/// <summary> /// Reads a 6-byte <see cref="Vector3s"/> structure from the data stream and advances the position of the stream by /// 6 bytes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The vector3s.</returns> /// <param name="binaryReader">The current <see cref="BinaryReader"/></param> /// <param name="convertTo">Which axis configuration the read vector should be converted to.</param> public static Vector3s ReadVector3s(this BinaryReader binaryReader, AxisConfiguration convertTo = AxisConfiguration.YUp) { switch (convertTo) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: { return(new Vector3s(binaryReader.ReadInt16(), binaryReader.ReadInt16(), binaryReader.ReadInt16())); } case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { short X = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short Z = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short Y = (short)(binaryReader.ReadInt16() * -1); return(new Vector3s(X, Y, Z)); } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { short X = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short Z = (short)(binaryReader.ReadInt16() * -1); short Y = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); return(new Vector3s(X, Y, Z)); } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertTo), convertTo, null); } } }
private void OnDestroy() { IsOpen = false; Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(_highlightTexture); _highlightTexture = null; _copySource = null; }
/// <summary> /// Reads a 12-byte <see cref="Vector3f"/> structure from the data stream and advances the position of the stream by /// 12 bytes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The vector3f.</returns> /// <param name="binaryReader">The current <see cref="BinaryReader"/></param> /// <param name="convertTo">Which axis configuration the read vector should be converted to.</param> public static Vector3f ReadVector3f(this BinaryReader binaryReader, AxisConfiguration convertTo = AxisConfiguration.YUp) { switch (convertTo) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: { return(new Vector3f(binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle())); } case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { float X = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float Z = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float Y = binaryReader.ReadSingle() * -1.0f; return(new Vector3f(X, Y, Z)); } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { float X = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float Z = binaryReader.ReadSingle() * -1.0f; float Y = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); return(new Vector3f(X, Y, Z)); } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertTo), convertTo, null); } } }
private void PasteAxisConfig() { InputConfiguration inputConfig = _inputManager.inputConfigurations[_selectionPath[0]]; AxisConfiguration axisConfig = inputConfig.axes[_selectionPath[1]]; axisConfig.Copy(_copySource); }
private void InitializeAxisConfig() { m_axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration(m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName); if(m_axisConfig != null) { if(m_rebindType == RebindType.Keyboard || m_rebindType == RebindType.GamepadButton) { if(m_changePositiveKey) { if(m_changeAltKey) m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.altPositive == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.altPositive.ToString(); else m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.positive == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.positive.ToString(); } else { if(m_changeAltKey) m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.altNegative == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.altNegative.ToString(); else m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.negative == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.negative.ToString(); } } else { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisNames[m_axisConfig.axis]; } } else { m_keyDescription.text = ""; Debug.LogError(string.Format(@"Input configuration '{0}' does not exist or axis '{1}' does not exist", m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName)); } }
void ChangeButtonBind(string buttonName, KeyCode newButton) { InputConfiguration config = InputManager.GetInputConfiguration("P" + newButton.ToString()[8].ToString() + "Controls"); AxisConfiguration button = config.axes.Find(x => x.name == buttonName); button.positive = newButton; }
private void OnDisable() { IsOpen = false; Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(_highlightTexture); _highlightTexture = null; _copySource = null; EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= HandlePlayModeChanged; }
private void SetKey(AxisConfiguration axisConfig, KeyCode key, bool positive) { if (positive) { axisConfig.positive = (key == KeyCode.Backspace) ? KeyCode.None : key; } else { axisConfig.negative = (key == KeyCode.Backspace) ? KeyCode.None : key; } }
private void CopySelectedAxisConfig() { if (_copySource == null) { _copySource = new AxisConfiguration(); } InputConfiguration inputConfig = _inputManager.inputConfigurations[_selectionPath[0]]; AxisConfiguration axisConfig = inputConfig.axes[_selectionPath[1]]; _copySource.Copy(axisConfig); }
//update the text of rebinding menu buttons to corresponding in game button for each player void UpdateButtonNames(int playerID) { InputConfiguration config = InputManager.GetInputConfiguration("P" + playerID + "Controls"); foreach (Button b in buttons) { if (b.name == "Jump" || b.name == "Action" || b.name == "Menu") { AxisConfiguration button = config.axes.Find(x => x.name == b.name); b.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = b.name + ": " + button.positive; } } }
