public void PayBuyIn(PlayerMobile pm, int teamid)
            if (Handeling.BuyIn <= 0)

            int         playercount = 0;
            int         sharecount  = 0;
            IEnumerator key         = Handeling.Teams.Keys.GetEnumerator();

            for (int i = 0; i < Handeling.Teams.Count; ++i)
                Field_Team d_team = (Field_Team)Handeling.Teams[(int)key.Current];

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < d_team.Players.Count; ++i2)
                    object o = (object)d_team.Players[i2];

                    if (o != "@null")
                        playercount += 1;

                    if ((int)key.Current == teamid && o != "@null")
                        sharecount += 1;

            int goldshare = (playercount * Handeling.BuyIn) / sharecount;

            BankBox box = (BankBox)pm.BankBox;

            if (goldshare >= 5000)
                BankCheck check = new BankCheck(goldshare);
                Gold gold = new Gold(goldshare);

            pm.SendMessage(String.Format("Congragulations! you have won {0}gp.", goldshare.ToString()));
        public void SetBuyIn(PlayerMobile pm, int amount)
            Item i = CheckForGoldSources(pm, amount);

            if (i is Gold)
                i.Amount        -= amount;
                Handeling.BuyIn += amount;
                BankCheck check = (BankCheck)i;

                check.Worth     -= amount;
                Handeling.BuyIn += amount;

            if (i.Amount <= 0)

            if (i is BankCheck)
                BankCheck check = (BankCheck)i;

                if (check.Worth > 0)
                    if (check.Worth < 5000)
                        if (check.Parent is BankBox)
                            BankBox box = (BankBox)check.Parent;

                            Gold g = new Gold(check.Worth);


                        if (check.Parent is Backpack)
                            Backpack pack = (Backpack)check.Parent;

                            Gold g = new Gold(check.Worth);


            pm.SendMessage("The funds have been gathered.");
        public void RefundBuyIn(PlayerMobile pm, int amount)
            BankBox box = (BankBox)pm.BankBox;

            if (amount >= 5000)
                BankCheck check = new BankCheck(amount);
                Gold gold = new Gold(amount);

            Handeling.BuyIn = 0;
            pm.SendMessage("The buy in has been refunded.");
Example #4
        public void RefundBuyIn(PlayerMobile pm)
            if (BuyIn <= 0)

            BankBox box = (BankBox)pm.BankBox;

            if (BuyIn >= 5000)
                BankCheck check = new BankCheck(BuyIn);
                Gold gold = new Gold(BuyIn);

            pm.SendMessage("Your buy in has been refunded, check your bank.");
        private static void AddPowerScrolls(BankBox bank)
            Bag bag = new Bag();

            for (int i = 0; i < PowerScroll.Skills.Length; ++i)
                bag.DropItem(new PowerScroll(PowerScroll.Skills[i], 120.0));

            bag.DropItem(new StatCapScroll(250));

Example #6
        public override void Cancel()

            QuestObjective obj = FindObjective(typeof(CollectBonesObjective));

            if (obj != null && obj.CurProgress > 0)
                BankBox box = From.BankBox;

                if (box != null)
                    box.DropItem(new DaemonBone(obj.CurProgress));

                From.SendLocalizedMessage(1050030);                   // The Daemon bones that you have thus far given to Victoria have been returned to you.
        public override void Cancel()

            QuestObjective obj    = FindObjective(typeof(CollectFragmentsObjective));
            QuestObjective objtwo = FindObjective(typeof(VanquishMinibossObjective));

            if (obj != null && obj.CurProgress > 0 && objtwo == null && !obj.Completed)
                BankBox box = From.BankBox;

                if (box != null)
                    IdolQuester quester = m_IdolQuester;
                    QuestType   type    = quester.Type;
                    switch (type)
                    case QuestType.Shame: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Shame, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Deceit: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Deceit, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Destard: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Destard, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Hythloth: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Hythloth, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Despise: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Despise, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Covetous: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Covetous, obj.CurProgress); break;

                    case QuestType.Wrong: m_Frag = new FragmentCrystal(QuestType.Wrong, obj.CurProgress); break;
                    From.SendMessage("The dungeon fragments you have offered up have been returned to you.");
        private static void FillBankbox(Mobile m)
            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            // Full spellbook
            Spellbook book = new Spellbook();

            book.Content = ulong.MaxValue;


            // Bag containing 50 of each reagent
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                bank.DropItem(new BagOfReagents(50));

            // Craft tools
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Scissors()));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SewingKit(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SmithHammer(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new FletcherTools(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DovetailSaw(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MortarPestle(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ScribesPen(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new TinkerTools(1000)));

            // A few dye tubs
            bank.DropItem(new Dyes());
            bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
            bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
            bank.DropItem(new BlackDyeTub());

            DyeTub darkRedTub = new DyeTub();

            darkRedTub.DyedHue  = 0x485;
            darkRedTub.Redyable = false;


            // Some food
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Apple(1000)));

            // Resources
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Feather(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BoltOfCloth(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlankScroll(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Hide(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bandage(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bottle(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Log(1000)));

            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new IronIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SpikeIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new FruityIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BronzeIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new IceRockIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlackDwarfIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DullCopperIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new PlatinumIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SilverRockIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DarkPaganIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new CopperIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MysticIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SpectralIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new OldBritainIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new OnyxIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RedElvenIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new UndeadIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new PyriteIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new VirginityIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MalachiteIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new LavarockIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new AzuriteIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DripstoneIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ExecutorIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new PeachblueIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DestructionIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new AnraIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new CrystalIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DoomIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new GoddessIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new NewZuluIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DarkSableRubyIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new EbonTwilightSapphireIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RadiantNimbusDiamondIngot(5000)));

            // Some extra starting gold
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Gold(9000)));

            // 5 blank recall runes
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RecallRune()));
Example #9
        private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated(CharacterCreatedEventArgs args)
            if (!VerifyProfession(args.Profession))
                args.Profession = 0;

            NetState state = args.State;
            Account  acct  = args.Account as Account;

            Mobile newChar = CreateMobile(acct);

            if (newChar == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", args.State);

            args.Mobile = newChar;
            m_Mobile    = newChar;

            newChar.Player      = true;
            newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
            newChar.Female      = args.Female;
            //newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

            if (Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion)
                newChar.Race = args.Race;                       //Sets body
                newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

            //newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
            newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue(args.Hue & 0x3FFF) | 0x8000;

            newChar.Hunger = 20;
            newChar.Thirst = 20;

            bool young = false;

            if (newChar is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)newChar;

                pm.Profession = args.Profession;

                if (pm.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.Player && ((Account)pm.Account).Young)
                    young = pm.Young = true;

            /*NameResultMessage result =*/ SetName(newChar, args.Name);

            SetStats(newChar, state, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int);
            SetSkills(newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession);

            Race race = newChar.Race;

            if (race.ValidateHair(newChar, args.HairID))
                newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
                newChar.HairHue    = race.ClipHairHue(args.HairHue & 0x3FFF);

            if (race.ValidateFacialHair(newChar, args.BeardID))
                newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
                newChar.FacialHairHue    = race.ClipHairHue(args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF);

            if (args.Profession <= 3)
                AddShirt(newChar, args.ShirtHue);
                AddPants(newChar, args.PantsHue);

