public PathRequest(Vector3 pathStart, Vector3 pathEnd, BBCoordinate bound, Action<Vector3[], bool> callback)
     this.pathStart = pathStart;
     this.pathEnd = pathEnd;
     this.bound = bound;
     this.callback = callback;
Example #2
 public static BBCoordinate CompoundCoordinate(BBCoordinate[] coordinates)
     int x = 0, y = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < coordinates.Length; i++) {
         x += coordinates[i].x;
         y += coordinates[i].y;
     return new BBCoordinate(x, y);
Example #3
    private IEnumerator FindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos, BBCoordinate bound)
        Vector3[] waypoints = new Vector3[0];
        bool isPathSuccess = false;

        BBNode startNode = this.grid.NodeFromWorldPoint(startPos);
        BBNode targetNode = this.grid.NodeFromWorldPoint(targetPos);

        if (startNode.IsWalkable && targetNode.IsWalkable) {

            BBHeap<BBNode> openSet = new BBHeap<BBNode>(this.grid.MaxSize);
            HashSet<BBNode>	closedSet = new HashSet<BBNode>();

            while (openSet.Count > 0) {
                BBNode currentNode = openSet.RemoveFirst();


                if (currentNode == targetNode) {
                    isPathSuccess = true;
                foreach (BBNode neighbour in grid.GetNeighbours(currentNode)) {
                    if (!neighbour.IsWalkable || closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) { continue; }
                    if (grid.IsDiagonalMove(currentNode, neighbour)) {
                        if (!grid.IsDiagonalMoveValid(currentNode, neighbour, bound)) {
                    // Cost is the cost to the current position + cost to next node + penalty
                    int costToNeighbour = currentNode.GCost + this.GetDistance(currentNode, neighbour) + neighbour.TerrainPenalty;
                    if (costToNeighbour < neighbour.GCost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour)) {
                        neighbour.GCost = costToNeighbour;
                        neighbour.HCost = this.GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode);
                        neighbour.Parent = currentNode;