private void Dispose() { if (!_isDisposed) { IsOpen = false; Texture2D.DestroyImmediate(_highlightTexture); _highlightTexture = null; _copySource = null; EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= HandlePlayModeChanged; _isDisposed = true; } }
private void InitAxisConfig() { m_axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration(m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName); if(m_axisConfig != null) { m_status.text = m_axisConfig.invert ? "On" : "Off"; } else { m_status.text = "Off"; Debug.LogError(string.Format(@"Input configuration '{0}' does not exist or axis '{1}' does not exist", m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName)); } }
private void InitAxisConfig() { m_axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration(m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName); if (m_axisConfig != null) { m_status.text = m_axisConfig.invert ? "On" : "Off"; } else { m_status.text = "Off"; Debug.LogError(string.Format(@"Input configuration '{0}' does not exist or axis '{1}' does not exist", m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName)); } }
private void DisplayAxisConfigurationFields(InputConfiguration inputConfigx, AxisConfiguration axisConfig, Rect screenRect) { GUIContent gravityInfo = new GUIContent("Gravity", "The speed(in units/sec) at which a digital axis falls towards neutral."); GUIContent sensitivityInfo = new GUIContent("Sensitivity", "The speed(in units/sec) at which an axis moves towards the target value."); GUIContent snapInfo = new GUIContent("Snap", "If input switches direction, do we snap to neutral and continue from there? For digital axes only."); GUIContent deadZoneInfo = new GUIContent("Dead Zone", "Size of analog dead zone. Values within this range map to neutral."); GUILayout.BeginArea(screenRect); _mainPanelScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_mainPanelScrollPos); axisConfig.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name", axisConfig.name); axisConfig.description = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Description", axisConfig.description); // Positive Key EditorToolbox.KeyCodeField(ref _keyString, ref _editingPositiveKey, "Positive", "editor_positive_key", axisConfig.positive); ProcessKeyString(ref axisConfig.positive, ref _editingPositiveKey); // Negative Key EditorToolbox.KeyCodeField(ref _keyString, ref _editingNegativeKey, "Negative", "editor_negative_key", axisConfig.negative); ProcessKeyString(ref axisConfig.negative, ref _editingNegativeKey); // Alt Positive Key EditorToolbox.KeyCodeField(ref _keyString, ref _editingAltPositiveKey, "Alt Positive", "editor_alt_positive_key", axisConfig.altPositive); ProcessKeyString(ref axisConfig.altPositive, ref _editingAltPositiveKey); // Alt Negative key EditorToolbox.KeyCodeField(ref _keyString, ref _editingAltNegativeKey, "Alt Negative", "editor_alt_negative_key", axisConfig.altNegative); ProcessKeyString(ref axisConfig.altNegative, ref _editingAltNegativeKey); axisConfig.gravity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(gravityInfo, axisConfig.gravity); axisConfig.deadZone = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(deadZoneInfo, axisConfig.deadZone); axisConfig.sensitivity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(sensitivityInfo, axisConfig.sensitivity); axisConfig.snap = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(snapInfo, axisConfig.snap); axisConfig.invert = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Invert", axisConfig.invert); axisConfig.type = (InputType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type", axisConfig.type); axisConfig.axis = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Axis", axisConfig.axis, _axisOptions); axisConfig.joystick = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Joystick", axisConfig.joystick, _joystickOptions); if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Raw Axis", axisConfig.GetAxisRaw()); EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Axis", axisConfig.GetAxis()); EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Button", axisConfig.GetButton()); GUI.enabled = true; } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
private void ProcessKeyString(ref KeyCode key, ref bool isEditing) { if (isEditing && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp) { key = AxisConfiguration.StringToKey(_keyString); if (key == KeyCode.None) { _keyString = string.Empty; } else { _keyString = key.ToString(); } isEditing = false; } }
void ChangeAxis(PlayerID playerID) { AxisConfiguration button = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration((PlayerID)playerID, "Horizontal"); button.axis = 7; AxisConfiguration button2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration((PlayerID)playerID, "Vertical"); button2.sensitivity = -1.0f; //some controllers have inverted axis for some reason button2.axis = 8; ControllerBind bindings = FindObjectOfType <ControllerBind>(); bindings.ChangeButton(playerID, "Jump", (KeyCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), "Joystick" + (int)(playerID + 1) + "Button" + 0)); bindings.ChangeButton(playerID, "Action", (KeyCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), "Joystick" + (int)(playerID + 1) + "Button" + 2)); }
private void DisplayMainPanel() { Rect screenRect = new Rect(_hierarchyPanelWidth + 5.0f, _toolbarHeight + 5, position.width - (_hierarchyPanelWidth + 5.0f), position.height - _toolbarHeight - 5.0f); InputConfiguration inputConfig = _inputManager.inputConfigurations[_selectionPath[0]]; if (_selectionPath.Count < 2) { DisplayInputConfigurationFields(inputConfig, screenRect); } else { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = inputConfig.axes[_selectionPath[1]]; DisplayAxisConfigurationFields(inputConfig, axisConfig, screenRect); } }
