public static void Main(string[] args) { object testFinance = CreateInstance("Finance"); Console.WriteLine(testFinance.GetType().GetProperty("taxRate")); Finance testFinance2 = new Finance(); foreach (FieldInfo FI in testFinance.GetType().GetFields()) { if (FI.Name == "bankSide") { dynamic bankSide = FI.GetValue(testFinance); List <Bank> bankSide1 = bankSide; foreach (FieldInfo BI in bankSide[0].GetType().GetFields()) { if (BI.Name == "branchID") { dynamic branchID = BI.GetValue(bankSide1[0]); List <int> branchID1 = branchID; foreach (int i in branchID1) { Console.WriteLine(i); } } } // Console.WriteLine(test); } } //Console.WriteLine(myPropInfo.GetValue(testFinance2, null)); Console.ReadKey(); }
public class C : CI { // user implements public void method(BI b) { if (b.Priority > 10 || b.Urgency > 10) { ; // do something with BI using b } throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static string GenerateCheckBox(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<label><input id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" type=""checkbox"" class=""ace"">"); sb.AppendLine(@"<span class=""lbl"">" + field.FieldName + @" </span></label>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { string AllItems = ""; foreach (MedicalService BI in BillItemList) { AllItems += BI.ToString() + "\n"; } return("Total amount : " + _totalPrice + ". Items : " + AllItems); }
public void GameOver() { // FPA (04/01/17): Eliminado GameAnalitics de momento. // GA.API.Design.NewEvent("PartidaTerminada:"+(GameplayService.networked ? "Multiplayer":"Singleplayer"), seconds,; GeneralSounds.instance.gameOver(); ifcPausa.instance.PauseEnabled = false; pendingGameOver = true; if (!GameplayService.networked) { BI.EndGame(ServiceLocator.Request <IGameplayService>().GetGameMode() == GameMode.Shooter ? 2 : 1, ServiceLocator.Request <IDifficultyService>().GetFase()); // ifcThrower.instance.showGameOver(); setRoundCooldown(3f); } // comprobar si hay que cambiar a la camara de GAME_OVER if (ServiceLocator.Request <IGameplayService>().GetGameMode() == GameMode.Shooter) { // camara para lanzador GoalCamera.instance.stateMachine.changeState = ThrowerCameraStates.GameOver.instance; } else if (ServiceLocator.Request <IGameplayService>().GetGameMode() == GameMode.GoalKeeper && GameplayService.networked) { // camara para portero en modo duelo Debug.LogWarning(">>> ENTRA CAMARA DE PORTERO DUELO"); GoalCamera.instance.stateMachine.changeState = GoalKeeperCameraStates.CamaraGameOverDueloPortero.instance; } // comprobar si se ha conseguido nuevos logros int recompensaPendiente = 0; List <string> idsLogros = new List <string>(); if (PersistenciaManager.instance.CheckHayLogrosSinRecompensar(ref recompensaPendiente, ref idsLogros)) { // mostrar en la barra de opciones una "exclamacion" cntBarraSuperior.flagNuevosLogros = true; // actualizar el dinero Interfaz.MonedasHard += recompensaPendiente; // actualizar el progreso de los logros para que esta alerta no se dispare mas PersistenciaManager.instance.SaveLogros(); // crear los dialogos para mostrar cada uno de los logros desbloqueados for (int i = 0; i < idsLogros.Count; ++i) { DialogManager.instance.RegistrarDialogo(new DialogDefinition(DialogDefinition.TipoDialogo.LOGRO_DESBLOQUEADO, idsLogros[i])); } } //(GameplayService.networked && GameplayService.IsGoalkeeper())) // en modo MULTIJUGADOR y si soy TIRADOR (NOTA; soy tirador si acabo jugando como portero) //Invoke("goToMenu", 3f); }
public TermNode(string tag) // builtin predicates { try { builtinId = (BI)Enum.Parse(typeof(BI), tag, false); } catch { IO.Error("Bootstrap.cs: unknown BI enum value '{0}'", tag); } }
public static string GenerateDatePicker(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { string val = string.Empty; DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue; if (field.DataValue != null) { if (field.DataValue is DateTime) { dt = (DateTime)field.DataValue; } else { string dtStr = field.DataValue.ToString(); DateTime.TryParse(dtStr, out dt); } } //判断是否是空日期,空日期不需要显示 if (dt.Year > 1900) { val = dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); string[] formatdate = { "RFQDateIn", "RFQDateOut", "QuoteDateIn", "QuoteDateOut", "PriceDateOut" }; if (formatdate.Contains(field.FieldName)) { val = dt.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); } } else if (field.FieldName == "CustomerQuoteDate") { val = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<div class=""input-group""> <input "); if (field.Visible == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@" disabled=""disabled"""); } sb.AppendLine(@" style=""height:25px !important"" class=""form-control date-picker"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + val + @""" type=""text"" data-date-format=""mm/dd/yyyy""> <span style=""height:24px !important"" class=""input-group-addon""> <i class=""icon-calendar bigger-110""></i> </span> </div>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public bool ListClause(PredicateDescr pd, string functor, int arity, int seqno, out string outputString) { ClauseNode clause = null; string details; var sb = new StringBuilder(); outputString = string.Empty; if ((clause = pd.ClauseList) == null) { return(false); } details = "source: " + pd.DefiningFile; // if (pd.IsFirstArgIndexed) details += "; arg1-indexed (jump points marked with '.')"; sb.AppendFormat("\r\n{0}/{1}: ({2}) {3}", functor, arity, details, ((seqno == 1) ? "" : (seqno.ToString().Packed()))); sb.AppendLine(); while (clause != null) { bool currCachedClauseMustFail = (clause is CachedClauseNode && !((CachedClauseNode)clause).Succeeds); TermNode next; // // prefix a clause that is pointed to by first-argument indexing with '.' // IO.Write (" {0}{1}", (pd.IsFirstArgMarked (clause))?".":" ", nextClause.Term); sb.AppendFormat(" {0}", clause.Term); if (currCachedClauseMustFail) { sb.Append(" :- !, fail"); } else if ((next = clause.NextNode) != null) { BI builtinId = next.BuiltinId; sb.AppendFormat(" :-{0}", (builtinId == BI.none) ? next.ToString() : Environment.NewLine + builtinId.ToString()); } sb.AppendLine("."); clause = clause.NextClause; } outputString = sb.ToString(); return(true); }
public Boolean Improve() { foreach (int iid in BIL.Keys) { Boolean find = false; foreach (Beast B in MY.Values) { if (B.ItemId == iid) { B.NeedImprove = BIL[iid].count >= Beast.IMPROVE_TABLE[B.Level - 1] && Beast.IMPROVE_TABLE[B.Level - 1] > -1; find = true; break; } } BIL[iid].NeedIncube = !find; } Boolean RESULT = false; foreach (ItemBeast BI in BIL.Values) { if (BI.NeedIncube) { RESULT = true; BI.GetFromBI(); BI.Incube(); } } if (RESULT) { MoveAllBeastsToStore(); LoadInventory(); LoadMyBeastStruct(); LoadMyDynamic(); } foreach (Beast B in MY.Values) { if (B.NeedImprove && BIL.ContainsKey(B.ItemId)) { BIL[B.ItemId].GetFromBI(); B.Improve(); RESULT = true; } } if (RESULT) { MoveAllBeastsToStore(); LoadInventory(); LoadMyBeastStruct(); LoadMyDynamic(); } return(RESULT); }
static BI[] GetBaseValues(string jamcoin) { var coins = new BI[9]; for (int i = 0; i < coins.Length; i++) { coins[i] = BI.Zero; for (int j = 0; j < jamcoin.Length; j++) { if ('1' == jamcoin[jamcoin.Length - 1 - j]) coins[i] += BI.Pow(i+2, j); } } return coins; }
static List<int> GetDivisors(BI[] bases) { var divisors = new List<int>(); foreach (var bi in bases) { int d = 1; while (++d < 100) if (bi%d == 0) { divisors.Add(d); break; } } return divisors; }
public MainWindow() : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel) { Build(); Bvaciar.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(150, 150, 150)); BD.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(112, 141, 242)); BM.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(112, 141, 242)); BR.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(112, 141, 242)); BS.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(112, 141, 242)); BI.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(112, 141, 242)); // color de la pantalla ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(8, 8, 8)); // label1.ModifyBg(StateType.Normal, new Gdk.Color(231, 231, 231)); operaciones resultado = new operaciones(); }
