//保存 protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChkAdminLevel("_ybd_course_info", EnumCollection.ActionEnum.Modify.ToString()); //检查权限 BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info model = bll.GetModel(this.id); model.group_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtgroup_id.Text); model.category_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtcategory_id.Text); model.name = Convert.ToString(txtname.Text); model.cover = Convert.ToString(txtcover.Text); model.info = Convert.ToString(txtinfo.Text); model.notice = Convert.ToString(txtnotice.Text); model.qrcode = Convert.ToString(txtqrcode.Text); model.qrcode_logo = Convert.ToString(txtqrcode_logo.Text); model.user_id = Convert.ToInt32(txtuser_id.Text); model.is_show = Convert.ToInt32(txtis_show.Text); model.add_time = Convert.ToDateTime(txtadd_time.Text); if (bll.Update(model)) { AddAdminLog(EnumCollection.ActionEnum.Modify.ToString(), "修改课程信息信息,主键:" + id); //记录日志 JscriptMsg("修改课程信息信息成功!", "Manage.aspx"); } else { JscriptMsg("保存过程中发生错误!", ""); } }
private void SetIsShow() { int id = RequestHelper.GetFormInt("id"); BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info model = bll.GetModel(id); if (model != null) { if (model.is_show == (int)EnumCollection.course_is_show.是) { model.is_show = (int)EnumCollection.course_is_show.否; } else { model.is_show = (int)EnumCollection.course_is_show.是; } bll.Update(model); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("1"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } else { HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("0"); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); } }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info model = bll.GetModel(this.id); if (model == null) { JscriptMsg("信息不存在或已被删除!", "back"); return; } this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue = model.category_id + ""; this.txtname.Text = model.name + ""; this.txtcover.Text = model.cover + ""; this.txtinfo.Text = model.info + ""; this.txtqrcode_logo.Text = model.qrcode_logo + ""; //this.qrcodeview.Value = model.qrcode + ""; }
private void BindInfo() { BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info model = bll.GetModel(this.id); if (model == null) { JscriptMsg("信息不存在或已被删除!", "back"); return; } txtgroup_id.Text = model.group_id + ""; txtcategory_id.Text = model.category_id + ""; txtname.Text = model.name + ""; txtcover.Text = model.cover + ""; txtinfo.Text = model.info + ""; txtnotice.Text = model.notice + ""; txtqrcode.Text = model.qrcode + ""; txtqrcode_logo.Text = model.qrcode_logo + ""; txtuser_id.Text = model.user_id + ""; txtis_show.Text = model.is_show + ""; txtadd_time.Text = model.add_time + ""; }
private bool DoEdit(int id) { BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info model = bll.GetModel(id); model.group_id = (int)EnumCollection.course_group.精品微课; model.category_id = Convert.ToInt32(this.ddlCategory.SelectedValue); model.name = Convert.ToString(txtname.Text); model.cover = Convert.ToString(txtcover.Text); model.info = Convert.ToString(txtinfo.Text); model.qrcode = "/QrCode.aspx?type=course&id=" + model.id; model.qrcode_logo = Convert.ToString(txtqrcode_logo.Text); if (bll.Update(model)) { AddAdminLog(EnumCollection.ActionEnum.Modify.ToString(), "修改课程信息,主键:" + model.id); //记录日志 return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void DownCourseQrCode() { var Server = HttpContext.Current.Server; int course_id = RequestHelper.GetFormInt("course_id"); string WebPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebPath"]; string webApi_address = WebPath + "/QrCode.aspx"; BLL.course_info bll = new BLL.course_info(); Model.course_info course = bll.GetModel(course_id); if (course != null) { string course_name = course.name.Trim(); //1、生成书籍的二维码文件夹 string virualRootPath = string.Format("/tempDown/{0}", course.name.Trim()); string tempRootPath = Server.MapPath(string.Format("/tempDown/{0}", course_name)).Trim(); if (Directory.Exists(tempRootPath)) { Directory.Delete(tempRootPath, true); } if (!Directory.Exists(tempRootPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempRootPath); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(webApi_address)) { writeMsgError(-1, "没有配置WebPath地址!"); return; } string bookQrCodePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempRootPath, string.Format("{0}_书籍资源.png", course_name)).Trim(); string course_qrcode = string.Format("{0}/html/course_details.html?id={1}", WebPath, course.id); //要根据各个的生成规则生成二维码 string logoPath = course.qrcode_logo; //二维码logo if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logoPath)) { Model.common_albums defaultlogo = new BLL.common_albums().GetModel(" group_id = " + (int)Appoa.Common.EnumCollection.img_group.系统默认二维码logo); if (defaultlogo != null) { logoPath = defaultlogo.original_path; } else { logoPath = "/html/images/Logo.png"; } } using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { QrCodeHelper.GetRQCodeCombin(course_qrcode, ms, bookQrCodePath, Server.MapPath(logoPath)); } //2、生成章的文件夹 BLL.course_chapter ccBll = new BLL.course_chapter(); BLL.common_resource crBll = new BLL.common_resource(); List <Model.course_chapter> firstChapterList = ccBll.GetModelList(" group_id = 1 and chapter_level = 1 and course_id = " + course.id); foreach (Model.course_chapter chapter in firstChapterList) { string chapterPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempRootPath, string.Format("章_{0}", chapter.name)).Trim(); if (Directory.Exists(chapterPath)) { Directory.Delete(chapterPath, true); } if (!Directory.Exists(chapterPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(chapterPath); } //3、生成节的文件夹 //List<Model.course_chapter> secondChapterList = ccBll.GetModelList(" group_id = 1 and chapter_level = 2 and course_id = " + course.id + " and parent_id = " + chapter.id); //foreach (Model.course_chapter part in secondChapterList) //{ // string partPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(chapterPath, string.Format("节_{0}", part.name)).Trim(); // if (Directory.Exists(partPath)) // { // Directory.Delete(partPath, true); // } // if (!Directory.Exists(partPath)) // { // Directory.CreateDirectory(partPath); // } //4、生成章下所有资源二维码图片 List <Model.common_resource> resourceList = crBll.GetModelList(" is_del = 0 and from_id = " + (int)EnumCollection.resource_from.精品微课 + " and data_id = " + chapter.id); foreach (Model.common_resource item in resourceList) { string resCode = string.Empty; switch (item.type) { case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.图文资源: if (item.from_id == (int)EnumCollection.resource_from.精品微课) { resCode = WebPath + "/html/article_details.html?id=" + item.id; } else { resCode = WebPath + "/html/knowledge_details.html?id=" + item.id; } break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.文档资源: item.path = item.path.Substring(0, item.path.LastIndexOf('.')); //resCode = WebPath + item.path + ".html"; resCode = "/html/doc_detail.html?id=" + item.id; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.音频资源: resCode = WebPath + "/html/video_details.html?id=" + item.id; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.视频资源: resCode = WebPath + "/html/video_details.html?id=" + item.id; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.英文发音: resCode = WebPath + "/html/voice_detail.html?id=" + item.id; break; case (int)EnumCollection.resource_type.维模型: resCode = WebPath + "/html/3d.html?id=" + item.id; break; } //生成明细资源 //string resPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(partPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}_资源_{2}.png", chapter.name, part.name, item.title.Trim())).Trim(); string resPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(chapterPath, item.title.Trim() + ".png").Trim(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { QrCodeHelper.GetRQCodeCombin(resCode, ms, resPath, Server.MapPath(logoPath)); } } //} } //打包—下载 FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.CreateZip(string.Format("{0}.zip", tempRootPath), tempRootPath, true, ""); // ZFiles.DownLoadFile(Server.MapPath(string.Format("{0}.zip", virualRootPath))); ZFiles.DownloadFile(System.Web.HttpContext.Current, Server.MapPath(string.Format("{0}.zip", virualRootPath)), 1024 * 50); } }