Example #1
    public void UnlockUserAccount()
        string Message = string.Empty;

        this.ObjMembershipUser = Membership.GetUser(this.LoginName);
        if (this.ObjMembershipUser == null)
            this.Message = "Invalid UserID";

        else if (!this.ObjMembershipUser.IsLockedOut)
            this.Message = "Your Account is alreday unlocked.";

                String NewPwd = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                string newP = BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(NewPwd);
                if (this.ObjMembershipUser.ChangePassword(this.ObjMembershipUser.GetPassword(), newP))
                    // UpdatePasswordHisortLog(this.ObjMembershipUser.UserName, newP , "Password unlocked and Reset");
                //string strBody = "";
                //strBody += "Dear <b>" + this.ObjMembershipUser.UserName + "</b>,<br/><br/>Your Account has been unlocked Successfully. Please find your login credentials below:<br/>";
                //strBody += " User Name: " + this.ObjMembershipUser.UserName + "<br/>";
                //strBody += " Password: "******"<br/>";
                //strBody += " CG Care,<br/>";
                //objCommonClass.SendMailSMTP(this.ObjMembershipUser.Email, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromMailId"].ToString(), "Account Unlocked.", strBody, true);
                this.Message = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Message = ex.Message;
Example #2
    protected void Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)
        Label              lblLoginErrors = (Label)Login1.FindControl("lblLoginErrors");
        DataSet            dsUser         = new DataSet();
        SqlDataAccessLayer objSql         = new SqlDataAccessLayer();
        string             usertype;

        SqlParameter[] sqlParam =
            new SqlParameter("@Type",     "SELECT_USER_BY_USRNAME"),
            new SqlParameter("@UserName", Login1.UserName)

        dsUser = objSql.ExecuteDataset(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "uspEditUserAndRoleMaster", sqlParam);

        if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            e.Authenticated = false;

            usertype = Convert.ToString(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserType_Code"]);
            Session["UserType_Code"] = usertype;
            if (usertype == "CG")
                //***********Live Before Change By Priyam************************////////

                //CGEncription.CGEncription objEncriptStr = new CGEncription.CGEncription();
                //CGWebService1.CGWebService objCGWebservice = new CGWebService1.CGWebService();
                //if (!objCGWebservice.EncrGetData(Login1.UserName.ToString().Trim(), objEncriptStr.getEncrValue(Login1.Password.ToString().Trim())).Equals("OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                //    e.Authenticated = false;
                //    objEncriptStr = null;
                //    objCGWebservice = null;
                //    lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
                //    objEncriptStr = null;
                //    objCGWebservice = null;
                //    e.Authenticated = true;

                //e.Authenticated = true;

                /////////////********************Live End////////////////////////

                //***********Updated after Change************************////////

                if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(Login1.Password.Trim())) == false)
                    e.Authenticated     = false;
                    lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
                    e.Authenticated = true;

                    if (!Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName).IsOnline)
                        e.Authenticated = true;
                        lblLoginErrors.Text = "You are currently loggin In.";

                //***********Update Change End************************////////
            else if (usertype == "SC")
                if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(Login1.Password.Trim())) == false)
                    e.Authenticated     = false;
                    lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
                    //  e.Authenticated = true;
                    e.Authenticated = true;

                    if (!Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName).IsOnline)
                        e.Authenticated = true;
                        lblLoginErrors.Text = "You are currently loggin In.";
            else if (usertype != "WSCC")
                if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password.Trim()) == false)
                    e.Authenticated     = false;
                    lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
                    e.Authenticated = true;

        // Uncomment bellow code for live and replace from above
        //    usertype = Convert.ToString(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserType_Code"]);
        //    Session["UserType_Code"] = usertype ;
        //    if (usertype == "CG")
        //    {
        //        //***********
        //        CGEncription.CGEncription objEncriptStr = new CGEncription.CGEncription();
        //        CGWebService objCGWebservice = new CGWebService();
        //        if (!objCGWebservice.EncrGetData(Login1.UserName.ToString().Trim(), objEncriptStr.getEncrValue(Login1.Password.ToString().Trim())).Equals("OK", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
        //        {
        //            e.Authenticated = false;
        //            objEncriptStr = null;
        //            objCGWebservice = null;
        //            lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            objEncriptStr = null;
        //            objCGWebservice = null;
        //            e.Authenticated = true;
        //        }