static BI[] GetBaseValues(string jamcoin) { var coins = new BI[9]; for (int i = 0; i < coins.Length; i++) { coins[i] = BI.Zero; for (int j = 0; j < jamcoin.Length; j++) { if ('1' == jamcoin[jamcoin.Length - 1 - j]) { coins[i] += BI.Pow(i + 2, j); } } } return(coins); }
public static string GenerateDropdownList(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query("select * from SGP_KeyValue where [Key]=@Key and status=1 order by [Sort]", new SqlParameter("@Key", field.KeyValueSource)).Tables[0]; sb.AppendLine(@"<select class=""form-control"" style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" >"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (field.DataValue != null) { if (field.DataValue.ToString().Trim().ToLower() == dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()) { sb.AppendLine(@"<option selected = ""selected"" value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } } } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""""> </option>"); } sb.AppendLine(@"</select>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public InitialI(Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter) { _adapter = adapter; _b1 = new BI(); _b2 = new BI(); _c = new CI(); _d = new DI(); _e = new EI(); _f = new FI(_e); _b1.theA = _b2; // Cyclic reference to another B _b1.theB = _b1; // Self reference. _b1.theC = null; // Null reference. _b2.theA = _b2; // Self reference, using base. _b2.theB = _b1; // Cyclic reference to another B _b2.theC = _c; // Cyclic reference to a C. _c.theB = _b2; // Cyclic reference to a B. _d.theA = _b1; // Reference to a B. _d.theB = _b2; // Reference to a B. _d.theC = null; // Reference to a C. }
public static string GenerateQueryActivity(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder strControl = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = SqlText.ExecuteDataset("SELECT ID,Name FROM SYS_WFActivity WHERE Status=1 AND TemplateID=@TemplateID ORDER BY Sort", "@TemplateID", field.KeyValueSource).Tables[0]; strControl.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='{0}'><select style='width:100% !important' class='chosen-select1 tag-input-style' multiple='' data-placeholder=' ' name='{0}' id='{0}'><option value=''></option>", field.FieldName); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { strControl.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", dr["Name"]); } } strControl.Append("</select>"); return strControl.ToString(); }
public static void M([DefaultParameterValue(1 + 3)] BI step) { }
public A() { property1 = new B(); }
public static string GenerateTimePicker(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { string val = string.Empty; DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue; if (field.DataValue != null) { if (field.DataValue is DateTime) { dt = (DateTime)field.DataValue; } else { string dtStr = field.DataValue.ToString(); DateTime.TryParse(dtStr, out dt); } } //判断是否是空日期,空日期不需要显示 if (dt.Year > 0000) { val = dt.ToString("hh:mm:ss"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<div class=""input-group bootstrap-timepicker""> <div class=""bootstrap-timepicker-widget dropdown-menu close""> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""incrementHour""><i class=""icon-chevron-up""></i></a></td> <td class=""separator""> </td> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""incrementMinute""><i class=""icon-chevron-up""></i></a></td> <td class=""separator""> </td> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""incrementSecond""><i class=""icon-chevron-up""></i></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=""text"" name=""hour"" class=""bootstrap-timepicker-hour"" maxlength=""2""></td> <td class=""separator"">:</td><td><input type=""text"" name=""minute"" class=""bootstrap-timepicker-minute"" maxlength=""2""></td> <td class=""separator"">:</td><td><input type=""text"" name=""second"" class=""bootstrap-timepicker-second"" maxlength=""2""></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""decrementHour""><i class=""icon-chevron-down""></i></a></td> <td class=""separator""></td> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""decrementMinute""><i class=""icon-chevron-down""></i></a></td> <td class=""separator""> </td> <td><a href=""#"" data-action=""decrementSecond""><i class=""icon-chevron-down""></i></a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <input class=""form-control time-picker"" class=""form-control"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" type=""text""> <span class=""input-group-addon""> <i class=""icon-time bigger-110""></i> </span> </div>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateTextBoxForCurrency(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<div style=""width:100% !important"" class=""input-group""><input style=""width:100% !important"" type=""text"" class=""NumberType1"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + field.DataValue + @""" ></div>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateTextArea(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<textarea class=""form-control"" style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + field.DataValue + @""" placeholder="""">" + field.DataValue + "</textarea>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateQueryList(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder strControl = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query("SELECT [Key],[Value] FROM SGP_KeyValue WHERE [Key]=@Key AND Status=1 AND ISNULL([Value],'')<>'' ORDER BY [Sort]", new SqlParameter("@Key", field.KeyValueSource)).Tables[0]; strControl.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='{0}'><select style='width:100% !important' class='chosen-select1 tag-input-style' name='{0}' id='{0}' multiple='' data-placeholder=' '><option value=''></option>", field.FieldName); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { strControl.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", dr["Value"]); } } strControl.Append("</select>"); return strControl.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateDropdownListSQL(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query(field.KeyValueSource.ToString()).Tables[0]; if (field.DataValue == null && (field.FieldName == "Initiator" || field.FieldName == "PricingAnalyst" || field.FieldName == "PrimaryContact")) { field.DataValue = SGP.BLL.Utils.AccessControl.CurrentLogonUser.Name; } sb.AppendLine(@"<select class=""form-control"" style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""">"); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (field.DataValue != null) { if (field.DataValue.ToString().Trim().ToLower() == dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()) { sb.AppendLine(@"<option selected = ""selected"" value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"].ToString() + @""">" + dt.Rows[i]["Value"] + "</option>"); } } } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<option value=""""> </option>"); } sb.AppendLine(@"</select>"); return sb.ToString(); }
