Example #1
 public static string UpdateSaleInvoice(BO_SaleInvoice pi)
     //if (pi.items.GroupBy(x => x.itemID).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).Count() == 1) { return "bad request"; }
     using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
         using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction())
                 if (DeleteSaleInvoice(pi.invoiceNo, pi.empID, transaction, db) == "Success")
                     SaveSales(pi, transaction, db);
             catch (Exception ex)
Example #2
        public static string SaveSalesReturn(BO_SalesReturn salesReturn, int empId)
            string         InvoiceNo;
            BO_LineItems   lineItem     = null;
            BO_SaleInvoice obj          = null;
            var            orderDetails = GetOrderDetailsByInvoiceNo(salesReturn.InvoiceNo).FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemCode == salesReturn.ItemCode);
            int?           itemId       = orderDetails.ItemId;
            var            quantity     = salesReturn.Quantity;
            var            unitPrice    = orderDetails.UnitPrice * (-1);
            var            amount       = orderDetails.UnitPrice * (-1 * quantity);
            var            tex          = orderDetails.TAX;

            obj           = new BO_SaleInvoice();
            obj.items     = new List <BO_LineItems>();
            obj.comments  = salesReturn.Comments;
            obj.empID     = empId;
            obj.invoiceNo = orderDetails.InvoiceNo;
            lineItem      = new BO_LineItems()
                amount        = amount,
                unitPrice     = unitPrice,
                qty           = quantity,
                itemID        = itemId ?? 0,
                isServiceItem = false,
                glid          = 0,
                coaID         = 0,
                tax           = tex,
            obj.empID     = empId;
            obj.saleDate  = DateTime.Now;
            obj.netAmount = amount ?? 0m;
            obj.paid      = amount ?? 0;
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                Acc_GL GLPurchases = db.Acc_GL.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.IsActive ?? false) && x.CoaId == 6 && x.ItemId == itemId.Value &&
                                                              (x.TranTypeId == 1 || x.TranTypeId == 7));
                GLPurchases.QuantityBalance = GLPurchases.QuantityBalance + quantity;

                var itmTransaction = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => (x.ItemId == itemId) && (x.InvoiceNo == salesReturn.InvoiceNo));
                foreach (var item in itmTransaction)
                    //Comment for sales return goes here.
                    if (item.InvoiceNo == salesReturn.InvoiceNo && item.ItemId == itemId)
                    //item.Quantity = item.Quantity - quantity;
            InvoiceNo = SaveSalesReturn(obj);
Example #3
        public static string SaveSales(BO_SaleInvoice pi, System.Data.Entity.DbContextTransaction trans = null, AprosysAccountingEntities context = null)
            //if (pi.items.GroupBy(x => x.itemID).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).Count() == 1) { return "bad request"; }
            //if transaction data is delted

            AprosysAccountingEntities db = context == null ? new AprosysAccountingEntities() : context;

            #region if Customer , Items And Services Deleted
            var _cust = db.Customers.Where(x => x.Id == pi.customerID && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
            if (_cust != null)
                throw new Exception("Customer is not Exist ");

            List <int> itemids = pi.items.Select(x => x.itemID).ToList();
            var        _item   = db.Items.Where(x => itemids.Contains(x.Id) && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
            if (_item != null)
                throw new Exception("Items not Exist ");
            List <int> serviceids = pi.items.Select(x => x.coaID).ToList();
            var        _service   = db.Acc_COA.Where(x => serviceids.Contains(x.CoaId) && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
            if (_service != null)
                throw new Exception("Services not Exist ");

            var transaction = trans == null?db.Database.BeginTransaction() : trans;

                string InvoiceNumber;
                var    editVal = trans != null?db.Acc_GL.Where(x => x.IsActive == false && x.CoaId == 0).Select(x => new { createdBy = x.CreatedBy.Value, createdDate = x.CreatedDate.Value }).FirstOrDefault() : new { createdBy = pi.empID, createdDate = DateTime.Now };
                //Getting Purchased Stock for FIFO Base deduction
                var GLPurchases = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => (x.IsActive ?? false) && x.CoaId == 6 && x.QuantityBalance > 0 &&
                                                  (x.TranTypeId == 1 || x.TranTypeId == 7)).OrderBy(x => x.ActivityTimestamp).AsEnumerable();
                int transType = (int)Constants.TransactionTypes.Sales;
                pi.invoiceNo = trans == null?Util.GetNextVoucher(transType) : pi.invoiceNo;