            BankBox bank = newChar.BankBox;

            bool needstartpack = acct != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(acct.GetTag("startpack"));

            if (needstartpack /*|| TestCenter.Enabled*/)
                Container startpack = new StarterPack();

 *                              if ( needstartpack )
 *                              {
 *                                      Item housedeed = new SmallBrickHouseDeed();
 *                                      housedeed.Name = "a beta tester's small brick house deed";
 *                                      startpack.DropItem( housedeed );
 *                                      housedeed.X = 23;
 *                                      housedeed.Y = 53;
 *                                      Item startercheck = new BankCheck( 10000 );
 *                                      startpack.DropItem( startercheck );
 *                                      startercheck.X = 52;
 *                                      startercheck.Y = 36;
 *                              }
                acct.SetTag("startpack", "true");

            if (young)
                NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
                ticket.Owner = newChar;

            CityInfo city = GetStartLocation(args, young);

            //CityInfo city = new CityInfo( "Britain", "Sweet Dreams Inn", 1496, 1628, 10, Map.Felucca );

            newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, city.Map);

            Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", args.State, args.Account.Username);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString());

            new WelcomeTimer(newChar).Start();

            //if ( result != NameResultMessage.Allowed )
            //	newChar.SendGump( new NameChangeGump( newChar, result, args.Name ) );
Example #10
        public virtual void AwardRankTrophy(PlayerMobile pm, int rank)
            switch (rank)
            case 0:
                pm.SendMessage(54, "You took first place in the {0}.", Name);
                pm.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, "FIRST PLACE!");

                BankBox bank = pm.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - First Place", TrophyType.First)
                            Owner = pm

                    pm.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            case 1:
                pm.SendMessage(54, "You took second place in the {0}.", Name);
                pm.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, "SECOND PLACE!");

                BankBox bank = pm.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Second Place", TrophyType.Second)
                            Owner = pm

                    pm.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            case 2:
                pm.SendMessage(54, "You took third place in the {0}.", Name);
                pm.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, "THIRD PLACE!");

                BankBox bank = pm.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Third Place", TrophyType.Third)
                            Owner = pm

                    pm.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");
Example #11
        public virtual void AwardTrophies()
            PlayerMobile topkiller = null;
            long         topkills  = 0;

            PlayerMobile topdamager = null;
            long         topdamage  = 0;

            PlayerMobile tophealer = null;
            long         topheals  = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, PvPProfileHistoryEntry> kv in StatisticsCache)
                if (kv.Value.Kills > topkills)
                    topkills  = kv.Value.Kills;
                    topkiller = kv.Key;

                if (kv.Value.DamageDone > topdamage)
                    topdamage  = kv.Value.DamageDone;
                    topdamager = kv.Key;

                if (kv.Value.HealingDone > topheals)
                    topheals  = kv.Value.HealingDone;
                    tophealer = kv.Key;

            if (topkiller != null)
                topkiller.SendMessage(54, "You had the top kills in the {0}.", Name);
                topkiller.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, topkiller.Name + ": Top Kills!");

                BankBox bank = topkiller.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Kills: " + topkills, TrophyType.Kills)
                        Owner = topkiller

                    topkiller.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            if (topdamager != null)
                topdamager.SendMessage(54, "You had the top damage done in the {0}.", Name);
                topdamager.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, topdamager.Name + ": Top Damage!");

                BankBox bank = topdamager.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Damage: " + topdamage, TrophyType.Damage)
                        Owner = topdamager

                    topdamager.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            if (tophealer != null)
                tophealer.SendMessage(54, "You had the top healing done in the {0}.", Name);
                tophealer.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, tophealer.Name + ": Top Healing!");

                BankBox bank = tophealer.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Heals: " + topheals, TrophyType.Healing)
                        Owner = tophealer

                    tophealer.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");
Example #12
        public static void FillBank(Mobile m)
            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            for (int i = 0; i < PowerScroll.Skills.Count; ++i)
                m.Skills[PowerScroll.Skills[i]].Cap = 120.0;

            m.StatCap = 250;

            var book = new Runebook(9999);

            book.CurCharges = book.MaxCharges;
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1438, 1695, 0), Map.Trammel, "Britain Bank", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1821, 2821, 0), Map.Trammel, "Trinsic Bank", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1492, 1628, 13), Map.Trammel, "Britain Sweet Dreams", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1388, 1507, 10), Map.Trammel, "Britain Graveyard", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1300, 1080, 0), Map.Trammel, "Dungeon Despise", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1171, 2639, 0), Map.Trammel, "Dungeon Destard", null));
            book.Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(new Point3D(1260, 2296, 0), Map.Trammel, "Hedge Maze", null));


            #region Gold
            var account = m.Account as Account;

            if (account != null && account.GetTag("TCGold") == null)
                account.AddTag("TCGold", "Gold Given");

                Banker.Deposit(m, 30000000, false);

            #region Bank Level Items
            bank.DropItem(new Robe(443));
            bank.DropItem(new Dagger());
            bank.DropItem(new Candle());
            bank.DropItem(new FireworksWand()
                Name = "Mininova Fireworks Wand"

            Container cont;

            #region TMaps
            cont      = new Bag();
            cont.Name = "Bag of Treasure Maps";

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 30 + (i * 6), 35, new TreasureMap(Utility.Random(3), Map.Trammel));

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 30 + (i * 6), 51, new TreasureMap(Utility.Random(3), Map.Trammel));

            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 76, 91, new MessageInABottle());

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 22, 77, new Shovel(30000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 57, 97, new Lockpick(3));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 98, 124, cont);

            #region Trans Powder
            cont = new Bag();

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 147, new PowderOfTranslocation(100));
            PlaceItemIn(bank, 117, 147, cont);

            #region Magery Items
            cont      = new WoodenBox();
            cont.Hue  = 1195;
            cont.Name = "Magery Items";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 78, 88, new CrimsonCincture()
                Hue = 232
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 102, 90, new CrystallineRing());

            var brac = new GoldBracelet();
            brac.Name = "Farmer's Bank of Mastery";
            brac.Attributes.CastRecovery = 3;
            brac.Attributes.CastSpeed    = 1;
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 139, 30, brac);

            Container bag = new Backpack();
            bag.Hue  = 1152;
            bag.Name = "Spell Casting Stuff";

            PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 107, new Spellbook(UInt64.MaxValue));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 65, 107, new NecromancerSpellbook((UInt64)0xFFFF));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 85, 107, new BookOfChivalry((UInt64)0x3FF));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 105, 107, new BookOfBushido());  //Default ctor = full
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 125, 107, new BookOfNinjitsu()); //Default ctor = full

            PlaceItemIn(bag, 102, 122, new SpellweavingBook((1ul << 16) - 1));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 122, 122, new MysticBook((1ul << 16) - 1));

            Runebook runebook = new Runebook(20);
            runebook.CurCharges = runebook.MaxCharges;
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 145, 105, runebook);