private bool DoBuiltin(BI biId, out bool findFirstClause) { findFirstClause = false; //Console.WriteLine ("DoBuiltin case {0} current goal \n{1}", biId, goalNode.Term); Term term = goalNode.Term; Term t0, t1, t2, t3; TermSet ts; int n, y, m, d, h, s; int arity; string functor; char ch; bool result; switch (biId) { case BI.cut: // ! varStack.DisableChoices(term.VarNo); break; case return false; case BI.or: PrologIO.Error("Serious error -- or-operator (;) not handled properly"); // should not occur return false; case BI.consult: // individual file or list of files t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsList) { int lines = 0; int files = 0; while (t0.Arity == 2) { string fName = Utils.FileNameFromTerm(t0.Arg(0), ".pl"); if (fName == null) return false; lines += ps.Consult(fName); files++; t0 = t0.Arg(1); } if (files > 1) PrologIO.Message("Grand total is {0} lines", lines); ps.ResolveIndices(); break; } if (t0.IsAtom || t0.IsString) { string fName = Utils.FileNameFromTerm(t0, ".pl"); if (fName == null) return false; PrologIO.Write("--- Consulting {0} ... ", fName); ps.Consult(fName); PrologIO.WriteLine("{0} lines read", parser.LineCount); ps.ResolveIndices(); break; } return PrologIO.Error("Not a valid file name: '{0}'", t0); case BI.asserta: ps.Assert(term.Arg(0), true); // true: at beginning break; case BI.assert: case BI.assertz: ps.Assert(term.Arg(0), false); break; case BI.retract: if (ps.Retract(term.Arg(0), varStack, null)) currentCp.ClauseNode = retractClause; else { CanBacktrack(true); return false; } break; case BI.retractall: // retractall if (!ps.RetractAll(term.Arg(0), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.spy: // leash modes [call, exit, redo, fail] case BI.nospy: result = true; t0 = term.Arg(0); if (term.Arity == 2) t3 = term.Arg(1); else t3 = null; // leash list if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && (t1 = t0.Arg(0)).IsAtom && (t2 = t0.Arg(1)).IsInteger) result = ps.SetSpy(term.Functor == "spy", t1.Functor, t2.ExprValue.AsInteger, t3); else if (t0.Arity == 0) result = ps.SetSpy(term.Functor == "spy", t0.Functor, -1, t3); if (!result) return false; if (!debug) { debug = true; PrologIO.Message("Debugging switched on"); } break; case BI.nospyall: ps.SetNoSpyAll(); break; case BI.verbose: PrologIO.Verbose = true; break; case BI.noverbose: case BI.silent: PrologIO.Verbose = false; break; case BI.trace: case BI.notrace: SetSwitch("Tracing", ref trace, term.Functor == "trace"); if (trace) debug = true; reporting = debug || xmlTrace; break; case BI.debug: case BI.nodebug: SetSwitch("Debugging", ref debug, term.Functor == "debug"); reporting = debug || xmlTrace; break; case BI.setof_init: term.Arg(0).Unify(new ObjectTerm(new TermSet(DupMode.dupIgnore)), varStack); break; case BI.setof_add: ts = (TermSet)((ObjectTerm)term.Arg(0).Value).Value; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsVar) return false; t2 = t1.CleanUp(); ts.Insert(t2); break; case BI.setof_exit: ts = (TermSet)((ObjectTerm)term.Arg(0).Value).Value; if (ts.Count == 0) return false; // setof must fail if the Generator yields no matches term.Arg(1).Unify(ts.ToList(), varStack); break; case BI.current_op_init: int pr = -1; string op = null; OType ot = OType.noop; OType ot1; t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) pr = Convert.ToInt16(t0.ExprValue.AsInteger); else if (!t0.IsVar) return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsAtom) try { ot = (OType)Enum.Parse(typeof(OType), t1.Functor); } catch { return false; } else if (!t1.IsVar) return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsAtom) op = t2.Functor; else if (!t2.IsVar) return false; ArrayList ta = parser.TerminalList; ArrayList oa = new ArrayList(); int pr1; string op1; for (int i = 0; i < ta.Count; i++) // expand all operator descriptors into array oa { if (ta[i] is OperatorDescr) { OperatorDescr od = (OperatorDescr)ta[i]; if (od.IsDefinedAsPrefix(out op1, out pr1, out ot1) && (pr == -1 || pr == pr1) && (op == null || op == op1) && (ot == OType.noop || ot == ot1)) oa.Add(new OpRec(pr1, ot1, op1)); if (od.IsDefinedAsInfix(out op1, out pr1, out ot1) && (pr == -1 || pr == pr1) && (op == null || op == op1) && (ot == OType.noop || ot == ot1)) oa.Add(new OpRec(pr1, ot1, op1)); if (od.IsDefinedAsPostfix(out op1, out pr1, out ot1) && (pr == -1 || pr == pr1) && (op == null || op == op1) && (ot == OType.noop || ot == ot1)) oa.Add(new OpRec(pr1, ot1, op1)); } } if (oa.Count == 0) return false; term.Arg(3).Bind(new ObjectTerm(oa)); // bind the operator array to the penultimate argument term.Arg(4).Bind(new Term((oa.Count - 1).ToString(), FType.number)); // bind the array count to the last argument break; case BI.next_op: // '$next_op'(S, I, P, F, N) t0 = term.Arg(0); oa = (ArrayList)((ObjectTerm)term.Arg(0).Value).Value; t1 = term.Arg(1); // index of current entry in oa n = t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; OpRec oprec = (OpRec)oa[n]; term.Arg(1).Functor = (--n).ToString(); term.Arg(2).Unify(new Term(oprec.Pr.ToString(), FType.number), varStack); term.Arg(3).Unify(new Term(oprec.Fx, FType.atom), varStack); term.Arg(4).Unify(new Term(oprec.Op, FType.atom), varStack); break; case BI.version: // version(V, R) if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(Utils.MakeAtom(VERSION), FType.atom), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(Utils.MakeAtom(RELEASE), FType.atom), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.halt: case BI.quit: case BI.abort: halted = true; break; case BI.length: // length(L, N) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.HasValue) { if (!t0.IsList) return false; n = 0; while (t0.Arity == 2) { n++; t0 = t0.Arg(1); } if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; } else // create a list with N elements { t1 = term.Arg(1); if (!t1.HasValue) return false; arity = Convert.ToInt16(t1.ExprValue.AsInteger); Term[] args = new Term[arity]; t1 = Term.NULLLIST; // [] for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) t1 = new Term(Parser.DOT, new Term(), t1, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 100); t0.Unify(t1, varStack); } break; case BI.sort: // sort(L, S) t0 = term.Arg(0); t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t0.IsList) { if (!(t1.IsList || t1.IsVar)) return false; TermSet tlist = new TermSet(t0); tlist.Sort(); if (!t1.Unify(tlist.ToList(), varStack)) return false; } else return false; break; case BI.functor: // functor(T, F, N) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.HasValue) { if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(t0.Functor, 0), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(2).Unify(new Term(t0.Arity.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; } else // Term (t0) is unbound { t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.HasValue) functor = t1.Functor; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.HasValue) arity = Convert.ToInt16(t2.ExprValue.AsInteger); else return false; Term[] args = new Term[arity]; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) args[i] = new Term(); if (arity == 0) t2 = (functor == Parser.DOT) ? Term.NULLLIST : new Term(functor); else if (arity > 2) t2 = new Term(functor, args); else { OperatorDescr od = Parser.GetOperatorDescr(functor); if (od == null) t2 = new Term(functor, args); else if (arity == 1 && (od.IsDefinedAsPrefix(out functor, out pr, out ot) || od.IsDefinedAsPostfix(out functor, out pr, out ot))) t2 = new Term(functor, od, args, ot, pr); else if (arity == 2 && od.IsDefinedAsInfix(out functor, out pr, out ot)) t2 = new Term(functor, od, args, ot, pr); else t2 = new Term(functor, args); } if (!t0.Unify(t2, varStack)) return false; break; } case BI.arg: // arg( N, Term, A) t1 = term.Arg(1); n = term.Arg(1).NArgs; if (n <= 0) return false; n = Convert.ToInt32(term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsInteger); Term arg = t1.Arg(n - 1); // N is 1-based if (arg == null || !arg.Unify(term.Arg(2), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.abolish: // abolish( X/N) t0 = term.Arg(0); result = true; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg(0).IsAtom && t0.Arg(1).IsInteger) result = ps.Abolish(t0.Arg(0).Functor, t0.Arg(1).Functor); else result = false; if (!result) return false; break; case BI.gensym: // gensym( X) t0 = new Term("v" + gensymInt++, 0); if (t0.Unify(term.Arg(0), varStack)) break; else return false; case BI.var: if (term.Arg(0).IsVar) break; return false; case BI.nonvar: