Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the JAN-13 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_JAN13()
            if (!Raw_Data.StartsWith("49")) Error("EJAN13-1: Invalid Country Code for JAN13 (49 required)");
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EJAN13-2: Numeric Data Only");

            EAN13 ean13 = new EAN13(Raw_Data);
            return ean13.Encoded_Value;
Example #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the Standard 2 of 5 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_Standard2of5()
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("ES25-1: Numeric Data Only");

            string result = "11011010";

            foreach (char c in Raw_Data)
                result += S25_Code[Int32.Parse(c.ToString())];

            //add ending bars
            result += "1101011";
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the UPC Supplemental 2-digit algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_UPCSupplemental_2()
            if (Raw_Data.Length != 2)
                Error("EUPC-SUP2-1: Invalid data length. (Length = 2 required)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EUPC-SUP2-2: Numeric Data Only");

            string pattern = "";

                pattern = this.UPC_SUPP_2[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data.Trim()) % 4];
            catch { Error("EUPC-SUP2-3: Invalid Data. (Numeric only)"); }

            string result = "1011";

            int pos = 0;

            foreach (char c in pattern)
                if (c == 'a')
                    //encode using odd parity
                    result += EAN_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos].ToString())];
                else if (c == 'b')
                    //encode using even parity
                    result += EAN_CodeB[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos].ToString())];
                }//else if

                if (pos++ == 0)
                    result += "01";             //Inter-character separator
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the Bookland/ISBN algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_ISBN_Bookland()
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EBOOKLANDISBN-1: Numeric Data Only");

            string type = "UNKNOWN";

            if (Raw_Data.Length == 10 || Raw_Data.Length == 9)
                if (Raw_Data.Length == 10)
                    Raw_Data = Raw_Data.Remove(9, 1);
                Raw_Data = "978" + Raw_Data;
                type     = "ISBN";
            else if (Raw_Data.Length == 12 && Raw_Data.StartsWith("978"))
                type = "BOOKLAND-NOCHECKDIGIT";
            }//else if
            else if (Raw_Data.Length == 13 && Raw_Data.StartsWith("978"))
                type     = "BOOKLAND-CHECKDIGIT";
                Raw_Data = Raw_Data.Remove(12, 1);
            }//else if

            //check to see if its an unknown type
            if (type == "UNKNOWN")
                Error("EBOOKLANDISBN-2: Invalid input.  Must start with 978 and be length must be 9, 10, 12, 13 characters.");

            EAN13 ean13 = new EAN13(Raw_Data);

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the EAN-8 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_EAN8()
            //check length
            if (Raw_Data.Length != 8 && Raw_Data.Length != 7)
                Error("EEAN8-1: Invalid data length. (7 or 8 numbers only)");

            //check numeric only
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EEAN8-2: Numeric only.");

            //encode the data
            string result = "101";

            //first half (Encoded using left hand / odd parity)
            for (int i = 0; i < Raw_Data.Length / 2; i++)
                result += EAN_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i].ToString())];

            //center guard bars
            result += "01010";

            //second half (Encoded using right hand / even parity)
            for (int i = Raw_Data.Length / 2; i < Raw_Data.Length; i++)
                result += EAN_CodeC[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i].ToString())];

            result += "101";

Example #6

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the UPC-E algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_UPCE()
            if (Raw_Data.Length != 6 && Raw_Data.Length != 8 && Raw_Data.Length != 12)
                Error("EUPCE-1: Invalid data length. (8 or 12 numbers only)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EUPCE-2: Numeric only.");

            int CheckDigit   = Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[Raw_Data.Length - 1].ToString());
            int NumberSystem = Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[0].ToString());

            //Convert to UPC-E from UPC-A if necessary
            if (Raw_Data.Length == 12)
                string UPCECode = "";

                //break apart into components
                string Manufacturer = Raw_Data.Substring(1, 5);
                string ProductCode  = Raw_Data.Substring(6, 5);

                //check for a valid number system
                if (NumberSystem != 0 && NumberSystem != 1)
                    Error("EUPCE-3: Invalid Number System (only 0 & 1 are valid)");

                if (Manufacturer.EndsWith("000") || Manufacturer.EndsWith("100") || Manufacturer.EndsWith("200") && Int32.Parse(ProductCode) <= 999)
                    //rule 1
                    UPCECode += Manufacturer.Substring(0, 2); //first two of manufacturer
                    UPCECode += ProductCode.Substring(2, 3);  //last three of product
                    UPCECode += Manufacturer[2].ToString();   //third of manufacturer
                else if (Manufacturer.EndsWith("00") && Int32.Parse(ProductCode) <= 99)
                    //rule 2
                    UPCECode += Manufacturer.Substring(0, 3); //first three of manufacturer
                    UPCECode += ProductCode.Substring(3, 2);  //last two of product
                    UPCECode += "3";                          //number 3
                }//else if
                else if (Manufacturer.EndsWith("0") && Int32.Parse(ProductCode) <= 9)
                    //rule 3
                    UPCECode += Manufacturer.Substring(0, 4); //first four of manufacturer
                    UPCECode += ProductCode[4];               //last digit of product
                    UPCECode += "4";                          //number 4
                }//else if
                else if (!Manufacturer.EndsWith("0") && Int32.Parse(ProductCode) <= 9 && Int32.Parse(ProductCode) >= 5)
                    //rule 4
                    UPCECode += Manufacturer;   //manufacturer
                    UPCECode += ProductCode[4]; //last digit of product
                }//else if
                    Error("EUPCE-4: Illegal UPC-A entered for conversion.  Unable to convert.");

