Example #1
        private void TakePhoto()
            var result = CheckImagesPermission();

            if (!result)
                    BSImagePicker multiSelectionPicker = new BSImagePicker
                                                         .Builder("com.company.proyect.fileprovider")             // Insert here your File Provider
                                                         .IsMultiSelect()                                         //Set this if you want to use multi selection mode.
                                                         .SetMultiSelectBarBgColor(Resource.Color.colorPrimary)   //Default: #FFFFFF. You can also set it to a translucent color.
                                                         .SetMultiSelectTextColor(Resource.Color.colorAccent)     //Default: #212121(Dark grey). This is the message in the multi-select bottom bar.
                                                         .SetMultiSelectDoneTextColor(Resource.Color.colorAccent) //Default: #388e3c(Green). This is the color of the "Done" TextView.
                                                         .SetOverSelectTextColor(Resource.Color.colorAccent)      //Default: #b71c1c. This is the color of the message shown when user tries to select more than maximum select count.
                                                         .DisableOverSelectionMessage()                           //You can also decide not to show this over select message.

                    multiSelectionPicker.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "picker");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string exception = ex.Message;
                //var multiIntent = XamarinFirebaseAndroid.Helper.ImagePickerHelper.GetPickImageIntent(this);

                //StartActivityForResult(multiIntent, (int)Constants.ActionResult.CameraRequestResult);
Example #2
        public async Task OpenGallery()
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

            var multiSelectionPicker = new BSImagePicker.Builder("com.xamconsultant.xctapplication.fileprovider")
                                       .IsMultiSelect()                                             //Set this if you want to use multi selection mode.
                                       .SetMinimumMultiSelectCount(1)                               //Default: 1.
                                       .SetMaximumMultiSelectCount(24)                              //Default: Integer.MAX_VALUE (i.e. User can select as many images as he/she wants)
                                                                                                    //Default: #FFFFFF. You can also set it to a translucent color.
                                                                .colorPrimary)                      //Default: #212121(Dark grey). This is the message in the multi-select bottom bar.
                                                                    .colorAccent)                   //Default: #388e3c(Green). This is the color of the "Done" TextView.
                                                               .design_dark_default_color_on_error) //Default: #b71c1c. This is the color of the message shown when user tries to select more than maximum select count.
                                       .DisableOverSelectionMessage()                               //You can also decide not to show this over select message
                                       .SetSpanCount(3)                                             //Default: 3. This is the number of columns
                                       .SetGridSpacing(Asksira.BSImagePickerLib.Utils.Dp2Px(2))     //Default: 2dp. Remember to pass in a value in pixel.
                                       .SetPeekHeight(Asksira.BSImagePickerLib.Utils.Dp2Px(360))    //Default: 360dp. This is the initial height of the dialog.
                                       .SetTag("A request ID")                                      //Default: null. Set this if you need to identify which picker is calling back your fragment / activity.

            multiSelectionPicker.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "Picker");
Example #3
        public async Task OpenCameraAndGallery()
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

            var singleSelectionPicker = new BSImagePicker.Builder("com.xamconsultant.xctapplication.fileprovider")
                                        .SetMaximumDisplayingImages(24)                           //Default: Integer.MAX_VALUE. Don't worry about performance :)
                                        .SetSpanCount(3)                                          //Default: 3. This is the number of columns
                                        .SetGridSpacing(Asksira.BSImagePickerLib.Utils.Dp2Px(2))  //Default: 2dp. Remember to pass in a value in pixel.
                                        .SetPeekHeight(Asksira.BSImagePickerLib.Utils.Dp2Px(360)) //Default: 360dp. This is the initial height of the dialog.
                                        .HideGalleryTile()                                        //Default: show. Set this if you don't want to further let user select from a gallery app. In such case, I suggest you to set maximum displaying images to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
                                        .SetTag("A request ID")                                   //Default: null. Set this if you need to identify which picker is calling back your fragment / activity.

            singleSelectionPicker.Show(SupportFragmentManager, "Picker");