if (term.Arg(0).IsNonVar) break; return false; case BI.atom_: if (term.Arg(0).IsAtom) break; return false; case BI.atomic: if (term.Arg(0).IsAtomic) break; return false; case BI.integer: if (term.Arg(0).IsInteger) break; return false; case BI.float_: if (term.Arg(0).IsFloat) break; return false; case BI.number: if (term.Arg(0).IsNumber) break; return false; case BI.compound: if (term.Arg(0).IsCompound) break; return false; case BI.list: if (term.Arg(0).IsList) break; return false; case BI.string_: if (term.Arg(0).IsString) break; return false; case BI.isdatetime: if (term.Arg(0).IsDateTime) break; return false; case BI.istimespan: if (term.Arg(0).IsTimeSpan) break; return false; case BI.is_: // X is Y t0 = new Term(term.Arg(1).ExprValue); if (term.Arg(0).Unify(t0, varStack)) break; return false; case BI.ne_uni: // X \= Y if (term.Arg(0).Unify(term.Arg(1), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.eq_num: // X =:= if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber == term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.ne_num: // X =\= Y if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber != term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.lt_num: // X < Y if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber < term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.le_num: // X =< Y if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber <= term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.gt_num: // X > Y if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber > term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.ge_num: // X >= Y if (term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsNumber >= term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsNumber) break; return false; case BI.eq_str: // X == Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) == 0) break; return false; case BI.ne_str: // X \== Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) != 0) break; return false; case BI.lt_ord: // X @< Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) < 0) break; return false; case BI.le_ord: // X @=< Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) <= 0) break; return false; case BI.gt_ord: // X @> Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) > 0) break; return false; case BI.ge_ord: // X @>= Y if (term.Arg(0).CompareTo(term.Arg(1)) >= 0) break; return false; case BI.univ: // X =.. Y t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.HasValue) // create a list representation of the lhs and unify that with the rhs { functor = t0.Functor; arity = t0.Arity; Term[] args = new Term[arity]; t1 = Term.NULLLIST; // [] for (int i = arity; i > 0; i--) t1 = new Term(Parser.DOT, t0.Arg(i - 1), t1, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 100); // [arg1, arg2, ...] t1 = new Term(Parser.DOT, new Term(functor), t1, FType.comp, OType.yfx, 0); // [functor, arg1, arg2, ...] if (!t1.Unify(term.Arg(1), varStack)) return false; break; } else // Term is unbound. Create a function representation of the list rhs, and bind that to the lhs { t1 = term.Arg(1); if (!t1.HasValue || !t1.IsList) return false; if (t1.Arg(0) == null) return false; // empty list functor = t1.Arg(0).Functor; // convert rest of list to arguments: calculate arity first t1 = t1.Arg(1); arity = 0; t2 = t1; while (t2.Arity == 2) { arity++; t2 = t2.Arg(1); } // create arguments Term[] args = new Term[arity]; for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++) { args[i] = t1.Arg(0); t1 = t1.Arg(1); } t1 = new Term(functor, args); t0.Unify(t1, varStack); break; } case BI.unifiable: // X can be unified with Y, but without variable bindings if (!term.Arg(0).Unifiable(term.Arg(1), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.see: // see(X) currentInputName = Utils.FileNameFromTerm(term.Arg(0), ".pl"); if (currentInputName == null) return false; currentInputReader = new StreamReader(currentInputName); Console.SetIn(currentInputReader); break; /* case BI.see: // see(X) // ORIGINAL VERSION, INTENDED FOR USE WITH read/1 try { currentInputName = null; while (seeParserThread.IsAlive) { Utils.WriteLine ("Waiting to abort"); seeParserThread.Interrupt (); seeParserThread.Abort (); } } catch {} currentInputName = Utils.FileNameFromTerm (term.Arg (0), ".pl"); if (currentInputName == null) return false; Utils.WriteLine ("File {0}", currentInputName); Monitor.Enter (TermMonitor); Utils.WriteLine ("see: Monitor entered"); seeParserRun = new ThreadStart (RunSeeParser); seeParserThread = new Thread (seeParserRun); seeParserThread.IsBackground = true; // nodig? seeParserThread.Start (); Utils.WriteLine ("see: Thread started"); break; */ case // read(X) try { if (currentInputName == null) return false; // Monitor.Enter () was issued in see (F) Monitor.Pulse(TermMonitor); if (Monitor.Wait(TermMonitor, 2000)) { t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.Unify(parser/*seeParser*/.ReadTerm, varStack)) return false; } else // time-out { Utils.WriteLine("read: Monitor.Wait () timed out"); return false; } } finally { if (parser/*seeParser*/.AtEndOfInput) { currentInputName = null; try { Monitor.Exit(TermMonitor); } catch { } } } break; case BI.get0: // get0(C): any character n = (char)Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.get: // get( C): skip non-printables do { n = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (!Char.IsControl((char)n)) break; // break if printable } while (true); if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case // seek( N, C) n = Convert.ToInt32(term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsInteger); if (!parser/*seeParser*/.StreamInChar(n, out ch)) return false; if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(ch.ToString()), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.seen: // seen currentInputName = null; if (seeParserThread != null) seeParserThread.Abort(); seeParserThread = null; // implicitly set by Abort? break; case BI.tell: // tell( F) if (!Globals.SetCurrentOutput(Utils.FileNameFromTerm(term.Arg(0), ".pl"))) return false; break; case BI.write: // write( X) PrologIO.PrologPrint(term.Arg(0)); break; case BI.writeq: // writeq( X) PrologIO.PrologPrint(term.Arg(0).ToStringQ()); break; case BI.writeln: // writeln( X) PrologIO.PrologPrint(term.Arg(0)); PrologIO.PrologPrint(Environment.NewLine); break; case BI.put: // put( C) n = Convert.ToInt32(term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsInteger); PrologIO.PrologPrint(((char)n).ToString()); break; case PrologIO.PrologPrint(Environment.NewLine); break; case // tab( +N) ////////////////////////// testen op Int n = Convert.ToInt32(term.Arg(0).ExprValue.AsInteger); PrologIO.PrologPrint(new String(' ', n)); break; case BI.display: // like writeln ( X), but always to standard ouput Globals.SetStandardOutput(); PrologIO.PrologPrint(term.Arg(0)); PrologIO.PrologPrint(Environment.NewLine); Globals.RevertToCurrentOutput(); break; case BI.told: Globals.TryCloseCurrentOutput(); break; case BI.atom_chars: // name( ?A, ?L) case // name( ?A, ?L) t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.HasValue) { FType fType; string a; if (t1.IsList) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (t1.Arity == 2) { t2 = t1.Arg(0); if (!t2.IsInteger) return false; sb.Append((char)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger); t1 = t1.Arg(1); } a = Utils.MakeAtom_ic(sb.ToString(), true, out fType); if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(a, fType), varStack)) return false; } else if (t1.IsString) { a = Utils.MakeAtom_ic(t1.Functor, true, out fType); if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(a, fType), varStack)) return false; } else return false; } else // create a list containing A's character codes { t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsAtomic) return false; char[] chars = t0.Functor.ToCharArray(); t0 = Term.NULLLIST; // [] for (int i = chars.