public void Should_translate_correct_operators()
            var expressions = new Expression <Func <UserProfile, bool> >[]
                x => x.UserId == _sourceObject.UserId,
                x => x.Age > 1,
                x => x.Age <1,
                            x => x.Age >= 1,
                            x => x.Age <= 1,
                            x => x.Age != 1,
                            x => x.Name.AsComparable()> _sourceObject.Name.AsComparable(),
                x => !x.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore,
                x => x.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore == true

            var expectedResults = new string[]
                "(UserId eq '007')",
                "(Age gt 1)",
                "(Age lt 1)",
                "(Age gte 1)",
                "(Age lte 1)",
                "(Age not 1)",
                "(Name gt 'James Bond')",
                "ExtendedProperties_HasVisitedBefore not true",
                "(ExtendedProperties_HasVisitedBefore eq true)"

            for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++)
                var translated = AzureStorageQueryTranslator
                                 .TranslateExpression(expressions[i], "", "", _entityPropertyConverterOptions);
        public void Should_translate_timestamp_expression_properly()
            Expression <Func <SecretWeapon, DateTime, bool> >
            expression = (x, dt) => dt > DateTime.Parse("2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");

            var translated = AzureStorageQueryTranslator.TranslateExpression(expression,
                                                                             "", "", _entityPropertyConverterOptions);
        public void Should_handle_combined_expressions()
            var expressions = new Expression <Func <UserProfile, bool> >[]
                x => x.UserId == _sourceObject.UserId && x.Name == "James",
                x => x.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore == _sourceObject.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore || x.Name == _sourceObject.Name,
                x => (x.UserId == "Test" && x.Name == "James") || (x.UserId == "1" && x.Name == _sourceObject.Name)

            var expectedResults = new string[]
                "((UserId eq '007') and (Name eq 'James'))",
                "((ExtendedProperties_HasVisitedBefore eq true) or (Name eq 'James Bond'))",
                "(((UserId eq 'Test') and (Name eq 'James')) or ((UserId eq '1') and (Name eq 'James Bond')))"

            for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++)
                var translated = AzureStorageQueryTranslator
                                 .TranslateExpression(expressions[i], "", "", _entityPropertyConverterOptions);
        public void Should_handle_members()
            var expressions = new Expression <Func <UserProfile, bool> >[]
                x => x.UserId == _sourceObject.UserId,
                x => x.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore == _sourceObject.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore,
                x => x.ProfileImagery.Old.Filename == _sourceObject.ProfileImagery.Old.Filename

            var expectedResults = new string[]
                "(UserId eq '007')",
                "(ExtendedProperties_HasVisitedBefore eq true)",
                "(ProfileImagery_Old_Filename eq 'bond_old.png')"

            for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++)
                var translated = AzureStorageQueryTranslator
                                 .TranslateExpression(expressions[i], "", "", _entityPropertyConverterOptions);
        public void Should_handle_constants()
            var expressions = new Expression <Func <UserProfile, bool> >[]
                x => x.UserId == "11",
                x => x.ExtendedProperties.HasVisitedBefore == true,
                x => x.ProfileImagery.Old.Filename == "meh"

            var expectedResults = new string[]
                "(UserId eq '11')",
                "(ExtendedProperties_HasVisitedBefore eq true)",
                "(ProfileImagery_Old_Filename eq 'meh')"

            for (var i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++)
                var translated = AzureStorageQueryTranslator
                                 .TranslateExpression(expressions[i], "", "", _entityPropertyConverterOptions);