            Item toHue = new BagOfReagents(5000);
            toHue.Hue = 0x2D;
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 128, toHue);

            toHue     = new BagOfNecroReagents(3000);
            toHue.Hue = 0x488;
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 64, 125, toHue);

            toHue     = new BagOfMysticReagents(3000);
            toHue.Hue = 1167;
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 141, 128, toHue);

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                PlaceItemIn(bag, 45 + (i * 10), 74, new RecallRune());

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 47, 91, bag);

            bag      = new Backpack();
            bag.Name = "Various Potion Kegs";

            PlaceItemIn(bag, 45, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.CureGreater, 0x2D));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 69, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.HealGreater, 0x499));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 93, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly, 0x46));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 117, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.RefreshTotal, 0x21));
            PlaceItemIn(bag, 141, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater, 0x74));

            PlaceItemIn(bag, 93, 82, new Bottle(1000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 53, 169, bag);

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 63, 142, cont);

            #region Silver - No Mas Silver

            /*cont = new WoodenBox();
             * cont.Hue = 1161;
             * PlaceItemIn(cont, 47, 91, new Silver(9000));
             * PlaceItemIn(bank, 38, 142, cont);*/

            #region Ethys
            cont      = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue  = 0x490;
            cont.Name = "Bag Of Ethy's!";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new EtherealHorse());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new EtherealLlama());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new EtherealUnicorn());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new EtherealBeetle());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 38, 124, cont);
Example #13
        public override void OnSpeech(SpeechEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Handled && e.Mobile.InRange(this.Location, 12))
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Keywords.Length; ++i)
                    int keyword = e.Keywords[i];

                    switch (keyword)
                    case 0x0000:     // *withdraw*
                        //e.Handled = true;

                        //if( e.Mobile.Criminal )
                        //    this.Say( 500389 ); // I will not do business with a criminal!
                        //    break;

                        //string[] split = e.Speech.Split( ' ' );

                        //if( split.Length >= 2 )
                        //    int amount;

                        //    try
                        //    {
                        //        amount = Convert.ToInt32( split[1] );
                        //    }
                        //    catch
                        //    {
                        //        break;
                        //    }

                        //    if( amount > 5000 )
                        //    {
                        //        this.Say( 500381 ); // Thou canst not withdraw so much at one time!
                        //    }
                        //    else if( amount > 0 )
                        //    {
                        //        BankBox box = e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate();

                        //        if( box == null || !box.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), amount ) )
                        //        {
                        //            this.Say( 500384 ); // Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold!
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            e.Mobile.AddToBackpack( new Gold( amount ) );

                        //            this.Say( 1010005 ); // Thou hast withdrawn gold from thy account.
                        //        }
                        //    }


                    case 0x0001:     // *balance*
                        e.Handled = true;

                        if (e.Mobile.Criminal)
                            this.Say(500389);         // I will not do business with a criminal!

                        BankBox box = e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate();

                        //if( box != null )
                        //    this.Say( 1042759, box.TotalGold.ToString() ); // Thy current bank balance is ~1_AMOUNT~ gold.
                        //    this.Say( 1042759, "0" ); // Thy current bank balance is ~1_AMOUNT~ gold.

                        if (box != null)
                            Item[] coins = box.FindItemsByType(new Type[] { CurrencySystem.typeofGold, CurrencySystem.typeofVerite, CurrencySystem.typeofValorite });
                            int    valorite = 0, verite = 0, gold = 0;

                            for (int c = 0; c < coins.Length; c++)
                                if (coins[c].GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofGold)
                                    gold += coins[c].Amount;
                                else if (coins[c].GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofVerite)
                                    verite += coins[c].Amount;
                                else if (coins[c].GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofValorite)
                                    valorite += coins[c].Amount;

                            Say(String.Format("Thy current bank balance is {0} valorite, {1} verite, and {2} gold.", valorite, verite, gold));
                            Say("Thy bank box doth not have any coins.");


                    case 0x0002:     // *bank*
                        e.Handled = true;

                        if (e.Mobile.Criminal)
                            this.Say(500378);         // Thou art a criminal and cannot access thy bank box.



                    case 0x0003:     // *check*
                        //e.Handled = true;

                        //if( e.Mobile.Criminal )
                        //    this.Say( 500389 ); // I will not do business with a criminal!
                        //    break;

                        //string[] split = e.Speech.Split( ' ' );

                        //if( split.Length >= 2 )
                        //    int amount;

                        //    try
                        //    {
                        //        amount = Convert.ToInt32( split[1] );
                        //    }
                        //    catch
                        //    {
                        //        break;
                        //    }

                        //    if( amount < 5000 )
                        //    {
                        //        this.Say( 1010006 ); // We cannot create checks for such a paltry amount of gold!
                        //    }
                        //    else if( amount > 1000000 )
                        //    {
                        //        this.Say( 1010007 ); // Our policies prevent us from creating checks worth that much!
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        BankCheck check = new BankCheck( amount );

                        //        BankBox box = e.Mobile.BankBox;

                        //        if( !box.TryDropItem( e.Mobile, check, false ) )
                        //        {
                        //            this.Say( 500386 ); // There's not enough room in your bankbox for the check!
                        //            check.Delete();
                        //        }
                        //        else if( !box.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), amount ) )
                        //        {
                        //            this.Say( 500384 ); // Ah, art thou trying to fool me? Thou hast not so much gold!
                        //            check.Delete();
                        //        }
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            this.Say( 1042673, AffixType.Append, amount.ToString(), "" ); // Into your bank box I have placed a check in the amount of:
                        //        }
                        //    }


                if (e.Speech.ToLower().IndexOf("exchange") > -1)
                    BankBox box = e.Mobile.FindBankNoCreate();

                    if (box != null)
                        int     cc = 0, sc = 0, gc = 0;
                        Point3D ccLoc = Point3D.Zero, scLoc = Point3D.Zero, gcLoc = Point3D.Zero;

                        List <BaseCoin> coins = box.FindItemsByType <BaseCoin>();

                            delegate(BaseCoin coin)
                            if (coin.GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofGold)
                                cc   += coin.Amount;
                                ccLoc = coin.Location;
                            else if (coin.GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofVerite)
                                sc   += coin.Amount;
                                scLoc = coin.Location;
                            else if (coin.GetType() == CurrencySystem.typeofValorite)
                                gc   += coin.Amount;
                                gcLoc = coin.Location;


                        int[] newAmts = CurrencySystem.Compress(cc, sc, gc);

                        if (newAmts[0] > 0)
                            Gold gold = new Gold(newAmts[0]);

                            gold.Location = ccLoc;

                        if (newAmts[1] > 0)
                            Verite silver = new Verite(newAmts[1]);

                            silver.Location = scLoc;

                        if (newAmts[2] > 0)
                            Valorite gold = new Valorite(newAmts[2]);

                            gold.Location = gcLoc;

Example #14
            public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
                Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

                    if (info.ButtonID >= 300)
                        int         pr   = m_Set[info.ButtonID - 300].Price;
                        int         amnt = 0;
                        List <Item> dd   = new List <Item>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < from.BankBox.Items.Count; i++)
                            if (from.BankBox.Items[i] is DonationCoin)
                                amnt += from.BankBox.Items[i].Amount;