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { t2 = new Term(((int)chars[i]).ToString(), FType.number); t0 = new Term(Parser.DOT, t2, t0, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 100); } t1.Unify(t0, varStack); } break; case BI.expand_term: // expand_term( +(P-->Q), -R) t0 = term.Arg(0); // P-->Q t1 = term.Arg(1); // R Term head = t0.Arg(0); TermNode body = t0.Arg(1).ToDCG(ref head); t2 = new Term(new ClauseNode(head, body)).CleanUp(); if (!t1.Unify(t2, varStack)) return false; break; case BI.numbervars: // numbervars(+X, +B, -E) t0 = term.Arg(0); t1 = term.Arg(1); t2 = term.Arg(2); if (!t1.IsInteger || t2.HasValue) return false; int k = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; t0.NumberVars(ref k, varStack); t2.Unify(new Term(k.ToString(), FType.number), varStack); break; case BI.writef0: // writef( S, L) t0 = term.Arg(0); t1 = term.Arg(1); if (!t0.IsString) return false; ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); while (t1.Arity == 2) { t2 = t1.Arg(0); string a = null; if (t2.Functor == "tree" && t2.Arity == 1) a = t2.Arg(0).ToTree(); else if (t2.Functor == "raw" && t2.Arity == 1) a = t2.Arg(0).ToRaw(); al.Add((a == null) ? t2.ToString() : a); t1 = t1.Arg(1); } PrologIO.WriteLine(t0.Functor, al.ToArray()); break; case BI.writef: // writef( S) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsString) return false; PrologIO.WriteLine(t0.Functor); break; case BI.username: // username( X) if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(Environment.UserName), varStack)) return false; break; case // shell( X [,Args]) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!(t0.IsString || t0.IsAtom)) return false; else if (term.Arity == 1) Process.Start(t0.Functor); else if (!((t1 = term.Arg(1)).IsString || t1.IsAtom)) return false; else Process.Start(t0.Functor, Utils.Dequoted(t1.Functor)); break; /* namespace MyProcessSample { /// <summary> /// Shell for the sample. /// </summary> class MyProcess { // These are the Win32 error code for file not found or access denied. const int ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND =2; const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5; /// <summary> /// Prints a file with a .doc extension. /// </summary> void PrintDoc() { Process myProcess = new Process(); try { // Get the path that stores user documents. string myDocumentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = myDocumentsPath + "\\MyFile.doc"; myProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "Print"; myProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; myProcess.Start(); } catch (Win32Exception e) { if(e.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message + ". Check the path."); } else if (e.NativeErrorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // Note that if your word processor might generate exceptions // such as this, which are handled first. Console.WriteLine(e.Message + ". You do not have permission to print this file."); } } } */ case BI.predicatePN: // predicate( +P/N) t0 = term.Arg(0); result = true; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg(0).IsAtom && t0.Arg(1).IsInteger) result = ps.IsPredicate(t0.Arg(0).Functor, (int)t0.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsInteger); else result = false; if (!result) return false; break; case BI.predicateX: // predicate( +T) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsVar || !ps.IsPredicate(t0.Functor, t0.NArgs)) return false; break; #if persistent case BI.retract_where: // retract(X) where Y -- for persistent predicates only. No backtracking, delete the whole shebang in one go t0 = term.Arg (0).Arg (0); // X if (!ps.IsPersistent (t0)) IO.Error ("retract/1: 'where' not allowed on non-persistent predicate {0}", t0.KbKey); t1 = term.Arg (1); // Y if (!ps.Retract (t0, varStack, t1)) return false; break; case BI.persistent: // persistent( +P/N) t0 = term.Arg (0); result = true; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg (0).IsAtom && t0.Arg (1).IsInteger) result = ps.IsPersistent (t0.Arg (0).Functor, (int)t0.Arg (1).ExprValue.AsInteger); else result = false; if (!result) return false; break; case BI.whereXY: // X where Y t0 = term.Arg (0); // X if (!ps.IsPersistent (t0)) IO.Error ("'where' not allowed on non-persistent predicate {0}", t0.KbKey); t1 = term.Arg (1); // Y // insert the goal in the argument into the current goalNode goalNode = t0.ToGoalList ().Append (goalNode.NextNode); goalNode.FindPredicateDefinition (ps, t1); return true; case BI.persistent_info: // persistent_info( X/N, L) -- give a list with a description of each column t0 = term.Arg (0); t1 = term.Arg (1); t2 = null; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg (0).IsAtom && t0.Arg (1).IsInteger) t2 = ps.PersistentInfo (t0.Arg (0).Functor, t0.Arg (1).Functor); else return false; if (!t1.Unify (t2, varStack)) return false; // t1 is output-arg break; case BI.persistent_uncache: // persistent_uncache( X/N) -- empty persistent predicate X/N's cache t0 = term.Arg (0); t1 = term.Arg (1); PredicateDescr pd; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg (0).IsAtom && t0.Arg (1).IsInteger) pd = ps [Term.Key (t0.Arg (0).Functor, t0.Arg (1).Functor)]; else return false; if (pd == null || !(pd is PersistentPredDescr)) { IO.Warning ("Predicate '{0}/{1}' was not declared as persistent", t0.Arg (0).Functor, t0.Arg (1).Functor); return false; } ((PersistentPredDescr)pd).InvalidateCache (); break; #endif case BI.ground: // ground( +T) if (!term.Arg(0).IsGround()) return false; break; case // date( ?Y, ?M, ?D) y = DateTime.Today.Year; m = DateTime.Today.Month; d = DateTime.Today.Day; if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(y.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(m.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(2).Unify(new Term(d.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case // time( ?H, ?M, ?S) h = DateTime.Now.Hour; m = DateTime.Now.Minute; s = DateTime.Now.Second; if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(h.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(m.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; if (!term.Arg(2).Unify(new Term(s.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.validdate: // validdate( +Y, +M, +D) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) d = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { new DateTime(y, m, d); } catch { return false; } break; case BI.validtime: // validtime( +H, +M, +S) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) h = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) s = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, h, m, s); } catch { return false; } break; case BI.dayname: // dayname( +Y, +M, +D, ?N) DayOfWeek dow; t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) d = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { dow = new DateTime(y, m, d).DayOfWeek; } catch { return false; } if (!term.Arg(3).Unify(new Term(dow.ToString("G"), FType.text), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.dayofweek: // dayofweek( +Y, +M, +D, ?N) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) d = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { n = (int)new DateTime(y, m, d).DayOfWeek; } catch { return false; } if (!term.Arg(3).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.dayofyear: // dayofyear( +Y, +M, +D, ?N) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) d = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { n = (int)new DateTime(y, m, d).DayOfYear; } catch { return false; } if (!term.Arg(3).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.leapyear: // leapyear( +Y) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; if (!DateTime.IsLeapYear(y)) return false; break; case BI.weekno: // weekno(+Y, +M, +D, ?N) // week number of date Y-M-D, or current week number if (term.Arity == 4) { t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) y = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t1 = term.Arg(1); if (t1.IsInteger) m = (int)t1.