Example #1
 public Asteroid(Game game, Vector3 pos, string id) : this(game)
     physicsObject = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(MathConverter.Convert(pos), 1, 1, 1);
     physicsObject.AngularDamping = 0f;
     physicsObject.LinearDamping  = 0f;
     //physicsObject.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += Events_InitialCollisionDetected;
     physicsObject.Tag = id;
     Game.Services.GetService <Space>().Add(physicsObject);
Example #2

        #region Making primitives

        public IPhysical MakeBox(double xsize, double ysize, double zsize)
            var body = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
                                                            BepuConverter.ToSimUnits((float)zsize), 1);

            // в мир сразу не добавляем
            return(new BepuBody(body));
        } // UpdateTasks


        #region Helper Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes a box that is affected by physics.
        /// </summary>
        private static GameObject3D MakeBox(Vector3 position, float width, float height, float depth, float mass, Material mat)
            var cubeEntity = new Box(position, width, height, depth, mass);
            var gameObject = new GameObject3D(new XNAFinalEngine.Assets.Box(width, height, depth), mat);
            var rigidBody  = (RigidBody)gameObject.AddComponent <RigidBody>();

            rigidBody.Entity = cubeEntity;

        } // MakeBox
Example #4
        public Goal(Vector3 pos, bool sideways)
            Ent = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(pos, 0.1f, 9, 9f);
            BlackSquare = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(pos - new Vector3(2f, 0, 0), 0.1f, 9, 9f);
            Ent.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += OnCollision;
            BlackSquare.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = BaseModel.noSolverGroupL;
            BlackSquare.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += onBlackCollision;
            CatcherColor = col = Color.White;

            size = 6;
            this.sideways = sideways;
            this.pos = pos;

            OnGDMReset += onGDMCreation;
        internal override void OnCreated()
            var renderer = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            if (renderer)
                center = renderer.mesh.bounds.center;
                size   = renderer.mesh.bounds.extents;
                representsMeshBounds = true;

            var s = size * transform.scale;

            collisionEntity = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(transform.position + center.RotateBy(transform.rotation), s.X, s.Y, s.Z);

            gameObject.OnChanged += OnChanged;
Example #6
        public Goal(Vector3 pos, Color col)
            Ent = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(pos, 7, 7, 0.1f);
            BlackSquare = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(pos + new Vector3(0, 0, 2f), 7, 7, 0.1f);
            BlackSquare.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += onBlackCollision;
            BlackSquare.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = BaseModel.noSolverGroupL;
            Ent.CollisionInformation.Events.InitialCollisionDetected += OnCollision;
            CatcherColor = col;

            this.pos = pos;
            this.col = col;

            size = 3;
            if(col != Color.White)

            OnGDMReset += onGDMCreation;
Example #7

		#region Making primitives

		public IPhysical MakeBox(double xsize, double ysize, double zsize)
			var body = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
			                                                BepuConverter.ToSimUnits((float)zsize), 1);
			// в мир сразу не добавляем
			return new BepuBody(body);
Example #8
        public static void BoundPlayerOnScreen(Vector3 center)
            if (!isBound)
                savedIndex = spawnLaneIndex;
                CameraQB c = Stage.ActiveStage.GetQB<CameraQB>();
                PlayerCamera p = (c.ActiveCamera as PlayerCamera);

                float halfFov = (float)((Math.PI / 2 - Math.Atan(p.ProjectionMatrix.M22)));
                float aspect = p.ProjectionMatrix.M22 / p.ProjectionMatrix.M11;

                float offset;
                BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box box1, box2;
                if (MoveDirection == PlayerDirection.Right || MoveDirection == PlayerDirection.Left)
                    offset = aspect * Math.Abs(PlayerAgent.Player.PhysicsObject.Position.Z - p.DesiredPosition.Z) * (float)Math.Tan(halfFov);
                    Vector3 box1Center = new Vector3(center.X - offset, center.Y, center.Z);
                    Vector3 box2Center = new Vector3(center.X + offset, center.Y, center.Z);
                    box1 = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(box1Center, boundBoxThickness, 50.0f, 20.0f);
                    box2 = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(box2Center, boundBoxThickness, 50.0f, 20.0f);
                    offset = aspect * Math.Abs(PlayerAgent.Player.PhysicsObject.Position.X - p.DesiredPosition.X) * (float)Math.Tan(halfFov);
                    Vector3 box1Center = new Vector3(center.X, center.Y, center.Z - offset);
                    Vector3 box2Center = new Vector3(center.X, center.Y, center.Z + offset);
                    box1 = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(box1Center, 20.0f, 50.0f, boundBoxThickness);
                    box2 = new BEPUphysics.Entities.Prefabs.Box(box2Center, 20.0f, 50.0f, boundBoxThickness);

                box1.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = PhysicsQB.wallGroup;
                box2.CollisionInformation.CollisionRules.Group = PhysicsQB.wallGroup;