        //        //***********
        //        //e.Authenticated = true;
        //    }
        //    else if (usertype == "SC")
        //    {
        //        if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(Login1.Password.Trim())) == false)
        //        {
        //            e.Authenticated = false;
        //            lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
        //           // e.Authenticated = true;
        //        }

        //        else
        //        {
        //            e.Authenticated = true;

        //            if (!Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName).IsOnline)
        //            {
        //                e.Authenticated = true;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                lblLoginErrors.Text = "You are currently loggin In.";
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else if (usertype != "WSCC")
        //    {
        //        if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password.Trim()) == false)
        //        {
        //            e.Authenticated = false;
        //            lblLoginErrors.Text = "Invalid User Id or Password.";
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            e.Authenticated = true;

        //        }
        //    }

        if (e.Authenticated == true)
            string ipaddress;
            ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables["http_x_forwarded_for"];
            if (ipaddress == "" || ipaddress == null)
                ipaddress = Request.ServerVariables["remote_addr"];

            SqlParameter[] sqlparameters =
                new SqlParameter("@username", Login1.UserName),
                new SqlParameter("@loginip",  ipaddress),
                new SqlParameter("@type",     "insert")

            objSql.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandType.StoredProcedure, "uspasp_logincounter", sqlparameters);
            sqlparameters = null;

        sqlParam = null;
Example #3
    public string ChangePassword(string oldPassword, string newPassword, string Remarks)  // Last update 27-9-13
        MembershipUser mUser  = Membership.GetUser();
        string         StrMsg = string.Empty;

        if (mUser == null)
            StrMsg = "You are not a valid user";
        //else if (mUser.LastPasswordChangedDate.AddDays(1) > DateTime.Today)
        //    StrMsg = "You cannot change the password on the same day";
            // Change 27-9-13
            bool IsSCRole = HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("SC");

            string Pwd = mUser.GetPassword();

