public async Task RetryPolicy_FailsWhenWorkFailsWithNonTransientException()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory("read-write", "read-only", sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, logger);

            var retryPolicy = azureSqlClient.GetAsyncRetryPolicy();

            var retryCount = 0;

            var policyResult = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
                ct => ++ retryCount > 1?Task.CompletedTask : throw new ApplicationException(),

            Assert.AreEqual(1, retryCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(OutcomeType.Failure, policyResult.Outcome);


            Assert.AreEqual(ExceptionType.Unhandled, policyResult.ExceptionType.Value);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(policyResult.FinalException, typeof(ApplicationException));
        public async Task RetryPolicy_RecoversSuccessfullyWhenWorkSucceedsAfterRetryUponTransientException()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory("read-write", "read-only", sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, logger);

            var retryPolicy = azureSqlClient.GetAsyncRetryPolicy();

            var retryCount = 0;

            var policyResult = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
                ct => ++ retryCount > 1?Task.CompletedTask : throw new TimeoutException(),

            Assert.AreEqual(2, retryCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(OutcomeType.Successful, policyResult.Outcome);

        public async Task AsyncResiliencyPolicy_IsUnemployedWhenWorkSucceeds()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory("read-write", "read-only", sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, logger);

            var retryPolicy = azureSqlClient.GetAsyncRetryPolicy();

            var policyKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var globalResiliencyPolicy = AzureSqlClient.GetAsyncGlobalResiliencyPolicyFor(policyKey);

            var policy = Policy.WrapAsync(retryPolicy, globalResiliencyPolicy);

            var policyResult = await policy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(ct => Task.CompletedTask, cancellationToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(OutcomeType.Successful, policyResult.Outcome);

        public async Task RetryPolicy_FailsAfterMaxAttemptsAfterRetryOnTransientExceptions()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory("read-write", "read-only", sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, logger);

            var retryPolicy = azureSqlClient.GetAsyncRetryPolicy();

            var retryCount = 0;

            var policyResult = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
                ct => { retryCount++; throw new TimeoutException(); },

            Assert.AreEqual(1 + 5, retryCount);

            Assert.AreEqual(OutcomeType.Failure, policyResult.Outcome);


            Assert.AreEqual(ExceptionType.HandledByThisPolicy, policyResult.ExceptionType.Value); // Exception type the policy handles but too many of them to keep going
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(policyResult.FinalException, typeof(TimeoutException));
        public async Task RetryPolicy_EmploysExponentialBackoffUponTransientExceptions()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory("read-write", "read-only", sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, logger);

            var retryPolicy = azureSqlClient.GetAsyncRetryPolicy();

            var retryCount = 0;

            var xs = new TimeSpan[6];

            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            var policyResult = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
                ct => { xs[retryCount++] = sw.Elapsed; throw new TimeoutException(); },


            // First delay in array can be ignored because it's just the amount of time until the first invocation - ie not a retry

            var firstDelay  = xs[1] - xs[0];
            var secondDelay = xs[2] - xs[1];
            var thirdDelay  = xs[3] - xs[2];
            var fourthDelay = xs[4] - xs[3];
            var fifthDelay  = xs[5] - xs[4];

            // Interestingly, it seems expoenential + jitter in Polly land doesn't actually mean exponential .. just pretty close.
            // Could be a side effect of what it uses to time/sleep (ie best efforts), but in all practicality it doesn't actually make
            // and difference to how we are using it; just makes it harder to test

            const int TOLERANCE_IN_MS = 1000;

            Assert.IsTrue(thirdDelay.TotalMilliseconds > (secondDelay * 2).TotalMilliseconds - TOLERANCE_IN_MS, $"Expected third delay '{thirdDelay}' to be at least twice as long as second '{secondDelay}'");
            Assert.IsTrue(fourthDelay.TotalMilliseconds > (thirdDelay * 2).TotalMilliseconds - TOLERANCE_IN_MS, $"Expected fourth delay '{fourthDelay}' to be at least twice as long as third '{thirdDelay}'");
            Assert.IsTrue(fifthDelay.TotalMilliseconds > (fourthDelay * 2).TotalMilliseconds - TOLERANCE_IN_MS, $"Expected fifth delay '{fifthDelay}' to be at least twice as long as fourth '{fourthDelay}'");
Example #6
        public async Task WriteToStreamAsync_SanityCheckForLocalDevOnly()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var optionsAccessor = new Moq.Mock <IOptions <MemoryCacheOptions> >();

            optionsAccessor.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(new MemoryCacheOptions());

            var memoryCache = new MemoryCache(optionsAccessor.Object);

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <FileRepository> >().Object;

            var clock = new SystemClock();

            var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

            // NB - Given the SUT is actually connecting to blob storage and a sql db, the connection strings etc are stored in a
            //      local secrets file that is not included in source control.  If running these tests locally, ensure this file is
            //      present in your project and that it contains the entries we need


            var configuration = configurationBuilder.Build();

            var azurePlatformConfiguration = new AzurePlatformConfiguration()
                AzureBlobStorage = new AzureBlobStorageConfiguration()
                    ContainerName = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:ContainerName")

            var azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot = new Moq.Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <AzurePlatformConfiguration> >();

            azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(azurePlatformConfiguration);

            var primaryServiceUrl      = new Uri(configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:PrimaryServiceUrl"), UriKind.Absolute);
            var geoRedundantServiceUrl = new Uri(configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:GeoRedundantServiceUrl"), UriKind.Absolute);

            var azureBlobStorageClient = new AzureBlobStoreClient(primaryServiceUrl, geoRedundantServiceUrl, memoryCache, clock, default);

            var readWriteConnectionString = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadWriteConnectionString");
            var readOnlyConnectionString  = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadOnlyConnectionString");

            var sqlLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory(readWriteConnectionString, readOnlyConnectionString, sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, sqlLogger);

