Example #1
        private async void addPersonButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            if (internetConnection)
                thisPerson = new Person();

                var result = await PersonDialog.ShowAsync();

                // Value 1 indicates primary button was selected by the user, which adds a new Person
                if ((int)result == 1)
                    //Apply the Data
                    showProgressDialog("Apply the Data...");
                    thisPerson.Name       = PersonNameInput.Text;
                    thisPerson.Relation   = PersonRelationInput.Text;
                    thisPerson.RiskFactor = (int)riskSlider.Value;
                    thisPerson.PatientId  = PatientId;

                    //Upload Person Info
                    progressDialog.Content = "Upload Person Info...";
                    await AzureDatabaseService.UploadPersonInfo(thisPerson);

                    thisPerson = await AzureDatabaseService.GetPersonFromNameAndRelation(thisPerson.Name, thisPerson.Relation, thisPerson.PatientId);

                    //statusTextBlock.Text = "thisPerson.Id = " + thisPerson.Id;

                    //Upload Face Info
                    progressDialog.Content = "Upload Faces and Images...";
                    foreach (Face face in addFaceList)
                        face.PersonId = thisPerson.Id;
                    await AzureDatabaseService.UploadFaceInfo(thisPerson.Id, addFaceList);

                    foreach (Face face in deleteFaceList)
                        await AzureDatabaseService.DeleteFace(face);

                    //Reload Persons List

                    //Add a Person Finished!
                    progressDialog.Content = "Add a Person Finished !";
                    progressDialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true;
                } //end result == 1
            }     //end internetConnection

        }//end addPersonButton_Click
Example #2
        }//end addPersonButton_Click

        private async void WarningImage_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            //get the stranger info
            thisPerson = await AzureDatabaseService.GetOnePersonFromId(unfinishedWarningList[0].PersonId);

            defaultImage.Source = await AzureBlobService.DisplayImageFile(thisPerson.DefaultImageAddress);

            familiarRadioButton.IsChecked = thisPerson.IsFamiliar;
            strangeRadioButton.IsChecked  = !thisPerson.IsFamiliar;

            //Update Faces
            ObservableCollection <Face> faces = await AzureDatabaseService.GetFaceList(thisPerson.Id);

            foreach (Face face in faces)
                face.Image = await AzureBlobService.DisplayImageFile(face.ImageAddress);


            var result = await PersonDialog.ShowAsync();

            // Value 1 indicates primary button was selected by the user, which modify the Person
            if ((int)result == 1)
                //Enable the Update of Person Info
                //Apply the Data
                showProgressDialog("Apply the Data...");
                thisPerson.Name       = PersonNameInput.Text;
                thisPerson.Relation   = PersonRelationInput.Text;
                thisPerson.RiskFactor = (int)riskSlider.Value;

                //Upload Person Info
                progressDialog.Content = "Update Person Info...";
                await AzureDatabaseService.UpdatePersonInfoWithId(thisPerson);

                //Upload Face Info
                progressDialog.Content = "Upload Faces and Images...";
                foreach (Face face in addFaceList)
                    face.PersonId = thisPerson.Id;
                await AzureDatabaseService.UploadFaceInfo(thisPerson.Id, addFaceList);

                foreach (Face face in deleteFaceList)
                    await AzureDatabaseService.DeleteFace(face);

                //TODO: Cannot update the default image address in the Person

                //Operate the Enquiry Info
                progressDialog.Content = "Operate the Enquiry Info...";
                Warning thisWarning = unfinishedWarningList[0];
                thisWarning.IsFinished = true;
                thisWarning.IsFamiliar = thisPerson.IsFamiliar;
                await AzureDatabaseService.UpdateWarningEnquiryWithId(thisWarning);

                //Reload Persons List

                //Add a Person Finished!
                progressDialog.Content = "Operate the Enquiry Finished !";
                progressDialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true;
            }//end result == 1

Example #3
        private async void personGridView_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
            //Update Person Info
            thisPerson = e.ClickedItem as Person;
            familiarRadioButton.IsChecked = thisPerson.IsFamiliar;
            strangeRadioButton.IsChecked  = !thisPerson.IsFamiliar;
            PersonNameInput.Text          = thisPerson.Name;
            PersonRelationInput.Text      = thisPerson.Relation;
            if (thisPerson.DefaultImageAddress != null)
                defaultImage.Source = thisPerson.DefaultIcon; //await AzureBlobService.DisplayImageFile(thisPerson.DefaultImageAddress);
                defaultImage.Source = nullBitmapImage;
            riskSlider.Value = thisPerson.RiskFactor;

            //Update Faces
            ObservableCollection <Face> faces = await AzureDatabaseService.GetFaceList(thisPerson.Id);

            foreach (Face face in faces)
                face.Image = await AzureBlobService.DisplayImageFile(face.ImageAddress);


            //Show the Person Info Dialog
            var result = await PersonDialog.ShowAsync();

            // Value 1 indicates primary button was selected by the user, which modify a new Person
            if ((int)result == 1)
                //Enable the Update of Person Info
                //Apply the Data
                showProgressDialog("Apply the Data...");
                thisPerson.Name       = PersonNameInput.Text;
                thisPerson.Relation   = PersonRelationInput.Text;
                thisPerson.RiskFactor = (int)riskSlider.Value;

                //Upload Person Info
                progressDialog.Content = "Update Person Info...";
                await AzureDatabaseService.UpdatePersonInfoWithId(thisPerson);

                //Upload Face Info
                progressDialog.Content = "Upload Faces and Images...";
                foreach (Face face in addFaceList)
                    face.PersonId = thisPerson.Id;

                ObservableCollection <Face> newAddFaceList = await AzureDatabaseService.UploadFaceInfo(thisPerson.Id, addFaceList);

                foreach (Face face in addFaceList)

                foreach (Face face in deleteFaceList)
                    await AzureDatabaseService.DeleteFace(face);

                    await AzureDatabaseService.UpdateFaceIsDefault(thisPerson.Id, Faces);

                //Reload Persons List

                //Add a Person Finished!
                progressDialog.Content = "Update a Person Finished !";
                progressDialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true;
            }//end result == 1


            deletePersonButton.IsEnabled = true;