            if (IsSCRole)
                if (BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(oldPassword) == Pwd)
                    if (IsPasswordMatchWithLast4(mUser.UserName, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(newPassword)))
                        StrMsg = "Your Password matches with your Last 4 passwords. Please choose different password.";
                    else if (mUser.ChangePassword(Pwd, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(newPassword)))
                        UpdatePasswordHisortLog(mUser.UserName, BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(newPassword), Remarks);
                        StrMsg = "";
                        StrMsg = "Error !!";
                    StrMsg = "Wrong old Password .";
            else  // Added 27-9-13 for other Roles then SC
                if (oldPassword == Pwd)
                    if (mUser.ChangePassword(Pwd, newPassword))
                        StrMsg = "";
                        StrMsg = "Error !!";
                    StrMsg = "Wrong oldPassword .";
Example #4
 protected void imgBtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         MembershipCreateStatus objMembershipCreateStatus;
         if (ddlUserType.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower() == "Call Centre Executive".ToLower())
             objUserMaster.TvtUserId = txtTvtUserId.Text;
             objUserMaster.UserName  = "";
             if (!objUserMaster.validateTvtUserId())
                 lblMessage.Text = "This TVT User Id is allready assigned.Please deactivate that user or enter other TVT User Id";
         bool bolActive;
         if (rdoStatus.SelectedValue.ToString() == "1")
             bolActive = true;
             bolActive = false;
         if (ddlUserType.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower() == "cg")
             Membership.CreateUser(txtUsername.Text.Trim(), "cg@123", txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim(), "Question", "Answer", bolActive, out objMembershipCreateStatus);
         else if (ddlUserType.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower() == "sc")
             Membership.CreateUser(txtUsername.Text.Trim(), BPSecurity.ProtectPassword(txtPassword.Text.Trim()), txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim(), "Question", "Answer", bolActive, out objMembershipCreateStatus);
             Membership.CreateUser(txtUsername.Text.Trim(), txtPassword.Text.Trim(), txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim(), "Question", "Answer", bolActive, out objMembershipCreateStatus);
         if (objMembershipCreateStatus == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
             objUserMaster.Name                 = txtName.Text.Trim();
             objUserMaster.UserType             = ddlUserType.SelectedValue.ToString();
             objUserMaster.UserName             = txtUsername.Text.Trim();
             objUserMaster.PasswordExpiryPeriod = 0;
             objUserMaster.Password             = txtPassword.Text.Trim();
             objUserMaster.EmailId              = txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim();
             objUserMaster.TvtUserId            = txtTvtUserId.Text.Trim();
             if (ddlRegion.SelectedValue == "Select")
                 objUserMaster.Region = "0";
                 objUserMaster.Region = ddlRegion.SelectedValue.ToString();
             if (ddlBranch.SelectedValue == "Select")
                 objUserMaster.Branch = "0";
                 objUserMaster.Branch = ddlBranch.SelectedValue.ToString();
             if (ddlProductDivision.SelectedValue == "Select")
                 objUserMaster.unit_sno = "0";
                 objUserMaster.unit_sno = ddlProductDivision.SelectedValue.ToString();
             objUserMaster.ActiveFlag = rdoStatus.SelectedValue.ToString();
             if (objUserMaster.ReturnValue == -1)
                 // Membership.DeleteUser(txtUsername.Text.Trim());
                 //Writing Error message to File using CommonClass WriteErrorErrFile method taking arguments as URL of page
                 // trace, error message
                 CommonClass.WriteErrorErrFile(Request.RawUrl.ToString(), objUserMaster.MessageOut);
             //Save data for service contractor
             if (ddlUserType.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower().IndexOf("contractor") != -1)
                 objUserMaster.Name           = txtName.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.UserName       = txtUsername.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.Address1       = txtAddOne.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.Address2       = txtAddTwo.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.ContactPerson  = txtContactPerson.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.PhoneNo        = txtPhoneNo.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.MobileNo       = txtMobileNo.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.Prefernce      = txtPrefence.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.SpecialRemarks = txtSpecialRemarks.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.FaxNo          = txtFaxNo.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.EmailId        = txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim();
                 objUserMaster.EmpCode        = Membership.GetUser().UserName.ToString();
                 objUserMaster.Weekly_Off_Day = ddlWeeklyOffDay.SelectedValue;
                 objUserMaster.Branch         = ddlBranch.SelectedValue.ToString();
                 objUserMaster.State          = ddlState.SelectedValue.ToString();
                 objUserMaster.City           = ddlCity.SelectedValue.ToString();
                 if (objUserMaster.ReturnValue == -1)
                     //Writing Error message to File using CommonClass WriteErrorErrFile method taking arguments as URL of page
                     // trace, error message
                     CommonClass.WriteErrorErrFile(Request.RawUrl.ToString(), objUserMaster.MessageOut);
             //Send Mail to user
             if (ddlUserType.SelectedItem.Text.ToLower() != "cg")
                 string strBody = "";
                 if (txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim() != "")
                     strBody += "Dear <b>" + txtName.Text.Trim() + "</b>,<br/>Your account has been successfully created.<br/>Please find your login credentials below:<br/>";
                     strBody += " User Id: " + txtUsername.Text.Trim() + "<br/>";
                     strBody += " Password: "******"<br/>";
                     strBody += " Thanks,<br/>CG Team";
                     // objCommonClass.SendMailSMTP(txtUserEmailId.Text.Trim(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromMailId"].ToString(), "Registration", strBody, true);
             lblMessage.Text = CommonClass.getErrorWarrning(enuErrorWarrning.AddRecord, enuMessageType.UserMessage, false, "");
             //  Membership.DeleteUser(txtUsername.Text.Trim());
             //lblMessage.Text = objMembershipCreateStatus.ToString();
             lblMessage.Text = CommonClass.getErrorWarrning(enuErrorWarrning.DulplicateRecord, enuMessageType.UserMessage, true, "User id is already exist.");
         imgBtnUpdate.Visible = false;
         imgBtnAdd.Visible    = true;
         imgBtnCancel.Visible = true;
         objCommonClass.BindDataGrid(gvShowUser, "uspEditUserAndRoleMaster", true, sqlParamSrh, lblRowCount);
     catch (Exception ex)
         //Writing Error message to File using CommonClass WriteErrorErrFile method taking arguments as URL of page
         // trace, error message
         CommonClass.WriteErrorErrFile(Request.RawUrl.ToString(), ex.StackTrace.ToString() + "-->" + ex.Message.ToString());