        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyRecordCore
        * Read the property record and return the pertinent contents in a
        * BamlPropertyInfo record.

        private BamlPropertyInfo ReadPropertyRecordCore(string value)
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();


            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = value;

            return info;
        private BamlPropertyInfo GetPropertyCustomRecordInfo()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();

            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = SetCommonPropertyInfo(info,
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;

            BamlPropertyCustomRecord bamlRecord = (BamlPropertyCustomRecord)_currentBamlRecord;

            // Reverse the binary data stored in the record into a string by first getting the
            // property.  If it has not already been cached in the attribute info record, then
            // attempt to resolve it as a DependencyProperty or a PropertyInfo.
            if (attrInfo.DP == null && attrInfo.PropInfo == null)
                attrInfo.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(attrInfo);

                if (attrInfo.OwnerType == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.BamlReaderNoOwnerType, attrInfo.Name, AssemblyName));
                if (attrInfo.DP == null)
                        attrInfo.PropInfo = attrInfo.OwnerType.GetProperty(attrInfo.Name,
                                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
                        // Handle ambiguous match just like XamlTypeMapper.PropertyInfoFromName does.
                        // This is for consistency, although it's probably wrong.
                        // The doc for GetProperties says:
                        //      The GetProperties method does not return properties
                        //      in a particular order, such as alphabetical or
                        //      declaration order. Your code must not depend on the
                        //      order in which properties are returned, because that
                        //      order varies.
                        // It's probably more correct to walk up the base class
                        // tree calling GetProperty with the DeclaredOnly flag.

                        PropertyInfo[] infos = attrInfo.OwnerType.GetProperties(
                                      BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                        for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                            if (infos[i].Name == attrInfo.Name)
                                attrInfo.PropInfo = infos[i];

                    if (attrInfo.PropInfo == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, info.Name));

            // If we have a property, then get its type and call GetCustomValue,
            // which uses the XamlSerializer to turn the binary data into a
            // real object
            Type propertyType = attrInfo.GetPropertyType();
            string propertyName = attrInfo.Name;
            short sid = bamlRecord.SerializerTypeId;

            // if a Setter of Trigger's Property property is being set, then its value is always
            // a DP. Get the attribInfo of this DP property from the ValueId read into the custom
            // property record and resolve it into an actual DP instance.
            if (sid == (short)KnownElements.DependencyPropertyConverter)
                Type declaringType = null;
                _propertyDP = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomDependencyPropertyValue(bamlRecord, out declaringType);
                declaringType = declaringType == null ? _propertyDP.OwnerType : declaringType;
                info.Value = declaringType.Name + "." + _propertyDP.Name;

                string xmlns = _parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetXmlNamespace(declaringType.Namespace,

                string prefix = GetXmlnsPrefix(xmlns);
                if (prefix != string.Empty)
                    info.Value = prefix + ":" + info.Value;

                if (!_propertyDP.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    _propertyDP = null;
                if (_propertyDP != null)
                    propertyType = _propertyDP.PropertyType;
                    propertyName = _propertyDP.Name;
                    _propertyDP = null;

                object value = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomValue(bamlRecord, propertyType, propertyName);

                // Once we have a real object, turn that back into a string, and store this
                // as the value for this property
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value.GetType());
                info.Value = converter.ConvertToString(null,

            return info;
        private void ReadPropertyWithExtensionRecord()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            SetCommonPropertyInfo(info, ((BamlPropertyWithExtensionRecord)_currentBamlRecord).AttributeId);

            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = GetExtensionValueString((IOptimizedMarkupExtension)_currentBamlRecord);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;

        private void ReadPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord()
            BamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord bamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord =

            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            SetCommonPropertyInfo(info, bamlPropertyWithStaticResourceIdRecord.AttributeId);

            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;

            BamlOptimizedStaticResourceRecord optimizedStaticResourceRecord =

            info.Value = GetExtensionValueString((IOptimizedMarkupExtension)optimizedStaticResourceRecord);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;

        * BamlReader.ReadXmlnsPropertyRecord
        * Read the namespace record and update the namespace dictionary with the
        * key being the namespace prefix and the value being the namespace string.
        * Note that Xmlns properties are not the same as regular properties, since
        * prefix, xmlnamespace, clrnamespace and name have quite different meanings.

        private void ReadXmlnsPropertyRecord()
            BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord bamlRecord = (BamlXmlnsPropertyRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            _parserContext.XmlnsDictionary[bamlRecord.Prefix] = bamlRecord.XmlNamespace;
            _prefixDictionary[bamlRecord.XmlNamespace] = bamlRecord.Prefix;

            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            info.Value = bamlRecord.XmlNamespace;
            info.XmlNamespace = string.Empty;
            info.ClrNamespace = string.Empty;
            info.AssemblyName = string.Empty;
            info.Prefix = "xmlns";
            info.LocalName = bamlRecord.Prefix == null ? string.Empty : bamlRecord.Prefix;
            info.Name = (bamlRecord.Prefix == null || bamlRecord.Prefix == string.Empty) ?
                                          "xmlns" :
                                          "xmlns:" + bamlRecord.Prefix;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.XmlnsProperty;

        * BamlReader.ReadPropertyTypeRecord
        * Read the property record and store the pertinent contents in the
        * _properties array list.  Convert the TypeId into a fully qualified type
        * name.

        private void ReadPropertyTypeRecord()
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();


            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType;
            info.Value = GetTypeValueString(((BamlPropertyTypeReferenceRecord)_currentBamlRecord).TypeId);
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;