                bool _isSalesCredit = pi.IsSalesCredit;
                //Parent Entry
                var GLParent = new Acc_GL()
                    CoaId = 0, UserId = pi.empID, Comments = pi.comments, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, Debit = pi.netAmount, Credit = pi.netAmount, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                InvoiceNumber = GLParent.InvoiceNo;
                foreach (var item in pi.items)
                    //In Case of Service Item
                    if (item.isServiceItem)
                        var GLServSales = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, TaxPercent = item.tax, Quantity = item.qty, CoaId = item.coaID, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount - item.tax, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                    var qty            = item.qty;
                    var purchaseAmount = new List <decimal>();
                    #region --- FIFO base deduction ---
                    List <Acc_GLTxLinks> txLinks = new List <Acc_GLTxLinks>();
                    var itemPurchases            = GLPurchases.Where(x => x.ItemId == item.itemID).ToList();
                    foreach (var objpurchase in itemPurchases)
                        var qtytodeduct = 0m;
                        var bal         = qty - objpurchase.QuantityBalance;
                        if (bal == 0 || bal < 0)
                            qtytodeduct = qty;
                            qtytodeduct = objpurchase.QuantityBalance ?? 0;
                        objpurchase.QuantityBalance -= qtytodeduct;
                        Acc_GLTxLinks objTxLinks = new Acc_GLTxLinks()
                            UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount, TranTypeID = transType, Quantity = qtytodeduct, IsActive = true, ItemID = item.itemID, RelGLID = objpurchase.GlId
                        qty = qty - qtytodeduct;
                        purchaseAmount.Add(objpurchase.UnitPrice ?? 0);
                        if (qty == 0)
                    decimal avgPurchaseUnitPrice = purchaseAmount.Average();
                    //Stock Entry
                    var GLStock = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 6, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = -item.qty, QuantityBalance = item.qty, UnitPrice = avgPurchaseUnitPrice, Credit = avgPurchaseUnitPrice * item.qty, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                    //COGS Entry
                    var GLCOGS = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 13, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = item.qty, UnitPrice = avgPurchaseUnitPrice, Debit = avgPurchaseUnitPrice * item.qty, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                    //Sales Entry
                    var GLSales = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 14, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = item.qty, UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount - item.tax, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId

                    txLinks.ForEach(x => x.GLID = GLStock.GlId);
                if (pi.IsSalesCredit)
                    pi.paid = 0;
                if (pi.paid > 0)
                    //Paid Entry
                    var GLpaid = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 11, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Debit = pi.paid, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                decimal balance = pi.netAmount - pi.paid;
                if (balance != 0)
                    //Acc Receivable Entry
                    var GLpayable = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 10, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Debit = balance, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                decimal tax = pi.items.Sum(x => x.tax ?? 0);
                if (tax > 0)
                    //Tax Entry
                    var GLTax = new Acc_GL()
                        TranId = GLParent.GlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 99, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Credit = tax, CreatedBy = editVal.createdBy, CreatedDate = editVal.createdDate, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                if (trans == null)
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #4
        public static string SaveSalesReturn(BO_SaleInvoice pi)
            using (AprosysAccountingEntities db = new AprosysAccountingEntities())
                #region if Customer , Items And Services Deleted
                var _cust = db.Customers.Where(x => x.Id == pi.customerID && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
                if (_cust != null)
                    throw new Exception("Customer is not Exist ");

                List <int> itemids = pi.items.Select(x => x.itemID).ToList();
                var        _item   = db.Items.Where(x => itemids.Contains(x.Id) && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
                if (_item != null)
                    throw new Exception("Items not Exist ");
                List <int> serviceids = pi.items.Select(x => x.coaID).ToList();
                var        _service   = db.Acc_COA.Where(x => serviceids.Contains(x.CoaId) && x.IsActive == false).FirstOrDefault();
                if (_service != null)
                    throw new Exception("Services not Exist ");

