Example #1
        private void OnTransformBarricadeRequested(CSteamID instigator, byte x, byte y, ushort plant, uint instanceID,
                                                   ref Vector3 point, ref byte angle_x, ref byte angle_y, ref byte angle_z, ref bool shouldAllow)
            BarricadeRegion region = BarricadeManager.regions[x, y];
            int             index  = region.barricades.FindIndex(k => k.instanceID == instanceID);

            BarricadeData data = region.barricades[index];
            BarricadeDrop drop = region.drops[index];

            Player nativePlayer = Provider.clients.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.playerID.steamID == instigator)?.player;

            UnturnedPlayer player = nativePlayer == null ? null : new UnturnedPlayer(nativePlayer);

            UnturnedBarricadeTransformingEvent @event = new UnturnedBarricadeTransformingEvent(
                new UnturnedBarricadeBuildable(data, drop), player, instigator, point,
                Quaternion.Euler(angle_x * 2, angle_y * 2, angle_z * 2));


            shouldAllow = [email protected];
            point       = @event.Point;

            Vector3 eulerAngles = @event.Rotation.eulerAngles;

            angle_x = MeasurementTool.angleToByte(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.x / 2f) * 2);
            angle_y = MeasurementTool.angleToByte(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.y / 2f) * 2);
            angle_z = MeasurementTool.angleToByte(Mathf.RoundToInt(eulerAngles.z / 2f) * 2);
Example #2
        public void Execute(ICommandContext context)
            UnturnedPlayer player = ((UnturnedUser)context.User).Player;

            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            switch (context.Parameters.Get <string> (0).ToLower())
            case "b":
            case "barricade":
                BarricadeRegion randomBRegion = BarricadeManager.regions [random.Next(0, BarricadeManager.BARRICADE_REGIONS), random.Next(0, BarricadeManager.BARRICADE_REGIONS)];
                Vector3         randomPoint   = randomBRegion.barricades [random.Next(0, randomBRegion.barricades.Count)].point.ToSystemVector();
                randomPoint.Y += 10;

            case "s":
            case "structure":
                StructureRegion randomSRegion = StructureManager.regions [random.Next(0, StructureManager.STRUCTURE_REGIONS), random.Next(0, StructureManager.STRUCTURE_REGIONS)];
                randomPoint    = randomSRegion.structures [random.Next(0, randomSRegion.structures.Count)].point.ToSystemVector();
                randomPoint.Y += 10;

            case "v":
            case "vehicle":
                randomPoint    = VehicleManager.vehicles [random.Next(0, VehicleManager.vehicles.Count)].transform.position.ToSystemVector();
                randomPoint.Y += 10;
        public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command)
            for (byte i = 0; i < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; i += 1)
                for (byte j = 0; j < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; j += 1)
                    BarricadeRegion br = BarricadeManager.regions[i, j];
                    for (int index = 0; index < br.barricades.Count; index++)
                        BarricadeData b = br.barricades[index];
                        if (Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, b.barricade.id) is ItemBarricadeAsset asset && asset.build != EBuild.FARM)
                            b.barricade.health = asset.health;
                            //BarricadeManager.instance.channel.send("tellBarricadeHealth", ESteamCall.ALL,
                            //    ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { i, j, ushort.MaxValue, index, b.asset.quality });

                    StructureRegion sr = StructureManager.regions[i, j];
                    for (int index = 0; index < sr.structures.Count; index++)
                        StructureData s = sr.structures[index];
                        if (Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, s.structure.id) is ItemStructureAsset asset)
                            s.structure.health = asset.health;
                            //BarricadeManager.instance.channel.send("tellStructureHealth", ESteamCall.ALL,
                            //    ESteamPacket.UPDATE_RELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { i, j, ushort.MaxValue, index, s.asset.quality });
            UnturnedChat.Say(caller, "repaired all buildings");
        private void BarricadeSpawned(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop)
            var data  = region.barricades.Find(k => k.instanceID == drop.instanceID);
            var build = new BarricadeBuildable(data, drop);

            m_BarricadeBuildables.Add(build.InstanceId, build);
Example #5
        public void OnBarricadeSpawned(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop)
            if (drop.asset.id != 1050)