private string GetKeyName(string axisName, bool positive) { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("KeyboardAndMouse", axisName); if (axisConfig != null) { if (positive) { return((axisConfig.positive != KeyCode.None) ? axisConfig.positive.ToString() : string.Empty); } else { return((axisConfig.negative != KeyCode.None) ? axisConfig.negative.ToString() : string.Empty); } } return(string.Empty); }
public void Copy(AxisConfiguration source) { name = source.name; description = source.description; positive = source.positive; altPositive = source.altPositive; negative = source.negative; altNegative = source.altNegative; deadZone = source.deadZone; gravity = source.gravity; sensitivity = source.sensitivity; snap = source.snap; invert = source.invert; type = source.type; axis = source.axis; joystick = source.joystick; }
private void ProcessKeyString(ref bool isEditing, SerializedProperty key) { if (isEditing && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp) { KeyCode keyCode = AxisConfiguration.StringToKey(_keyString); if (keyCode == KeyCode.None) { key.enumValueIndex = 0; _keyString = string.Empty; } else { key.enumValueIndex = IndexOfKeyName(key.enumNames, _keyString); _keyString = keyCode.ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a 16-byte <see cref="Vector4"/> structure from the data stream and advances the position of the stream by /// 16 bytes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The vector3f.</returns> /// <param name="binaryReader">The current <see cref="BinaryReader"/></param> /// <param name="convertTo">Which axis configuration the read vector should be converted to.</param> public static Vector4 ReadVector4(this BinaryReader binaryReader, AxisConfiguration convertTo = AxisConfiguration.YUp) { switch (convertTo) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: { return(new Vector4(binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle())); } case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { float x1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float x = x1; float y = z1; float z = -y1; float w = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); return(new Vector4(x, y, z, w)); } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { float x1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float y1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float z1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); float x = x1; float y = -z1; float z = y1; float w = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); return(new Vector4(x, y, z, w)); } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertTo), convertTo, null); } } }
private void DuplicateAxisConfiguration() { InputConfiguration inputConfig = _inputManager.inputConfigurations[_selectionPath[0]]; AxisConfiguration source = inputConfig.axes[_selectionPath[1]]; AxisConfiguration axisConfig = AxisConfiguration.Duplicate(source); if (_selectionPath[1] < inputConfig.axes.Count - 1) { inputConfig.axes.Insert(_selectionPath[1], axisConfig); _selectionPath[1]++; } else { inputConfig.axes.Add(axisConfig); _selectionPath[1] = inputConfig.axes.Count - 1; } Repaint(); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a 12-byte <see cref="Vector3"/> structure from the data stream and advances the position of the stream by /// 12 bytes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The vector3f.</returns> /// <param name="binaryReader">The reader.</param> /// <param name="convertTo">Which axis configuration the read vector should be converted to.</param> public static Vector3 ReadVector3(this BinaryReader binaryReader, AxisConfiguration convertTo = AxisConfiguration.YUp) { switch (convertTo) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: { return(new Vector3(binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle(), binaryReader.ReadSingle())); } case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { var x1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var y1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var z1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var x = x1; var y = z1; var z = -y1; return(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { var x1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var y1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var z1 = binaryReader.ReadSingle(); var x = x1; var y = -z1; var z = y1; return(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertTo), convertTo, null); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a 6-byte <see cref="Vector3s"/> structure from the data stream and advances the position of the stream by /// 6 bytes. /// </summary> /// <returns>The vector3s.</returns> /// <param name="binaryReader">The current <see cref="BinaryReader"/></param> /// <param name="convertTo">Which axis configuration the read vector should be converted to.</param> public static Vector3s ReadVector3s(this BinaryReader binaryReader, AxisConfiguration convertTo = AxisConfiguration.YUp) { switch (convertTo) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: { return(new Vector3s(binaryReader.ReadInt16(), binaryReader.ReadInt16(), binaryReader.ReadInt16())); } case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { short x1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short y1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short z1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short x = x1; short y = z1; short z = (short)-y1; return(new Vector3s(x, y, z)); } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { short x1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short y1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short z1 = binaryReader.ReadInt16(); short x = x1; short y = (short)-z1; short z = y1; return(new Vector3s(x, y, z)); } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(convertTo), convertTo, null); } } }