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; t2 = term.Arg(2); if (t2.IsInteger) d = (int)t2.ExprValue.AsInteger; else return false; try { n = Utils.WeekNo(new DateTime(y, m, d)); } catch { return false; } // invalid date } else n = Utils.WeekNo(DateTime.Today); if (!term.Arg(term.Arity - 1).Unify(new Term(n.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.prob: if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(new Prolog.Term.NumberValue(new decimal(resProb))), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.probdebuglevel: t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsInteger) probDebugLevel = (int)t0.ExprValue.AsInteger; PrologIO.WriteLine("Probability debug level:" + probDebugLevel); break; case BI.probtimedecay: t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsString || t0.Functor == null) return false; timeDecayEnabled = ("yes".Equals(t0.Functor.ToLower()) || "y".Equals(t0.Functor.ToLower())); PrologIO.WriteLine("Probability time decay:" + timeDecayEnabled); break; case BI.xml_term: // xml_term( [C,] ?X, ?P) converts between XML and Prolog representation string x; Term ss = null; bool settings = (term.Arity == 3); if (settings) { ss = term.Arg(0); t0 = term.Arg(1); t1 = term.Arg(2); } else { t0 = term.Arg(0); t1 = term.Arg(1); } if (t0.HasValue) { x = t0.Functor; bool inFile = (t0.Arity == 1 && x == "see"); // is it the name of a source file containing the XML structure? bool outFile = (t0.Arity == 1 && x == "tell"); // ... or the name of a destination file containing the XML structure? if (inFile || outFile) { x = Utils.FileNameFromTerm(t0.Arg(0), ".xml"); if (x == null) return false; } if (outFile) { if (!t1.HasValue) return false; if (!Node.TermToXml(ss, t1, ref x)) return false; } else { t2 = Node.XmlToTerm(x, inFile); //Console.WriteLine (t2.ToTree ()); if (!t1.Unify(t2, varStack)) return false; } break; } else if (t1.HasValue) { x = null; if (!Node.TermToXml(ss, t1, ref x)) return false; t2 = new Term(x, FType.text); if (!t0.Unify(t2, varStack)) return false; break; } else return false; case BI.listing: // listing if (!ps.ListAll(null, -1, false, true)) return false; // i.e. no predefined, all user break; case BI.listingXN: // listing( X/N) t0 = term.Arg(0); result = true; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg(0).IsAtom && t0.Arg(1).IsInteger) result = ps.ListAll(t0.Arg(0).Functor, t0.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsInteger, false, true); else result = false; if (!result) return false; break; case BI.listingX: // listing( X) -- list all predicates X/N (i.e. for each N) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsAtom) return false; if (!ps.ListAll(t0.Functor, -1, false, true)) return false; break; case BI.listing0: // listing0 if (!ps.ListAll(null, -1, true, false)) return false; // i.e. no user, all predefined break; case BI.listing0XN: // listing0( X/N) t0 = term.Arg(0); result = true; if (t0.Functor == "/" && t0.Arity == 2 && t0.Arg(0).IsAtom && t0.Arg(1).IsInteger) result = ps.ListAll(t0.Arg(0).Functor, t0.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsInteger, true, false); else result = false; if (!result) return false; break; case BI.listing0X: // listing0( X) t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsAtom) return false; if (!ps.ListAll(t0.Functor, -1, true, false)) return false; break; case BI.pp_defines: // pp_defines( X) -- preprocessor symbol definitions -- mainly useful for debugging in nested calls t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsVar) return false; t1 = Term.NULLLIST; // [] //Console.WriteLine ("Parser.PpSymbols.count = {0}", Parser.PpSymbols.Count); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Parser.PpSymbols) t1 = new Term(Utils.MakeAtom(de.Key as string), new Term(), t1, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 100); t0.Unify(t1, varStack); break; case BI.undefineds: ps.FindUndefineds(); break; case BI.copy_term: // copy_term( X, Y) if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(term.Arg(0).CleanCopy(), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.undef_pred_action: // undef_pred_action( X/1, A) t0 = term.Arg(0); t1 = term.Arg(1); t2 = new Term(Parser.COMMA, t0, t1, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 1000); if (!ps.SetUndefPredAction(t2, false)) return false; break; case BI.clearall: // clearall ReadBuiltinPredicates(); break; case BI.spypoints: // spypoints ps.ShowSpypoints(); break; case BI.clause: // clause(Head,Body) t0 = term.Arg(0); // head t1 = term.Arg(1); // body if (!t0.HasValue) { // head is not instantiated --> no predicate specified // changed from Console.Writeln to general warning LI 2009/10/07 PrologIO.Warning("ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated for clause/2."); return false; } // find predicate PredicateDescr pdsc = ps[t0.KbKey]; if (pdsc == null) return false; // get current clause for it TermNode tn = ((lastCp != null) && (lastCp is ClauseChoicePoint)) ? ((ClauseChoicePoint)lastCp).NextClause : pdsc.GetClauseList(t0, null); if (tn == null) return false; // prepare for redo //maybe only needed if further tn clause existent? varStack.Push(new ClauseChoicePoint(goalNode, goalNode.NextClause, tn.NextClause)); findFirstClause = true; // unify t0 with the head and t1 with the clause if (!tn.Term.Unify(t0, varStack)) return false; TermNode tm = tn.NextNode; if ((tm == null) || (tm.BuiltinId != BI.none)) { // No body for the clause. Either a fact (unify t1 with TRUE) or a buildin predicate. if (!t1.Unify(new Term(Utils.MakeAtom(tm == null ? "true" : "builtin predicate"), FType.atom), varStack)) return false; } else if (tm.NextNode == null) { // body consists of one single goal. if (!tm.Term.Unify(t1, varStack)) return false; } else { t0 = t0.TermSeq(tm); if (!t0.Unify(t1, varStack)) return false; } break; case BI.member: // member( X, L, Rest) if (!(t0 = term.Arg(0)).HasValue || !(t1 = term.Arg(1)).IsList) return false; result = false; while (t1.Arity == 2) { if (result = t0.Unify(t1.Arg(0), varStack)) break; t1 = t1.Arg(1); } currentCp.Kill(); // no backtracking to follow -> remove the choicepoint for the alternative clauses if (!result) return false; break; // BACKTRACKING VERSION // while (t1.Arity == 2) // { // if (result = t0.Unify (t1.Arg (0), varStack)) // { // if ((t0 = t1.Arg (1)).Arity == 0) // empty list // currentCp.Kill (); // no backtracking to follow -> remove the choicepoint for the alternative clauses // else // term.Arg (2).Bind (t0); // set Rest to remainder of list (for backtracking) // // break; // } // t1 = t1.Arg (1); // } case BI.append: // append( [_|_], [_|_], L) if (!(t0 = term.Arg(0)).IsList || !(t1 = term.Arg(1)).IsList) return false; currentCp.Kill(); // no backtracking to follow -> remove the choicepoint for the alternative clauses if (!term.Arg(2).Unify(t0.AppendList(t1), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.match_regex: // regex( +Source, +Pattern, ?Result, ?Options) if (!((t0 = term.Arg(0)).IsString || t0.IsAtom) || !((t1 = term.Arg(1)).IsString || !t1.IsAtom)) return false; Match[] matches = Utils.FindRegexMatches(t0.Functor, t1.Functor, false); if (matches.Length == 0) return false; //foreach (Match mt in matches) Console.WriteLine ("index {0} match {1}", mt.Index, mt.Value); t2 = Term.NULLLIST; // [] bool asAtom = true; for (int i = matches.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) t2 = new Term(Parser.DOT, Term.MakeMatchTerm(matches[i], asAtom), t2, FType.comp, OType.xfy, 100); if (!term.Arg(2).Unify(t2, varStack)) return false; break; case BI.xmltrace: // xmltrace( X) -- send the execution tree of the next query to file X // Must be the first goal of a query, in order to avoid problems that // arise when it gets involved in backtracking. if (xmlTrace) PrologIO.Error("Execution trace is already being logged in {0}", xmlFile); else if (!