/// <summary> /// 调峰 /// </summary> public void SearchTF_Report() { string strwhere = ""; string _Name = Request["Name"]; string _State = Request["State"]; string _ID = Request["ID"]; if (_Name != "" && _Name != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and (a.FName like '%" + _Name + "%' or a.FDTUCode like '%" + _Name + "%')"; } if (_ID != "" && _ID != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and a.id='" + _ID + "'"; } switch (_State) { case "0": strwhere = strwhere + " and b.FOnLine='" + _State + "'"; break; //离线 case "1": strwhere = strwhere + " and b.FOnLine='" + _State + "'"; break; //在线 case "2": strwhere = strwhere + @" and isnull((select top 1 1 from Alarm_Timely _c where _c.BaseID=a.id and FMarkerType=8 and FStatus=1),0)=1"; break; //报警 } strwhere = strwhere + getPowerConst("tiaofeng"); int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pageIndex"]); int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pageSize"]); Hashtable result = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF_Report(pageIndex, pageSize, "FCreateDate", "desc", strwhere); string json = PluSoft.Utils.JSON.Encode(result); Response.Write(json); }
/// <summary> /// 调峰历史 /// </summary> public void SearchTF_HisReport() { string strwhere = ""; string _Name = Request["Name"]; string Start = Request["StartDate"]; //开始日期 string End = Request["EndDate"]; //结束日期 string _ID = Request["ID"]; int year = Convert.ToDateTime(Start).Year; if (_ID != "" && _ID != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and a.id='" + _ID + "'"; } if (_Name != "" && _Name != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and (a.FName like '%" + _Name + "%' or a.FDTUCode like '%" + _Name + "%')"; } strwhere = strwhere + " and b.TempTime between '" + Start + "' and '" + End + "'"; strwhere = strwhere + getPowerConst("tiaofeng"); int pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pageIndex"]); int pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(Request["pageSize"]); Hashtable result = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF_HisReport(pageIndex, pageSize, "b.BASEID,TempTime", "desc", strwhere, year); string json = PluSoft.Utils.JSON.Encode(result); Response.Write(json); }
public ActionResult Grid1_Delete(JArray selectedRows, JArray Grid1_fields, int gridIndex, int gridPageSize) { string values = ""; for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.Count; i++) { if (i != selectedRows.Count - 1) { values += "'" + selectedRows[i] + "',"; } else { values += "'" + selectedRows[i] + "'"; } } Hashtable hasData = new Hashtable(); hasData["id"] = values; hasData["FIsDelete"] = 1; hasData["FDelDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssss")); hasData["FDelUser"] = GetIdentityName(); BASE_TIAOFENGDal.DeleteList(hasData); Bll.Map_MarkerBll.DeleteMarker(8, values); UpdateGrid(Grid1_fields, gridIndex, gridPageSize); return(UIHelper.Result()); }
public ActionResult MyCustomPostBack(string type, JArray gridFields, JObject typeParams, int gridIndex, int gridPageSize) { var Grid1 = UIHelper.Grid("Grid1"); string sql = string.Empty; var ttbSearch = UIHelper.TwinTriggerBox("ttbSearchMessage"); if (type == "trigger1") { ttbSearch.Text(String.Empty); ttbSearch.ShowTrigger1(false); } else if (type == "trigger2") { ttbSearch.ShowTrigger1(true); var triggerValue = typeParams.Value <string>("triggerValue"); sql = " and FName like '%" + triggerValue + "%'"; } sql = sql + getPowerConst("tiaofeng"); Hashtable table = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF(gridIndex, gridPageSize, "a.FCreateDate", "DESC", sql); Grid1.DataSource(table["data"], gridFields); Grid1.RecordCount(Int32.Parse(table["total"].ToString())); return(UIHelper.Result()); }
private void UpdateGrid(JArray Grid1_fields, int gridIndex, int gridPageSize) { var Grid1 = UIHelper.Grid("Grid1"); Hashtable table = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF(gridIndex, gridPageSize, "a.FCreateDate", "DESC", getPowerConst("tiaofeng")); Grid1.DataSource(table["data"], Grid1_fields); Grid1.RecordCount(Int32.Parse(table["total"].ToString())); }