            ActiveHealthStations.Add(SpawnHealthStationBarricade(region, drop, 20000));
Example #6
        public void OnBarricadeSpawned(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop)
            if (drop.asset.id != 1241)

            ActiveC4.Add(SpawnC4Barricade(region, drop, 30000));
Example #7
            private static void DestroyBarricade(BarricadeRegion region, ushort index)

                var data = region.barricades[index];
                var drop = region.drops[index];

                OnBarricadeDestroyed?.Invoke(data, drop);
Example #8
        internal bool Sell(decimal curBallance, UnturnedPlayer player, RaycastInfo raycastInfo, out decimal totalCost, out short actualCount)
            bool sufficientAmount = false;

            totalCost   = 0;
            actualCount = 0;
            InteractableVehicle vehicle = null;

            if (RestrictBuySell == RestrictBuySell.BuyOnly)
                actualCount = -1;
            VehicleInfo vInfo = DShop.Instance.Database.GetVehicleInfo((ulong)player.CSteamID, ItemID);

            if (vInfo == null)
                // The car the player's looking at hasn't been bought before from them, from the shop.
                actualCount = -2;
                vehicle          = raycastInfo.vehicle;
                sufficientAmount = true;
                actualCount      = 1;
                if (DShop.Instance.Configuration.Instance.VehicleSellDropElements)
                    BarricadeRegion vregion = null;
                    byte            x;
                    byte            y;
                    ushort          plant;
                    if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.transform, out x, out y, out plant, out vregion))
                        for (int j = 0; j < vregion.drops.Count; j++)
                            if (j < vregion.drops.Count && vregion.barricades[j].barricade.id > 0)
                                Item item = new Item(vregion.barricades[j].barricade.id, true);
                                ItemManager.dropItem(item, vregion.drops[j].model.position, false, true, true);
                vehicle.askDamage(ushort.MaxValue, false);
                totalCost = decimal.Multiply(BuyCost, SellMultiplier);
                DShop.Instance._OnShopSell(decimal.Add(curBallance, totalCost), player, 1, this, ItemType.Vehicle, BuyCost, totalCost, actualCount, 0);
Example #9
            private static void DropBarricade(BarricadeRegion region, Barricade barricade, Vector3 point,
                                              Quaternion rotation, ulong owner, ulong group, BarricadeData data, ref Transform result,
                                              ref uint instanceID)
                if (result != null)
                    BarricadeDrop drop = region.drops.LastOrDefault();

                    if (drop?.instanceID == instanceID)
                        OnBarricadeDeployed?.Invoke(data, drop);
Example #10
            private static void DropBarricade(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeData data, ref Transform result, ref uint instanceID)
                if (result == null)

                var drop = region.drops.LastOrDefault();

