//Determine who the next active player is, and return the associated state.
    BalloonPopGameStates DetermineNextActivePlayer(int currentPlayerPosition)
        //Create the return value. Assigns a value to prevent compiler errors.
        BalloonPopGameStates nextActivePlayer = BalloonPopGameStates.PlayerTurn;

        //To handle looping around, we'll use a bool to determine if we need to loop around at all.
        bool hasDeterminedNextPlayer = false;

        //Create the int to hold the next player's position.
        int nextPlayerPosition = 0;

        //If this is the last player, there's no one ahead to look at.
        if (currentPlayerPosition != 3)
            //Check if the players ahead of the current player are active.
            for (int i = currentPlayerPosition + 1; i < 4; i++)
                if (activePlayers[i] == true)
                    //This player is active. Set the player position, set the determination bool to true, and break out of the loop.
                    nextPlayerPosition      = i;
                    hasDeterminedNextPlayer = true;

        //Next, handle the players behind the current player, if none ahead were active.
        if (!hasDeterminedNextPlayer)
            for (int i = 0; i < currentPlayerPosition; i++)
                if (activePlayers[i] == true)
                    //This player is active. Set the player position, and break out of the loop.
                    nextPlayerPosition = i;

        //By this point, we know the next active player by the position we have.
        switch (nextPlayerPosition)
        case 0:
            nextActivePlayer = BalloonPopGameStates.PlayerTurn;
            Debug.Log("Player turn.");

        case 1:
            nextActivePlayer = BalloonPopGameStates.AI1Turn;
            Debug.Log("AI 1 turn.");

        case 2:
            nextActivePlayer = BalloonPopGameStates.AI2Turn;
            Debug.Log("AI 2 turn.");

        case 3:
            nextActivePlayer = BalloonPopGameStates.AI3Turn;
            Debug.Log("AI 3 turn.");

            Debug.Log("DetermineNextActivePlayer returned a non-existent player.");

        //Return the proper game state.