private int Notify_Encode_Data(ref Byte[] apdu, BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data, int pos) { int len = 0; /* length of each encoding */ int apdu_len = 0; BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE value = null; /* value in list */ /* tag 0 - subscriberProcessIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 0, cov_data.subscriberProcessIdentifier, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 1 - initiatingDeviceIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 1, (int)BACNET_OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_DEVICE, cov_data.initiatingDeviceIdentifier, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 2 - monitoredObjectIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_ObjectId(ref apdu, 2, (int)cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.type, cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.instance, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 3 - timeRemaining */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 3, cov_data.timeRemaining, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 4 - listOfValues */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 4, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* the first value includes a pointer to the next value, etc */ for (int count = 0; count < cov_data.listOfValues.Count; count++) { value = cov_data.listOfValues[count]; /* tag 0 - propertyIdentifier */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Enumerate(ref apdu, 0, (uint)value.propertyIdentifier, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; /* tag 1 - propertyArrayIndex OPTIONAL */ if (value.propertyArrayIndex != BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL) { len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 1, (uint)value.propertyArrayIndex, apdu_len); apdu_len += len; } /* tag 2 - value */ len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Opening_Tag(ref apdu, 2, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Application_Data(ref apdu, ref value.value, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Closing_Tag(ref apdu, 2, apdu_len + pos); apdu_len += len; /* tag 3 - priority OPTIONAL */ if (value.priority != 0) { len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Context_Unsigned(ref apdu, 3, value.priority, apdu_len); apdu_len += len; } } len = BasicalProcessor.Encode_Closing_Tag(ref apdu, 4, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; return(apdu_len); }
public void Send_Unconfirmed_Cov_Notification(ref IPEndPoint dest, ref BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data) { UnconFirmCovService service = new UnconFirmCovService(); service.Unconfirm_Cov_Service_Pack(ref data, ref cov_data); ipep = dest; // Send(); }
public void Unconfirm_Cov_Handler(ref Byte[] service_request, UInt16 service_len, ref BACNET_ADDRESS src) { int len = 0; BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data = new BACNET_COV_DATA(); /* create linked list to store data if more * than one property value is expected */ len = Unconfirm_Cov_Decode(ref service_request, service_len, ref cov_data); MessageBox.Show(cov_data.initiatingDeviceIdentifier.ToString()); //可以对得到的数据进行操作 }
private int Unconfirm_Cov(ref Byte[] apdu, BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data, int pos) { int len = 0; /* length of each encoding */ int apdu_len = 0; /* total length of the apdu, return value */ apdu[pos + 0] = (Byte)BACNET_PDU_TYPE.PDU_TYPE_UNCONFIRMED_SERVICE_REQUEST; apdu[pos + 1] = (Byte)BACNET_UNCONFIRMED_SERVICE.SERVICE_UNCONFIRMED_COV_NOTIFICATION; /* service choice */ apdu_len = 2; len = Notify_Encode_Data(ref apdu, cov_data, pos + apdu_len); apdu_len += len; return(apdu_len); }
public int Unconfirm_Cov_Service_Pack(ref byte[] Handler_Transmit_Buffer, ref BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data) { //无证实服务 广播 int len = 0; int pdu_len = 0; int bytes_len = 0; BACNET_ADDRESS dest = new BACNET_ADDRESS(); BACNET_NPDU_DATA npdu_data = new BACNET_NPDU_DATA(); BACNET_ADDRESS my_address = new BACNET_ADDRESS(); BacnetAddresssProcessor.Get_My_Address(ref my_address); BacnetAddresssProcessor.Get_Broadcast_Address(ref dest, true, 60); NpduProcessor n_pro = new NpduProcessor(); BvlcProcessor b_pro = new BvlcProcessor(); // datalink_get_my_address(&my_address); // datalink_get_broadcast_address(dest); n_pro.Encode_NpduData(ref npdu_data, true, BACNET_MESSAGE_PRIORITY.MESSAGE_PRIORITY_NORMAL); pdu_len = n_pro.Encode(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, ref dest, ref my_address, ref npdu_data); len = Unconfirm_Cov(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, cov_data, pdu_len); pdu_len += len; bytes_len = b_pro.Encode(ref Handler_Transmit_Buffer, ref dest, ref npdu_data, pdu_len); return(bytes_len); }
private int Unconfirm_Cov_Decode(ref Byte[] request, uint service_len, ref BACNET_COV_DATA data) { int len = 0; /* return value */ Byte tag_number = 0; UInt32 len_value = 0; UInt32 decoded_value = 0; /* for decoding */ UInt16 decoded_type = 0; /* for decoding */ UInt32 property = 0; /* for decoding */ /* value in list */ /* tag 0 - subscriberProcessIdentifier */ // if (decode_is_context_tag(&apdu[len], 0)) len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len); data.subscriberProcessIdentifier = decoded_value; /* tag 1 - initiatingDeviceIdentifier */ len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Object_Id(ref request, ref decoded_type, ref data.initiatingDeviceIdentifier, len); /* tag 2 - monitoredObjectIdentifier */ len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Object_Id(ref request, ref decoded_type, ref data.monitoredObjectIdentifier.instance, len); /* tag 3 - timeRemaining */ len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len); data.timeRemaining = decoded_value; /* tag 4: opening context tag - listOfValues */ // if (!decode_is_opening_tag_number(&apdu[len], 4)) { len++; while (true) //应该设置遇到时间戳就BREAK? 