//-----------------------Function1--------------------------// protected void billHistory(object sender, EventArgs e) { myDAL objmyDAl = new myDAL(); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); int id = (int)Session["idoriginal"]; int status = objmyDAl.getBillHistory(id, ref DT); if (status == -1) { BHistory.Text = "There was some error in retrieving the Patient's Bill History."; } else if (status == 0) { BHistory.Text = "No bills pending. Have a nice day!"; } else { BHistory.Text = status + " Bill(s) are found: "; BHistoryGrid.DataSource = DT; BHistoryGrid.DataBind(); } return; }
//-----------------------Function1--------------------------// protected void billHistory(object sender, EventArgs e) { myDAL objmyDAl = new myDAL(); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); int id = (int)Session["idoriginal"]; int status = objmyDAl.getBillHistory(id, ref DT); if (status == -1) { BHistory.ForeColor = Color.Red; BHistory.Text = "There was some error in retrieving the Patient's Bill History."; } else if (status == 0) { BHistory.ForeColor = Color.White; BHistory.Text = "There is currently no bill history of yours."; } else { BHistory.ForeColor = Color.LawnGreen; BHistory.Text = status + " Bill(s) are found: "; BHistoryGrid.DataSource = DT; BHistoryGrid.DataBind(); } return; }