Example #1
File: BLIO.cs Project: mopioid/BLIO
    /// <summary>
    ///  Performs a getall command for a given class and property, and returns
    ///  a dictionary with the property values keyed by their objects.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="className">The name of the class to retreive each object for.</param>
    /// <param name="property">The property to retreive for each object.</param>
    /// <returns>
    ///  A dictionary in which objects of the class key their value for the
    ///  specified property. If the property contains a singular value, the
    ///  value is a string. If it contains an array, the value is an
    ///  IReadOnlyList&lt;string&gt;.
    /// </returns>
    public static IReadOnlyDictionary <BLObject, object> GetAll(string className, string property)
        // Create the dictionary we will return.
        var results = new Dictionary <BLObject, object>();

        // Run the getall command. If this fails, return the empty results.
        var output = RunCommand("getall {0} {1}", className, property);

        if (output == null)

        // getall results should be in the following format:
        //     <index>) <subclass> <object>.<property> = <value>
        // Or, if the result's property is an array:
        //     <index>) <subclass> <object>.<property> =
        Regex objectPattern = new Regex($@"^\d+\) ([^ ]+) (.+)\.{Regex.Escape(property)} =( ?)(.*)$", RegexOptions.Compiled);

        // The current object and array we are working with.
        BLObject      objectKey  = null;
        List <object> arrayValue = null;

        // Iterate over each line of output.
        foreach (string line in output)
            // The match for if we test a line for an object result.
            Match objectMatch;

            // If we are currently working with an array as an object's value,
            // we will test the current line for its membership.
            if (arrayValue != null)
                // Check that the current line is of the format for a member of
                // an array value.
                var memberMatch = _MemberPattern.Value.Match(line);
                if (memberMatch.Success)
                    object value = BLIO.Parse(memberMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                    // If it is, add the captured value to the array, and
                    // proceed on to the next line.

                // If the line is not a member of the array, check whether it is
                // of the format denoting a new object.
                objectMatch = objectPattern.Match(line);
                if (objectMatch.Success)
                    // If it is, this indicates the working array value was
                    // complete, so associate with the working object, and null
                    // it to indicate we're no longer working with an array.
                    results[objectKey] = arrayValue;
                    arrayValue         = null;
                // If we are not currently working with an array, check whether
                // the line is of the format denoting a new object. If not, skip
                // this line and proceed to the next one.
                objectMatch = objectPattern.Match(line);
                if (!objectMatch.Success)

            // By now we have a match for an object declaration. Extract the
            // name and class name from it, and create a new object accordingly.
            string subclassName = objectMatch.Groups[1].Value;
            string objectName   = objectMatch.Groups[2].Value;
            objectKey = new BLObject(objectName, subclassName);

            // If the value capture group for the match did capture, associate
            // the object with the value.
            if (objectMatch.Groups[3].Value.Length == 1)
                results[objectKey] = BLIO.Parse(objectMatch.Groups[4].Value);

            // Otherwise, we are to expect an array as the value, so create a
            // new list for indicating such and for storing the results.
                arrayValue = new List <object>();

        // At the end of the results, if we had a working array value,
        // associate with the working object.
        if (arrayValue != null)
            results[objectKey] = arrayValue;