                Raw_Data = UPCECode;

            //get encoding pattern
            string pattern = "";

            if (NumberSystem == 0)
                pattern = UPCE_Code_0[CheckDigit];
                pattern = UPCE_Code_1[CheckDigit];

            //encode the data
            string result = "101";

            int pos = 0;

            foreach (char c in pattern)
                int i = Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos++].ToString());
                if (c == 'a')
                    result += EAN_CodeA[i];
                else if (c == 'b')
                    result += EAN_CodeB[i];
                } //else if
            }     //foreach

            //guard bars
            result += "01010";

            //end bars
            result += "1";

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the UPC Supplemental 5-digit algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_UPCSupplemental_5()
            if (Raw_Data.Length != 5)
                Error("EUPC-SUP5-1: Invalid data length. (Length = 5 required)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EUPCA-2: Numeric Data Only");

            //calculate the checksum digit
            int even = 0;
            int odd  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i += 2)
                odd += Int32.Parse(Raw_Data.Substring(i, 1)) * 3;

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i += 2)
                even += Int32.Parse(Raw_Data.Substring(i, 1)) * 9;

            int total = even + odd;
            int cs    = total % 10;

            string pattern = UPC_SUPP_5[cs];

            string result = "";

            int pos = 0;

            foreach (char c in pattern)
                //Inter-character separator
                if (pos == 0)
                    result += "1011";
                    result += "01";

                if (c == 'a')
                    //encode using odd parity
                    result += EAN_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos].ToString())];
                else if (c == 'b')
                    //encode using even parity
                    result += EAN_CodeB[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos].ToString())];
                } //else if
            }     //foreach
        }         //Encode_UPCSupplemental_5
Example #8

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the Code 11 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_Code11()
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data.Replace("-", "")))
                Error("EC11-1: Numeric data and '-' Only");

            //calculate the checksums
            int    weight = 1;
            int    CTotal = 0;
            string Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums = Raw_Data;

            //figure the C checksum
            for (int i = Raw_Data.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //C checksum weights go 1-10
                if (weight == 10)
                    weight = 1;

                if (Raw_Data[i] != '-')
                    CTotal += Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i].ToString()) * weight++;
                    CTotal += 10 * weight++;
            int checksumC = CTotal % 11;

            Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums += checksumC.ToString();

            //K checksums are recommended on any message length greater than or equal to 10
            if (Raw_Data.Length >= 1)
                weight = 1;
                int KTotal = 0;

                //calculate K checksum
                for (int i = Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    //K checksum weights go 1-9
                    if (weight == 9)
                        weight = 1;

                    if (Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums[i] != '-')
                        KTotal += Int32.Parse(Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums[i].ToString()) * weight++;
                        KTotal += 10 * weight++;
                int checksumK = KTotal % 11;
                Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums += checksumK.ToString();

            //encode data
            string space  = "0";
            string result = C11_Code[11] + space; //start-stop char + interchar space

            foreach (char c in Data_To_Encode_with_Checksums)
                int index = (c == '-' ? 10 : Int32.Parse(c.ToString()));
                result += C11_Code[index];

                //inter-character space
                result += space;

            //stop bars
            result += C11_Code[11];

Example #9

        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the MSI algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_MSI()
            //check for non-numeric chars
            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EMSI-1: Numeric Data Only");

            string PreEncoded = Raw_Data;

            //get checksum
            if (Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_Mod10 || Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_2Mod10)
                string odds  = "";
                string evens = "";
                for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2)
                    odds = PreEncoded[i].ToString() + odds;
                    if (i - 1 >= 0)
                        evens = PreEncoded[i - 1].ToString() + evens;

                //multiply odds by 2
                odds = Convert.ToString((Int32.Parse(odds) * 2));

                int evensum = 0;
                int oddsum  = 0;
                foreach (char c in evens)
                    evensum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
                foreach (char c in odds)
                    oddsum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
                int checksum = 10 - ((oddsum + evensum) % 10);
                PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();

            if (Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_Mod11 || Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_Mod11_Mod10)
                int sum    = 0;
                int weight = 2;
                for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (weight > 7)
                        weight = 2;
                    sum += Int32.Parse(PreEncoded[i].ToString()) * weight++;
                int checksum = 11 - (sum % 11);

                PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();

            if (Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_2Mod10 || Encoded_Type == BarCodeType.MSI_Mod11_Mod10)
                //get second check digit if 2 mod 10 was selected or Mod11/Mod10
                string odds  = "";
                string evens = "";
                for (int i = PreEncoded.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2)
                    odds = PreEncoded[i].ToString() + odds;
                    if (i - 1 >= 0)
                        evens = PreEncoded[i - 1].ToString() + evens;

                //multiply odds by 2
                odds = Convert.ToString((Int32.Parse(odds) * 2));

                int evensum = 0;
                int oddsum  = 0;
                foreach (char c in evens)
                    evensum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
                foreach (char c in odds)
                    oddsum += Int32.Parse(c.ToString());
                int checksum = 10 - ((oddsum + evensum) % 10);
                PreEncoded += checksum.ToString();

            string result = "110";

            foreach (char c in PreEncoded)
                result += MSI_Code[Int32.Parse(c.ToString())];

            //add stop character
            result += "1001";

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the ITF-14 algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_ITF14()
            //check length of input
            if (Raw_Data.Length > 14 || Raw_Data.Length < 13)
                Error("EITF14-1: Data length invalid. (Length must be 13 or 14)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EITF14-2: Numeric data only.");

            string result = "1010";

            for (int i = 0; i < Raw_Data.Length; i += 2)
                bool   bars          = true;
                string patternbars   = ITF14_Code[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i].ToString())];
                string patternspaces = ITF14_Code[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[i + 1].ToString())];
                string patternmixed  = "";

                while (patternbars.Length > 0)
                    patternmixed += patternbars[0].ToString() + patternspaces[0].ToString();
                    patternbars   = patternbars.Substring(1);
                    patternspaces = patternspaces.Substring(1);

                foreach (char c1 in patternmixed)
                    if (bars)
                        if (c1 == 'N')
                            result += "1";
                            result += "11";
                        if (c1 == 'N')
                            result += "0";
                            result += "00";
                    } //else
                    bars = !bars;
                }     //foreach
            }         //foreach

            //add ending bars
            result += "1101";
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the UPC-A algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_UPCA()
            //check length of input
            if (Raw_Data.Length != 11 && Raw_Data.Length != 12)
                Error("EUPCA-1: Data length invalid. (Length must be 11 or 12)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EUPCA-2: Numeric Data Only");


            string result = "101"; //start with guard bars

            //first number
            result += UPC_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[0].ToString())];

            //second (group) of numbers
            int pos = 0;

            while (pos < 5)
                result += UPC_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos + 1].ToString())];

            //add divider bars
            result += "01010";

            //third (group) of numbers
            pos = 0;
            while (pos < 5)
                result += UPC_CodeB[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[(pos++) + 6].ToString())];

            result += UPC_CodeB[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[Raw_Data.Length - 1].ToString())];

            //add ending guard bars
            result += "101";

            //get the manufacturer assigning country
            string twodigitCode = "0" + Raw_Data.Substring(0, 1);

                _Country_Assigning_Manufacturer_Code = CountryCodes[twodigitCode].ToString();
                Error("EUPCA-3: Country assigning manufacturer code not found.");
            finally { CountryCodes.Clear(); }

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Encode the raw data using the EAN-13 algorithm. (Can include the checksum already.  If it doesnt exist in the data then it will calculate it for you.  Accepted data lengths are 12 + 1 checksum or just the 12 data digits)
        /// </summary>
        private string Encode_EAN13()
            //check length of input
            if (Raw_Data.Length < 12 || Raw_Data.Length > 13)
                Error("EEAN13-1: Data length invalid. (Length must be 12 or 13)");

            if (!BarcodeLib.CheckNumericOnly(Raw_Data))
                Error("EEAN13-2: Numeric Data Only");

            string patterncode = EAN_Pattern[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[0].ToString())];
            string result      = "101";

            //result += EAN_CodeA[Int32.Parse(RawData[0].ToString())];

            int pos = 0;

            while (pos < 6)
                if (patterncode[pos] == 'a')
                    result += EAN_CodeA[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos + 1].ToString())];
                if (patterncode[pos] == 'b')
                    result += EAN_CodeB[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[pos + 1].ToString())];

            //add divider bars
            result += "01010";

            //get the third
            pos = 1;
            while (pos <= 5)
                result += EAN_CodeC[Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[(pos++) + 6].ToString())];

            //checksum digit
            int cs = Int32.Parse(Raw_Data[Raw_Data.Length - 1].ToString());

            //add checksum
            result += EAN_CodeC[cs];

            //add ending bars
            result += "101";

            //get the manufacturer assigning country
            _Country_Assigning_Manufacturer_Code = "N/A";
            string twodigitCode   = Raw_Data.Substring(0, 2);
            string threedigitCode = Raw_Data.Substring(0, 3);

                _Country_Assigning_Manufacturer_Code = CountryCodes[threedigitCode].ToString();
                    _Country_Assigning_Manufacturer_Code = CountryCodes[twodigitCode].ToString();
                    Error("EEAN13-3: Country assigning manufacturer code not found.");
                } //catch
            }     //catch
            finally { CountryCodes.Clear(); }
