Example #1
        private void TreeBind()
            Model.wx_userweixin weixin = GetWeiXinCode();
            BLL.wx_fc_yySysset  bll    = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset();
            BLL.wx_fc_panorama  pBll   = new BLL.wx_fc_panorama();
            DataTable           pDt    = pBll.GetList(" wid=" + weixin.id).Tables[0];

            this.ddlQjt.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择全景图...", ""));
            foreach (DataRow dr in pDt.Rows)
                string Id    = dr["id"].ToString();
                string Title = dr["jdname"].ToString().Trim();
                this.ddlQjt.Items.Add(new ListItem(Title, Id));

            DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" wid=" + weixin.id).Tables[0];

            this.ddlYybm.Items.Add(new ListItem("请选择预约版面...", ""));
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                string Id    = dr["id"].ToString();
                string Title = dr["address"].ToString().Trim();
                this.ddlYybm.Items.Add(new ListItem(Title, Id));
Example #2
        void showInfo()
            BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo   yBll  = new BLL.wx_fc_yyInfo();
            BLL.wx_fc_floor    fBll  = new BLL.wx_fc_floor();
            BLL.wx_fc_yySysset ysBll = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset();
            int yid = MyCommFun.Obj2Int(fBll.GetModel(fid).yid);

            photo = ysBll.GetModel(yid).headImg;
            this.rptDinfo.DataSource = yBll.GetList(string.Format(" openid='{0}' and wid={1} and fid={2}", openid, wid, fid));
Example #3
 private void ShowInfo(int _id)
     BLL.wx_fc_yySysset   bll   = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset();
     Model.wx_fc_yySysset model = bll.GetModel(_id);
     this.txtAddress.Text       = model.address;
     this.txtddHeadimg.Text     = model.headImg;
     this.txtDetail.Text        = model.detail;
     this.txtLatXPoint.Text     = model.lngX.ToString();
     this.txtLngYPoint.Text     = model.latY.ToString();
     this.txtTelephone.Text     = model.telephone;
     this.txtSort_id.Text       = model.sort_id.ToString();
     this.imgddHeadimg.ImageUrl = model.headImg;
Example #4
 void showInfo()
     BLL.wx_fc_yySysset  ysBLL = new BLL.wx_fc_yySysset();
     BLL.wx_fc_floor     fBll  = new BLL.wx_fc_floor();
     BLL.wx_fc_houseType htBll = new BLL.wx_fc_houseType();
     Model.wx_fc_floor fModel = fBll.GetModelList(string.Format(" wid={0} and id={1}", wid, fid))[0];
     ysModel = ysBLL.GetModelList(" id=" + fModel.yid)[0];
     dnum = yiBll.GetRecordCount(" openid='" + openid + "' and fid=" + fid + " and wid=" + wid);
     this.rptHx.DataSource = htBll.GetModelList(" fid=" + fModel.Id + " and wid=" + wid);