private static float SetTimeOfImpactPositionPlane(BallBounce bounce, Plane plane) { float t = Time.deltaTime - GetTimeOfImpactPlane(bounce, plane); bounce.transform.position -= (bounce.velocity * t); return(t); }
private static float SetTimeOfImpactPositionSphere(BallBounce bounce1, BallBounce bounce2) { float t = Time.deltaTime - GetTimeOfImpactSphere(bounce1, bounce2); bounce1.transform.position -= (bounce1.velocity * t); bounce2.transform.position -= (bounce2.velocity * t); return(t); }
private static float GetTimeOfImpactPlane(BallBounce bounce, Plane plane) { Vector3 center = bounce.transform.position; float distanceBefore = plane.DistanceTo(center - bounce.velocity) - bounce.GetRadius(); float distanceAfter = plane.DistanceTo(center) - bounce.GetRadius(); float t = -(distanceBefore * Time.deltaTime) / (distanceAfter - distanceBefore); return(t); }
private static float GetTimeOfImpactSphere(BallBounce bounce1, BallBounce bounce2) { Vector3 center1 = bounce1.transform.position; Vector3 center2 = bounce2.transform.position; float distanceBefore = ((center2 - (bounce2.velocity)) - (center1 - (bounce1.velocity))).magnitude; float distanceAfter = ((center2) - (center1)).magnitude; return(-(distanceBefore * Time.deltaTime) / (distanceAfter - distanceBefore)); }
private static void ResolveCollisionPlane(BallBounce bounce, Plane plane) { Vector3 velocity = bounce.velocity; Vector3 perpendicular = plane.PerpToSurface(velocity); Vector3 parallel = plane.ParallelToSurface(velocity); float timeOfImpact = SetTimeOfImpactPositionPlane(bounce, plane); Vector3 center = bounce.transform.position; float distance = plane.DistanceTo(center) - bounce.GetRadius(); bounce.velocity = ((parallel * bounce.coefficientOfRestitution) - perpendicular); bounce.transform.position = (center + (bounce.velocity * timeOfImpact)) + (distance * perpendicular.normalized); }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } //canDie = true; _startPos = transform.position; _animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); }
public void AddToScore(int playerNum) { // add to the player's score and restart the field of play for a new round Score [playerNum] += 1; UpdateScoreText(playerNum); ballBounce = Ball.GetComponent <BallBounce> (); ballBounce.GoToSpawn(playerNum == 1 ? 2 : 1); ballBounce.speed = ballBounce.StartSpeed; GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); }
private static void CollisionCheckPlane(int currentIndex) { BallBounce currentBounce = _ballBounces[currentIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < _planes.Length; i++) { Plane currentPlane = _planes[i]; float distance = currentPlane.DistanceTo(currentBounce.transform.position) - currentBounce.GetRadius(); if (distance < CollisionDistance) { ResolveCollisionPlane(currentBounce, currentPlane); } } }
public void AddToScore (int playerNum) { // add to the player's score and restart the field of play for a new round Score [playerNum] += 1; UpdateScoreText (playerNum); ballBounce = Ball.GetComponent<BallBounce> (); ballBounce.GoToSpawn (playerNum == 1 ? 2 : 1); ballBounce.speed = ballBounce.StartSpeed; GetComponent<AudioSource>().Play (); }
private static void CollisionCheckSphere(int currentIndex) { BallBounce bounce1 = _ballBounces[currentIndex]; float radius1 = bounce1.GetRadius(); Vector3 center1 = bounce1.transform.position; for (int i = currentIndex + 1; i < _ballBounces.Length; i++) { BallBounce bounce2 = _ballBounces[i]; float radius2 = bounce2.GetRadius(); Vector3 center2 = bounce2.transform.position; float distance = (center2 - center1).magnitude - (radius1 + radius2); if (distance < CollisionDistance) { ResolveCollisionSphere(bounce1, bounce2); } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) { transform.position += Vector3.forward; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { transform.position += Vector3.back; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { transform.position += Vector3.left; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)) { transform.position += Vector3.right; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) { transform.position += Vector3.up; } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { transform.position += Vector3.down; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab)) { CollisionManager.SetCurrentSelectedBallBounce(); if (!CollisionManager.isNoBallBounceSelected()) { transform.LookAt(CollisionManager.GetCurrentSelectedBallBounce().transform); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && !CollisionManager.isNoBallBounceSelected()) { BallBounce current = CollisionManager.GetCurrentSelectedBallBounce(); current.velocity += ((transform.forward).normalized) * 50; } }