                        if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour)) {
                            openSet.Add (neighbour);
                        } else {
            yield return null;
            if (isPathSuccess) {
                waypoints = this.RetracePath(startNode, targetNode);
            this.requestManager.FinishedProcessingPath(waypoints, isPathSuccess);
Example #4
 public List<BBNode> GetNeighbours(BBNode node)
     List<BBNode> neighbhours = new List<BBNode>();
     //	Checks adjacent nodes and adds them to list if within grid
     for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
         for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
             if (x == 0 && y == 0) { continue; }
             BBCoordinate checkCoordinate = new BBCoordinate(node.Coordinate.x + x, node.Coordinate.y + y);
             if (this.IsCoordinateInBounds(checkCoordinate)) {
                 neighbhours.Add(grid[checkCoordinate.x, checkCoordinate.y]);
     return neighbhours;
Example #5
 public void Init(GameObject originObject)
     this.gridController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(BBSceneConstants.layoutControllerTag).GetComponent<BBGridController>();
     this.originCoordinate = this.gridController.CoordinateFromWorldPoint(originObject.transform.position);
     this.path = new BBCoordinate[] {
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(1, 1) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(0, 2) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(-1, 1) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(-2, 0) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(-1, -1) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(0, -2) }),
         BBCoordinate.CompoundCoordinate(new BBCoordinate[] { this.originCoordinate, new BBCoordinate(1, -1) })
     transform.GetComponent<BBPathFollow>().Path = this.path;
Example #6
 //    Used in conjunction with NearestOpenNode to reduce boilerplate
 private void OpenNodeHelper(BBCoordinate coordinate, HashSet<BBCoordinate> searchedCoordinates, Queue<BBCoordinate> coordinatesToSearch)
     if (!searchedCoordinates.Contains(coordinate) && !coordinatesToSearch.Contains(coordinate)) {
         if (this.IsCoordinateInBounds(coordinate)) {
Example #7
 //    Determine valid nodes
 private bool IsCoordinateInGridBounds(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     return !(coordinate.x >= this.gridWorldSize.x|| coordinate.y >= this.gridWorldSize.y);
Example #8
 void Awake()
     this.nodeDiameter = this.nodeRadius * 2;
     this.gridSize = new BBCoordinate(Mathf.RoundToInt(this.gridWorldSize.x / this.nodeDiameter), Mathf.RoundToInt(this.gridWorldSize.y / this.nodeDiameter));
Example #9
 public Vector3 WorldPointFromCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     Vector3 center = transform.position;
     return new Vector3(center.x + (coordinate.x - (this.gridWorldSize.x / 2)) + this.nodeRadius, center.y + (coordinate.y - (this.gridWorldSize.y / 2)) + this.nodeRadius, BBSceneConstants.collidedGround);
Example #10
 //    If number is not needed, just feed it a negative number. This will be the convention we use instead of assigning it random values
 public SpawnUnit(BBSpriteFactory.Sprite sprite, float spawnDelaySeconds, float spawnOffsetSeconds, BBCoordinate coordinate, bool atOpenCoordinate, BBEntityStats stats, int number)
     this.sprite = sprite;
     this.spawnSeconds = spawnDelaySeconds + spawnOffsetSeconds;
     this.coordinate = coordinate;
     this.atOpenCoordinate = atOpenCoordinate;
     this.stats = stats;
     this.number = number;
 public static void RequestPath(Vector3 pathStart, Vector3 pathEnd, BBCoordinate bound, Action<Vector3[], bool> callback)
     PathRequest newRequest = new PathRequest(pathStart, pathEnd, bound, callback);
Example #12
 public BBNode NearestOpenNode(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     if (this.IsOpenNodeAtCoordinate(coordinate)) { return this.NodeFromCoordinate(coordinate); }
     Queue<BBCoordinate> coordinatesToSearch = new Queue<BBCoordinate>();
     //	BFS for open node
     HashSet<BBCoordinate> searchedCoordinates = new HashSet<BBCoordinate>();
     while (coordinatesToSearch.Count > 0) {
         BBCoordinate coor = coordinatesToSearch.Dequeue();
         if (this.IsOpenNodeAtCoordinate(coor)) {
             return this.NodeFromCoordinate(coor);
         BBCoordinate left = new BBCoordinate(coor.x - 1, coor.y);
         this.OpenNodeHelper(left, searchedCoordinates, coordinatesToSearch);
         BBCoordinate top = new BBCoordinate(coor.x, coor.y + 1);
         this.OpenNodeHelper(top, searchedCoordinates, coordinatesToSearch);
         BBCoordinate right = new BBCoordinate(coor.x + 1, coor.y);
         this.OpenNodeHelper(right, searchedCoordinates, coordinatesToSearch);
         BBCoordinate bottom = new BBCoordinate(coor.x, coor.y - 1);
         this.OpenNodeHelper(bottom, searchedCoordinates, coordinatesToSearch);
     return null;
Example #13
 public BBCoordinate NearestOpenCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     BBNode nearestOpenNode = this.NearestOpenNode(coordinate);
     if (nearestOpenNode != null) {
         return nearestOpenNode.Coordinate;
     } else {
         return null;
Example #14
 public bool IsOpenNodeAtCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     if (!this.IsCoordinateInBounds(coordinate)) {
         return false;
     BBNode node = this.NodeFromCoordinate(coordinate);
     return (node.IsWalkable && node.InhabitedCount == 0);
Example #15
 public bool IsNodeAtCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     if (!this.IsCoordinateInBounds(coordinate)) {
         return false;
     BBNode node = this.NodeFromCoordinate(coordinate);
     return node.IsWalkable;
Example #16
 public void StartFindPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos, BBCoordinate bound)
     StartCoroutine(this.FindPath (startPos, targetPos, bound));
Example #17
 public bool IsCoordinateInBounds(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     return (coordinate.x >= 0 && coordinate.x < this.gridSize.x) && (coordinate.y >= 0 && coordinate.y < this.gridSize.y);
Example #18
 //    Checks if adjacent horizontal and vertical nodes would be cut off during a diagonal move
 public bool IsDiagonalMoveValid(BBNode startNode, BBNode targetNode, BBCoordinate bound)
     //Set Indices accordingly and check if valid
     int horizontalX = (targetNode.Coordinate.x < startNode.Coordinate.x) ? startNode.Coordinate.x - bound.x : startNode.Coordinate.x + bound.x;
     if ((horizontalX < 0) || (horizontalX >= this.gridSize.x)) { return false; }
     int verticalY = (targetNode.Coordinate.y < startNode.Coordinate.y) ? startNode.Coordinate.y - bound.y : startNode.Coordinate.y + bound.y;
     if ((verticalY < 0) || (verticalY >= this.gridSize.y)) { return false; }
     BBCoordinate horizontalIndex = new BBCoordinate(horizontalX, startNode.Coordinate.y);
     BBCoordinate verticalIndex = new BBCoordinate(startNode.Coordinate.x, verticalY);
     return (grid[horizontalIndex.x, horizontalIndex.y].IsWalkable
         && grid[verticalIndex.x, verticalIndex.y].IsWalkable);
Example #19
 //    Place wherever you want
 public SpawnUnit CreateSpawnUnit(BBSpriteFactory.Sprite sprite, float spawnDelaySeconds, BBCoordinate coordinate, bool atValidCoordinate, BBEntityStats stats, int number)
     BBNode referencedNode = this.gridController.grid[coordinate.x, coordinate.y];
     return new SpawnUnit(sprite, spawnDelaySeconds, this.timer.Seconds, coordinate, atValidCoordinate, stats, number);
Example #20
 public BBNode NodeFromCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     return this.grid[coordinate.x, coordinate.y];
Example #21
 public SpawnUnit CreateSpawnUnit(BBSpriteFactory.Sprite sprite, float spawnDelaySeconds, BBCoordinate coordinate, bool atValidCoordinate, BBEntityStats stats)
     return this.CreateSpawnUnit(sprite, spawnDelaySeconds, coordinate, atValidCoordinate, stats, (int)BBSceneConstants.NumberConventions.DEFAULTNUMBER);
Example #22
 public void RequestPath(Vector3 startPos, Vector3 targetPos, BBCoordinate bound, float speed)
     this.targetIndex = 0;
     this.speed = speed;
     BBPathRequestController.RequestPath(startPos, targetPos, bound, OnPathFound);
Example #23
 public BBGroundTile TileAtCoordinate(BBCoordinate coordinate)
     if (!this.IsNodeAtCoordinate(coordinate)) {
         return null;
     //	WorldPointFromCoordinate returns the collided ground. We want where the ground actually is for these calculations
     Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(this.WorldPointFromCoordinate(coordinate) - BBSceneConstants.collidedGroundVect, this.nodeRadius - .01f);
     foreach (Collider collider in colliders) {
         BBGroundTile tile = collider.gameObject.GetComponent<BBGroundTile>();
         if (tile != null) {
             return tile;
     return null;