private void InitializeAxisConfig() { m_axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration(m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName); if (m_axisConfig != null) { if (m_rebindType == RebindType.Keyboard || m_rebindType == RebindType.GamepadButton) { if (m_changePositiveKey) { if (m_changeAltKey) { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.altPositive == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.altPositive.ToString(); } else { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.positive == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.positive.ToString(); } } else { if (m_changeAltKey) { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.altNegative == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.altNegative.ToString(); } else { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisConfig.negative == KeyCode.None ? "" : m_axisConfig.negative.ToString(); } } } else { m_keyDescription.text = m_axisNames[m_axisConfig.axis]; } } else { m_keyDescription.text = ""; Debug.LogError(string.Format(@"Input configuration '{0}' does not exist or axis '{1}' does not exist", m_inputConfigName, m_axisConfigName)); } }
private bool HandleKeyScanResult(KeyCode key, params object[] args) { //if (!IsValidKeyboardKey (key)) //return false; string axisName = (string)args [0]; bool positive = (bool)args [1]; if (key != KeyCode.None) { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("KeyboardAndMouse", axisName); if (axisConfig != null) { SetKey(axisConfig, key, positive); } } scanIndex = -1; justScaned = true; return(true); }
private void ImportSelectedMapping() { if (_configurator == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Unable to import joystick mapping. Did you close the advanced input editor?", "Close"); return; } InputConfiguration inputConfig = new InputConfiguration(_mappings[_selection].Name.Replace(' ', '_')); foreach (AxisMapping am in _mappings[_selection]) { if (am.ScanType == MappingWizard.ScanType.Button) { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration(am.Name); axisConfig.type = InputType.Button; axisConfig.positive = am.Key; inputConfig.axes.Add(axisConfig); } else { if (am.JoystickAxis < 0 || am.JoystickAxis >= AxisConfiguration.MaxJoystickAxes) { Debug.LogError("Joystick axis is out of range. Cannot import axis configuration: " + am.Name); continue; } AxisConfiguration axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration(am.Name); axisConfig.type = InputType.AnalogAxis; axisConfig.axis = am.JoystickAxis; axisConfig.joystick = 0; axisConfig.deadZone = 0.0f; axisConfig.sensitivity = 1.0f; inputConfig.axes.Add(axisConfig); } } _configurator.AddInputConfiguration(inputConfig); }
private void ImportSelectedMapping() { if (_configurator == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Unable to import joystick mapping. Did you close the advanced input editor?", "Close"); return; } InputConfiguration inputConfig = new InputConfiguration(_mappings[_selection].Name.Replace(' ', '_')); foreach (AxisMapping am in _mappings[_selection]) { if (am.ScanType == MappingWizard.ScanType.Button) { AxisConfiguration axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration(am.Name); axisConfig.type = InputType.Button; axisConfig.positive = am.Key; inputConfig.axes.Add(axisConfig); } else { if (am.JoystickAxis < 0 || am.JoystickAxis > 9) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("joystickAxis"); } AxisConfiguration axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration(am.Name); axisConfig.type = InputType.AnalogAxis; axisConfig.axis = am.JoystickAxis; axisConfig.joystick = 0; axisConfig.deadZone = 0.0f; axisConfig.sensitivity = 1.0f; inputConfig.axes.Add(axisConfig); } } _configurator.AddInputConfiguration(inputConfig); }
/// <summary> /// Writes a 12-byte <see cref="Vector3"/> value to the data stream. This function /// expects a Y-up vector. By default, this function will store the vector in a Z-up axis configuration, which /// is what World of Warcraft expects. This can be overridden. Passing <see cref="AxisConfiguration.Native"/> is /// considered Y-up, as it is the way vectors are handled internally in the library. /// </summary> /// <param name="binaryWriter">The current <see cref="BinaryWriter"/> object.</param> /// <param name="vector">The Vector to write.</param> /// <param name="storeAs">Which axis configuration the read vector should be stored as.</param> public static void WriteVector3(this BinaryWriter binaryWriter, Vector3 vector, AxisConfiguration storeAs = AxisConfiguration.ZUp) { switch (storeAs) { case AxisConfiguration.Native: case AxisConfiguration.YUp: { binaryWriter.Write(vector.X); binaryWriter.Write(vector.Y); binaryWriter.Write(vector.Z); break; } case AxisConfiguration.ZUp: { binaryWriter.Write(vector.X); binaryWriter.Write(vector.Z * -1.0f); binaryWriter.Write(vector.Y); break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(storeAs), storeAs, null); } }
