Example #1
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack && !Program.Settings.IsValid)

        BTC      btc = new BTC();
        DataView dv  = btc.getMasterSchool();

        if (dv.Count != 0)
            if (Convert.ToInt32(dv[0]["ckExpDate"]) == 0)
                if (CurrentUser.ID != "4C3E218F-D513-416E-BD10-B4F161717F70")

            if (Convert.ToInt32(dv[0]["IsCon"]) == 1)
                if (btc.ckGetAdmission(CurrentUser.UserRoleID) != 1)
    private void getUser()
        BTC      btc = new BTC();
        DataView dv  = btc.getMasterSchool();

        if (dv.Count != 0)
            lblConUser.Text = btc.getEmpName(dv[0]["ConUser"].ToString()) + " : ผู้รับผิดชอบ";
Example #3
    private void getData()
        DataView   dv;
        BTC        btc  = new BTC();
        Connection Conn = new Connection();

        string strSql = " Select ActivityCode, ActivityName, StudyYear, RealSDate As SDate, RealEDate As EDate, '' EmpName, '' DeptName "
                        + " From Activity Where DelFlag = 0  And StudyYear = '" + ddlYearB.SelectedValue + "' "
                        + " And SchoolID = '" + CurrentUser.SchoolID + "'";

        if (ddlMonth.SelectedValue != "00")
            strSql += " And '" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlMonth.SelectedValue) + "' Between Month(RealSDate) And Month(RealEDate) ";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlSearchDept.SelectedValue))
            strSql = " Select a.ActivityCode, a.ActivityName, a.StudyYear, a.RealSDate As SDate, a.RealEDate As EDate, '' EmpName, '' DeptName "
                     + " From Activity a, dtAcDept c "
                     + " Where a.DelFlag = 0 And a.ActivityCode = c.ActivityCode "
                     + " And a.StudyYear = '" + ddlYearB.SelectedValue + "' And a.SchoolID = '" + CurrentUser.SchoolID + "' "
                     + " And c.DeptCode = '" + ddlSearchDept.SelectedValue + "' ";

            if (ddlMonth.SelectedValue != "00")
                strSql += " And '" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlMonth.SelectedValue) + "' Between Month(a.RealSDate) And Month(a.RealEDate) ";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlSearchEmp.SelectedValue))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlSearchDept.SelectedValue))
                strSql = " Select a.ActivityCode, a.ActivityName, a.StudyYear, a.RealSDate As SDate, a.RealEDate As EDate, '' EmpName, '' DeptName "
                         + " From Activity a, dtAcEmp c "
                         + " Where a.DelFlag = 0 And a.ActivityCode = c.ActivityCode "
                         + " And a.StudyYear = '" + ddlYearB.SelectedValue + "' And a.SchoolID = '" + CurrentUser.SchoolID + "' "
                         + " And c.EmpCode = '" + ddlSearchEmp.SelectedValue + "' ";

                if (ddlMonth.SelectedValue != "00")
                    strSql += " And '" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlMonth.SelectedValue) + "' Between Month(a.RealSDate) And Month(a.RealEDate) ";
                strSql = " Select a.ActivityCode, a.ActivityName, a.StudyYear, a.RealSDate As SDate, a.RealEDate As EDate, '' EmpName, '' DeptName "
                         + " From Activity a, dtAcEmp c, dtAcDept d "
                         + " Where a.DelFlag = 0 And a.ActivityCode = c.ActivityCode And a.ActivityCode = d.ActivityCode "
                         + " And a.StudyYear = '" + ddlYearB.SelectedValue + "' And a.SchoolID = '" + CurrentUser.SchoolID + "' "
                         + " And c.EmpCode = '" + ddlSearchEmp.SelectedValue + "' And d.DeptCode = '" + ddlSearchDept.SelectedValue + "' ";

                if (ddlMonth.SelectedValue != "00")
                    strSql += " And '" + Convert.ToInt32(ddlMonth.SelectedValue) + "' Between Month(a.RealSDate) And Month(a.RealEDate) ";
        dv = Conn.Select(string.Format(strSql + " Order By RealSDate"));

        if (dv.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < dv.Count; i++)
                dv[i]["EmpName"]  = btc.getAcEmpName(dv[i]["ActivityCode"].ToString());
                dv[i]["DeptName"] = btc.getAcDeptName(dv[i]["ActivityCode"].ToString());

        DataView dvSchool   = btc.getMasterSchool();
        string   schoolName = "";

        if (dvSchool.Count > 0)
            schoolName = dvSchool[0]["SchoolName"].ToString();

        GridView1.DataSource = dv;