private void gridViewPBIScans_RowsAdded(object sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs e)
     for (var i = e.RowIndex; i < e.RowCount; i++)
         BaleEntity b = (BaleEntity)gridViewPBIScans.Rows[i].DataBoundItem;
         if (b.OutOfSequence)
             foreach (DataGridViewCell c in gridViewPBIScans.Rows[i].Cells)
                 c.Style.BackColor = Color.Pink;
Example #2
        public static BaleEntityData BaleEntityToData(BaleEntity entity)
            var data = new BaleEntityData()
                BaleId          = entity.BaleId,
                BaleNumber      = entity.BaleNumber,
                AccountId       = entity.AccountId,
                DockId          = entity.DockId,
                LoadId          = entity.LoadId,
                WarehouseWeight = entity.WarehouseWeight,
                InitWeight      = entity.InitWeight,
                FinalWeight     = entity.FinalWeight,
                RecycleTypeId   = entity.RecycleTypeId,
                Notes           = entity.Notes,
                Property        = entity.Account.Name,
                Dock            = entity.Dock.DockName,
                RecycleType     = entity.RecycleType.Name

        private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            decimal turnOutRatio    = 0.00M;
            decimal overragePercent = 0.00M;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTurnOutMultiplier.Text) || !decimal.TryParse(txtTurnOutMultiplier.Text, out turnOutRatio) || turnOutRatio < 0.00M || turnOutRatio > 1.00M)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid turn out as a decimal between 0 and 1.");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtOverrageThreshold.Text) || !decimal.TryParse(txtOverrageThreshold.Text, out overragePercent) || overragePercent < 0.00M || overragePercent > 100.00M)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid overrage percentage as a decimal between 0 and 100.");

            List <ModuleEntity> modules = new List <ModuleEntity>();
            List <BaleEntity>   bales   = new List <BaleEntity>();

            int startModuleIndex = int.MaxValue;
            int endModuleIndex   = -1;
            int startBaleIndex   = int.MaxValue;

            //find index of first and last selected module rows
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gridViewModules.SelectedRows)
                if (row.Index < startModuleIndex)
                    startModuleIndex = row.Index;

                if (row.Index > endModuleIndex)
                    endModuleIndex = row.Index;

            //get list of modules we are going to accumulate bale weights for
            for (int i = startModuleIndex; i <= endModuleIndex; i++)
                ModuleEntity m = (ModuleEntity)gridViewModules.Rows[i].DataBoundItem;
                m.Bales.Clear(); // need to clear bales because we will be re-assigning

            //get index of first bale to use as starting point for accumulation
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gridViewPBIScans.SelectedRows)
                if (row.Index < startBaleIndex)
                    startBaleIndex = row.Index;

            var firstModule = modules.First();
            var lastModule  = modules.Last();

            //get list of bales we are working with
            for (var i = startBaleIndex; i < gridViewPBIScans.Rows.Count; i++)
                BaleEntity b = (BaleEntity)gridViewPBIScans.Rows[i].DataBoundItem;

            var firstBale = bales.First();

            if (MessageBox.Show("Accumulation will start with module " + firstModule.Name
                                + " and end with module " + lastModule.Name
                                + ". Lint weight accumulation will begin with bale "
                                + firstBale.PbiNumber + " using a turnout ratio of " + turnOutRatio.ToString() + ". Would you like to continue?  Any previous mappings for this data set will be overwritten.",
                                "Continue?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
                == DialogResult.Yes)
                BusyMessage.Show("Step 1 - Calculating estimated load and module lint turn out.", this.FindForm());

                Task.Run(() =>
                        using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                            int moduleCount = 1;
                            foreach (var m in modules)
                                m.GinLoad.LintWeight = m.GinLoad.NetWeight * turnOutRatio;

                                if (m.HIDModuleWeightLBS.HasValue)
                                    m.NetSeedCottonWeight = m.HIDModuleWeightLBS.Value;
                                else if (m.DiameterApproximatedWeight.HasValue)
                                    m.NetSeedCottonWeight = m.DiameterApproximatedWeight.Value;
                                    m.NetSeedCottonWeight = m.LoadAvgModuleWeight.Value;
                                m.LintWeight = m.NetSeedCottonWeight * turnOutRatio;
                                uow.GinLoadRepository.QuickUpdate(m.GinLoad, false);
                                uow.ModuleRepository.QuickUpdate(m, false);