                if (drop?.instanceID == instanceID)
                    OnBarricadeDeployed?.Invoke(data, drop);
Example #11
 public C4(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop, int time)
     Id           = 1;
     Name         = "item_barricade_c4";
     DisplayName  = "C4";
     ItemType     = ItemType.BARRICADE;
     UnturnedItem = new SDG.Unturned.Item(1241, true);
     Asset        = (ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, 1241);
     Region       = region;
     Drop         = drop;
     Defused      = false;
     Length       = time;
     TimeLeft     = time;
     AsyncHelper.Schedule("C4Tick", C4Tick, 500);
Example #12
 public HealthStation(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop, int time)
     Id           = 2;
     Name         = "item_barricade_healthstation";
     DisplayName  = "HealthStation";
     ItemType     = ItemType.BARRICADE;
     UnturnedItem = new SDG.Unturned.Item(1050, true);
     Asset        = (ItemAsset)Assets.find(EAssetType.ITEM, 1050);
     Region       = region;
     Drop         = drop;
     Expired      = false;
     TimeLeft     = time;
     AsyncHelper.Schedule("HealthStationTick", HealthStationTick, 500);
     InterfaceManager.SendEffectLocationUnsafe(2000, drop.model.position);
 public RaycastResult(RaycastHit Info, bool hit)
     RaycastHit = hit;
     if (hit)
         Raycast = Info;
         Vehicle = TryGetEntity <InteractableVehicle>();
         Transform target = Raycast.collider?.transform;
         if (target != null)
             if (target.CompareTag("Barricade"))
                 target = DamageTool.getBarricadeRootTransform(target);
                 BarricadeRootTransform = target;
                 if (BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(target, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort plant, out ushort index, out BarricadeRegion Region, out BarricadeDrop Drop))
                     BarricadeRegion = Region;
                     BarricadeX      = x;
                     BarricadeY      = y;
                     BarricadePlant  = plant;
                     BarricadeIndex  = index;
                     BarricadeData B = Region.barricades.FirstOrDefault(D => D.instanceID == Drop.instanceID);
                     if (B != null)
                         Barricade = B;
             else if (target.CompareTag("Structure"))
                 target = DamageTool.getStructureRootTransform(target);
                 StructureRootTransform = target;
                 if (StructureManager.tryGetInfo(target, out byte x, out byte y, out ushort index, out StructureRegion Region))
                     StructureX      = x;
                     StructureY      = y;
                     StructureIndex  = index;
                     StructureRegion = Region;
                     StructureData B = Region.structures[index];
                     if (B != null)
                         Structure = B;
 public static BarricadeTag For(int instanceID)
     for (byte x = 0; x < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; x++)
         for (byte y = 0; y < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; y++)
             BarricadeRegion region = BarricadeManager.regions[x, y];
             for (int i = 0; i < region.barricades.Count; i++)
                 if (instanceID == region.drops[i].model.gameObject.GetInstanceID())
                     return(new BarricadeTag(region.drops[i].model, region.barricades[i]));
 public BarricadeTag(Barricade barricade)
     for (byte x = 0; x < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; x++)
         for (byte y = 0; y < Regions.WORLD_SIZE; y++)
             BarricadeRegion region = BarricadeManager.regions[x, y];
             for (int i = 0; i < region.barricades.Count; i++)
                 if (barricade == region.barricades[i].barricade)
                     Internal     = region.drops[i].model;
                     InternalData = region.barricades[i];
        private static bool CheckResponse(UnturnedPlayer player, string[] commands, out InteractableVehicle vehicle, out BarricadeRegion vehicleRegion)
            GarageUtil.SuperGarageAddChecks(player, commands, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion, out var responseType);
            switch (responseType)
            case EResponseType.GARAGE_NOT_FOUND:
                UnturnedChat.Say(player, Plugin.Inst.Translate("rfgarage_command_garage_not_found"), Plugin.MsgColor);

            case EResponseType.INVALID_STEAM_ID:
                UnturnedChat.Say(player, Plugin.Inst.Translate("rfgarage_command_invalid_id"), Plugin.MsgColor);

            case EResponseType.SAME_NAME_AS_GARAGE:
                UnturnedChat.Say(player, Plugin.Inst.Translate("rfgarage_command_vehicle_name_same_as_garage"), Plugin.MsgColor);

            case EResponseType.SUCCESS:

            case EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND:
                UnturnedChat.Say(player, Plugin.Inst.Translate("rfgarage_command_vehicle_not_found"), Plugin.MsgColor);