public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.CoreTiaoFengNew = CheckPower("CoreTiaoFengNew"); ViewBag.CoreTiaoFengDelete = CheckPower("CoreTiaoFengDelete"); ViewBag.CoreTiaoFengEdit = CheckPower("CoreTiaoFengEdit"); Hashtable table = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF(0, 20, "a.FCreateDate", "DESC", getPowerConst("tiaofeng")); ViewBag.Grid1DataSource = table["data"]; ViewBag.Grid1RecordCount = Int32.Parse(table["total"].ToString()); return(View()); }
//导出调峰历史 public void ReportTF_His() { string strwhere = ""; string _Name = Request["Name"]; string Start = Request["StartDate"]; //开始日期 string End = Request["EndDate"]; //结束日期 string _ID = Request["ID"]; int year = Convert.ToDateTime(Start).Year; if (_ID != "" && _ID != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and a.id='" + _ID + "'"; } if (_Name != "" && _Name != null) { strwhere = strwhere + " and (a.FName like '%" + _Name + "%' or a.FDTUCode like '%" + _Name + "%')"; } strwhere = strwhere + " and b.TempTime between '" + Start + "' and '" + End + "'"; strwhere = strwhere + getPowerConst("tiaofeng"); DataTable dtresult = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF_HisReport(strwhere, year); try { List <TF_runLog> YaLiLog = ModelConvertHelper <TF_runLog> .ConvertToModel(dtresult).ToList(); var excelExport = _excelExport.CreateWorkbook(); excelExport.AddSheet(YaLiLog, ""); string path = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/DownLoad"); if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.Delete(path, true); } if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } string pdfname = "/调峰日志" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + ".xlsx"; string pathFile = excelExport.SaveFile(path + pdfname); Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); result["msg"] = "ok"; result["Url"] = "/DownLoad" + pdfname; string json = PluSoft.Utils.JSON.Encode(result); Response.Write(json); } catch (Exception) { Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); result["msg"] = "error"; string json = PluSoft.Utils.JSON.Encode(result); Response.Write(json); } }
public ActionResult Grid1_PageIndexChanged(JArray Grid1_fields, int Grid1_pageIndex, int gridPageSize, string searchMessage) { var Grid1 = UIHelper.Grid("Grid1"); string sql = string.Empty; if (!searchMessage.Equals("")) { sql = sql + " and FName like '%" + searchMessage + "%'"; } sql = sql + getPowerConst("tiaofeng"); Hashtable table = BASE_TIAOFENGDal.SearchTF(Grid1_pageIndex, gridPageSize, "a.FCreateDate", "DESC", sql); Grid1.DataSource(table["data"], Grid1_fields); Grid1.RecordCount(Int32.Parse(table["total"].ToString())); return(UIHelper.Result()); }
public ActionResult btnBasicEdit_Click() { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (BASE_TIAOFENGDal.Exist(" and FDTUCode='" + Request["tbSelectedDTU"] + "' and FDTUCode<>'" + Request["tbOldDTU"] + "'").Rows.Count == 0) { int FCustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["tbxCustomerID"]); Hashtable hasData = new Hashtable(); hasData["id"] = Request["tbxID"]; hasData["FDTUCode"] = Request["tbSelectedDTU"]; hasData["FName"] = Request["tbxName"]; hasData["FCustomerID"] = FCustomerID; hasData["FLngLat"] = Request["tbxLngLat"]; hasData["FMapAddress"] = Request["tbSelectedAddress"]; hasData["FWell"] = Request["hidFWell"]; hasData["FPipeline"] = Request["hidFPipeline"]; hasData["FEnterValve"] = Request["hidFEnterValve"]; hasData["FExitValve"] = Request["hidFExitValve"]; hasData["FBrand"] = Request["tbxFBrand"]; hasData["FMaterial"] = Request["ddlFMaterial"]; hasData["FCaliber"] = Request["ddlFCaliber"]; hasData["FEQuiType"] = Request["ddlFEQuiType"]; hasData["FInstallMode"] = Request["ddlFInstallMode"]; hasData["FCommunicationMode"] = Request["ddlFCommunicationMode"]; hasData["FReadMeterMode"] = Request["ddlFReadMeterMode"]; hasData["FBuriedMode"] = Request["ddlFBuriedMode"]; hasData["FEQuiState"] = Request["ddlFEQuiState"]; hasData["FGroundHeigh"] = Request["tbxFGroundHeigh"]; hasData["FNote"] = Request["tbxFNote"]; hasData["FBYCycle"] = Request["tbxFBYCycle"]; hasData["FGHCycle"] = Request["tbxFGHCycle"]; hasData["FSchemeID"] = Request["tbxFSchemeID"]; hasData["FUpdUser"] = GetIdentityName(); hasData["FUpdDate"] = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); BASE_TIAOFENGDal.Update(hasData); Hashtable