protected void BtnOk_Click(object a, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < this.rep.Items.Count; i++) { CheckBox check = (CheckBox)this.rep.Items[i].FindControl("cbk"); if (check != null) { if (check.Checked) { HiddenField hidNewsId = this.rep.Items[i].FindControl("hidId") as HiddenField; Model.occu_infor model = blloc.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(hidNewsId.Value)); List <Model.occu_infor> listiccs = blloc.GetModelList(" order_id='" + model.order_id + "'"); if (listiccs.Count > 0) { foreach (Model.occu_infor item in listiccs) { item.order_id = orderid.Value; item.lordRoomid = loadRoom.Value; blloc.Update(item); } } List <Model.goods_account> listga = bllga.GetModelList1(" ga_occuid=" + model.order_id + ""); foreach (Model.goods_account modelga in listga) { modelga.ga_occuid = orderid.Value; bllga.Update(modelga); } model.lordRoomid = loadRoom.Value; model.order_id = orderid.Value; blloc.Update(model); } } } List <Model.occu_infor> listicc = blloc.GetModelList("order_id='" + orderid.Value + "'"); foreach (Model.occu_infor item in listicc) { sbroom.Append(item.room_number + ","); } Helper.AddRoom(loadRoom.Value, sbroom.ToString() + loadRoom.Value + ","); Response.Write("<script>alert('合并成功!');parent.Window_Close();</script>"); }
protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (btnok.Text == "确定") { Model.goods_account gamodel = new Model.goods_account(); gamodel = bllga.GetModels1(Convert.ToInt32(txtid.Value)); gamodel.ga_remker = yying.Value; bllga.Update(gamodel); Response.Write("<script>parent.Window_Close();</script>"); } else { Model.goods_account gamodel = new Model.goods_account(); gamodel = bllga.GetModels1(Convert.ToInt32(txtid.Value)); if (gamodel.ga_price != 0) { gamodel.ga_price = Convert.ToDecimal(czprice.Value) * -1; gamodel.ga_sum_price = 0; gamodel.ga_Type = 12; gamodel.ga_remker = "冲减入帐日期为" + gamodel.ga_date + "的" + gamodel.ga_name + "" + gamodel.ga_price + "元!/n原因为:" + yying.Value; } if (gamodel.ga_sum_price != 0) { gamodel.ga_price = Convert.ToDecimal(czprice.Value) * -1; gamodel.ga_sum_price = 0; gamodel.ga_Type = 12; gamodel.ga_remker = "冲减入帐日期为" + gamodel.ga_date + "的" + gamodel.ga_name + "" + gamodel.ga_sum_price + "元!/n原因为:" + yying.Value; } gamodel.ga_name = "冲减"; gamodel.ga_isys = 0; gamodel.ga_date = DateTime.Now; if (bllga.Add(gamodel) > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('冲减成功');parent.Window_Close();</script>"); } Helper.AddRoom(gamodel.ga_roomNumber); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string account = Request.QueryString["accounts"]; decimal pri = Convert.ToDecimal(price.Value); Model.goods_account modelag = new Model.goods_account(); modelag.ga_name = "结账收款"; modelag.Ga_Account = account; modelag.ga_zffs_id = Convert.ToInt32(DDlZffs.SelectedValue); modelag.ga_date = DateTime.Now; modelag.ga_people = UserNow.UserID; modelag.ga_remker = "收款结算"; modelag.ga_Type = 202; modelag.ga_price = pri; if (rad1.Checked) { modelag.ga_jsfs = 0; } else { modelag.ga_jsfs = 1; bllga.Add(modelag); } List <Model.goods_account> listag = bllga.GetModelList1("ga_goodNo in (" + idss.Value + ")"); if (listag.Count > 0) { foreach (Model.goods_account item in listag) { item.ga_Type = 203; bllga.Update(item); } } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "message", "<script language='javascript' defer>alert('结帐成功');parent.window.location.reload();</script>"); }
protected void MemberCard_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string accountY = account.Value; string accountS = accounts.Value; if (accountS == accountY) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "myscript", "<script>alert('目标客户不能为自己!');</script>"); } else { string goodno = goodnos.Value; List <Model.goods_account> listga = bllga.GetModelList1("ga_goodNo in (" + goodno + ") and ga_Account='" + accountY + "' and ga_Type=204"); if (listga.Count > 0) { foreach (Model.goods_account modelga in listga) { modelga.Ga_Account = accountS; bllga.Update(modelga); } } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "myscript", "<script>alert('转帐成功!');</script>"); } }