                UnturnedChat.Say(player, responseType.ToString(), Plugin.MsgColor);
Example #17
 static public C4 SpawnC4Barricade(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop, int time) => new C4(region, drop, time);
Example #18
 public static void SuperGarageAddChecks(UnturnedPlayer player, string[] commands, out InteractableVehicle vehicle, out BarricadeRegion vehicleRegion, out EResponseType responseType)
     responseType  = EResponseType.SUCCESS;
     vehicle       = null;
     vehicleRegion = null;
     if (!ulong.TryParse(commands[0], out var steamID))
         responseType = EResponseType.INVALID_STEAM_ID;
     if (Plugin.Conf.VirtualGarages.Any(g =>
                                        string.Equals(g.Name, commands[2], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
         responseType = EResponseType.SAME_NAME_AS_GARAGE;
     if (!VehicleCheck(player, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion))
         responseType = EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND;
     if (!GarageCheck(player, GarageModel.Parse(commands[1]), out responseType, isSuper: true))
Example #19
        private static void ProcessElements(IRocketPlayer caller, ushort itemID, float radius, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, List <char> Filter, bool pInfoLibLoaded, object region, Vector3 position, ulong steamID, BuildableType buildType)
            StructureRegion sRegion   = null;
            BarricadeRegion bRegion   = null;
            BarricadeData   bData     = null;
            StructureData   sData     = null;
            bool            isSRegion = region is StructureRegion;
            int             DataCount;
            int             transformCount;

            if (isSRegion)
                sRegion        = region as StructureRegion;
                transformCount = sRegion.drops.Count;
                DataCount      = sRegion.structures.Count;
                bRegion        = region as BarricadeRegion;
                transformCount = bRegion.drops.Count;
                DataCount      = bRegion.barricades.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < transformCount; i++)
                Transform transform = isSRegion ? sRegion.drops[i].model : bRegion.drops[i].model;
                ulong     owner;
                if (i < DataCount)
                    if (isSRegion)
                        sData = sRegion.structures[i];
                        owner = sData.owner;
                        bData = bRegion.barricades[i];
                        owner = bData.owner;
                    Logger.LogWarning(WreckingBall.Instance.Translate(isSRegion ? "wreckingball_structure_array_sync_error" : "wreckingball_barricade_array_sync_error"));
                    syncError = true;
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position);
                if (((!radius.IsNaN() && distance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (transform.position.x.IsNaN() || transform.position.y.IsNaN() || transform.position.z.IsNaN()))) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)
                    ushort item = isSRegion ? sData.structure.id : bData.barricade.id;
                    if (WreckingBall.ElementData.FilterItem(item, Filter) || Filter.Contains('*') || flagtype == FlagType.ItemID)
                        if (flagtype == FlagType.Normal)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                        else if (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && owner == steamID)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                        else if (flagtype == FlagType.ItemID && itemID == item)
                            WreckProcess(caller, item, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, buildType, type, isSRegion ? (object)sData : bData, transform);
                else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && owner == steamID)
                    cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(transform, isSRegion ? ElementType.Structure : ElementType.Barricade, isSRegion ? sData.structure.id : bData.barricade.id));
                else if (type == WreckType.Counts)
                    if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(owner))
                        pElementCounts.Add(owner, 1);
Example #20
        internal static void Wreck(IRocketPlayer caller, string filter, float radius, Vector3 position, WreckType type, FlagType flagtype, ulong steamID, ushort itemID)
            bool pInfoLibLoaded = false;

            syncError = false;
            if (type == WreckType.Wreck)
                if (DestructionProcessing.processing)
                    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_processing", originalCaller != null ? originalCaller.CharacterName : "???", (dIdxCount - dIdx), CalcProcessTime()));
            else if (type == WreckType.Scan)
                if (WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.EnablePlayerInfo && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibPresent && WreckingBall.isPlayerInfoLibLoaded)
                    pInfoLibLoaded = true;
            UnturnedPlayer Player = null;

            if (!(caller is ConsolePlayer) && type != WreckType.Cleanup)
                Player = (UnturnedPlayer)caller;
                if (Player.IsInVehicle)
                    position = Player.CurrentVehicle.transform.position;
                    position = Player.Position;

