Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BGMove"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start">Start.</param>
 /// <param name="end">End.</param>
 /// <param name="diceRoll">Dice roll.</param>
 public BGMove(BGPoint startPoint, BGPoint endPoint, int diceRoll)
     this.StartPointID = startPoint.ID;
     this.EndPointID   = endPoint.ID;
     this.DiceRoll     = diceRoll;
     this.IsHit        = (startPoint.Player != endPoint.Player) && (endPoint.Count == 1);
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the outer table for the specified player.
    /// </summary>
    public BGPoint[] GetOuterTable(BGPlayerID player)
        switch (player)
        case (BGPlayerID.Player1):
            BGPoint[] outerTable = new BGPoint[18];

            for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                outerTable[i] = this.m_Points[23 - i];


        case (BGPlayerID.Player2):
            BGPoint[] outerTable = new BGPoint[18];

            for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
                outerTable[i] = this.m_Points[i];


Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the inner table for the specified player.
    /// </summary>
    public BGPoint[] GetInnerTable(BGPlayerID player)
        switch (player)
        case (BGPlayerID.Player1):
            BGPoint[] innerTable = new BGPoint[6];

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                innerTable[i] = this.m_Points[i];


        case (BGPlayerID.Player2):
            BGPoint[] innerTable = new BGPoint[6];

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                innerTable[i] = this.m_Points[23 - i];


Example #4
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MoveCalculator"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public BGBoardMap()
        this.m_Points = new BGPoint[24];
        this.m_HomeP1 = new BGPoint(BGPointID.HomeP1);
        this.m_HomeP2 = new BGPoint(BGPointID.HomeP2);
        this.m_JailP1 = new BGPoint(BGPointID.JailP1);
        this.m_JailP2 = new BGPoint(BGPointID.JailP2);

        for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            this.m_Points[i] = new BGPoint((BGPointID)i);
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the specified move to the board map.
    /// Returns whether the move has been applied successfully, resulting in the board map being changed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="move"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool Use(BGMove move)
        BGPoint startPoint = GetPoint(move.StartPointID);
        BGPoint endPoint   = GetPoint(move.EndPointID);

        // Return immediately if the move is invalid.

        if (startPoint.Count == 0)

        // Case 1: The endpoint does not have any checkers.
        // Case 2: The endpoint is occupied by the same player occupying the start point.

        if (endPoint.Player == BGPlayerID.None || startPoint.Player == endPoint.Player)
            endPoint.Player = startPoint.Player;

            if (startPoint.Count == 0)
                startPoint.Player = BGPlayerID.None;


        // Case 3: The endpoint is occupied by the opponent of the player occupying the start point and is vulnerable.

        else if (endPoint.Player != startPoint.Player && endPoint.Count == 1)
            endPoint.Player = startPoint.Player;

            if (startPoint.Count == 0)
                startPoint.Player = BGPlayerID.None;


Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the point the EXACT specified distance behind the given BOARD point with respect to the particular player.
    /// Returns null, if no such point exists.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pointID"></param>
    /// <param name="player"></param>
    /// <param name="distance"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public BGPoint GetPreviousPoint(BGPointID pointID, BGPlayerID player, int distance)
        if (pointID <= BGPointID.Point1 || pointID >= BGPointID.Point24)

        if (player == BGPlayerID.Player1)
            BGPoint previousPoint = null;
            int     previousIndex = ((int)pointID + distance);

            if (previousIndex <= 23)
                previousPoint = GetPoint((BGPointID)previousIndex);
            else if (previousIndex == 24)
                previousPoint = GetJail(BGPlayerID.Player2);

        else if (player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
            BGPoint previousPoint = null;
            int     previousIndex = ((int)pointID - distance);

            if (previousIndex >= 0)
                previousPoint = GetPoint((BGPointID)previousIndex);
            else if (previousIndex == -1)
                previousPoint = GetJail(BGPlayerID.Player1);

Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the AI perceived value for the specified board.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="board"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected override float GetScore(BGBoardMap board)
        if (board.IsRunOut())
            // If the board is a run out:
            //  1) Focus on getting checkers into the inner board as fast as possible and pick up as many checkers as possible.
            //  2) Penalize the score severely for each checker outside the inner table.
            //     - The farther away the checker is, the more severe the penalty.

            float score = 2000000;

            score += (board.GetPoint(BGPointID.HomeP2).Count * 10000);

            for (BGPointID id = BGPointID.Point24; id >= BGPointID.Point19; id--)
                BGPoint point = board.GetPoint(id);

                if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
                    score += (point.Count * Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2));

            for (BGPointID id = BGPointID.Point18; id >= BGPointID.Point7; id--)
                BGPoint point = board.GetPoint(id);

                if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
                    score -= (10 * point.Count * Mathf.Pow(24 + (int)(BGPointID.Point18 - id), 2));

            for (BGPointID id = BGPointID.Point6; id >= BGPointID.Point1; id--)
                BGPoint point = board.GetPoint(id);

                if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
                    score -= (100 * point.Count * Mathf.Pow(24 + (17 - (int)id), 2));

        else if (board.CanBearOff(BGPlayerID.Player2))
            // If player 2 can bear off:
            //  1) Focus on picking up as many checkers as possible.
            //  2) If player 1 is jailed, penalize the score severely for each vulnerable checker.