                PhysicsQB physicsQB = Stage.ActiveStage.GetQB<PhysicsQB>();


                PlayerAgent.Player.GetAgent<GameLib.Engine.AttackSystem.RockMeter>().RockLevelLocked = false;
                isBound = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the resources.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            hitMaterial = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.10f, 0.10f, 0.85f)
            mat1 = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.85f, 0.65f, 0f)
            mat2 = new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.9f, 0.5f)

            #region Physics Simulation Settings

            // Setup gravity.
            PhysicsManager.Gravity = new Vector3(0, -9.81f, 0);


            #region Camera

            camera = new GameObject3D();
            camera.AddComponent <Camera>();
            camera.AddComponent <SoundListener>();
            camera.Transform.LookAt(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Forward, Vector3.Up);
            var script = (ScriptCustomCameraScript)camera.AddComponent <ScriptCustomCameraScript>();
            script.SetPosition(new Vector3(0, 15, 45), new Vector3(0, 5, 0));
            camera.Camera.RenderTargetSize = Size.FullScreen;
            camera.Camera.FarPlane         = 500;
            camera.Camera.NearPlane        = 1f;
            camera.Camera.ClearColor       = Color.Black;
            camera.Camera.FieldOfView      = 180f / 7f;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess      = new PostProcess();
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.ToneMapping.ToneMappingFunction = ToneMapping.ToneMappingFunctionEnumerate.FilmicALU;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.ToneMapping.AutoExposureEnabled = false;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.ToneMapping.LensExposure        = 0f;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.MLAA.EdgeDetection          = MLAA.EdgeDetectionType.Both;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.MLAA.Enabled                = false;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.Bloom.Threshold             = 2;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.FilmGrain.Enabled           = true;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.FilmGrain.Strength          = 0.03f;
            camera.Camera.PostProcess.AnamorphicLensFlare.Enabled = false;
            camera.Camera.AmbientLight = new AmbientLight
                Color     = new Color(20, 20, 25),
                Intensity = 0.5f,
                AmbientOcclusionStrength = 1f


            #region Models and Physics

            // Make the floor (Kinematic) //
            // First, we create a bepu box entity that we will be used in our rigidbody component.
            // Notice that we don't specify the mass, so we are creating a kinematic entity.
            // Kinematic rigidbodies are moved through the transform component of the gameobject which it belongs.
            // Kinematic rigidbodies don't respond to collisions and can't collide with other kinematic rigidbodies. However, they can
            // collide with dynamic rigidbodies affecting them.
            var bepuGround = new Box(Vector3.Zero, 50, 1, 50);
            // Now, we create the game object and we add a rigidbody component to it.
            floor = new GameObject3D(new XNAFinalEngine.Assets.Box(50, 1, 50), new BlinnPhong {
                SpecularIntensity = 0.3f, SpecularPower = 200
            var floorRb = (RigidBody)floor.AddComponent <RigidBody>();
            // Finally, we set the entity created previously to the rigidbody component
            floorRb.Entity = bepuGround;

            // Make a Cube (Dynamic) //
            // Now, we create a 1x1x1 bepu box entity that will appear 20 units above the floor.
            // Notice that this time we specify the entity's mass in order to create a dynamic entity.
            // Dynamic rigidbodies are affected by gravity and respond to collisions with other rigidbodies.
            // Dynamic rigidbodies are under the control of physics so they don't have to be moved or rotated through the transform component.
            var bepuCube = new Box(new Vector3(0, 20, 2), 1, 1, 1, 1);
            cube = new GameObject3D(new XNAFinalEngine.Assets.Box(1, 1, 1), new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.85f)
            var cubeRb = (RigidBody)cube.AddComponent <RigidBody>();
            cubeRb.Entity = bepuCube;
            // Create a script for test collisions
            var          crt     = (CollisionResponseTestScript)cube.AddComponent <CollisionResponseTestScript>();
            GameObject2D debugGo = new GameObject2D();
            debugGo.Transform.Position = new Vector3(15f, Screen.Height - 90, 0f);
            crt.DebugText = (HudText)debugGo.AddComponent <HudText>();