            List <char> Filter = new List <char>();


            float           distance  = 0;
            float           vdistance = 0;
            byte            x;
            byte            y;
            ushort          plant;
            StructureRegion structureRegion;
            BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion;

            for (int k = 0; k < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(0); k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < StructureManager.regions.GetLength(1); l++)
                    // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is.
                    if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)

                    structureRegion = StructureManager.regions[k, l];
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, structureRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element);

            for (int k = 0; k < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(0); k++)
                for (int l = 0; l < BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions.GetLength(1); l++)
                    // check to see if the region is out of range, skip if it is.
                    if (!radius.IsNaN() && position.RegionOutOfRange(k, l, radius) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts)

                    barricadeRegion = BarricadeManager.BarricadeRegions[k, l];
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.Element);

            foreach (InteractableVehicle vehicle in VehicleManager.vehicles)
                bool validVehicleElements = BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.transform, out x, out y, out plant, out barricadeRegion);
                // Process Vehicles.
                if ((Filter.Contains('V') || Filter.Contains('*')) && type != WreckType.Cleanup && type != WreckType.Counts && (flagtype == FlagType.Normal || (flagtype == FlagType.SteamID && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID)))
                    vdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.transform.position, position);
                    if ((!radius.IsNaN() && vdistance <= radius) || (radius.IsNaN() && (vehicle.transform.position.x.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.y.IsNaN() || vehicle.transform.position.z.IsNaN())))
                        WreckProcess(caller, 999, vdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, !validVehicleElements ? 0 : barricadeRegion.drops.Count, vehicle.isLocked ? (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner : 0);
                    if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1)
                        for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++)
                            BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2 = null;
                            if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out barricadeRegion2))
                                float tcdistance = Vector3.Distance(vehicle.trainCars[i].root.position, position);
                                if (tcdistance <= radius)
                                    WreckProcess(caller, 999, tcdistance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Vehicle, type, vehicle, vehicle.transform, barricadeRegion2 == null ? 0 : barricadeRegion2.drops.Count, 0, i);

                if (type == WreckType.Cleanup && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked && vehicle.lockedOwner == (CSteamID)steamID)
                    cleanupList.Add(new Destructible(vehicle.transform, ElementType.Vehicle, vehicle.asset.id, vehicle));
                // Add Locked vehicles to the top players count, if the cleanup locked vehicles feature is active.
                if (type == WreckType.Counts && vehicle.asset.engine != EEngine.TRAIN && WreckingBall.Instance.Configuration.Instance.CleanupLockedCars && vehicle.isLocked)
                    ulong vOwner = (ulong)vehicle.lockedOwner;
                    if (pElementCounts.ContainsKey(vOwner))
                        pElementCounts.Add(vOwner, 1);
                // Process vehicles elements, remove distance limiting on vehicle placement for element scanning, to handle massively misplaced elements on vehicles.
                if (validVehicleElements)
                    ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement);

                if (vehicle.asset.engine == EEngine.TRAIN && vehicle.trainCars != null && vehicle.trainCars.Length > 1)
                    for (int i = 1; i < vehicle.trainCars.Length; i++)
                        BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion2 = null;
                        if (BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(vehicle.trainCars[i].root, out x, out y, out plant, out barricadeRegion2))
                            ProcessElements(caller, itemID, radius, type, flagtype, Filter, pInfoLibLoaded, barricadeRegion2, position, steamID, BuildableType.VehicleElement);

            if (Filter.Contains('Z'))
                for (int z = 0; z < ZombieManager.regions.Length; z++)
                    foreach (Zombie zombie in ZombieManager.regions[z].zombies)
                        distance = Vector3.Distance(zombie.transform.position, position);
                        if (distance < radius)
                            WreckProcess(caller, 998, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, zombie, zombie.transform);

            if (Filter.Contains('A'))
                foreach (Animal animal in AnimalManager.animals)
                    distance = Vector3.Distance(animal.transform.position, position);
                    if (distance <= radius)
                        WreckProcess(caller, 997, distance, pInfoLibLoaded, BuildableType.Element, type, animal, animal.transform);

