Example #1
        public void Print(PrintPageEventArgs e, Brush brush, Point moveAll)
            using (var bmp = BarcodeTools.BinaryWritePicture(Text, Height, Size))
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, X + moveAll.X, Y + moveAll.Y);

                if (BarText == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("BarText empty");

                SizeF s = e.Graphics.MeasureString(BarText.Text, BarText.Font.Value);

                e.Graphics.DrawString(BarText.Text, BarText.Font.Value, brush,
                                      X + ((bmp.Width - s.Width) / 2 + BarText.X) + moveAll.X, // Middle
                                      Y + (bmp.Height + BarText.Y) + moveAll.Y);               //Bottom
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string input_data_file   = "";
            string output_image_file = "hanxincode.png";
            int    version           = 1;
            int    ECL = 2;

            int ii;

            if ((args.Length < 1) || (Array.IndexOf <string>(args, "-h") >= 0) || (Array.IndexOf <string>(args, "--help") >= 0))


            input_data_file = args[0];

            //parse input parameters
            for (ii = 1; ii < args.Length; ++ii)
                if (args[ii].StartsWith("--out="))
                    output_image_file = args[ii].Substring("--out=".Length);
                else if (args[ii].StartsWith("--ecl="))
                    if (!int.TryParse(args[ii].Substring("--ecl=".Length), out ECL))
                        ECL = 2;
                else if (args[ii].StartsWith("--version="))
                    if (!int.TryParse(args[ii].Substring("--version=".Length), out version))
                        version = 1;

            //check input file exists
            if (!File.Exists(input_data_file))
                Console.WriteLine("The input file \"" + input_data_file + "\" does not exist.");

            //and output is a support image file type
            FileInfo outInfo = new FileInfo(output_image_file);

            switch (outInfo.Extension.ToLower())
            case ".bmp":
            case "jpg":
            case ".jpeg":
            case ".png":
            case ".tif":
            case ".tiff":

                Console.WriteLine("The output file \"" + output_image_file + "\" is not a supported image file.");

            //Read input Data
            string data = File.ReadAllText(input_data_file);

            //Han Xin encode
            byte[,] symbol_matrix = HanXinCode.EncodeFromCommonData(data, ref version, ref ECL);

            if (null == symbol_matrix)
                Console.WriteLine("The encoding process of Han Xin failed!");


            Console.WriteLine("The encoding process of Han Xin succeed:");
            Console.WriteLine("\tversion={0:D}", version);
            Console.WriteLine("\tECL={0:D}", ECL);

            //BarcodeTools to bitmap
            Bitmap bitmap_result = BarcodeTools.barcode_bitmap(symbol_matrix);

            if (null == bitmap_result)
                Console.WriteLine("The image construction process failed!");



Example #3
        private void buttonEncode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //reset result view
            pictureBoxResult.Image = null;
            labelResult.Text       = "";
            labelResult.ForeColor  = Color.Black;
            labelResult.BackColor  = Color.WhiteSmoke;

                int    ecl     = comboBoxECL.SelectedIndex + 1;
                int    version = comboBoxVersion.SelectedIndex + 1;
                string strData = textBoxData.Text;

                //Get the transmit data from orignal data.
                //54936 is the codepage of GB18030.
                //Since Han Xin is more efficient in Chinese information compression, I use this Encoding to show the example.
                //You can change it to any other Encoding based on your application.
                //But, please note the encoding here must match the barcode scanner's encoding in actual situation.
                byte[] transmit_data = BarcodeTools.format_transmit_data(strData, Encoding.GetEncoding(54936));

                //Han Xin Encoding
                byte[,] symbol_matrix = HanXinCode.Encode(transmit_data, ref version, ref ecl, HanXinCode.DEFAULT_ECI, 0);

                if (null == symbol_matrix)
                    throw new Exception("There is some error in Han Xin encoding process.");

                //symbol matrix to bitmap
                Bitmap bitmap_result = BarcodeTools.barcode_bitmap(symbol_matrix, 5);

                if (null == bitmap_result)
                    throw new Exception("There is some error in symbol matrix 2 bitmap process.");

                //show result
                pictureBoxResult.Image = bitmap_result;
                if ((bitmap_result.Width >= pictureBoxResult.Width) || (bitmap_result.Height >= pictureBoxResult.Height))
                    pictureBoxResult.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                    pictureBoxResult.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;

                labelResult.Text      = "Succeed.\r\n";
                labelResult.Text     += "Version:" + version.ToString() + "\r\n";
                labelResult.Text     += "ECL:" + ecl.ToString();
                labelResult.ForeColor = Color.White;
                labelResult.BackColor = Color.SeaGreen;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Encoding Failed for some reason
                pictureBoxResult.Image = null;
                labelResult.Text       = "Error\r\n" + ex.Message;
                labelResult.ForeColor  = Color.White;
                labelResult.BackColor  = Color.Red;