            // Make an obstacle (Kinematic) //
            var bepuObstacle = new Box(new Vector3(0.5f, 1f, 0.5f), 4, 1, 1.5f);
            obstacle = new GameObject3D(new XNAFinalEngine.Assets.Box(4, 1, 1.5f), new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.2f, 0.15f), SpecularPower = 20
            obstacle.Transform.Position = new Vector3(0.5f, 1f, 0.5f);
            var obstacleRb = (RigidBody)obstacle.AddComponent <RigidBody>();
            obstacleRb.Entity = bepuObstacle;

            // Make a wall of boxes //
            MakeWall(6, 9);

            // Make a sphere obstacle (Dynamic) //
            // The sphere model is not center in its model space, instead is displaced 10 units on Z.
            GameObject3D sphere;
            // First we creates this sphere with no physics representation.
            //sphere = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("SphereTransformed"), new BlinnPhong { DiffuseColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f), SpecularPower = 20 });
            // Then we creates the same sphere and asign a dynamic physic object representation.
            sphere = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("SphereTransformed"), new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = new Color(0.79f, 0.75f, 0.2f), SpecularPower = 20
            // The initial motion state place the sphere just a little above.
            MotionState motionState = new MotionState {
                Position = new Vector3(0f, 10f, 0f), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity
            // We create the physic object. The offset that creates Bepu is hide transparently.
            // Moreover the initial motion state takes in consideration this offset and places the sphere in the same x, z coordinates as the other sphere.
            ((RigidBody)sphere.AddComponent <RigidBody>()).CreateDynamicEntityFromModelFilter(motionState, 1);

            // Static mesh.
            var lamboBody = new GameObject3D(new FileModel("LamborghiniMurcielago\\Murcielago-Body"
#if XBOX
                                                           + "Xbox"
                                                           ), new BlinnPhong {
                DiffuseColor = Color.Gray
            lamboBody.Transform.Position = new Vector3(-3, 3, 3);
            ((StaticCollider)lamboBody.AddComponent <StaticCollider>()).CreateStaticCollidableFromModelFilter();

            // Very Simple Crosshair //
            GameObject2D crosshair = new GameObject2D();
            crosshair.Transform.Position = new Vector3(Screen.Width / 2f, Screen.Height / 2f, 0f);
            var crossText = (HudText)crosshair.AddComponent <HudText>();


            #region Shadows and Lights

            Shadow.DistributeShadowCalculationsBetweenFrames = true;

            var pointLight = new GameObject3D();
            pointLight.AddComponent <PointLight>();
            pointLight.PointLight.Color     = new Color(180, 200, 250);
            pointLight.PointLight.Intensity = 4f;
            pointLight.PointLight.Range     = 60;
            pointLight.Transform.Position   = new Vector3(4.8f, 10f, 10);
            pointLight.PointLight.Shadow    = new CubeShadow {
                LightDepthTextureSize = 1024

            var pointLight2 = new GameObject3D();
            pointLight2.AddComponent <PointLight>();
            pointLight2.PointLight.Color     = new Color(100, 110, 170);
            pointLight2.PointLight.Intensity = 1f;
            pointLight2.PointLight.Range     = 30;
            pointLight2.Transform.Position   = new Vector3(-12f, 10, -3);


            #region Demo Legend

            #region Legend Background

            Texture2D bg      = new Texture2D(EngineManager.Device, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color);
            Color[]   bgColor = new Color[] { new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.55f) };

            var bgTexture        = new XNAFinalEngine.Assets.Texture(bg);
            var backgroundLegend = new GameObject2D();
            backgroundLegend.Transform.Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);
            var bgHudTex = (HudTexture)backgroundLegend.AddComponent <HudTexture>();
            bgHudTex.Texture = bgTexture;
            bgHudTex.DestinationRectangle = new Rectangle(0, Screen.Height - 115, Screen.Width, Screen.Height);


            var demoLegend = new GameObject2D();
            demoLegend.Transform.Position = new Vector3(Screen.Width - 380f, Screen.Height - 105f, 0f);
            var legend = (HudText)demoLegend.AddComponent <HudText>();
            legend.Color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            legend.Text.Append(" Controls\n");
            legend.Text.Append("- Press Left Ctrl to fire a Blue box.\n");
            legend.Text.Append("- Press Space to apply an Up impulse to the white box.\n");
            legend.Text.Append("- Press Left Shift to cast a ray that paints yellow and \n");
            legend.Text.Append("  applies an Up impulse to the GO that hits.\n");
            legend.Text.Append("- Press keys A, S, W, D, Q, E to move and rotate the red box");

        } // LoadContent