            if (type == WreckType.Scan)
                uint totalCount = 0;
                if (WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.Element].Count > 0 || WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists[BuildableType.VehicleElement].Count > 0)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <BuildableType, Dictionary <char, uint> > reportDictionary in WreckingBall.ElementData.reportLists)
                        if (reportDictionary.Value.Count == 0)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <char, uint> reportFilter in reportDictionary.Value)
                            totalCount += reportFilter.Value;
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Player: {0}, ran scan at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with ItemID: {4}, with SteamID: {5}, number of elements scanned: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, totalCount, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString()));
            if (destroyList.Count >= 1 && type == WreckType.Wreck)
                Logger.Log(string.Format("Player {0}, queued wreck at: {1}, with Radius: {7}, with Flag type: {2}, with Flags: {3}, with itemID: {4}, with StermID: {5}, number of elements queued: {6}", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "Console" : Player.CharacterName + " [" + Player.SteamName + "] (" + Player.CSteamID.ToString() + ")", caller is ConsolePlayer ? "N/A" : Player.Position.ToString(), flagtype.ToString(), Filter.Count > 0 ? string.Join("", Filter.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray()) : "N/A", itemID, steamID, destroyList.Count, radius.IsNaN() ? "NaN(NaN Check)" : radius.ToString()));
                dIdxCount = destroyList.Count;
            else if (type == WreckType.Cleanup)
                cdIdxCount = cleanupList.Count;
            else if (type != WreckType.Counts)
                UnturnedChat.Say(caller, WreckingBall.Instance.Translate("wreckingball_not_found", radius));
Example #21
 internal static void DestroyBarricade(BarricadeRegion region, ushort index)
     OnBuildableDestroyed?.Invoke(region.drops[index].instanceID, false);
        public List <BarricadeDataInternal> GetBarricadeTransforms(UnturnedPlayer player, int radius, ulong SpecificSteamid64, bool GroupOnly, bool Rectangle)
            var             position     = player.Position;
            var             error        = 0;
            var             Barricades   = new List <BarricadeDataInternal>();
            var             transforms   = 0;
            var             regionsfound = 0;
            var             regionsused  = 0;
            bool            Plant;
            Vector3         pointVector3;
            BarricadeData   barricade;
            BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion = null;
            Transform       transform       = null;

            for (var x = 0; x < BarricadeManager.regions.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < BarricadeManager.regions.GetLength(1); y++)
                    Regions.tryGetPoint((byte)x, (byte)y, out pointVector3);

                    if (Vector3.Distance(pointVector3 += new Vector3(64, 0, 64), new Vector3(position.x, 0f, position.z)) > radius)
                    barricadeRegion = BarricadeManager.regions[x, y];
                    transforms      = barricadeRegion.drops.Count;
                    for (var i = 0; i < transforms; i++)
                        transform = barricadeRegion.drops[i].model;
                        Plant     = transform.parent != null && transform.parent.CompareTag("Vehicle");
                        if (barricadeRegion.barricades[i] == null)

                        barricade = barricadeRegion.barricades[i];
                        if (GroupOnly)
                            if (barricade.group != player.SteamGroupID.m_SteamID)
                        if (SpecificSteamid64 != 0)
                            if (barricade.owner != SpecificSteamid64)

                        if (Vector3.Distance(position, transform.position) < radius - 92 && !Plant)
                            Barricades.Add(new BarricadeDataInternal(barricadeRegion.barricades[i], transform.parent != null && transform.parent.CompareTag("Vehicle") ? true : false, transform != null ? transform : null));