                                if (moduleCount % 25 == 0)
                                    BusyMessage.UpdateMessage("Step 1 - Calculating lint turn out for module " + moduleCount.ToString() + " of " + modules.Count().ToString());
                            BusyMessage.UpdateMessage("Step 1 - Saving lint weight estimates.");

                        BusyMessage.UpdateMessage("Step 2 - Accumulating bale lint weights");

                        using (IUnitOfWork uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                            decimal overrage              = 0.00M;
                            decimal carryOver             = 0.00M;
                            int currentBaleIndex          = 0;
                            decimal accumulatedLintWeight = 0.00M;
                            bool startNewAccumulation     = true;

                            for (int i = 0; i < modules.Count(); i++)
                                if (i % 25 == 0)
                                    BusyMessage.UpdateMessage("Step 2 - Accumulating for module " + (i + 1).ToString() + " of " + modules.Count().ToString());
                                var m = modules[i];
                                startNewAccumulation = false;
                                while (!startNewAccumulation && currentBaleIndex < bales.Count())
                                    var b = bales[currentBaleIndex];
                                    Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "Accumulating weight for bale: " + b.PbiNumber);
                                    b.OverrageThreshold = overragePercent;
                                    b.LintTurnout       = turnOutRatio;
                                    if (accumulatedLintWeight + bales[currentBaleIndex].NetWeight + carryOver <= m.LintWeight)
                                        Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "Bale weight under module weight");
                                        //map bale to current module/gin load
                                        accumulatedLintWeight += b.NetWeight + carryOver;
                                        b.ModuleId             = m.Id;
                                        b.Module              = null;
                                        b.ModuleSerialNumber  = m.Name;
                                        b.GinLoadId           = m.GinLoadId;
                                        b.GinTicketLoadNumber = m.GinLoad.GinTagLoadNumber;
                                        b.AccumWeight         = accumulatedLintWeight;
                                        b.OverrageAdjustment  = carryOver;
                                        b.LintTurnout         = turnOutRatio;
                                        carryOver             = 0.00M;
                                        uow.BalesRepository.QuickUpdate(b, true);
                                        startNewAccumulation   = true;
                                        overrage               = accumulatedLintWeight + b.NetWeight - m.LintWeight.Value;
                                        accumulatedLintWeight += b.NetWeight + carryOver;
                                        //if > overrage % of weight belongs to next module map to next and subtract off portion belonging to current
                                        if ((overrage / b.NetWeight) > (1.00M - (overragePercent / 100.00M)))
                                            Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "Bale will be assigned to next module");
                                            int nextModuleIndex = i + 1;
                                            if (nextModuleIndex < modules.Count())
                                                Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "Bale ModuleID: " + b.ModuleId);
                                                b.ModuleId            = modules[nextModuleIndex].Id;
                                                b.Module              = null;
                                                b.ModuleSerialNumber  = modules[nextModuleIndex].Name;
                                                b.GinLoadId           = modules[nextModuleIndex].GinLoadId;
                                                b.GinTicketLoadNumber = modules[nextModuleIndex].GinLoad.GinTagLoadNumber;

                                                //adjust accumulation for next module by subtracting off weight from bale
                                                //applied to current module
                                                carryOver             = 0.00M - (b.NetWeight - overrage);
                                                accumulatedLintWeight = b.NetWeight + carryOver;
                                                b.AccumWeight         = accumulatedLintWeight;
                                                b.OverrageAdjustment  = carryOver;
                                                uow.BalesRepository.QuickUpdate(b, true);
                                                carryOver = 0;
                                        else //bale belongs to current module
                                            Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "Bale assigned to current module");
                                            b.ModuleId            = m.Id;
                                            b.Module              = null;
                                            b.ModuleSerialNumber  = m.Name;
                                            b.GinLoadId           = m.GinLoadId;
                                            b.GinTicketLoadNumber = m.GinLoad.GinTagLoadNumber;
                                            b.AccumWeight         = accumulatedLintWeight;
                                            b.OverrageAdjustment  = carryOver;
                                            uow.BalesRepository.QuickUpdate(b, true);
                                            carryOver             = overrage;
                                            accumulatedLintWeight = 0.00M;
                                    if (b.Module != null && b.ModuleId != b.Module.Id)
                                        Logging.Logger.Log("INFO", "MISMATCH IDS");