            float score = 1000000;

            score += (board.GetPoint(BGPointID.HomeP2).Count * 10000);

            for (BGPointID id = BGPointID.Point24; id >= BGPointID.Point19; id--)
                BGPoint point = board.GetPoint(id);

                if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
                    if (point.Count == 1 && board.GetJail(BGPlayerID.Player1).Count > 0)
                        score -= (10000 * point.Count * Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2));
                        score += (point.Count * Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2));

            float score         = 0;
            int   stackingPower = 0;

            for (BGPointID id = BGPointID.Point24; id >= BGPointID.Point1; id--)
                BGPoint point = board.GetPoint(id);

                if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2)
                    if (point.Count > 2)
                        score += Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2);
                    else if (point.Count == 2)
                        score += (5 * Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2));
                    else if (point.Count == 1)
                        score -= (10 * Mathf.Pow((int)id, 2) * board.GetVulnerability(point.ID));
                else if (point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player1)
                    if (point.Count == 1)
                        score -= Mathf.Pow(BGPointID.Point24 - id, 2);

                if (!(point.Player == BGPlayerID.Player2 && point.Count >= 2))
                    if (stackingPower > 1)
                        score += (Mathf.Pow(stackingPower - 1, 2) * 1000);

                    stackingPower = 0;

            score += (board.GetPoint(BGPointID.HomeP2).Count * 10000);

Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the chance that the specified point can be hit by an opposing player.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pointID"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public float GetVulnerability(BGPointID pointID)
        BGPoint point = GetPoint(pointID);

        if (point.IsVulnerable())
            float vulnerability = 0f;
            bool[,] hitTable = new bool[6, 6];
            BGPlayerID player   = point.Player;
            BGPlayerID opponent = (player == BGPlayerID.Player1) ? BGPlayerID.Player2 : BGPlayerID.Player1;

            for (int roll1 = 1; roll1 <= 6; roll1++)
                BGPoint point1 = GetPreviousPoint(pointID, opponent, roll1);

                if (point1 != null)
                    if (point1.IsOccupiedBy(opponent))
                        //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} is vulnerable to any roll with {1}", point.ID, roll1));

                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            hitTable[roll1 - 1, i] = hitTable[i, roll1 - 1] = true;
                    else if (!point1.IsControlledBy(player))
                        for (int roll2 = 1; roll2 <= 6; roll2++)
                            BGPoint point2 = GetPreviousPoint(point1.ID, opponent, roll2);

                            if (point2 != null && point2.IsOccupiedBy(opponent))
                                //Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} is vulnerable to roll ({1}, {2}) from {3}", point.ID, roll1, roll2, point2));

                                hitTable[roll1 - 1, roll2 - 1] = hitTable[roll2 - 1, roll1 - 1] = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    if (hitTable[i, j])
                        //Debug.Log(string.Format(">> {0},{1}", i + 1, j + 1));

                        vulnerability += 1f / 36f;

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Total vulnerability for {0} = {1}", point.ID, vulnerability));

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a list of all moves that can be made for the specified player with the specified board and dice roll.
    /// </summary>
    private List <BGMove> GetMoves(BGPlayerID player, BGBoardMap board, BGDiceRoll diceRoll)
        List <BGMove> moves = new List <BGMove>();

        if (player == BGPlayerID.None)

        BGPoint home = board.GetHome(player);
        BGPoint jail = board.GetJail(player);

        BGPoint[] innerTable = board.GetInnerTable(player);
        BGPoint[] outerTable = board.GetOuterTable(player);

        // Find available moves.

        if (jail.Count > 0)
            for (int roll = 1; roll <= 6; roll++)
                if (diceRoll.CanUse(roll) && !outerTable[roll - 1].IsBlocking(player))
                    moves.Add(new BGMove(jail, outerTable[roll - 1], roll));
            for (int roll = 1; roll <= 6; roll++)
                if (diceRoll.CanUse(roll))
                    for (BGPointID point = BGPointID.Point1; point <= BGPointID.Point24; point++)
                        BGPoint from = board.GetPoint(point);

                        if (from.IsOccupiedBy(player))
                            BGPoint to = null;

                            if (player == BGPlayerID.Player1 && ((point - roll) >= BGPointID.Point1))
                                to = board.GetPoint(point - roll);
                            else if (player == BGPlayerID.Player2 && ((point + roll) <= BGPointID.Point24))
                                to = board.GetPoint(point + roll);

                            if (to != null && !to.IsBlocking(player))
                                moves.Add(new BGMove(from, to, roll));

            if (!outerTable.Any(point => point.IsOccupiedBy(player)))
                // Get max distance from home.

                int maxDistance = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < innerTable.Length; i++)
                    if (innerTable[i].IsOccupiedBy(player))
                        maxDistance = i + 1;

                // Find moves that can be used to bear off.

                for (int roll = 1; roll <= 6; roll++)
                    if (diceRoll.CanUse(roll))
                        if (innerTable[roll - 1].IsOccupiedBy(player))
                            moves.Add(new BGMove(innerTable[roll - 1], home, roll));
                        else if (maxDistance > 0 && innerTable[maxDistance - 1].IsOccupiedBy(player) && roll >= maxDistance)
                            moves.Add(new BGMove(innerTable[maxDistance - 1], home, roll));