                        if (dd.Count == 0)
                            from.SendMessage("You don't have any Donation Coins!");
                        else if (dd.Count > 0)
                            if (pr > amnt)
                                from.SendMessage("You cannot afford that!");
                                for (int i = 0; i < dd.Count; i++)
                                    if (dd[i].Amount < pr)
                                        pr -= dd[i].Amount;
                                        pr = 0;

                                Item d = Activator.CreateInstance(m_Set[info.ButtonID - 300].Type) as Item;

                                if (d is Spellbook)
                                    d.LootType = LootType.Newbied;
                                else if (!(d is BaseContainer))
                                    d.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
                                BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                                from.SendMessage("The item has been placed in your bank and the Donation Coins was deducted from your bank account.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    from.SendMessage("Invalid Option Selected.");
                    LoggingCustom.Log("ERROR_DonationVendor", "Error with donation vendor: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
Example #15
        public override void AwardTrophies()

            PlayerMobile topwaller = null;
            long         topwalls  = 0;

            PlayerMobile topassaulter = null;
            long         topassaults  = 0;

            PlayerMobile topholder = null;
            long         topheld   = 0;

            PlayerMobile carrierkiller   = null;
            long         topcarrierkills = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PlayerMobile, PvPProfileHistoryEntry> kv in StatisticsCache)
                if (kv.Value["Walls Cast"] > topwalls)
                    topwalls  = kv.Value["Walls Cast"];
                    topwaller = kv.Key;

                if (kv.Value["Crystal Points"] > topheld)
                    topheld   = kv.Value["Crystal Points"];
                    topholder = kv.Key;

                if (kv.Value["Crystal Steals"] > topassaults)
                    topassaults  = kv.Value["Crystal Steals"];
                    topassaulter = kv.Key;

                if (kv.Value["Crystal Carrier Kills"] > topcarrierkills)
                    topcarrierkills = kv.Value["Crystal Carrier Kills"];
                    carrierkiller   = kv.Key;

            if (topwaller != null)
                topwaller.SendMessage(54, "You had the top walls cast in the {0}.", Name);
                topwaller.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, topwaller.Name + ": Top Walls Cast!");

                BankBox bank = topwaller.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Walls Cast: " + topwalls, TrophyType.Walls)
                        Owner = topwaller

                    topwaller.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            if (topholder != null)
                topholder.SendMessage(54, "You had the top crystal points in the {0}.", Name);
                topholder.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, topholder.Name + ": Top Crystal Points!");

                BankBox bank = topholder.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Crystal Points: " + topheld, TrophyType.CrystalTime)
                        Owner = topholder

                    topholder.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            if (topassaulter != null)
                topassaulter.SendMessage(54, "You had the most crystal assaults in the {0}.", Name);
                topassaulter.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, topassaulter.Name + ": Top Crystal Assaults!");

                BankBox bank = topassaulter.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Crystals Assaulted: " + topassaults, TrophyType.FlagAssaults)
                        Owner = topassaulter

                    topassaulter.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");

            if (carrierkiller != null)
                carrierkiller.SendMessage(54, "You had the top carrier kills in the {0}.", Name);
                carrierkiller.PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Label, 54, true, carrierkiller.Name + ": Top Carrier Kills!");

                BankBox bank = carrierkiller.FindBank(Map.Expansion);

                if (bank != null)
                        new BattlesTrophy(Name + " - Top Crystal Carrier Kills: " + topcarrierkills, TrophyType.FlagCaps)
                        Owner = carrierkiller

                    carrierkiller.SendMessage(54, "A trophy has been placed in your bankbox.");
Example #16
        private void OnAccept()
            Type cType = Head.Expansion == Expansion.T2A ? typeof(Silver) : typeof(Gold);

            if (Head == null || Head.Deleted)
                    "Your head was turned over to the authorities by {0} during negotations.", User.RawName);
                User.SendMessage("You turned over {0}'s to the authorities during negotations and cannot accept this offer.", User.RawName);

            if (Head.RootParentEntity != User)
                    "Your head does not appear to be possessed by {0} any longer.", User.RawName);
                User.SendMessage("You must retain the head in your pack or bank to engage in negotations for {0}'s head.", User.RawName);

            if (!Banker.Withdraw(_Victim, cType, _Offer))
                User.SendMessage("{0} could not afford this price.  Please make another offer later.", _Victim.RawName);

                    "You could not afford to pay the counteroffer you made.  The amount of {0} in your bank has declined since you made the counteroffer.",

                        "[Killer -> Victim][FAILED][{0}]:\t[{1} -> {2}]\t[{3}]\t[{4:#,0} {5}]\t\"{6}\"",

                "{0:#,0} {1} has been withdrawn from your bank and paid to {2}.", _Offer, cType.Name, User.RawName);
            User.SendMessage("{0:#,0} {1} has been paid and added to your bank box by {2}.", _Offer, cType.Name, _Victim.RawName);

            Banker.Deposit(User, cType, _Offer);

            BankBox bank = _Victim.FindBank(Head.Expansion) ?? _Victim.BankBox;

            if (bank != null)

            if (Head is Head2)

            foreach (var g in GetInstances <HeadNegotiateGump>(_Victim, true).Where(g => g.Head == Head))

            _Victim.SendMessage("Your severed head has been deposited into your bank box.");

                    "[Killer -> Victim][ACCEPTED][{0}]:\t[{1} -> {2}]\t[{3}]\t[{4:#,0} {5}]\t\"{6}\"",
Example #17
        public static void PrepareFighter(Mobile from, Duel duel)
            if (!from.Alive)

            Container pack    = from.Backpack;
            BankBox   bank    = from.BankBox;
            Item      holding = from.Holding;

            if (holding != null && pack != null)


            from.Hits = from.HitsMax;
            from.Mana = from.ManaMax;
            from.Stam = from.StamMax;

            from.MagicDamageAbsorb = 0;
            from.MeleeDamageAbsorb = 0;
            from.Combatant = null;

            from.Delta(MobileDelta.Noto);             //Update notoriety

            List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

            if (pack != null)
                if (!duel.MagicWeapons)
                    for (int i = 0; i < EquipmentLayers.Length; ++i)
                        Item item = from.FindItemOnLayer(EquipmentLayers[i]);

                        if (item != null && item is BaseWeapon)
                            BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)item;

                            if (weapon.AccuracyLevel > 0 ||
                                weapon.DamageLevel > 0 ||
                                weapon.DurabilityLevel > 0)

                if (!duel.MagicArmor)
                    for (int i = 0; i < EquipmentLayers.Length; ++i)
                        Item item = from.FindItemOnLayer(EquipmentLayers[i]);

                        if (item != null && item is BaseArmor)
                            BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

                            if (armor.Durability > 0 ||
                                armor.ProtectionLevel > 0)

                for (int i = 0; i < pack.Items.Count; ++i)
                    Item item = pack.Items[i];

                    if (item != null)
                        if (!duel.MagicWeapons && item is BaseWeapon)
                            BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)item;

                            if (weapon.AccuracyLevel > 0 ||
                                weapon.DamageLevel > 0 ||
                                weapon.DurabilityLevel > 0)

                        else if (!duel.MagicArmor && item is BaseArmor)
                            BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