                                if (i % 25 == 0) //save every 25 modules

                    catch (Exception exc)
                        this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                            MessageBox.Show("An exception occurred: " + exc.Message);

Example #4
        private static void createFeederScans()
            //create feeder scan for each load
            DateTime currentModuleScan = new DateTime(2019, 9, 15, 8, 0, 0);

            currentModuleScan = currentModuleScan.ToUniversalTime();

            int feederToBaleMaxMinutes = 10;
            int feedetToBaleMinMunutes = 4;
            int minBaleWeight          = 475;
            int maxBaleWeight          = 510;
            int minModuleTurnout       = 39;
            int maxModuleTurnout       = 45;
            int lastBaleNumber         = 0;

                //get each load in order
                using (var uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                    var loads = uow.GinLoadRepository.GetAll(new string[] { "Modules.ModuleHistory" }).OrderBy(x => x.ScaleBridgeLoadNumber);
                    foreach (var l in loads)
                        Console.WriteLine("CREATING SCANS FOR LOAD: " + l.GinTagLoadNumber);
                        foreach (var affectedModule in l.Modules)
                            affectedModule.ModuleStatus = ModuleStatus.ON_FEEDER;
                            affectedModule.LastBridgeId = "BRIDGE2";
                            Console.WriteLine("CURRENT FEEDER SCAN TIME: " + currentModuleScan.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
                            ModuleHistoryEntity historyItem = new ModuleHistoryEntity();
                            historyItem.Id               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            historyItem.Created          = currentModuleScan;
                            historyItem.Driver           = "";
                            historyItem.TruckID          = "";
                            historyItem.BridgeId         = "BRIDGE2";
                            historyItem.ModuleId         = affectedModule.Id;
                            historyItem.Latitude         = affectedModule.Latitude;
                            historyItem.Longitude        = affectedModule.Longitude;
                            historyItem.GinTagLoadNumber = affectedModule.GinTagLoadNumber;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(affectedModule.BridgeLoadNumber))
                                historyItem.BridgeLoadNumber = int.Parse(affectedModule.BridgeLoadNumber);
                                historyItem.BridgeLoadNumber = null;

                            historyItem.ModuleStatus     = ModuleStatus.ON_FEEDER;
                            historyItem.ModuleStatus     = affectedModule.ModuleStatus;
                            historyItem.ModuleEventType  = ModuleEventType.BRIDGE_SCAN;
                            affectedModule.SyncedToCloud = false;

                            //create PBI scans for module
                            decimal accumulatedWeight    = 0.00M;
                            decimal currentModuleTurnout = Convert.ToDecimal(rand.Next(minModuleTurnout, maxModuleTurnout)) / 100.00M;

                            decimal selectedWeight = 0.00M;

                            if (affectedModule.HIDModuleWeightLBS.HasValue)
                                selectedWeight = affectedModule.HIDModuleWeightLBS.Value;
                            else if (affectedModule.DiameterApproximatedWeight.HasValue)
                                selectedWeight = affectedModule.DiameterApproximatedWeight.Value;
                                selectedWeight = affectedModule.LoadAvgModuleWeight.Value;

                            decimal  currentModuleLintWeight = selectedWeight * currentModuleTurnout;
                            DateTime currentPBIScanTime      = currentModuleScan.AddMinutes(rand.Next(feedetToBaleMinMunutes, feederToBaleMaxMinutes));
                            currentPBIScanTime = currentPBIScanTime.AddSeconds(rand.Next(1, 30));
                            while (accumulatedWeight < currentModuleLintWeight)
                                var affectedBale = new BaleEntity();
                                affectedBale.Id            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                                affectedBale.Name          = int.Parse(affectedModule.Name).ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + lastBaleNumber.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0').ToString();
                                affectedBale.PbiNumber     = affectedBale.Name;
                                affectedBale.Created       = currentPBIScanTime;
                                affectedBale.SyncedToCloud = false;