            //Logger.Log($"We have found {regionsfound} regions and used {regionsused} of them.");
            if (error != 0)
                SendMessageAndLog(player, "It seems your barricade regions are a bit of sync, if you have issues, gotta restart server. This issue may be caused by one of your plugins.", $"Error on executing SaveSchematic command for {player.CharacterName},it seems barricade regions are out of sync, gotta restart if this causes issues. Sorry! This could be caused by a server plugin, or just getting unlucky.");
Example #23
 private static bool VehicleCheck(UnturnedPlayer player, out InteractableVehicle vehicle, out BarricadeRegion vehicleRegion)
     vehicle       = null;
     vehicleRegion = null;
     if (!VehicleUtil.GetVehicleByLook(player, 2048f, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion))
         VehicleUtil.GetVehicleBySeat(player, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion);
     return(vehicle != null);
Example #24
 public static void SaveVgVehicleToSql(ulong steamID, string garageName, string vehicleName, InteractableVehicle vehicle, BarricadeRegion vehicleRegion)
         var info = SerializableVehicle.Create(vehicle).ToInfo();
         Plugin.DbManager.InsertVgVehicle(steamID.ToString(), garageName, vehicleName, info);
     catch (Exception e)
         Logger.LogError("[RFGarage] SaveError: " + e);
Example #25
 public static void ServerSetBedOwnerInternal(InteractableBed bed, byte x, byte y, ushort plant, ushort index, BarricadeRegion region, CSteamID steamID)
     m_Method.Invoke(null, new object[] { bed, x, y, plant, index, region, steamID });
Example #26
        public static void GarageAddChecks(UnturnedPlayer player, string[] commands, out InteractableVehicle vehicle, out BarricadeRegion vehicleRegion, out EResponseType responseType, out ushort blacklistedID)
            responseType  = EResponseType.SUCCESS;
            blacklistedID = 0;
            vehicle       = null;
            vehicleRegion = null;
            var oneArg = commands.Length == 1;

            switch (oneArg)
            case true:
                if (!SelectedGarageCheck(player))
                    responseType = EResponseType.GARAGE_NOT_SELECTED;
                if (Plugin.Conf.VirtualGarages.Any(g =>
                                                   string.Equals(g.Name, commands[0], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    responseType = EResponseType.SAME_NAME_AS_GARAGE;
                if (!VehicleCheck(player, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion))
                    responseType = EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND;
                if (!OwnerCheck(player, vehicle))
                    responseType = EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_OWNER;
                if (!GarageCheck(player, Plugin.SelectedGarageDict[player.CSteamID], out responseType))
                BlacklistCheck(player, vehicle, out responseType, out blacklistedID);

            case false:
                if (Plugin.Conf.VirtualGarages.Any(g =>
                                                   string.Equals(g.Name, commands[1], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
                    responseType = EResponseType.SAME_NAME_AS_GARAGE;
                if (!VehicleCheck(player, out vehicle, out vehicleRegion))
                    responseType = EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_FOUND;
                if (!OwnerCheck(player, vehicle))
                    responseType = EResponseType.VEHICLE_NOT_OWNER;
                if (!GarageCheck(player, GarageModel.Parse(commands[0]), out responseType))
                BlacklistCheck(player, vehicle, out responseType, out blacklistedID);
Example #27
 static public HealthStation SpawnHealthStationBarricade(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop, int time) => new HealthStation(region, drop, time);
 public static void SendOpenDoor(ushort plant, byte x, byte y, ushort index, InteractableDoor interactableDoor, BarricadeRegion barricadeRegion)
     BarricadeManager.ServerSetDoorOpen(interactableDoor, !interactableDoor.isOpen);
        private void Events_OnBarricadeDeployed(BarricadeRegion region, BarricadeDrop drop)
            var @event = new UnturnedBarricadeDeployedEvent(new UnturnedBarricadeBuildable(drop));

Example #30
        public static bool GetVehicleBySeat(UnturnedPlayer player, out InteractableVehicle currentVehicle, out BarricadeRegion vehicleBarricadeRegion)
            currentVehicle         = player.CurrentVehicle;
            vehicleBarricadeRegion = null;
            if (currentVehicle == null)

            vehicleBarricadeRegion = BarricadeManager.getRegionFromVehicle(currentVehicle);