                            if (armor.Durability > 0 ||
                                armor.ProtectionLevel > 0)
                        //else if ( !duel.Potions && item is BasePotion )
                        //items.Add( item );
                        else if (!duel.Bandages && item is Bandage)

            if (!duel.Mounts)
                if (from.Mount != null)
                    IMount mount = from.Mount;
                    mount.Rider = null;

                    if (mount is BaseCreature)
                        ((BaseCreature)mount).ControlOrder = OrderType.Stay;

            if (items.Count > 0)
                foreach (Item item in items)

                from.SendMessage("Some equipment has been moved to your bankbox due to restrictions on this duel.");
Example #18
        public static bool DepositUniqueCurrency(Mobile from, Type currencyType, int amount)
            BankBox bankBox = from.FindBankNoCreate();

            if (bankBox == null)

            int amountRemaining = amount;

            Item[] currencyItems = bankBox.FindItemsByType(currencyType);

            foreach (Item currencyItem in currencyItems)
                if (amountRemaining <= 0)


                if ((currencyItem.Amount + amountRemaining) <= 60000)
                    currencyItem.Amount += amountRemaining;
                    amountRemaining      = 0;


                    int incrementAmount = 60000 - currencyItem.Amount;

                    currencyItem.Amount += incrementAmount;
                    amountRemaining     -= incrementAmount;

            if (amountRemaining > 0)
                int currencyStacks    = (int)(Math.Floor((double)amountRemaining / 60000)) + 1;
                int currencyToDeposit = amountRemaining % 60000;

                bool unableToDropDoubloons = false;

                for (int a = 0; a < currencyStacks; a++)
                    Item currencyItem = (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(currencyType);

                    if (currencyStacks <= 1)
                        currencyItem.Amount = amountRemaining;

                        if (a < (currencyStacks - 1))
                            currencyItem.Amount = 60000;

                            currencyItem.Amount = currencyToDeposit;

                    if (bankBox.Items.Count < bankBox.MaxItems)

                        from.SendMessage("Your bank box was too full to receive some of the currency to be deposited!");

        private static void FillBankbox(Mobile m)
            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            if (bank != null)
                // Full spellbook
                Spellbook book = new Spellbook();

                book.Content = ulong.MaxValue;


                // Some food
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Apple(100)));

                // Reagents
                bank.DropItem(new BlackPearl(100));
                bank.DropItem(new Bloodmoss(100));
                bank.DropItem(new Garlic(100));
                bank.DropItem(new Ginseng(100));
                bank.DropItem(new MandrakeRoot(100));
                bank.DropItem(new Nightshade(100));
                bank.DropItem(new SulfurousAsh(100));
                bank.DropItem(new SpidersSilk(100));
                bank.DropItem(new BankCheck(5000));

                // 5 blank recall runes
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                    bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RecallRune()));
Example #20
        private void ReadyPlayer(Mobile m)
            if (!m_ScoreTable.ContainsKey(m.Serial))
                m_ScoreTable.Add(m.Serial, new ScoreKeeper(m));

            if (!m_UseSphereRules)
                #region DistroCode

                bool MagicWeapons = MagicWeaponRule == pMagicWeaponRule.Allowed;
                bool MagicArmor   = MagicArmorRule == pMagicArmorRule.Allowed;
                bool Potions      = PotionRule == pPotionRule.Allowed;
                bool Bandages     = BandageRule == pBandaidRule.Allowed;
                bool Pets         = PetRule == pPetRule.Allowed;
                bool Mounts       = MountRule == pMountRule.Allowed;

                if (!m.Alive)

                Container bp  = m.Backpack;
                Container bag = new Bag();
                bag.Hue = 38;
                BankBox bank   = m.BankBox;
                Item    oncurs = m.Holding;

                if (oncurs != null)


                m.Hits = m.HitsMax;
                m.Mana = m.ManaMax;
                m.Stam = m.StamMax;


                List <Item> items = new List <Item>();

                foreach (Layer layer in PvpCore.EquipmentLayers)
                    Item item = m.FindItemOnLayer(layer);

                    if (item != null)
                        if (item is BaseWeapon && !MagicWeapons)
                            BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)item;

                            if (weapon.AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
                            else if (weapon.DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular)
                            else if (weapon.DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular)
                        else if (item is BaseArmor && !MagicArmor)
                            BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

                            if (armor.Durability != ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular)
                            else if (armor.ProtectionLevel != ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular)

                if (m.Backpack != null)
                    foreach (Item item in m.Backpack.Items)
                        if (item != null)
                            if (item is BaseWeapon && !MagicWeapons)
                                BaseWeapon weapon = (BaseWeapon)item;

                                if (weapon.AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
                                else if (weapon.DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular)
                                else if (weapon.DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular)
                            else if (item is BaseArmor && !MagicArmor)
                                BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item;

                                if (armor.Durability != ArmorDurabilityLevel.Regular)
                                else if (armor.ProtectionLevel != ArmorProtectionLevel.Regular)
                            else if (item is BasePotion && !Potions)
                            else if (item is EtherealMount && !Mounts)
                            else if (item is Bandage && !Bandages)

                if (!Mounts)
                    if (m.Mount != null)
                        IMount mount = m.Mount;
                        mount.Rider = null;
                        if (mount is BaseMount)
                            if (mount is BaseCreature)
                                BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)mount;
                                bc.ControlTarget = null;
                                bc.ControlOrder  = OrderType.Stay;

                                bc.SummonMaster = null;

                                bc.IsStabled = true;
                                MountCollection.Add(m.Serial, bc);
                                m.SendMessage(38, "Your mount has been moved to the your stables");

                if (items.Count > 0)
                    m.SendMessage(38, "You had items that did not meet the requirements for the deathmatch and were thus moved to your bank.");

                foreach (Item item in items)

                if (bag.Items.Count > 0)


            if (m_EventSupplier != null)



            if (m_GiveHorses)

            if (m.NetState != null)
                m.SendMessage(38, "You have joined a deathmatch");
                m.SendMessage(38, "You can check the score with \".DMScore\"");
        private static void AddSkillItems(SkillName skill)
            switch (skill)
            case SkillName.Alchemy:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new Bottle(50));

                PackItem(new Bottle(4));
                PackItem(new MortarPestle());

            case SkillName.Anatomy:
                PackItem(new Bandage(3));

            case SkillName.AnimalLore:
                EquipItem(new ShepherdsCrook());

            case SkillName.Archery:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new Arrow(550));