public void player1UsingKeyboard() { keyboardP1 = !keyboardP1; AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveHorizontal1 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveHorizontal"); //1st Player Start AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveVertical1 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveVertical"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateVertical1 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateVertical"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateHorizontal1 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateHorizontal"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigFire1 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("Fire"); //1st Player end AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveVertical2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveVertical2"); //2nd Player Start AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveHorizontal2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveHorizontal2"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateVertical2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateVertical2"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateHorizontal2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateHorizontal2"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigFire2 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("Fire2"); //2nd Player end AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveVertical3 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveVertical3"); //3rd Player Start AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveHorizontal3 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveHorizontal3"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateVertical3 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateVertical3"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateHorizontal3 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateHorizontal3"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigFire3 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("Fire3"); //3rd Player end AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveVertical4 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveVertical4"); //4th Player Start AxisConfiguration axisConfigMoveHorizontal4 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("MoveHorizontal4"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateVertical4 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateVertical4"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigRotateHorizontal4 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("RotateHorizontal4"); AxisConfiguration axisConfigFire4 = InputManager.GetAxisConfiguration("Fire4"); //4th Player end if (keyboardP1) { Debug.Log("Player1PlayingOnTheKeyBoard"); Gamepad.SetActive(false); Keyboard.SetActive(true); SetKey(axisConfigFire1, KeyCode.Mouse0, true); axisConfigMoveVertical2.joystick = 0; axisConfigMoveHorizontal2.joystick = 0; axisConfigRotateVertical2.joystick = 0; axisConfigRotateHorizontal2.joystick = 0; axisConfigFire2.joystick = 0; SetKey(axisConfigFire2, KeyCode.Joystick1Button5, true); axisConfigMoveVertical3.joystick = 1; axisConfigMoveHorizontal3.joystick = 1; axisConfigRotateVertical3.joystick = 1; axisConfigRotateHorizontal3.joystick = 1; axisConfigFire3.joystick = 1; SetKey(axisConfigFire3, KeyCode.Joystick2Button5, true); axisConfigMoveVertical4.joystick = 2; axisConfigMoveHorizontal4.joystick = 2; axisConfigRotateVertical4.joystick = 2; axisConfigRotateHorizontal4.joystick = 2; axisConfigFire4.joystick = 2; SetKey(axisConfigFire4, KeyCode.Joystick3Button5, true); fireButtonText.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire", true); fireButtonText1.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire2", true); fireButtonText2.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire3", true); fireButtonText3.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire4", true); } if (!keyboardP1) { Debug.Log("Player1PlayingOnTheGamePad"); Gamepad.SetActive(true); Keyboard.SetActive(false); SetKey(axisConfigFire1, KeyCode.Joystick1Button5, true); axisConfigMoveVertical2.joystick = 1; axisConfigMoveHorizontal2.joystick = 1; axisConfigRotateVertical2.joystick = 1; axisConfigRotateHorizontal2.joystick = 1; axisConfigFire2.joystick = 1; SetKey(axisConfigFire2, KeyCode.Joystick2Button5, true); axisConfigMoveVertical3.joystick = 2; axisConfigMoveHorizontal3.joystick = 2; axisConfigRotateVertical3.joystick = 2; axisConfigRotateHorizontal3.joystick = 2; axisConfigFire3.joystick = 2; SetKey(axisConfigFire3, KeyCode.Joystick3Button5, true); axisConfigMoveVertical4.joystick = 3; axisConfigMoveHorizontal4.joystick = 3; axisConfigRotateVertical4.joystick = 3; axisConfigRotateHorizontal4.joystick = 3; axisConfigFire4.joystick = 3; SetKey(axisConfigFire4, KeyCode.Joystick4Button5, true); fireButtonText.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire", true); fireButtonText1.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire2", true); fireButtonText2.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire3", true); fireButtonText3.text = "fire = " + GetKeyName("Fire4", true); } }
private static void SetupAxis(Axis axis, AxisConfiguration configuration) { SetupGrid(axis.MajorGrid, configuration.MajorGrid); SetupGrid(axis.MinorGrid, configuration.MinorGrid); axis.LabelStyle.Enabled = configuration.ShowLabels ?? false; if (axis.LabelStyle.Enabled) { axis.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True; axis.Title = configuration.AxisTitleName ?? String.Empty; axis.TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; } else { axis.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False; } }
public MovementCalculator(AxisConfiguration axisConf, string axisName) { _axisConf = axisConf; _axisName = axisName; }
private KeyCode PropertyToKeyCode(SerializedProperty key) { return(AxisConfiguration.StringToKey(key.enumNames[key.enumValueIndex])); }