public BarContext bar() { BarContext _localctx = new BarContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 32, RULE_bar); int _la; try { EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 141; _la = TokenStream.La(1); if (!((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__1) | (1L << T__2) | (1L << T__3) | (1L << T__4) | (1L << T__5) | (1L << T__6) | (1L << T__7))) != 0))) { ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { Consume(); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
public void SetUp() { barContext = new BarContext(); InitData(barContext); barService = new BarService(barContext); }
private static string GetUserNameOfTakenOrder(string name) { if (name == null) { return(null); } var context = new BarContext(); return(context.Users.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == name).UserName); }
private static int ZwrocIdKlienta(Klient klient) { int id = 0; using (var db = new BarContext()) { id = db.Klienci.First(k => k.Imie == klient.Imie && k.Nazwisko == klient.Nazwisko && k.Telefon == klient.Telefon && k.Email == klient.Email).Id; } return(id); }
private static bool CzyKlientIstnieje(Klient klient) { bool result = false; using (var db = new BarContext()) { result = db.Klienci.Any(k => k.Imie == klient.Imie && k.Nazwisko == klient.Nazwisko && k.Telefon == klient.Telefon && k.Email == klient.Email); } return(result); }
public ViewModel() { if (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(new System.Windows.DependencyObject())) { Tables = new ObservableCollection <Table> { new Table() { Id = 1, Name = "Table 1" }, new Table() { Id = 2, Name = "Table 2" } }; AddOrderSelectedTable = Tables[0]; Drinks = new ObservableCollection <Drink> { new Drink() { Id = 1, Name = "Cuba Libre", RecommendedPrice = 20 }, new Drink() { Id = 2, Name = "Beer", RecommendedPrice = 10 }, new Drink() { Id = 3, Name = "Wine", RecommendedPrice = 10 } }; AddOrderSelectedDrink = new Drink() { Id = 1, Name = "Cuba Libre", RecommendedPrice = 20 }; LastMonthOrders = new ObservableCollection <Order>(); } else { Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInit()); this.barContext = new BarContext(); this.barService = new BarService(this.barContext); Refresh(); } }
public BarController(BarContext context) { Context = context; }
public PowiadomienieSms(BarContext db) { this.db = db; }
public OrdersController(BarContext context) { _context = context; }
public KoszykController() { db = new BarContext(); sessionManager = new SessionManager(); koszykManager = new KoszykManager(sessionManager, db); }
public KoszykManager(ISessionManager session, BarContext db) { this.session = session; this.db = db; }
private void InitData(BarContext bc) { bc.Tables.Add(new Table() { Name = "Table 1" }); bc.Tables.Add(new Table() { Name = "Table 2" }); bc.Tables.Add(new Table() { Name = "Table 3" }); bc.Tables.Add(new Table() { Name = "Table 4" }); Ingredient rum = bc.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { Name = "Rum" }); Ingredient coke = bc.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { Name = "Coke" }); Ingredient beer = bc.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { Name = "Beer" }); Ingredient wine = bc.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { Name = "Wine" }); Ingredient soda = bc.Ingredients.Add(new Ingredient() { Name = "Soda" }); bc.Drinks.Add(new Drink() { Name = "Cuba Libre", RecommendedPrice = 20, Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(new Ingredient[] { rum, coke }) }); bc.Drinks.Add(new Drink() { Name = "Aperol Spritz", RecommendedPrice = 20, Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(new Ingredient[] { wine, soda }) }); bc.Drinks.Add(new Drink() { Name = "Beer", RecommendedPrice = 15, Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(new Ingredient[] { beer }) }); bc.Drinks.Add(new Drink() { Name = "Wine", RecommendedPrice = 10, Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(new Ingredient[] { wine }) }); bc.Drinks.Add(new Drink() { Name = "Soda", RecommendedPrice = 5, Ingredients = new List <Ingredient>(new Ingredient[] { soda }) }); bc.SaveChanges(); }
public BarService(BarContext barContext) { this.barContext = barContext; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Liquors Liqour limeJuice = new Liqour("LIME JUICE", Color.Green); Liqour tripleSec = new Liqour("TRIPLE SEC", Color.White); Liqour tequila = new Liqour("TEQUILA", Color.Yellow); Liqour darkRum = new Liqour("DARK RUM", Color.Orange); Liqour orangeCuracao = new Liqour("ORANGE CURACAO", Color.Orange); Liqour almondSyrup = new Liqour("ALMOND SYRUP", Color.Green); //Accessories Accessory saltRim = new Accessory("salt rim"); Accessory crushedIce = new Accessory("crushed ice"); Accessory limeSegment = new Accessory("lime segment"); Accessory limeSection = new Accessory("lime section"); Accessory marachinoCherry = new Accessory("marachino cherry"); //Drinks Drink margarita = new Drink("MARGARITA", new List <Item>() { new Item(60,, limeJuice), new Item(30,, tripleSec), new Item(60,, tequila), new Item(saltRim), new Item(crushedIce), new Item(limeSegment), }); Drink maiTai = new Drink("MAI TAI", new List <Item>() { new Item(50,, darkRum), new Item(15,, orangeCuracao), new Item(10,, limeJuice), new Item(60,, almondSyrup), new Item(limeSection), new Item(marachinoCherry), new Item(limeSegment), }); List <Drink> availableDrinks = new List <Drink>() { margarita, maiTai }; using (var db = new BarContext()) { db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true; foreach (Drink drinkToAdd in availableDrinks) { db.Drinks.Add(drinkToAdd); } db.SaveChanges(); var query = db.Drinks.Include(x => x.Items.Select(xx => xx.ingridient)); Console.WriteLine("All Drinks in the database:"); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in query) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name); Console.WriteLine("---Ingridients"); if (item.AllLiqours.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("-------Liqours:"); foreach (Item liqourItem in item.AllLiqours) { Liqour liqour = (Liqour)liqourItem.ingridient; Console.WriteLine($"----------{liqourItem.Amount}{liqourItem.MeasureType} {liqourItem.ingridient.Name} with color: {liqour.LiqourColor}"); } } if (item.AllAccessories.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("-------Accesories:"); foreach (Item accessory in item.AllAccessories) { Console.WriteLine($"----------{accessory.ingridient.Name}"); } } //db.RemoveDrink(item); Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public BarMenusController(BarContext context) { _context = context; }
public ProdutoRepository(BarContext barContext) { _barContext = barContext; }