                PackItem(new Arrow(25));
                EquipItem(new Bow());

            case SkillName.ArmsLore:
                switch (Utility.Random(3))
                case 0: EquipItem(new Kryss()); break;

                case 1: EquipItem(new Katana()); break;

                case 2: EquipItem(new Club()); break;


            case SkillName.Begging:
                EquipItem(new GnarledStaff());

            case SkillName.Blacksmith:
                PackItem(new Tongs());
                PackItem(new Pickaxe());
                PackItem(new Pickaxe());
                PackItem(new IronIngot(50));
                EquipItem(new HalfApron(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));

            case SkillName.Fletching:
                PackItem(new Board(14));
                PackItem(new Feather(5));
                PackItem(new Shaft(5));

            case SkillName.Camping:
                PackItem(new Bedroll());
                PackItem(new Kindling(5));

            case SkillName.Carpentry:
                PackItem(new Board(10));
                PackItem(new Saw());
                EquipItem(new HalfApron(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));

            case SkillName.Cartography:
                PackItem(new BlankMap());
                PackItem(new BlankMap());
                PackItem(new BlankMap());
                PackItem(new BlankMap());
                PackItem(new Sextant());

            case SkillName.Cooking:
                PackItem(new Kindling(5));
                PackItem(new RawLambLeg(5));
                PackItem(new RawChickenLeg(5));
                PackItem(new RawFishSteak(5));
                PackItem(new SackFlour(2));
                PackItem(new Pitcher(BeverageType.Water));

            case SkillName.DetectHidden:
                EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

            case SkillName.Discordance:

            case SkillName.Fencing:
                EquipItem(new Kryss());

            case SkillName.Fishing:
                EquipItem(new FishingPole());
                EquipItem(new FloppyHat(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));

            case SkillName.Healing:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new Bandage(500));

                PackItem(new Bandage(50));
                PackItem(new Scissors());

            case SkillName.Herding:
                EquipItem(new ShepherdsCrook());

            case SkillName.Hiding:
                EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

            case SkillName.Inscribe:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new BlankScroll(250));

                PackItem(new BlankScroll(2));
                PackItem(new BlueBook(2));

            case SkillName.ItemID:
                EquipItem(new GnarledStaff());

            case SkillName.Lockpicking:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new Lockpick(150));

                PackItem(new Lockpick(20));

            case SkillName.Lumberjacking:
                EquipItem(new Hatchet());

            case SkillName.Macing:
                EquipItem(new Club());

            case SkillName.Magery:
                BankBox bank = m_Mobile.BankBox;
                bank.DropItem(new BagOfReagents(550));
                bank.DropItem(new RecallRune());
                bank.DropItem(new RecallRune());
                bank.DropItem(new RecallRune());
                bank.DropItem(new RecallRune());

                BagOfReagents regs = new BagOfReagents(50);

                if (!Core.AOS)
                    foreach (Item item in regs.Items)
                        item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;


                regs.LootType = LootType.Regular;


                Spellbook book = new Spellbook((ulong)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);


                book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

                EquipItem(new Robe(Utility.RandomBlueHue()));
                EquipItem(new WizardsHat());


            case SkillName.Mining:
                PackItem(new Pickaxe());

            case SkillName.Musicianship:

            case SkillName.Parry:
                EquipItem(new WoodenShield());

            case SkillName.Peacemaking:

            case SkillName.Poisoning:
                PackItem(new LesserPoisonPotion());
                PackItem(new LesserPoisonPotion());

            case SkillName.Provocation:

            case SkillName.Snooping:
                PackItem(new Lockpick(20));

            case SkillName.SpiritSpeak:
                EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

            case SkillName.Stealing:
                PackItem(new Lockpick(20));

            case SkillName.Swords:
                EquipItem(new Katana());

            case SkillName.Tactics:
                EquipItem(new Katana());

            case SkillName.Tailoring:
                PackItem(new BoltOfCloth());
                PackItem(new SewingKit());

            case SkillName.Tracking:
                if (m_Mobile != null)
                    Item shoes = m_Mobile.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

                    if (shoes != null)

                EquipItem(new Boots(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));
                EquipItem(new SkinningKnife());

            case SkillName.Veterinary:
                PackItem(new Bandage(5));
                PackItem(new Scissors());

            case SkillName.Wrestling:
                EquipItem(new LeatherGloves());
        private static void FillBankbox(Mobile m)
            if (Core.AOS)

            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            if (bank != null)
                bank.DropItem(new BankCheck(1000000));

                // Full spellbook
                Spellbook book = new Spellbook();

                book.Content = ulong.MaxValue;


                Bag bag = new Bag();

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                    bag.DropItem(new Moonstone(MoonstoneType.Felucca));

                // Felucca moonstones

                bag = new Bag();

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                    bag.DropItem(new Moonstone(MoonstoneType.Trammel));

                // Trammel moonstones

                // Treasure maps
                bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(1, Map.Trammel));
                bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(2, Map.Trammel));
                bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(3, Map.Trammel));
                bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(4, Map.Trammel));
                bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(5, Map.Trammel));

                // Bag containing 50 of each reagent
                bank.DropItem(new BagOfReagents(50));

                // Craft tools
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Scissors()));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SewingKit(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SmithHammer(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new FletcherTools(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DovetailSaw(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MortarPestle(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ScribesPen(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new TinkerTools(1000)));

                // A few dye tubs
                bank.DropItem(new Dyes());
                bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
                bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
                bank.DropItem(new BlackDyeTub());

                DyeTub darkRedTub = new DyeTub();

                darkRedTub.DyedHue  = 0x485;
                darkRedTub.Redyable = false;


                // Some food
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Apple(1000)));

                // Resources
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Feather(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BoltOfCloth(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlankScroll(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Hides(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bandage(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bottle(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Log(1000)));

                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new IronIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DullCopperIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ShadowIronIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new CopperIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BronzeIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new GoldIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new AgapiteIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new VeriteIngot(5000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ValoriteIngot(5000)));

                // Reagents
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlackPearl(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bloodmoss(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Garlic(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Ginseng(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MandrakeRoot(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Nightshade(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SulfurousAsh(1000)));
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SpidersSilk(1000)));

                // Some extra starting gold
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Gold(9000)));

                // 5 blank recall runes
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                    bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RecallRune()));

Example #23
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0)               // Close

            if (info.ButtonID == 100)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SkillCapToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SkillCapToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 101)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 250, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new FollowerCapToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 250, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new FollowerCapToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 102)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new HouseSlotToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new HouseSlotToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 103)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new CharacterSlotToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new CharacterSlotToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 104)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new StorageToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new StorageToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 105)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 10, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new RenameToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 10, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new RenameToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 106)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 10, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SexChangeToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 10, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SexChangeToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 107)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new HeritageToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new HeritageToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 108)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new PersonalAttendantToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new PersonalAttendantToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 109)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SoulstoneFragmentToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new SoulstoneFragmentToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 110)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 100, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ChargerOfTheFallenToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 30, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ChargerOfTheFallenToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 111)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 150, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new BlueSoulstoneToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 150, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new BlueSoulstoneToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 112)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 150, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new RedSoulstoneToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 150, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new RedSoulstoneToken());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 500)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ReagentRing());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ReagentRing());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");

            if (info.ButtonID == 501)
                if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ManaBracelet());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                else if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal(typeof(Platinum), 50, true))
                    BankBox bank = from.BankBox;
                    bank.DropItem(new ManaBracelet());

                    from.SendMessage("Your item has been placed in your bankbox.");
                    from.SendMessage("You do not have enough platinum for this item.");
Example #24
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            PlayerMobile from = (PlayerMobile)sender.Mobile;