                                affectedBale.WeightFromScale = rand.Next(minBaleWeight, maxBaleWeight);
                                affectedBale.TareWeight      = 3.0M;
                                affectedBale.ScanNumber      = lastBaleNumber;
                                affectedBale.SyncedToCloud   = false;
                                affectedBale.NetWeight       = affectedBale.WeightFromScale - affectedBale.TareWeight;

                                accumulatedWeight += affectedBale.NetWeight;

                                if (accumulatedWeight > currentModuleLintWeight) //only apply weight to equal lint weight
                                    affectedBale.NetWeight = affectedBale.NetWeight - (accumulatedWeight - currentModuleLintWeight);

                                    if (rand.Next(10) > 5)
                                        affectedBale.NetWeight += rand.Next(1, 3);
                                        affectedBale.NetWeight -= rand.Next(1, 3);

                                    affectedBale.WeightFromScale = affectedBale.NetWeight + 3.0M;
                                Console.WriteLine("CREATING PBI: " + affectedBale.PbiNumber + " " + affectedBale.Created.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));

                                currentPBIScanTime = currentPBIScanTime.AddMinutes(rand.Next(1, 3));
                            //set next module scan half way between last module scan and current pbi scan
                            var timeSpan = currentPBIScanTime.Subtract(currentModuleScan);
                            currentModuleScan = currentPBIScanTime.AddSeconds(feedetToBaleMinMunutes * 60 / 2 * -1);
            catch (Exception exc)
Example #5
        private static void createPBIData()
            FieldEntity  field  = null;
            ModuleEntity module = null;

            using (var uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                #region Create Modules and Gin Loads
                var client = new ClientEntity();
                client.Name  = "PBI TEST CLIENT";
                client.Farms = new List <FarmEntity>();

                var farm = new FarmEntity();
                farm.Id     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                farm.Name   = "PBI TEST FARM";
                farm.Fields = new List <FieldEntity>();

                field           = new FieldEntity();
                field.Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                field.Name      = "PBI TEST FIELD";
                field.Modules   = new List <ModuleEntity>();
                field.Latitude  = 0.00;
                field.Longitude = 0.00;
                field.Created   = DateTime.UtcNow;


            //add modules from CSV file
            string   fileName       = "C:\\Users\\mbohn\\Documents\\PBI_TestData.csv";
            string[] moduleContents = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName);

            List <GinLoadEntity> ginLoadEntities = new List <GinLoadEntity>();
            int bridgeLoadNumber = 0;
            for (int moduleCount = 1; moduleCount < moduleContents.Length; moduleCount++)
                var fields = moduleContents[moduleCount].Split(',');
                using (var uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                    module                 = new ModuleEntity();
                    module.Id              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    module.Name            = fields[0];
                    module.FieldId         = field.Id;
                    module.TruckID         = "";
                    module.Driver          = "";
                    module.LoadNumber      = fields[3];
                    module.HIDDiameter     = Decimal.Parse(fields[1]) * 2.54M;
                    module.HIDModuleWeight = Decimal.Parse(fields[2]) * 0.453592M;

                    module.Latitude      = 0.00;
                    module.Longitude     = 0.00;
                    module.ModuleStatus  = ModuleStatus.IN_FIELD;
                    module.Created       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    module.ModuleHistory = new List <ModuleHistoryEntity>();
                    var historyItem = new ModuleHistoryEntity
                        Id              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Created         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Driver          = module.Driver,
                        TruckID         = module.TruckID,
                        Latitude        = module.Latitude,
                        Longitude       = module.Longitude,
                        ModuleEventType = ModuleEventType.IMPORTED_FROM_FILE
                    module.FieldId = field.Id;

                    if (!ginLoadEntities.Any(g => g.GinTagLoadNumber == module.LoadNumber))
                        //create gin load
                        var affectedGinLoad = new GinLoadEntity();
                        affectedGinLoad.Created       = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        affectedGinLoad.SyncedToCloud = false;

                        affectedGinLoad.Name                  = module.LoadNumber;
                        affectedGinLoad.GinTagLoadNumber      = module.LoadNumber;
                        affectedGinLoad.ScaleBridgeLoadNumber = bridgeLoadNumber++;
                        affectedGinLoad.NetWeight             = Convert.ToDecimal(fields[4]);
                        affectedGinLoad.GrossWeight           = affectedGinLoad.NetWeight + 8200;
                        affectedGinLoad.SplitWeight1          = affectedGinLoad.NetWeight;
                        affectedGinLoad.SplitWeight2          = 0.00M;