(t0 = term.Arg(0)).IsAtom && !t0.IsString) PrologIO.Error("Not a valid file name: '{0}'", t0); else if (!firstGoal) { PrologIO.WriteLine("{0}*** {1}/1/2 must be the first goal of the query -- ignored{0}", Environment.NewLine, term.Functor); break; } else if ((xmlFile = Utils.FileNameFromTerm(t0, ".xml")) == null) return false; n = (term.Arity == 2) ? term.Arg(1).ExprValue.AsInteger : INF; if (n < 1) PrologIO.Error("Maximum number of elements must exceed 0"); XmlTraceOpen(term.Functor, n); break; case BI.numcols: // numcols( N) -- number of columns in the DOS-box #if mswindows if (!term.Arg(0).Unify(new Term(Utils.NumCols.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; #else return false; #endif case BI.userroles: #if mswindows WindowsIdentity ident = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(ident); //bool admin = principal.IsInRole (WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); PrologIO.Message("{0} belongs to: ", principal.Identity.Name.ToString()); Array wbirFields = Enum.GetValues(typeof(WindowsBuiltInRole)); foreach (object roleName in wbirFields) { try { PrologIO.Message("{0}? {1}.", roleName, principal.IsInRole((WindowsBuiltInRole)roleName)); } catch (Exception) { PrologIO.Message("Could not obtain role for RID {0}", roleName); } } #else PrologIO.Error ("userroles only available if compiler symbol mswindows is defined"); #endif break; case BI.statistics: // statistics( X, [MSec,_]) // this version actually only returns the current time t1 = term.Arg(1).Arg(0); long time = ClockTicksMSecs(); if (!t1.Unify(new Term(time.ToString(), FType.number), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.environment: // environment( X, Y) -- unify Y with atom value of environment variable X t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsAtom) return false; string es; switch (t0.Functor.ToLower()) { case "applicationdata": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); break; case "localapplicationdata": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); break; case "cookies": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Cookies); break; case "desktopdirectory": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); break; case "internetcache": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache); break; case "programfiles": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles); break; case "startup": es = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup); break; case "commandline": es = Environment.CommandLine; break; case "currentdirectory": es = Environment.CurrentDirectory; break; case "machinename": es = Environment.MachineName; break; case "newline": es = Environment.NewLine; break; case "osversion": es = Environment.OSVersion.ToString(); break; case "stacktrace": es = Environment.StackTrace; break; case "systemdirectory": es = Environment.SystemDirectory; break; case "tickcount": es = Environment.TickCount.ToString(); break; case "userdomainname": es = Environment.UserDomainName; break; case "userinteractive": es = Environment.UserInteractive.ToString(); break; case "username": es = Environment.UserName; break; case "version": es = Environment.Version.ToString(); break; case "workingset": es = Environment.WorkingSet.ToString(); break; default: return false; } if (!term.Arg(1).Unify(new Term(es), varStack)) return false; break; case BI.query_timeout: t0 = term.Arg(0); if (t0.IsVar) { t0.Unify(new Term(queryTimeout.ToString(), FType.number), varStack); break; } if (!t0.IsInteger || (queryTimeout = t0.ExprValue.AsInteger) < 0) return false; break; case BI.inc_counter: // inc_counter( N) -- value of N is increased at each redo!! t0 = term.Arg(0); if (!t0.IsInteger) return false; t0.Functor = (t0.ExprValue.AsInteger + 1).ToString(); break; // case BI.vvv: // PredicateDescr p = ps [Term.Key ("value", 2)]; // p.DumpClauseList (); // break; default: return PrologIO.Error("Undefined built-in: {0}", term); } goalNode = goalNode.NextNode; if (reporting) // advance the goalList until a non-spypoint is encountered. Show spy(-exit)-info. { TermNode sp = null; while (goalNode is SpyPoint) { sp = ((SpyPoint)goalNode).SaveGoal; if (Debugger(SpyPort.exit, sp, null, false, 1)) break; goalNode = sp.NextNode; } } findFirstClause = true; return true; }
public ActionResult Test(BI.SGP.Web.Models.test t) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (Request.Form["id"] != null) { = int.Parse(Request.Form["id"]); } RedirectToAction("Detail"); } = 12; ViewBag.test = t; return View(); }
protected void RptSIBRAdaptiveScores_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { Literal LtrStart = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LtrStart"); Literal LtrEnd = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("LtrEnd"); HiddenField HdnHdnSIBRScoringTypesID = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("HdnSIBRScoringTypesID"); HiddenField HdnW = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("HdnW"); decimal.TryParse(HdnW.Value, out W); if (Tools.SIBRScoringTypesGroups.Motor_Skills.ToDescriptionString().Contains(string.Format(",{0},", HdnHdnSIBRScoringTypesID.Value))) { LtrStart.Visible = count == 0; count++; MS += W; if (count == 2) { count = 0; LtrEnd.Visible = true; MS = Math.Round(MS / 2); BI += MS; LtrMS.Text = LtrBIMS.Text = MS._ToString(); } } else if (Tools.SIBRScoringTypesGroups.Social_Interaction_Communication_Skills.ToDescriptionString().Contains(string.Format(",{0},", HdnHdnSIBRScoringTypesID.Value))) { if (count == 0) { LtrStart.Visible = true; } count++; SC += W; if (count == 3) { count = 0; LtrEnd.Visible = true; SC = Math.Round(SC / 3); BI += SC; LtrSC.Text = LtrBISC.Text = SC._ToString(); } } else if (Tools.SIBRScoringTypesGroups.Personal_Living_Skills.ToDescriptionString().Contains(string.Format(",{0},", HdnHdnSIBRScoringTypesID.Value))) { if (count == 0) { LtrStart.Visible = true; } count++; PL += W; if (count == 5) { count = 0; LtrEnd.Visible = true; PL = Math.Round(PL / 5); BI += PL; LtrPL.Text = LtrBIPL.Text = PL._ToString(); } } else if (Tools.SIBRScoringTypesGroups.Community_Living_Skills.ToDescriptionString().Contains(string.Format(",{0},", HdnHdnSIBRScoringTypesID.Value))) { if (count == 0) { LtrStart.Visible = true; } count++; CL += W; if (count == 4) { count = 0; LtrEnd.Visible = count == 0; CL = Math.Round(CL / 4); BI += CL; LtrCL.Text = LtrBICL.Text = CL._ToString(); BI = Math.Round(BI / 4); LtrBI.Text = BI._ToString(); } } } }
public static string GenerateQueryListSql(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder strControl = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = DbHelperSQL.Query(field.KeyValueSource).Tables[0]; strControl.AppendFormat("<input type='hidden' name='{0}'><select style='width:100% !important' class='chosen-select1 tag-input-style' name='{0}' id='{0}' multiple='' data-placeholder=' '><option value=''></option>", field.FieldName); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { strControl.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>", dr["Value"]); } } strControl.Append("</select>"); return strControl.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateQueryDateRange(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { return String.Format("<div style='width:100% !important' class='input-group'><span class='input-group-addon'><i class='icon-calendar bigger-110'></i></span><input style='width:100% !important; height:28px' class='date-range-picker' type='text' name='{0}' id='{0}' style='cursor:pointer !important;'></div>", field.FieldName); }