            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 0:
                Handeling.Caller.SendMessage(String.Format("{0} has declined the duel.", from.Name));
                Handeling.Caller.SendGump(new FieldSetup_ParticipantSetup(Handeling, TeamID));

            case 1:
                if (Handeling.BuyIn > 0)
                    if (!HasGold(from, Handeling.BuyIn))
                        from.SendMessage("You do not have enough money to buy into this duel.");
                        from.SendGump(new FieldSetup_AddParticipant(Handeling, TeamID, Index));
                        Item i = CheckForGoldSources(from, Handeling.BuyIn);

                        if (i is Gold)
                            i.Amount -= Handeling.BuyIn;
                            BankCheck check = (BankCheck)i;
                            check.Worth -= Handeling.BuyIn;

                        if (i.Amount <= 0)

                        if (i is BankCheck)
                            BankCheck check = (BankCheck)i;

                            if (check.Worth > 0)
                                if (check.Worth < 5000)
                                    if (check.Parent is BankBox)
                                        BankBox box = (BankBox)check.Parent;

                                        Gold g = new Gold(check.Worth);


                                    if (check.Parent is Backpack)
                                        Backpack pack = (Backpack)check.Parent;

                                        Gold g = new Gold(check.Worth);

                        from.SendMessage("The buy in funds for the duel have been paid.");

                Handeling.Caller.SendMessage(String.Format("{0} has accepted the duel.", from.Name));
                Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Players[Index] = from;
                Handeling.Teams[TeamID].Accepted.Add((PlayerMobile)from, false);

                Handeling.Caller.SendGump(new FieldSetup_ParticipantSetup(Handeling, TeamID));

            case 2:
                Handeling.Caller.SendMessage(String.Format("{0} has declined the duel.", from.Name));
                Handeling.Caller.SendGump(new FieldSetup_ParticipantSetup(Handeling, TeamID));
Example #25
            private static void DoLaunchLimbs(Mobile killed, PlayerMobile from, Point3D OurLoc, Point3D StartLoc, Map map)
                if (killed.Player && (killed.BodyValue == 0x190 || killed.BodyValue == 0x191))
                    if (killed.Mounted == true)
                        IMount mount = killed.Mount;

                        if (mount != null)
                            mount.Rider = null;

                    Backpack  bag        = new Backpack();
                    Container pack       = killed.Backpack;
                    BankBox   box        = killed.BankBox;
                    ArrayList equipitems = new ArrayList(killed.Items);
                    ArrayList bagitems   = new ArrayList(pack.Items);
                    foreach (Item item in equipitems)

                        if ((item.Layer != Layer.Bank) && (item.Layer != Layer.Backpack) && (item.Layer != Layer.Hair) && (item.Layer != Layer.FacialHair))
                    Container pouch      = killed.Backpack;
                    ArrayList finalitems = new ArrayList(pouch.Items);
                    foreach (Item items in finalitems)


                    int effecthue = killed.Hue;
                    if (effecthue >= 30000)
                        effecthue = 0;

                    //BEGIN HEAD//
                    Point3D endHeadLoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endHeadLoc, map),
                                             0x1CE1, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishHeadLaunch), new object[] { from, endHeadLoc, map, killed });
                    //END HEAD//

                    //BEGIN TORSO//
                    Point3D endTorsoLoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endTorsoLoc, map),
                                             0x1DAD, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishTorsoLaunch), new object[] { from, endTorsoLoc, map, killed });
                    //END TORSO//

                    //LEFT LEG//
                    Point3D endLLLoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endLLLoc, map),
                                             0x1DB2, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishLLLaunch), new object[] { from, endLLLoc, map, killed });
                    //END LEFT LEG//

                    //RIGHT LEG//
                    Point3D endRLLoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endRLLoc, map),
                                             0x1DA4, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishRLLaunch), new object[] { from, endRLLoc, map, killed });
                    //END RIGHT LEG//

                    //LEFT ARM//
                    Point3D endLALoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endLALoc, map),
                                             0x1DA1, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishLALaunch), new object[] { from, endLALoc, map, killed });
                    //END LEFT ARM//

                    //RIGHT ARM//
                    Point3D endRALoc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endRALoc, map),
                                             0x1DAF, 5, effecthue, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishRALaunch), new object[] { from, endRALoc, map, killed });
                    //END RIGHT ARM//

                    Point3D endBlood1Loc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endBlood1Loc, map),
                                             0x122B, 5, 0, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishBlood1Launch), new object[] { from, endBlood1Loc, map, killed });

                    Point3D endBlood2Loc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endBlood2Loc, map),
                                             0x122B, 5, 0, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishBlood2Launch), new object[] { from, endBlood2Loc, map, killed });

                    Point3D endBlood3Loc = new Point3D(StartLoc.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-6, 6), StartLoc.Z);
                    Effects.SendMovingEffect(new Entity(Serial.Zero, StartLoc, map), new Entity(Serial.Zero, endBlood3Loc, map),
                                             0x122B, 5, 0, false, false);
                    Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), new TimerStateCallback(FinishBlood3Launch), new object[] { from, endBlood3Loc, map, killed });
                    //END BLOOD//
                if (killed.Corpse != null)
Example #26
        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile m, Item item)
            if (item is Head)               // He said head...
                this.Say(500670);           // Ah, a head! Let me check to see if there is a bounty on this.
                this.Say("There was no bounty on this person.");
            else if (item is BountyHead)
                this.Say(500670);                   // Ah, a head! Let me check to see if there is a bounty on this.

                BountyHead bh = (BountyHead)item;

                Mobile   owner  = bh.Owner;
                Mobile   killer = bh.Killer;
                DateTime tod    = bh.TimeOfDeath;

                FSBountySystem.Bounty b = FSBountySystem.FindBounty(owner);

                if (b != null)
                    if (owner != null && killer != null)
                        if (m == owner)
                            this.Say("Ha Ha Ha, You think i am going to give you a reward for your own head?");
                        else if (m != killer)
                            this.Say(500543);                               // I had heard this scum was taken care of...but not by you
                        else if (tod < b.Expires - TimeSpan.FromDays(30.0))
                            this.Say("This head is to badly decayed to make a positive id.");
                        else if (owner.Guild != null && killer.Guild != null && owner.Guild == killer.Guild)
                            this.Say("You cannot claim a reward on one of your guildmates.");
                        else if (b.Expires < DateTime.Now)
                            this.Say("It looks like this bounty has expired.");
                            FSBountySystem.ClearBounty(b, owner);
                            BankBox box = m.BankBox;

