public static void OrderLoop(BakeryInventory inventory) { Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add an item to your order, see the menu or checkout? [shop/menu/checkout]"); string userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (userChoice) { case "shop": UserOrderUpdate(inventory); UserShoppingCartUpdate(inventory); inventory.CalculateCost(); OrderLoop(inventory); break; case "menu": inventory.MenuList(); OrderLoop(inventory); break; case "checkout": Console.WriteLine("Thanks for shopping with us today!"); inventory.CalculateCost(); break; default: OrderLoop(inventory); break; } }
static void Main() { BakeryInventory inventory = new BakeryInventory(); CreateProducts(inventory); inventory.MenuList(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our shop. Take a look at the menu and see if there is anything you'd like."); Console.WriteLine(""); OrderLoop(inventory); }
public static void CreateProducts(BakeryInventory inventory) { Product bananaBread = new Product("Bannana Bread", (decimal)(3.49), "bread"); Product ciabatta = new Product("Ciabatta", (decimal)(3.49), "bread"); Product baguette = new Product("Baguette", (decimal)(3.49), "bread"); Product doughnut = new Product("Doughnut", (decimal)(1.99), "pastry"); Product danish = new Product("Danish", (decimal)(1.99), "pastry"); Product bearClaw = new Product("Bear Claw", (decimal)(1.99), "pastry"); Product filo = new Product("Filo", (decimal)(1.99), "pastry"); List <Product> initialList = new List <Product> { bananaBread, ciabatta, doughnut, danish, baguette, bearClaw, filo }; foreach (Product product in initialList) { inventory.AddProduct(product); } }
public static void UserOrderUpdate(BakeryInventory inventory) { Console.WriteLine("Which item would you like to add to your order?"); string item = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("How many of those do you want?"); int quantity = 0; string quantityString = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.TryParse(quantityString, out quantity)) { inventory.AddItem(item, int.Parse(quantityString)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong. Let's try again"); UserOrderUpdate(inventory); } }
public static void UserShoppingCartUpdate(BakeryInventory inventory) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Your Order:"); Console.WriteLine(""); foreach (Product product in inventory.BreadItems) { if (product.Count != 0) { Console.WriteLine(product.Count + " " + product.Name); } } foreach (Product product in inventory.PastryItems) { if (product.Count != 0) { Console.WriteLine(product.Count + " " + product.Name); } } Console.WriteLine(""); }