                        affectedGinLoad.ScaleBridgeId         = "BRIDGE1";
                        affectedGinLoad.ScaleBridgeLoadNumber = ginLoadEntities.Count();
                        affectedGinLoad.Source        = InputSource.GIN;
                        affectedGinLoad.SyncedToCloud = false;
                        affectedGinLoad.TruckID       = "TRUCK1";
                        affectedGinLoad.YardLocation  = "SOMEWHERE";
                        affectedGinLoad.SubmittedBy   = "TEST HARNESS";

                        //add client/farm/field information
                        affectedGinLoad.FieldId = field.Id;

                        module.GinTagLoadNumber = affectedGinLoad.GinTagLoadNumber;
                        module.GinLoadId        = affectedGinLoad.Id;
                        var load = ginLoadEntities.Single(g => g.GinTagLoadNumber == module.LoadNumber);
                        module.GinTagLoadNumber = load.GinTagLoadNumber;
                        module.GinLoadId        = load.Id;

                    //create feeder scan of module
                    module.ModuleStatus = ModuleStatus.ON_FEEDER;
                    module.LastBridgeId = "BRIDGE2";
                    // uow.ModuleRepository.Save(module);
                    Console.WriteLine("CREATING FEEDER SCAN FOR MODULE : " + module.Name);
                    ModuleHistoryEntity feederHistoryItem = new ModuleHistoryEntity();
                    feederHistoryItem.Id               = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    feederHistoryItem.Created          = DateTime.Parse(fields[5] + " " + fields[6]).ToUniversalTime();
                    feederHistoryItem.Created          = feederHistoryItem.Created.AddSeconds(int.Parse(fields[7]));
                    feederHistoryItem.Driver           = "";
                    feederHistoryItem.TruckID          = "";
                    feederHistoryItem.BridgeId         = "BRIDGE2";
                    feederHistoryItem.ModuleId         = module.Id;
                    feederHistoryItem.Latitude         = module.Latitude;
                    feederHistoryItem.Longitude        = module.Longitude;
                    feederHistoryItem.GinTagLoadNumber = module.GinTagLoadNumber;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(module.BridgeLoadNumber))
                        feederHistoryItem.BridgeLoadNumber = bridgeLoadNumber;
                        feederHistoryItem.BridgeLoadNumber = null;

                    feederHistoryItem.ModuleStatus    = ModuleStatus.ON_FEEDER;
                    feederHistoryItem.ModuleStatus    = module.ModuleStatus;
                    feederHistoryItem.ModuleEventType = ModuleEventType.BRIDGE_SCAN;
                    module.SyncedToCloud = false;


            #region Create PBIs
            using (var uow = UnitOfWorkFactory.CreateUnitOfWork())
                string   pbiFileName = "C:\\Users\\mbohn\\Documents\\PBI_Test_Bales.csv";
                string[] pbiLines    = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(pbiFileName);
                for (int lineCount = 1; lineCount < pbiLines.Length; lineCount++)
                    string line         = pbiLines[lineCount];
                    var    pbiFields    = line.Split(',');
                    var    affectedBale = new BaleEntity();
                    affectedBale.Id              = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    affectedBale.Name            = pbiFields[0];
                    affectedBale.PbiNumber       = pbiFields[0];
                    affectedBale.Created         = DateTime.Parse(pbiFields[1] + " " + pbiFields[2]).ToUniversalTime();
                    affectedBale.Created         = affectedBale.Created.AddMilliseconds(lineCount);
                    affectedBale.SyncedToCloud   = false;
                    affectedBale.NetWeight       = decimal.Parse(pbiFields[3]);
                    affectedBale.WeightFromScale = affectedBale.NetWeight + 3.0M;
                    affectedBale.TareWeight      = 3.0M;
                    affectedBale.ScanNumber      = lineCount;
                    affectedBale.SyncedToCloud   = false;
                    affectedBale.NetWeight       = decimal.Parse(pbiFields[3]);
                    Console.WriteLine("CREATING PBI: " + affectedBale.PbiNumber + " " + affectedBale.Created.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"));