        * BamlReader.InsertDeferedKey
        * Search the _deferedKeys list for a dictionary key that has the same offset
        * as the current baml stream position.  If one is found, generate a
        * def attribute record to simulate a dictionary key.

        private void InsertDeferedKey(Int32 valueOffset)
            if (_deferKeys == null)

            BamlKeyInfo keyInfo = _deferKeys[0];
            while (keyInfo.Offset == valueOffset)
                // Remember the _currentKeyInfo so that we can use it to resolve StaticResourceId
                // records that may occur within the corresponding value.
                _currentKeyInfo = keyInfo;

                BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
                info.Value = keyInfo.Value;
                info.AssemblyName = string.Empty;
                info.Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI];
                info.XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI;
                info.ClrNamespace = string.Empty;
                info.Name = keyInfo.Name;
                info.LocalName = info.Name;
                info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;


                // We no longer need this key record, so remove it to make subsequent
                // searches faster.

                if (_deferKeys.Count > 0)
                    keyInfo = _deferKeys[0];

        * BamlReader.ReadDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord
        * Read a x: record that contains the object to use as a key when inserting
        * the current element into a dictionary.

        private void ReadDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord()
            BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord bamlRecord = (BamlDefAttributeKeyTypeRecord)_currentBamlRecord;

            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            info.Value = GetTypeValueString(bamlRecord.TypeId);
            info.AssemblyName = string.Empty;
            info.Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI];
            info.XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI;
            info.ClrNamespace = string.Empty;
            info.Name = XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionName;
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.DefAttribute;

        * BamlReader.ReadPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord
        * Read a PresentationsOptions: record used for WPF-specific
        * parsing options (e.g., PresentationOptions:Freeze).

        private void ReadPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord()
            BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord bamlRecord = (BamlPresentationOptionsAttributeRecord)_currentBamlRecord;
            bamlRecord.Name = MapTable.GetStringFromStringId(bamlRecord.NameId);

            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo();
            info.Value = bamlRecord.Value;
            info.AssemblyName = string.Empty;
            info.Prefix = (string)_prefixDictionary[XamlReaderHelper.PresentationOptionsNamespaceURI];
            info.XmlNamespace = XamlReaderHelper.PresentationOptionsNamespaceURI;
            info.ClrNamespace = string.Empty;
            info.Name = bamlRecord.Name;
            info.LocalName = info.Name;
            info.RecordType = BamlRecordType.PresentationOptionsAttribute;

 internal PropertyNameMap(BamlPropertyInfo bamlNode, string name)
     _bamlNode = bamlNode;
     _name     = name;
Example #11
        private BamlPropertyInfo GetPropertyCustomRecordInfo() 
            BamlPropertyInfo info = new BamlPropertyInfo(); 

            BamlAttributeInfoRecord attrInfo = SetCommonPropertyInfo(info,
            info.RecordType = _currentBamlRecord.RecordType; 
            info.AttributeUsage = BamlAttributeUsage.Default;
            BamlPropertyCustomRecord bamlRecord = (BamlPropertyCustomRecord)_currentBamlRecord; 

            // Reverse the binary data stored in the record into a string by first getting the 
            // property.  If it has not already been cached in the attribute info record, then
            // attempt to resolve it as a DependencyProperty or a PropertyInfo.
            if (attrInfo.DP == null && attrInfo.PropInfo == null)
                attrInfo.DP = MapTable.GetDependencyProperty(attrInfo);
                if (attrInfo.OwnerType == null) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.BamlReaderNoOwnerType, attrInfo.Name, AssemblyName)); 
                if (attrInfo.DP == null)
                    attrInfo.PropInfo = attrInfo.OwnerType.GetProperty(attrInfo.Name, 
                                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    if (attrInfo.PropInfo == null) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.ParserCantGetDPOrPi, info.Name));

            // If we have a property, then get its type and call GetCustomValue, 
            // which uses the XamlSerializer to turn the binary data into a
            // real object 
            Type propertyType = attrInfo.GetPropertyType(); 
            string propertyName = attrInfo.Name;
            short sid = bamlRecord.SerializerTypeId; 

            // if a Setter of Trigger's Property property is being set, then its value is always
            // a DP. Get the attribInfo of this DP property from the ValueId read into the custom
            // property record and resolve it into an actual DP instance. 
            if (sid == (short)KnownElements.DependencyPropertyConverter)
                Type declaringType = null; 
                _propertyDP = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomDependencyPropertyValue(bamlRecord, out declaringType);
                declaringType = declaringType == null ? _propertyDP.OwnerType : declaringType; 
                info.Value = declaringType.Name + "." + _propertyDP.Name;

                string xmlns = _parserContext.XamlTypeMapper.GetXmlNamespace(declaringType.Namespace,

                string prefix = GetXmlnsPrefix(xmlns); 
                if (prefix != string.Empty) 
                    info.Value = prefix + ":" + info.Value; 

                if (!_propertyDP.PropertyType.IsEnum)
                    _propertyDP = null;
                if (_propertyDP != null)
                    propertyType = _propertyDP.PropertyType;
                    propertyName = _propertyDP.Name; 
                    _propertyDP = null;
                object value = _bamlRecordReader.GetCustomValue(bamlRecord, propertyType, propertyName);
                // Once we have a real object, turn that back into a string, and store this
                // as the value for this property
                TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(value.GetType());
                info.Value = converter.ConvertToString(null, 

            return info; 