Example #1
        void mPlugin_AxisAdded(IAxis axis)
            AxisPanel panel = new AxisPanel(axis, AxisBinding.X, AxisBinding.Y, AxisBinding.Z, AxisBinding.Pitch, AxisBinding.Yaw, AxisBinding.Z);

            panel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
            panel.Width  = axesBox.Width - PADDING * 2;
            panel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(panel_SizeChanged);

Example #2
        internal void ChangeGraduations()
            if (_internalInterval <= 0)
                _internalInterval = Interval;

            if (Zooming != null)

            switch (AxisPanel.SaftyGetProperty <int, ScheduleGrid>(o => (int)o.ZoomValue, () => 1))
            case 1:
                Interval    = _internalInterval;
                Graduations = new DoubleCollection {
                    14d, 3d, 7d, 3d

            case 2:
                Interval    = _internalInterval * 4 / 6;
                Graduations = new DoubleCollection {
                    14d, 0d, 0d, 7d, 0d, 0d

            case 4:
                Interval    = _internalInterval * 4 / 3;
                Graduations = new DoubleCollection {
                    14d, 3d, 3d

            case 12:
                Interval    = _internalInterval;
                Graduations = new DoubleCollection {
                    14d, 0d, 0d, 0d
        public AxesBoxVisual3DSample()

            // Customize the shown axis to show the XY axes horizontally and Z axis up (by default WPF as Y axis up).
            AxisPanel.CustomizeAxes(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), "X", Colors.Red,
                                    new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), "Z", Colors.Blue,
                                    new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), "Y", Colors.Green);

            AxisShowingStrategyComboBox.ItemsSource   = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AxesBoxVisual3D.AxisShowingStrategies));
            AxisShowingStrategyComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1;

            // Axes colors and line thicknesses are set in XAML

            // Set axes data ranges:
            AxesBox.SetAxisDataRange(AxesBoxVisual3D.AxisTypes.XAxis, minimumValue: 0, maximumValue: 100, majorTicksStep: 10, minorTicksStep: 5, snapMaximumValueToMajorTicks: true);
            AxesBox.SetAxisDataRange(AxesBoxVisual3D.AxisTypes.YAxis, minimumValue: 0, maximumValue: 100, majorTicksStep: 10, minorTicksStep: 5, snapMaximumValueToMajorTicks: true);
            AxesBox.SetAxisDataRange(AxesBoxVisual3D.AxisTypes.ZAxis, minimumValue: -20, maximumValue: 200, majorTicksStep: 20, minorTicksStep: 5, snapMaximumValueToMajorTicks: true);

            // Set axes names:
            AxesBox.XAxis1.AxisTitle = "XAxis1";
            AxesBox.XAxis2.AxisTitle = null;

            AxesBox.YAxis1.AxisTitle = "YAxis1";
            AxesBox.YAxis2.AxisTitle = null;

            AxesBox.ZAxis1.AxisTitle = "ZAxis1";
            AxesBox.ZAxis2.AxisTitle = null;

            AxesBox.OverlayCanvas = AxisOverlayCanvas;

            this.Unloaded += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
                // It is recommended to call Dispose method when the AxesBox is no longer used.
                // This releases the native memory that is used by the RenderTargetBitmap objects that can be created by the TextBlockVisual3D object.