private static void ResolveCollisionSphere(BallBounce bounce1, BallBounce bounce2) { Vector3 velocity1 = bounce1.velocity; Vector3 velocity2 = bounce2.velocity; float mass1 = bounce1.mass; float mass2 = bounce2.mass; float timeOfImpact = SetTimeOfImpactPositionSphere(bounce1, bounce2); Vector3 center1 = bounce1.transform.position; Vector3 center2 = bounce2.transform.position; Vector3 normal = ((center2 - center1).normalized); Vector3 parallel1 = Parallel(velocity1, normal); Vector3 parallel2 = Parallel(velocity2, normal); Vector3 perpendicular1 = Perpendicular(velocity1, normal); Vector3 perpendicular2 = Perpendicular(velocity2, normal); Vector3 v1 = ((mass1 - mass2) / (mass1 + mass2)) * parallel1 + ((2 * mass2) / (mass1 + mass2)) * parallel2; Vector3 v2 = ((mass2 - mass1) / (mass1 + mass2)) * parallel2 + ((2 * mass1) / (mass1 + mass2)) * parallel1; bounce1.velocity = ((v1 * bounce1.coefficientOfRestitution) + perpendicular1.normalized); bounce2.velocity = ((v2 * bounce2.coefficientOfRestitution) + perpendicular2.normalized); bounce1.transform.position = center1 + (bounce1.velocity * timeOfImpact); bounce2.transform.position = center2 + (bounce2.velocity * timeOfImpact); }
IEnumerator dumpValues() { runDump = false; //bool anothFish = false; float closestFish = 1000.0f; //m_Vehicles = GameObject.Find ("Container").gameObject.GetComponent<CellSpacePartition> ().getVehicles (); int i = 0; for (; i < m_Vehicles.Count; i++) { if (m_Vehicles[i].gameObject.GetComponent <BallBounce>().getFishNumber() == 1) { break; } } if (m_Vehicles [i].GetComponent <BallBounce> ().getFishNumber() == 1) { tempScript = m_Vehicles [i].GetComponent <BallBounce> (); float tempColdness = Vector3.Distance(m_Vehicles [i].transform.position, hotLight.transform.position); double tempHunger = (double)tempScript.getHunger(); double tempLibido = (double)tempScript.getLibido(); int state = tempScript.getState(); float closestGoldFishFloat = 1000.0f; float closestFishFloat = 1000.0f; float closestDolphinFloat = 1000.0f; if (tempScript.getAmberjack()) { ////Debug.Log ("Entered Loop!!!"); Working!!! for (int j = 0; j < m_WanderList.Count; j++) { // if (m_WanderList[j] != null) { BallBounce tempState = m_WanderList [j].GetComponent <BallBounce> (); if (tempState.getKoi()) { //bool areEqual = System.Object.ReferenceEquals (m_Vehicles [i], m_WanderList [j]); //if (!areEqual) { float temp = Vector3.Distance(m_Vehicles [i].transform.position, m_WanderList [j].transform.position); if (temp < closestFishFloat) { closestFishFloat = temp; } } //here if (tempState.getAmberjack()) { bool areEqual = System.Object.ReferenceEquals(m_Vehicles [i], m_WanderList [j]); if (!areEqual) { float temp = Vector3.Distance(m_Vehicles [i].transform.position, m_WanderList [j].transform.position); if (temp < closestDolphinFloat) { closestDolphinFloat = temp; } } } //here } } //File.AppendAllText(fileName, "\n\n\nFish's Number: " + tempScript.getFishNumber().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 510, 300, 20), "Fish's Hunger Level: "); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "hunger:" + tempScript.getHunger().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 530, 20, 20), eatValue); //libidoValue = variables[3]; //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 550, 300, 20), "Fish's Libido Level: "); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "libido:" + tempScript.getLibido().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 570, 20,20), libidoValue); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "distPrey:" + closestFishFloat.ToString() + "\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "distMate:" + closestDolphinFloat.ToString() + "\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "state:" + tempScript.getState().ToString() + "\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "timer:" + tempScript.getTimer().ToString() + "\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "coldness:" + tempColdness.ToString() + "\n"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); runDump = true; } }