hasData1 = new Hashtable(); hasData1["DtuNum"] = Request["tbSelectedDTU"]; hasData1["BASEID"] = Request["tbxID"]; DATA_TIAOFENGDal.Update(hasData1); if (FCustomerID > 0) { if (Request["tbxFMarkerID"].ToString() != "") { string[] lnglat = Request["tbxLngLat"].Split(','); Hashtable has1 = new Hashtable(); has1["ID"] = Request["tbxFMarkerID"]; has1["FName"] = Request["tbxName"]; has1["FMapTempID"] = Request["tbxFMapTempID"]; Bll.Map_MarkerBll.UpdateMarker(has1); Hashtable has2 = new Hashtable(); has2["FMarkerID"] = Request["tbxFMarkerID"]; has2["FMarker"] = "[{\"lng\":" + lnglat[0] + ",\"lat\":" + lnglat[1] + "}]"; Bll.Map_MarkerBll.UpdateMarkerProperty(has2); } } ShowNotify("成功!"); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件) PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(ActiveWindow.GetHidePostBackReference()); return(UIHelper.Result()); } else { ShowNotify("调峰编号重复,请更换!"); } } } catch { ShowNotify("失败!"); } return(UIHelper.Result()); }
public ActionResult btnBasicCreate_Click() { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (BASE_TIAOFENGDal.Exist(" and FDTUCode='" + Request["tbSelectedDTU"] + "'").Rows.Count == 0) { string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string tiaofId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int FCustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["tbxCustomerID"]); Hashtable hasData = new Hashtable(); hasData["id"] = tiaofId; hasData["FDTUCode"] = Request["tbSelectedDTU"]; hasData["FName"] = Request["tbxName"]; hasData["FCustomerID"] = FCustomerID; hasData["FLngLat"] = Request["tbxLngLat"]; hasData["FMapAddress"] = Request["tbSelectedAddress"]; hasData["FWell"] = Request["hidFWell"]; hasData["FPipeline"] = Request["hidFPipeline"]; hasData["FEnterValve"] = Request["hidFEnterValve"]; hasData["FExitValve"] = Request["hidFExitValve"]; hasData["FBrand"] = Request["tbxFBrand"]; hasData["FMaterial"] = Request["ddlFMaterial"]; hasData["FCaliber"] = Request["ddlFCaliber"]; hasData["FEQuiType"] = Request["ddlFEQuiType"]; hasData["FInstallMode"] = Request["ddlFInstallMode"]; hasData["FCommunicationMode"] = Request["ddlFCommunicationMode"]; hasData["FReadMeterMode"] = Request["ddlFReadMeterMode"]; hasData["FBuriedMode"] = Request["ddlFBuriedMode"]; hasData["FEQuiState"] = Request["ddlFEQuiState"]; hasData["FGroundHeigh"] = Request["tbxFGroundHeigh"]; hasData["FBYCycle"] = Request["tbxFBYCycle"]; hasData["FGHCycle"] = Request["tbxFGHCycle"]; hasData["FNote"] = Request["tbxFNote"]; hasData["FSchemeID"] = Request["tbxFSchemeID"]; hasData["FCreateUser"] = GetIdentityName(); hasData["FIsDelete"] = 0; hasData["FMarkerID"] = guid; BASE_TIAOFENGDal.Insert(hasData); Hashtable hasData1 = new Hashtable(); hasData1["id"] = Guid.NewGuid(); hasData1["DtuNum"] = Request["tbSelectedDTU"]; hasData1["BASEID"] = tiaofId; DATA_TIAOFENGDal.Insert(hasData1); if (FCustomerID > 0) { string[] lnglat = Request["tbxLngLat"].Split(','); Hashtable has1 = new Hashtable(); Hashtable has2 = new Hashtable(); has1["ID"] = guid; has1["FName"] = Request["tbxName"]; has1["FMapTempID"] = Request["tbxFMapTempID"]; has2["FMarkerID"] = guid; int maxid = Convert.ToInt32(Dal.DBUtil.SelectDataTable("select isnull(max(ID),0) as maxId from Map_MarkerProperty").Rows[0]["maxId"].ToString()) + 1; has2["FAliasName"] = "Marker" + maxid.ToString(); has2["FType"] = "8"; has2["FMarker"] = "[{\"lng\":" + lnglat[0] + ",\"lat\":" + lnglat[1] + "}]"; has2["FMID"] = tiaofId; Bll.Map_MarkerBll.InsertMarker(has1); Bll.Map_MarkerBll.InsertMarkerProperty(has2); } ShowNotify("成功!"); string url = Url.Action("TF_Diagram", "BASE_TIAOFENG", new { type = "edit", tiaofId = tiaofId }); // 关闭本窗体(触发窗体的关闭事件)' PageContext.RegisterStartupScript("parent.updateLabelResult('" + url + "');"); } else { ShowNotify("调峰编号重复,请更换!"); } } } catch { ShowNotify("失败!"); } return(UIHelper.Result()); }