach (IElement derivedElement in derivedElements)
                    // At this point, namedObjectToRemove is already removed from the current Element, so this will only
                    // return NamedObjects that exist in the derived.
                    NamedObjectSave derivedNamedObject = derivedElement.GetNamedObjectRecursively(namedObjectToRemove.InstanceName);

                    if (derivedNamedObject != null && derivedNamedObject != namedObjectToRemove && derivedNamedObject.DefinedByBase)
                        MultiButtonMessageBox mbmb = new MultiButtonMessageBox();
                        mbmb.MessageText = "What would you like to do with the object " + derivedNamedObject.ToString();
                        mbmb.AddButton("Keep it", DialogResult.OK);
                        mbmb.AddButton("Delete it", DialogResult.Cancel);

                        DialogResult result = mbmb.ShowDialog(MainGlueWindow.Self);

                        if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                            // Keep it
                            derivedNamedObject.DefinedByBase = false;
                            BaseElementTreeNode treeNode = GlueState.Self.Find.ElementTreeNode(derivedElement);

                            if (updateUi)
                            // Delete it
                            RemoveNamedObject(derivedNamedObject, performSave, updateUi, additionalFilesToRemove);

                var elementTreeNode = GlueState.Self.Find.ElementTreeNode(element);

                if (updateUi)
                if (element is EntitySave)
                    List <NamedObjectSave> entityNamedObjects = ObjectFinder.Self.GetAllNamedObjectsThatUseEntity(element.Name);

                    foreach (NamedObjectSave nos in entityNamedObjects)

            if (performSave)