public void enterNumber(int i) { tempDouble = cell.getTempDouble(); tempScript = m_Vehicles [i].GetComponent <BallBounce> (); /* * m_WanderList = GameObject.Find ("Container").gameObject.GetComponent<CellSpacePartition> ().getWanderList (); * * m_PlantList = GameObject.Find ("Container").gameObject.GetComponent<CellSpacePartition> ().getPlantList (); * * runDump = false; */ /* * //bool anothFish = false; * float closestFish = 1000.0f; * //m_Vehicles = GameObject.Find ("Container").gameObject.GetComponent<CellSpacePartition> ().getVehicles (); * tempScript = m_Vehicles [i].GetComponent<BallBounce> (); * * double tempHunger = (double)tempScript.getHunger (); * double tempLibido = (double)tempScript.getLibido (); * * * int state = tempScript.getState (); * float closestGoldFishFloat = 1000.0f; * * * float closestFishFloat = 1000.0f; * float closestDolphinFloat = 1000.0f; * * * if (tempScript.getAmberjack ()) { * ////Debug.Log ("Entered Loop!!!"); Working!!! * for (int j = 0; j < m_WanderList.Count; j++) { * // if (m_WanderList[j] != null) { * BallBounce tempState = m_WanderList [i].GetComponent<BallBounce> (); * * if (tempState.getKoi ()) { * //bool areEqual = System.Object.ReferenceEquals (m_Vehicles [i], m_WanderList [j]); * //if (!areEqual) { * float temp = Vector3.Distance (m_Vehicles [i].transform.position, m_WanderList [j].transform.position); * if (temp < closestFishFloat) { * closestFishFloat = temp; * * } * * } //here * * * if (tempState.getAmberjack ()) { * bool areEqual = System.Object.ReferenceEquals (m_Vehicles [i], m_WanderList [j]); * if (!areEqual) { * float temp = Vector3.Distance (m_Vehicles [i].transform.position, m_WanderList [j].transform.position); * if (temp < closestDolphinFloat) { * closestDolphinFloat = temp; * * } * } * * } //here * * } * * * //GoldFishPreyGO.gameObject.GetComponent<BallBounce> ().setAnotherFish (true);//you don"t need this because other fish"s state would be eat or mate, not wander. * * ////Debug.Log ("Closest Koi Prey: " + closestFishFloat); * ////Debug.Log ("Closest Dolphin Mate: " + closestDolphinFloat); * if(!cell.getFuzzifyInUse()) { * goThru = true; * * cell.setFuzzifyInUse(true); * domDictionary.Clear(); * createDictionary = true; * globalDistance = closestFishFloat; * mateDistance = closestDolphinFloat; * tempDouble = cp.GetDesirability ((double)closestFishFloat, (double)closestDolphinFloat, tempHunger, tempLibido); * cell.setFuzzifyInUse(false); * createDictionary = false; * * } * else { * goThru = false; * } * ////Debug.Log ("Eat" + tempDouble [0]); * ////Debug.Log ("Mate" + tempDouble [1]); * * } //end state 4 and isDolphin == true * //bool anothFish = false; * * //dump values to file... * * if (goThru) { * BallBounce tempBallBounce = m_Vehicles [i].GetComponent<BallBounce> (); */ //File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Time Intervale: " + counter.ToString() + "\n\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "\n\n\nFish's Number: " + tempScript.getFishNumber().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 510, 300, 20), "Fish's Hunger Level: "); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Hunger Level: " + tempScript.getHunger().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 530, 20, 20), eatValue); //libidoValue = variables[3]; //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 550, 300, 20), "Fish's Libido Level: "); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Libido Level: " + tempScript.getLibido().ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 570, 20,20), libidoValue); //File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Distance from Prey: " + globalDistance.ToString() + "\n"); //File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Distance from Mate: " + mateDistance.ToString() + "\n\n"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's State: " + tempScript.getState().ToString() + "\n\n"); /////// /// //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 170, 300, 20), "Antecedents"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "\n\nAntecedents\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect (40, 190, 300, 20), "FLV DistToTarget"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV DistToTarget\n"); names[0] = "eTarget_Close"; domDictionary.TryGetValue("eTarget_Close", out aNumber[0]); ////Debug.Log ("this is Fuzzy Set #1: " + aNumber[0]); tempNum[0] = aNumber[0].ToString(); //Debug.Log ("eTargetClose" + aNumber[0]); //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 210, 300, 20), "eTarget_Close: " + tempNum[0]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "eTarget_Close: " + tempNum[0] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("eTarget_Medium", out aNumber[1]); tempNum[1] = aNumber[1].ToString(); //Debug.Log ("eTargetMedium" + aNumber[1]); names[1] = "eTarget_Medium"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 230, 300, 20), "eTarget_Medium: " + tempNum[1]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "eTarget_Medium: " + tempNum[1] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("eTarget_Far", out aNumber[2]); tempNum[2] = aNumber[2].ToString(); ////Debug.Log ("this is Fuzzy Set #3: " + aNumber[2]); names[2] = "eTarget_Far"; //Debug.Log ("eTargetFar" + aNumber[2]); //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 250, 120, 20), "eTarget_Far: " + tempNum[2]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "eTarget_Far: " + tempNum[2] + "\n\n"); //// //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 270, 300,20), "FLV DistToMate:"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV DistToMate: " + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("mTarget_Close", out aNumber[3]); tempNum[3] = aNumber[3].ToString(); names[3] = "mTarget_Close"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 290, 300, 20), "mTarget_Close: " + tempNum[3]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "mTarget_Close: " + tempNum[3] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("mTarget_Medium", out aNumber[4]); tempNum[4] = aNumber[4].ToString(); names[4] = "mTarget_Medium"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 310, 300, 20), "mTarget_Medium: " + tempNum[4]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "mTarget_Medium: " + tempNum[4] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("mTarget_Far", out aNumber[5]); tempNum[5] = aNumber[5].ToString(); names[5] = "mTarget_Far"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 330, 300, 20), "mTarget_Far: " + tempNum[5]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "mTarget_Far: " + tempNum[5] + "\n\n"); /////// //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 350, 120,20), "FLV Hunger:"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV Hunger: \n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("VeryHungry", out aNumber[6]); tempNum[6] = aNumber[6].ToString(); names[6] = "VeryHungry"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 370, 300, 20), "Very Hungry: " + tempNum[6]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Very Hungry: " + tempNum[6] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("Hungry", out aNumber[7]); tempNum[7] = aNumber[7].ToString(); names[7] = "Hungry"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 390, 300, 20), "Hungry: " + tempNum[7]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Hungry: " + tempNum[7] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("NotHungry", out aNumber[8]); tempNum[8] = aNumber[8].ToString(); names[8] = "NotHungry"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 410, 300, 20), "Not Hungry: " + tempNum[8]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Not Hungry: " + tempNum[8] + "\n\n"); ////// //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 430, 300,20), "FLV Libido:"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV Libido: " + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("HighLibido", out aNumber[9]); tempNum[9] = aNumber[9].ToString(); names[9] = "HighLibido"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 450, 300, 20), "High Libido: " + tempNum[9]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "High Libido: " + tempNum[9] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("MediumLibido", out aNumber[10]); tempNum[10] = aNumber[10].ToString(); names[10] = "MediumLibido"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 470, 300, 20), "Medium Libido: " + tempNum[10]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Medium Libido: " + tempNum[10] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("NoLibido", out aNumber[11]); tempNum[11] = aNumber[11].ToString(); names[11] = "NoLibido"; //GUI.Label(new Rect(40, 490, 300, 20), "No Libido: " + tempNum[11]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "No Libido: " + tempNum[11] + "\n\n"); /* * eatValue = variables[2]; * * //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 510, 300, 20), "Fish's Hunger Level: "); * File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Hunger Level: " + eatValue + "\n"); * //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 530, 20, 20), eatValue); * * libidoValue = variables[3]; * * //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 550, 300, 20), "Fish's Libido Level: "); * File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Libido Level: " + libidoValue + "\n"); * //GUI.Label (new Rect(40, 570, 20,20), libidoValue); * * File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Distance from Prey: " + variables[0] + "\n"); * * File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fish's Distance from Mate: " + variables[1] + "\n\n"); */ //// //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 230, 300,20), "Consequents"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Consequents:\n "); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 250, 300,20), "FVL Desirability to Eat"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV Desirability to Eat: \n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("VeryDesirable", out aNumber[12]); tempNum[12] = aNumber[12].