public void BanjoNotesConstructorTest()
     BanjoNotes target = new BanjoNotes();
     Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
        private void update_arrangement(CheckState AutoTrans)

            //TODO : Remove all this stuff out of the form and into a class
            //Open Status dlg screen


            txtNoteMatch.Text = null;
            txtNotes.Text = null;

            string referencepath = @"";

            String filepath1 = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(referencepath, @"..\..\TestFiles\" + txtFileName.Text));

            Logging.Update_Status("Loading File : " + filepath1);

            MidiFileClass MidiControlObject = new MidiFileClass();
            ICollection<MidiNotes> MidiObject = new List<MidiNotes>();

            int trackNumber;
            if (Int32.TryParse(txtTrackNumber.Text, out trackNumber))
                MidiControlObject.ConvertFile(filepath1, 1, trackNumber, MidiObject);  //Note track number 0 being used for the current file
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid Track Number.  Music be numeric", "Error");

            // Create the banjo object
            BanjoNotes banjoobject = new BanjoNotes(Convert.ToInt16(txtMaxFrets.Text));
            //Define the matches structure
            List<MatchNote> matches = new List<MatchNote>();

            //Get the last note position for arrangements
            MatchNotes.last_note_position = MidiObject.Last().position;

            int tempo = MidiControlObject.tempo;
            int timeSig1 = MidiControlObject.timesig1;
            int timeSig2 = MidiControlObject.timesig2;

            Arrangemenet_engine.original_note_count = MidiObject.Count();
            lblOriginalNotes.Text = Arrangemenet_engine.original_note_count.ToString();

            Logging.Update_Status("Starting arrangement Process");
            Logging.Update_Status("Transpose Offset = " + txtTranspose.Text);
            Logging.Update_Status("Time Sig = " + timeSig1 + "/" + timeSig2);

            //Populate the matches 

            bool AutoTrans_ = false;
            if (AutoTrans ==  CheckState.Checked)
                AutoTrans_ = true;

                matches = MatchNotes.Find_Matching_Notes(MidiObject, banjoobject, Convert.ToInt16(txtTranspose.Text), 
                    Convert.ToInt16(txtMaxFrets.Text),AutoTrans_ );
            catch (Exception Ex)
                Logging.Update_Status("Error processing matches");
                throw new System.ArgumentException("Error processing matches" + Ex.ToString());

            //TODO All the stuff below is rubbish - General re-wite required for this + move out to a class
            foreach (MidiNotes temp in MidiObject)

                // Pass the current note numbe to the arrangenote object to match

                txtNotes.Text += "Note Number : " + temp.noteNumber + " Note name:" + temp.noteName + " Note Postion:" + temp.position + "\r\n";


            int index;
            foreach (MatchNote temp in matches)

                index = matches.IndexOf(temp);
                // Write the matched note position to the screen
                txtNoteMatch.Text += "Current Index : " + index + " Position " + temp.position.ToString() + ":" + "Note Number : " + temp.notenumber + ": String Number "
                    + temp.banjoString + ":" + "Fret Number " + temp.fret + " Note name:" + temp.notename + "\r\n";