                            if (box != null)
                                box.DropItem(new BankCheck(b.Reward));
                                FSBountySystem.ClearBounty(b, owner);
                                this.Say("There was a bounty for {0}, For the sum of {1} gold.", owner.Name, b.Reward);
                                m.SendMessage("A bankcheck for {0} gold has been depoisted into your bank.", b.Reward);
                                this.Say("I have added the bounty reward to your bank.");
                        this.Say("I found a bounty for this person, However the bounty was invalid.");
                        m.SendMessage("The person this head belongs to no longer exists on the server, Contact a gamemaster for more details.");
                        FSBountySystem.ClearBounty(b, owner);
                    if (owner != null)
                        this.Say(1042854, owner.Name);                           // There was no bounty on ~1_PLAYER_NAME~.
                        this.Say("There was no bounty on this person.");
                this.Say("I dont want that.");
Example #27
        public static void CheckTournament(Mobile from, Mobile fisher, Item dropped)
            if (!isRunning)
                // Only giving a extra reward for 10+ fish

                from.SendMessage("A reward has been placed in your bank box.");
                Bag bag = new Bag();
                bag.DropItem(new BankCheck(250 * dropped.Amount));
                bag.DropItem(new Harpoon(Utility.RandomMinMax(2, 5)));

                switch (Utility.Random(2))
                case 0: bag.DropItem(new SpecialFishingNet()); break;

                case 1: bag.DropItem(new MessageInABottle()); break;

                if (dropped.Amount > 19)
                    fisher.Say("Wow! You caught {0}. You should have placed in the tournament! Better luck next time!", dropped.Amount.ToString());
                    bag.DropItem(new PowerScroll(SkillName.Fishing, 105));
                else if (dropped.Amount > 18)
                    fisher.Say("Wow! You caught 19. You were so close! Better luck next time!");
                    bag.DropItem(new FabledFishingNet());
                else if (dropped.Amount > 17)
                    fisher.Say("Wow! You caught 18. You did amazing. Better luck next time!");

                    FloppyHat fh = new FloppyHat();
                    fh.Hue      = Utility.RandomMinMax(2498, 2640);
                    fh.Name     = "a designer fishing hat";
                    fh.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
                else if (dropped.Amount > 16)
                    fisher.Say("Wow! You caught 17. Almost... Maybe next time!");

                    Sandals s = new Sandals();
                    s.Hue      = Utility.RandomMinMax(1910, 2040);
                    s.Name     = "a designer fishing sandals";
                    s.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
                else if (dropped.Amount > 15)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 16. Thats not bad but you could have done better! Maybe next time!");

                    FishingPole fp = new FishingPole();
                    fp.Hue  = Utility.RandomMinMax(1150, 1175);
                    fp.Name = "a painted fishing pole";
                else if (dropped.Amount > 14)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 15. Bad luck! Maybe next time!");

                    Item junk = new Item(Utility.RandomList(17784, 17785));
                    junk.Name = "a sea horse statue";
                else if (dropped.Amount > 13)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 14. Maybe try different waters next time!");

                    Item junk = new Item(Utility.RandomList(17786, 17787));
                    junk.Name = "a mermaid statue";
                else if (dropped.Amount > 12)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 13. Did you bring ale? You have to bring ale!");

                    Spellbook sb = new Spellbook();
                    sb.Name = "Fishing For Dummies";
                    sb.Hue  = 52;
                else if (dropped.Amount > 11)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 12. Try different bait next time!");

                    Item junk = new Item(Utility.RandomList(0x1EA3, 0x1EA4, 0x1EA5, 0x1EA6));
                    junk.Name = "a worn fishing net";
                else if (dropped.Amount > 10)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 11...");

                    Item junk = new Item(0x154D);
                    junk.Name = "a barrel of fish (Not for shooting)";
                else if (dropped.Amount > 9)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 10. Half way... is still to far!");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 8)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 9. Half way... is still to far!");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 7)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 8... How long did you say you have been fishing?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 6)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 7... Find a lot of shoes do you?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 5)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 6... Ever consider taking up something more productivy like bird watching?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 4)
                    fisher.Say("You only caught 5... Ever consider taking up something more exciting like... baskit weaving?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 3)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 4!?! Was your cat on fire?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 2)
                    fisher.Say("You caught 3!?! Were you sleeping all this time?");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 1)
                    fisher.Say("Two fish? Maybe you should keep them in a tank and hope they multiply!");
                else if (dropped.Amount > 0)
                    fisher.Say("One... One fish? Did someone hand this to you? Did you find this flopping around town? Tell me you didn't fish and catch this one lonely fish?");

                BankBox box = from.BankBox;
            else if (isRunning)
                if (DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek == TournyOne)
                    BankBox box = from.BankBox;

                    if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(ToxicTrout), 20) && firstPlace == null)
                        firstPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has came in first in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the first person to catch twenty toxic trout! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 1));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(ToxicTrout), 20) && secondPlace == null)
                        secondPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 2nd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the second person to catch twenty toxic trout! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 2));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(ToxicTrout), 20) && thirdPlace == null)
                        isRunning  = false;
                        thirdPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 3rd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "The tournament is now over! Congratulations to todays winners!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "If you didnt win today bring what fish you gathered and drop them on a tournament master to claim a consolation prize!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the third person to catch twenty toxic trout! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 3));
                        fisher.Say("You need to catch and bring me twenty toxic trout before anyone else to win this tournament!");
                        fisher.Say("Why are you standing around here! Go fish!!!");
                else if (DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek == TournyTwo)
                    BankBox box = from.BankBox;

                    if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(CottonCandySwordfish), 20) && firstPlace == null)
                        firstPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has came in first in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the first person to catch twenty cotton candy swordfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 1));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(CottonCandySwordfish), 20) && secondPlace == null)
                        secondPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 2nd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the second person to catch twenty cotton candy swordfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 2));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(CottonCandySwordfish), 20) && thirdPlace == null)
                        isRunning  = false;
                        thirdPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 3rd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "The tournament is now over! Congratulations to todays winners!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "If you didnt win today bring what fish you gathered and drop them on a tournament master to claim a consolation prize!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the third person to catch twenty cotton candy swordfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 3));
                        fisher.Say("You need to catch and bring me twenty cotton candy swordfish before anyone else to win this tournament!");
                        fisher.Say("Why are you standing around here! Go fish!!!");
                else if (DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek == TournyThree)
                    BankBox box = from.BankBox;

                    if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(MalasMoonfish), 20) && firstPlace == null)
                        firstPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has came in first in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the first person to catch twenty malas moonfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 1));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(MalasMoonfish), 20) && secondPlace == null)
                        secondPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 2nd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the second person to catch twenty malas moonfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 2));
                    else if (from.Backpack.ConsumeTotal(typeof(MalasMoonfish), 20) && thirdPlace == null)
                        isRunning  = false;
                        thirdPlace = from.Name;
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "{0} has placed 3rd in todays fishing tournament!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "The tournament is now over! Congratulations to todays winners!", firstPlace);
                        World.Broadcast(0x35, true, "If you didnt win today bring what fish you gathered and drop them on a tournament master to claim a consolation prize!", firstPlace);
                        fisher.Say("Congrats! You are the third person to catch twenty malas moonfish! Well done!");
                        from.SendMessage("Your reward has been placed into your bank box!");
                        box.DropItem(GiveReward(from, 3));
                        fisher.Say("You need to catch and bring me twenty malas moonfish before anyone else to win this tournament!");
                        fisher.Say("Why are you standing around here! Go fish!!!");
                else                 // Why? Because thats the kinda world we live in...
                    fisher.Say("I am sorry, I musta got my days mixxed up!");
                    isRunning = false;
                if (firstPlace != null && secondPlace != null && thirdPlace != null)
                    fisher.Say("Todays tournament has ended! Todays winners are {0}, {1), and {2}!", firstPlace, secondPlace, thirdPlace);
                    fisher.Say("Todays tournament has ended!");