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 270, 300, 20), "Very Desirable: " + tempNum[12]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Very Desirable: " + tempNum[12] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("Desirable", out aNumber[13]); tempNum[13] = aNumber[13].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 290, 300, 20), "Desirable: " + tempNum[13]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Desirable: " + tempNum[13] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("Undesirable", out aNumber[14]); tempNum[14] = aNumber[14].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 310, 300, 20), "Undesirable: " + tempNum[14]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Undesirable: " + tempNum[14] + "\n\n"); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 330, 300,20), "FVL Desirability to Mate"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "FLV Desirability to Mate: \n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("HighSex", out aNumber[15]); tempNum[15] = aNumber[15].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 350, 300, 20), "HighSex: " + tempNum[15]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "HighSex: " + tempNum[15] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("MediumSex", out aNumber[16]); tempNum[16] = aNumber[16].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 370, 300, 20), "MediumSex: " + tempNum[16]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "MediumSex: " + tempNum[16] + "\n"); domDictionary.TryGetValue("NoSex", out aNumber[17]); tempNum[17] = aNumber[17].ToString(); //GUI.Label(new Rect(350, 390, 300, 20), "NoSex: " + tempNum[17]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "NoSex: " + tempNum[17] + "\n\n"); //GUI.Label(new Rect(650, 310, 300, 20), "Dufuzzified Crisp Values"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Defuzzified Crisp Values \n"); //GUI.Label(new Rect(650, 330, 300, 20), "Desirability to Eat: " + tempDouble[0].ToString()); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Desirability to Eat: " + tempDouble[0].ToString() + "\n"); //GUI.Label(new Rect(650, 350, 300, 20), "Desirability to Mate: " + tempDouble[1].ToString()); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Desirability to Mate: " + tempDouble[1].ToString() + "\n\n"); dist = 0.0d; key = -1; for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { if (aNumber[y] > dist) { dist = aNumber[y]; key = y; } } string s1 = names[key]; dist = 0.0d; key = -1; for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++) { if (aNumber[j] > dist) { dist = aNumber[j]; key = j; } } string s2 = names[key]; dist = 0.0d; key = -1; for (int q = 6; q < 9; q++) //this is working!!! { if (aNumber[q] > dist) { dist = aNumber[q]; key = q; } } string s3 = names[key]; dist = 0.0d; key = -1; for (int f = 9; f < 12; f++) //this is working!!! { if (aNumber[f] > dist) { dist = aNumber[f]; key = f; } } string s4 = names[key]; string firstRule = s1 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4; string secondRule = s2 + ", " + s3 + ", " + s4; firstRule.Trim(); secondRule.Trim(); consequentDictionary.TryGetValue(firstRule, out outcome[0]); consequentDictionary.TryGetValue(secondRule, out outcome[1]); ////Debug.Log (outcome[0] + " + " + outcome[1]); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 330, 300, 20), "Fuzzy Rules"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Fuzzy Rules \n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 350, 300, 20), "Desire to Eat:"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Desire to Eat: \n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 370, 300, 20), firstRule); File.AppendAllText(fileName, firstRule + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 390, 300, 20), "= " + outcome[0]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "= " + outcome[0] + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 410, 300, 20), "Desire to Mate:"); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "Desire to Mate: \n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 430, 300, 20), secondRule); File.AppendAllText(fileName, secondRule + "\n"); //GUI.Label (new Rect(950, 450, 300, 20), "= " + outcome[1]); File.AppendAllText(fileName, "= " + outcome[1] + "\n"); //showFL = false; //createDictionary = false; //} /* * yield return new WaitForSeconds (1); * runDump = true; * if (goThru) { * counter++; * } */ } // end enterNumber
private void Start() { _ballBounce = FindObjectOfType <BallBounce>(); }