/// <summary> /// 生成单个Field,返回生成的HTML代码 /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GenerateField(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"background-color:#edf3f4;border:1px solid #dcebf7;width:10%;{1} \" >{0}</td>" , field.DisplayName , field.WFRequiredOption == RequiredOption.Required ? "color:red" : "color:#336199" ); if (field.CategoryID == 9) { sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"border:1px dotted #dcebf7;width:10%\" colspan={0}>", field.ColSpan); } else { sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"border:1px dotted #dcebf7;width:15%\" colspan={0}>", field.ColSpan); } switch (field.DataType) { case "string": { if (field.ColSpan >= 5) { sb.Append(GenerateTextArea(field)); break; } else { sb.Append(GenerateTextBox(field)); break; } } case "date": case "datetime": { sb.Append(GenerateDatePicker(field)); break; } case "time": { sb.Append(GenerateTimePicker(field)); break; } case "list": { sb.Append(GenerateDropdownList(field)); break; } case "listsql": { sb.Append(GenerateDropdownListSQL(field)); break; } case "float": { sb.Append(GenerateTextBoxForCurrency(field)); break; } case "int": case "double": { sb.Append(GenerateTextBoxForNumber(field)); break; } case "bool": { sb.Append(GenerateCheckBox(field)); break; } } sb.Append("</td>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateQueryExt(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { if (field.FieldName == "StatusID") { return "<select class='form-control' name='StatusID' id='StatusID'><option value=''>All</option><option value='1'>New</option><option value='9'>Priced</option></select>"; } return ""; }
public static void Init() { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { var now = DateTime.Now; var showtime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day + 7, 3, 30, 0); Thread.Sleep(showtime - now); try { Plugins.Feebl.Cleanup(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.Log.Error(ex); } } }); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { try { Plugins.Feebl.UpdateSchedule(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.Log.Error(ex); } Thread.Sleep(Day); } }); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { try { Ping.ProcessWebsites(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.Log.Error(ex); } Thread.Sleep(5 * Minute); } }); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { try { BI.ProcessMails(); Plugins.Feebl.CheckDemands(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utilities.Log.Error(ex); } Thread.Sleep(Minute); } }); }
public static string GenerateQueryTextBox(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { return String.Format("<input style='width:100% !important' id='{0}' name='{0}' type='text' onpaste='return $.bi.form.pasteJoin(this)'>", field.FieldName); }
public static string GenerateFieldforVertical(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); switch (field.DataType) { case "string": { if (field.ColSpan >= 5) { sb.Append(GenerateTextArea(field)); break; } else { sb.Append(GenerateTextBox(field)); break; } } case "date": case "datetime": { sb.Append(GenerateDatePicker(field)); break; } case "time": { sb.Append(GenerateTimePicker(field)); break; } case "list": { sb.Append(GenerateDropdownList(field)); break; } case "listsql": { sb.Append(GenerateDropdownListSQL(field)); break; } case "float": case "int": case "double": { sb.Append(GenerateTextBoxForNumber(field)); break; } case "bool": { sb.Append(GenerateCheckBox(field)); break; } } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 生成文本框的HTML代码 /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// public static string GenerateTextBox(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (field.FieldName == "OEM" || field.FieldName == "ShipmentTerms" || field.FieldName == "Location") { sb.AppendLine(@"<input style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + field.DataValue + @""" type=""text"" autocomplete=""off"">"); } else if ((field.FieldName == "CustomerContact") && (field.DataValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.DataValue.ToString().Trim()))) { if (field.Visible == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@"<input style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""Whom it may concern"" disabled=""disabled"" type=""text"" placeholder="""" autocomplete=""off"">"); } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<input style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""Whom it may concern"" type=""text"" placeholder="""" autocomplete=""off"">"); } } else { if (field.Visible == 0) { sb.AppendLine(@"<input style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + field.DataValue + @""" disabled=""disabled"" type=""text"" placeholder="""" autocomplete=""off"">"); } else { sb.AppendLine(@"<input style=""width:100% !important"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + field.DataValue + @""" type=""text"" placeholder="""" autocomplete=""off"">"); } } return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateLabel(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(@"<input id='" + field.FieldName + "' name='" + field.FieldName + @"'/>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static string GenerateTextBoxForNumber(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { string val; double v = 0; if (field.DataValue == null) { field.DataValue = ""; } double.TryParse(field.DataValue.ToString(), out v); if (v == 0) { val = ""; if (field.FieldName == "DueDate") { val = "48"; } } else { val = v.ToString(); } string[] hover = { "PanelSizeWidth", "PanelSizeLength" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (field.Visible == 0) { if (hover.Contains(field.FieldName)) { sb.Append(@"<div style=""width:100% !important"" class=""input-group""><input style=""width:100% !important"" type=""text"" disabled=""disabled"" class=""NumberType1"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + val + @""" maxlength=""8"" data-original-title=""Inches!"" data-placement=""bottom"" data-rel=""tooltip"" ></div>"); } else { sb.Append(@"<div style=""width:100% !important"" class=""input-group""><input style=""width:100% !important"" type=""text"" disabled=""disabled"" class=""NumberType1"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + val + @""" maxlength=""8"" ></div>"); } } else { if (hover.Contains(field.FieldName)) { sb.Append(@"<div style=""width:100% !important"" class=""input-group""><input style=""width:100% !important"" type=""text"" class=""NumberType1"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + val + @""" maxlength=""8"" data-original-title=""Inches!"" data-placement=""bottom"" data-rel=""tooltip""></div>"); } else { sb.Append(@"<div style=""width:100% !important"" class=""input-group""><input style=""width:100% !important"" type=""text"" class=""NumberType1"" id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" Value=""" + val + @""" maxlength=""8"" ></div>"); } } return sb.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 生成打印Lable,返回生成的HTML代码 /// </summary> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GeneratePrintField(BI.SGP.BLL.DataModels.FieldInfo field) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"width:10%\"> {0}</td>" , field.DisplayName ); sb.AppendFormat("<td style=\"width:15%\" colspan={0}>", field.ColSpan); if (field.DataType == "float") { sb.AppendFormat(@" <label id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" >{0}</label>", string.Format("{0:C0}", field.DataValue)); } else { sb.AppendFormat(@" <label id=""" + field.FieldName + @""" name=""" + field.FieldName + @""" >{0}</label>", field.DataValue); } sb.Append("</td>"); return sb.ToString(); }
// builtin predicates public TermNode(string tag) { try { builtinId = (BI)Enum.Parse (typeof (BI), tag, false); } catch { IO.Error ("Bootstrap.cs: unknown BI enum value '{0}'", tag); } }
// builtin predicates public TermNode(string tag) { try { builtinId = (BI)Enum.Parse(typeof(BI), tag, false); } catch { PrologIO.Error("Unknown builtin-tag {0}", tag); } }