            IFileRepository fileRepository = new FileRepository(azureBlobStorageClient, azureSqlClient, azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot.Object, logger);

            var blobName = "4d6fa0f8-34a7-4f34-922f-8b06416097e1.pdf";

            var file = File.With("DF796179-DB2F-4A06-B4D5-AD7F012CC2CC", "2021-08-09T18:15:02.4214747Z");

            var fileHash = "8n45KHxmXabrze7rq/s9Ww==";

            using var destinationStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            var fileMetadata = new FileMetadata("title", "description", "group-name", file.Version, "owner", file.Name, ".extension", 396764, blobName, clock.UtcNow, fileHash, FileStatus.Verified);

            var fileWriteDetails = await fileRepository.WriteToStreamAsync(fileMetadata, destinationStream, cancellationToken);


            var fileBytes = destinationStream.ToArray();

            Assert.IsTrue(396764 == fileBytes.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(396764 == fileWriteDetails.ContentLength);

            Assert.AreEqual(fileHash, fileWriteDetails.ContentHash);
Example #7
        public async Task GenerateEphemeralDownloadLink_SanityCheckForLocalDevOnly()
            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            var optionsAccessor = new Moq.Mock <IOptions <MemoryCacheOptions> >();

            optionsAccessor.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(new MemoryCacheOptions());

            var memoryCache = new MemoryCache(optionsAccessor.Object);

            var logger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <FileRepository> >().Object;

            var clock = new SystemClock();

            var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();

            // NB - Given the SUT is actually connecting to blob storage and a sql db, the connection strings etc are stored in a
            //      local secrets file that is not included in source control.  If running these tests locally, ensure this file is
            //      present in your project and that it contains the entries we need


            var configuration = configurationBuilder.Build();

            var azurePlatformConfiguration = new AzurePlatformConfiguration()
                AzureBlobStorage = new AzureBlobStorageConfiguration()
                    ContainerName = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:ContainerName")

            var azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot = new Moq.Mock <IOptionsSnapshot <AzurePlatformConfiguration> >();

            azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot.Setup(x => x.Value).Returns(azurePlatformConfiguration);

            var primaryServiceUrl      = new Uri(configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:PrimaryServiceUrl"), UriKind.Absolute);
            var geoRedundantServiceUrl = new Uri(configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureBlobStorage:GeoRedundantServiceUrl"), UriKind.Absolute);

            var azureBlobStorageClient = new AzureBlobStoreClient(primaryServiceUrl, geoRedundantServiceUrl, memoryCache, clock, default);

            var readWriteConnectionString = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadWriteConnectionString");
            var readOnlyConnectionString  = configuration.GetValue <string>("AzurePlatform:AzureSql:ReadOnlyConnectionString");

            var sqlLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlClient> >().Object;

            var sqlCnFactoryLogger = new Moq.Mock <ILogger <AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory> >().Object;

            var sqlDbConnectionFactory = new AzureSqlDbConnectionFactory(readWriteConnectionString, readOnlyConnectionString, sqlCnFactoryLogger);

            var azureSqlClient = new AzureSqlClient(sqlDbConnectionFactory, sqlLogger);

            IFileRepository fileRepository = new FileRepository(azureBlobStorageClient, azureSqlClient, azurePlatformConfigurationOptionsSnapshot.Object, logger);

            var file = File.With("DF796179-DB2F-4A06-B4D5-AD7F012CC2CC", "2021-08-09T18:15:02.4214747Z");

            var fileMetadata = await fileRepository.GetMetadataAsync(file, cancellationToken);

            var uri = await fileRepository.GeneratePublicEphemeralDownloadLink(fileMetadata, cancellationToken);


        public void ResiliencyPolicy_BulkheadQueuesExcessLoadAndThrowsOutOldersWorkWhenTooMuchInQueue()
            var policy = AzureSqlClient.GetAsyncBulkheadPolicy();

            // Bulkhead is configured for a max concurrent rate of 3 with max queue size of 25
            // In this test we will prevent all tasks from completing apart from the first, thus we should expect to see
            // a max number of executing tasks of 3, 1 completion, 25 queuing and 4 rejections

            const bool SIGNALED = true;

            var gate = new AutoResetEvent(initialState: SIGNALED);

            var invocations = 0;
            var completed   = 0;

            var xs = new Task <PolicyResult> [50];

            var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            for (var n = 0; n < 50; n++)
                var root = Task.Run(
                    () =>
                        ct => {

                    var signalled = gate.WaitOne(10);

                    if (signalled)

                }, cancellationToken),

                xs[n] = root;

            Task.WaitAll(xs, 1000, cancellationToken);

            // 1 task should have completed as the gate was open to the first past the post
            // 25 + 3 tasks should still be working (max queue size + max concurrency)
            // 50 - (1 + 25 + 3) tasks should have been rejected by the policy

            Assert.AreEqual(1, completed, "Expected just one task to complete");

            var policyResults = xs.Where(_ => _.IsCompleted).Select(_ => _.Result).ToArray();

            var failures = policyResults.Where(_ => _.Outcome == OutcomeType.Failure).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(21, failures.Length, "Expected 21 work items to have failed to complete");

            var rejections = failures.Where(_ => _.FinalException.GetType() == typeof(Polly.Bulkhead.BulkheadRejectedException)).Count();

            Assert.AreEqual(21, rejections, "Expected the bulkhead policy to reject 21 work items due to being full");