下面CLOSING TAG有break { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE value = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); /* tag 0 - propertyIdentifier */ if (BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Context_Tag(ref request, 0, len)) { len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Enumerated(ref request, len_value, ref property, len); value.propertyIdentifier = (BACNET_PROPERTY_ID)property; } else { return(-1); } /* tag 1 - propertyArrayIndex OPTIONAL */ if (BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Context_Tag(ref request, 1, len)) { len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len); value.propertyArrayIndex = (UInt32)decoded_value; } else { value.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL;//#define BACNET_ARRAY_ALL (~(unsigned int)0) } /* tag 2: opening context tag - value */ if (!BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Opening_Tag_Number(ref request, 2, len)) { return(-1); } len++; len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Application_Data(ref request, (uint)(service_len - len), ref value.value, len); if (!BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Closing_Tag_Number(ref request, 2, len)) { return(-1); } len++; /* tag 3 - priority OPTIONAL */ if (BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Context_Tag(ref request, 3, len)) { len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Tag_number_and_Value(ref request, ref tag_number, ref len_value, len); len += BasicalProcessor.Decode_Unsigned(ref request, len_value, ref decoded_value, len); value.priority = (Byte)decoded_value; } else { value.priority = 0; } data.listOfValues.Add(value); if (BasicalProcessor.Decode_Is_Closing_Tag_Number(ref request, 4, len)) { break; } } return(len); }
public void Check() { for (int i = 0; i < Form_main.lift_count; i++) { if (Form_main.lift_list[i].cov_subcription.valid) { if (Lift_Record[i].Service_Mode != Form_main.lift_list[i].Service_Mode) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Service_Mode = Form_main.lift_list[i].Service_Mode; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Service_Mode; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_UNSIGNED_INT; temp.value.value.Unsigned_Int = (uint)Lift_Record[i].Service_Mode; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Car_Status != Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Status) { Lift_Record[i].Car_Status = Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Status; BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Car_Status; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_UNSIGNED_INT; temp.value.value.Unsigned_Int = (uint)Lift_Record[i].Car_Status; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Car_Direction != Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Direction) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Car_Direction = Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Direction; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Car_Direction; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_UNSIGNED_INT; temp.value.value.Unsigned_Int = (uint)Lift_Record[i].Car_Direction; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Door_Zone != Form_main.lift_list[i].Door_Zone) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Door_Zone = Form_main.lift_list[i].Door_Zone; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Door_Zone; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_BOOLEAN; temp.value.value.Boolean = Lift_Record[i].Door_Zone; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Car_Position != Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Position) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Car_Position = Form_main.lift_list[i].Car_Position; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Car_Position; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_UNSIGNED_INT; temp.value.value.Unsigned_Int = Lift_Record[i].Car_Position; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Door_Status != Form_main.lift_list[i].Door_Status) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Door_Status = Form_main.lift_list[i].Door_Status; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Door_Status; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_BOOLEAN; temp.value.value.Boolean = Lift_Record[i].Door_Status; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } if (Lift_Record[i].Passenger_Status != Form_main.lift_list[i].Passenger_Status) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].Passenger_Status = Form_main.lift_list[i].Passenger_Status; temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LIFT_Passenger_Status; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_BOOLEAN; temp.value.value.Boolean = Lift_Record[i].Passenger_Status; cov_value.Add(temp); change = true; } //Message Code未实现 if (change) { BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp.value.context_specific = true; temp.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp.value.context_tag = 2; Lift_Record[i].SetTimeStamp(); temp.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LOCAL_DATE; temp.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_DATE; temp.value.value.Date = Lift_Record[i]; cov_value.Add(temp); BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE temp1 = new BACNET_PROPERTY_VALUE(); temp1.value.context_specific = true; temp1.propertyArrayIndex = BacnetConst.BACNET_ARRAY_ALL; temp1.value.context_tag = 2; temp1.propertyIdentifier = BACNET_PROPERTY_ID.PROP_LOCAL_TIME; temp1.value.tag = (Byte)BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG.BACNET_APPLICATION_TAG_TIME; temp1.value.value.Time = Lift_Record[i].Time_Stamps.value.time; cov_value.Add(temp1); //发送COV BACNET_COV_DATA cov_data = new BACNET_COV_DATA(); UnconFirmCovService Service = new UnconFirmCovService(); cov_data.subscriberProcessIdentifier = Form_main.lift_list[i].cov_subcription.subscriberProcessIdentifier; cov_data.monitoredObjectIdentifier = Form_main.lift_list[i].cov_subcription.monitoredObjectIdentifier; cov_data.timeRemaining = Form_main.lift_list[i].cov_subcription.lifetime; cov_data.initiatingDeviceIdentifier = Form_main.lift_list[i].Device_Identifier; cov_data.listOfValues = cov_value; Byte[] buff = new Byte[1024]; int Send_len = Service.Unconfirm_Cov_Service_Pack(ref buff, ref cov_data); IPEndPoint dest = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 60);//假设60测试? UdpSender sendder = new UdpSender(ref buff, dest); sendder.SendBrocast(Send_len); change = false; } cov_value.Clear(); } } }