                    //Getting Purchased Stock for FIFO Base deduction
                    var GLPurchases = db.Acc_GL.Where(x => (x.IsActive ?? false) && x.CoaId == 6 && x.QuantityBalance > 0 &&
                                                      (x.TranTypeId == 1 || x.TranTypeId == 7)).OrderBy(x => x.ActivityTimestamp).AsEnumerable();
                    int transType = (int)Constants.TransactionTypes.Sales;

                    bool _isSalesCredit = pi.IsSalesCredit;
                    var  GLParentGlId   = db.Acc_GL.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InvoiceNo.Equals(pi.invoiceNo) && (x.Debit.Value > 0 && x.Credit > 0)).GlId;
                    foreach (var item in pi.items)
                        //In Case of Service Item
                        if (item.isServiceItem)
                            var GLServSales = new Acc_GL()
                                TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, TaxPercent = item.tax, Quantity = item.qty, CoaId = item.coaID, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount - item.tax, IsPostpaid = true, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                        var qty            = item.qty;
                        var purchaseAmount = new List <decimal>();
                        #region --- FIFO base deduction ---
                        List <Acc_GLTxLinks> txLinks = new List <Acc_GLTxLinks>();
                        var itemPurchases            = GLPurchases.Where(x => x.ItemId == item.itemID).ToList();
                        foreach (var objpurchase in itemPurchases)
                            var qtytodeduct = 0m;
                            var bal         = qty - objpurchase.QuantityBalance;
                            if (bal == 0 || bal < 0)
                                qtytodeduct = qty;
                                qtytodeduct = objpurchase.QuantityBalance ?? 0;
                            objpurchase.QuantityBalance -= qtytodeduct;
                            Acc_GLTxLinks objTxLinks = new Acc_GLTxLinks()
                                UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount, TranTypeID = transType, Quantity = qtytodeduct, IsActive = true, ItemID = item.itemID, RelGLID = objpurchase.GlId
                            qty = qty - qtytodeduct;
                            purchaseAmount.Add(objpurchase.UnitPrice ?? 0);
                            if (qty == 0)
                        decimal avgPurchaseUnitPrice = purchaseAmount.Average();
                        //Stock Entry
                        var GLStock = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 6, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = -item.qty, QuantityBalance = item.qty, UnitPrice = avgPurchaseUnitPrice, Credit = avgPurchaseUnitPrice * item.qty, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                        //COGS Entry  -- COGS = Cost of goods sold
                        var GLCOGS = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 13, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = item.qty, UnitPrice = avgPurchaseUnitPrice, Debit = avgPurchaseUnitPrice * item.qty, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                        //Sales Entry
                        var GLSales = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 14, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, ItemId = item.itemID, Quantity = item.qty, UnitPrice = item.unitPrice, Credit = item.amount - item.tax, TaxPercent = item.tax, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId

                        txLinks.ForEach(x => x.GLID = GLStock.GlId);
                    if (pi.IsSalesCredit)
                        pi.paid = 0;
                    if (pi.paid > 0)
                        //Paid Entry
                        var GLpaid = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 11, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Debit = pi.paid, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                    decimal balance = pi.netAmount - pi.paid;
                    if (balance != 0)
                        //Acc Receivable Entry
                        var GLpayable = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 10, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Debit = balance, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                    decimal tax = pi.items.Sum(x => x.tax ?? 0);
                    if (tax > 0)
                        //Tax Entry
                        var GLTax = new Acc_GL()
                            TranId = GLParentGlId, UserId = pi.empID, CoaId = 99, CustId = pi.customerID, ActivityTimestamp = pi.saleDate, TranTypeId = transType, InvoiceNo = pi.invoiceNo, IsActive = true, Credit = tax, CreatedBy = pi.empID, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, ModifiedBy = pi.empID, ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now, IsSalesCredit = _isSalesCredit, SalesPersonId = pi.salesPersonId
                catch (Exception ex)