private void LoadM210File(string filename, out SymbolCollection symbols, out AxisCollection axis) { // Get axis table from the binary // find 0x00 0x08 0x018 0x20 0x28 0x2E 0x32 to find the addresstable int readstate = 0; int lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; int axisaddress = 0; readstate = 0; axis = new AxisCollection(); m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); symbols = new SymbolCollection(); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) { for (int t = 0; t < fs.Length; t++) { byte b = br.ReadByte(); //00 02 05 07 switch (readstate) { case 0: if (b == 0x00) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 1"); if (b == 0x00) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 2 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x02) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 3 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x00) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 4 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x02) { readstate++; lookuptablestartaddress = t + 1; Console.WriteLine("lookuptablestartaddress" + fs.Position.ToString("X8")); } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 5: //Console.WriteLine("readstate = 5 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); // we're reading addresses now if (b < 0xC8) { // end of table... stop reading readstate = 7; } else { axisaddress = (int)b * 256; readstate = 6; } break; case 6: axisaddress += (int)b; AxisHelper ah = new AxisHelper(); Console.WriteLine("Axis address: " + axisaddress.ToString("X4")); ah.Addressinfile = axisaddress; m_tempaxis.Add(ah); axisaddress = 0; readstate = 5; break; case 7: break; default: break; } } } fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); // now read all axis addresses upto the end marker SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis", 40); Console.WriteLine("Found addresses: " + m_tempaxis.Count); int duplicates = 0; foreach (AxisHelper ah in m_tempaxis) { int found = 0; foreach (AxisHelper bh in m_tempaxis) { if (ah.Addressinfile == bh.Addressinfile) { ++found; } } if (found > 1) { Console.WriteLine((found - 1) + " duplicates for address " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); ++duplicates; } } Console.WriteLine("Duplicate addresses found: " + duplicates); SymbolCollection m_Unknown_symbols = new SymbolCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in m_tempaxis) { // get the address information for this axis //Console.WriteLine("Filling information for axis at address: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); ah.IsM210 = true; if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ah)) { axis.Add(ah); } else { Console.WriteLine("Unknown symbol at: " + ah.Addressinfile); SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; sh.Varname = sh.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); m_Unknown_symbols.Add(sh); // later we have to add length to it based on next found value } } // add secondary (Y) axis stuff that may not be in the lookup table m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { int newaxisstart = ah.Addressinfile + ah.Length + 2; if (CheckForAxisPresent(filename, newaxisstart, m_tempaxis, ah.Length)) { //Console.WriteLine("Possible Y axis at address : " + newaxisstart.ToString("X4")); AxisHelper ahnew = new AxisHelper(); ahnew.Addressinfile = newaxisstart; m_tempaxis.Add(ahnew); } } SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis, 2nd run", 50); // alsnog toevoegen aan collectie foreach (AxisHelper ahnew in m_tempaxis) { ahnew.IsM210 = true; if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ahnew)) { axis.Add(ahnew); } } SetProgressPercentage("Analyzing structure", 60); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in m_Unknown_symbols) { sh.Length = Helpers.Instance.FindFirstAddressInLists(sh.Flash_start_address, m_axis, m_Unknown_symbols) - sh.Flash_start_address; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); m_symbols.Add(sh); } // now determine the gaps in the axis structure SetProgressPercentage("Determining maps", 80); axis.SortColumn = "Addressinfile"; axis.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending; axis.Sort(); int address = 0; int length = 0; AxisHelper previousAxisHelper = new AxisHelper(); int symbolnumber = 0; foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { /*SymbolHelper shaxis = new SymbolHelper(); * shaxis.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; * shaxis.Varname = shaxis.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); * shaxis.Length = ah.Length; * _workingFile.Symbols.Add(shaxis);*/ //Console.WriteLine("axis address: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); if (address != 0) { // is there a gap? int endofpreviousaxis = address + length + 2; if (ah.Addressinfile == 0xC88B) { Console.WriteLine("endofpreviousaxis " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + "address " + address.ToString("X4") + "length " + length.ToString("X4")); } if (endofpreviousaxis < ah.Addressinfile) { int gaplen = ah.Addressinfile - endofpreviousaxis; //Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("AXIS: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); /*if (endofpreviousaxis == 0xFCC5) * { * Console.WriteLine("PREV AXIS ADDRESS: "+ previousAxisHelper.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); * Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); * }*/ // Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Varname = endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4"); sh.Length = gaplen; sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++; sh.Flash_start_address = endofpreviousaxis; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); if (sh.Length == 144) { sh.Cols = 12; sh.Rows = 12; // there are 4 maps with this size in Motronic 4.3 // the one that had lots of 127 values in it is the VE map // and has a correction factor of 1/127 (lambda = 1) // the others are ignition maps and have a correction factor of 0.75 ?? if (FileTools.Instance.LeftSideLowerThanRightSide(filename, sh, 12, 12)) { sh.Varname = "Fuel correction map"; sh.Category = "Fuel"; } else { sh.Varname = "Ignition map"; sh.Category = "Ignition"; } } /* * else if (sh.Length == 144) * { * sh.Cols = 12; * sh.Rows = 12; * } * else if (sh.Length == 128) * { * sh.Cols = 16; * sh.Rows = 8; * if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC43) * { * sh.Varname = "Boost map"; * sh.Category = "Boost"; * } * } * else if (sh.Length == 84) * { * sh.Cols = 7; * sh.Rows = 12; * } * else if (sh.Length == 80) * { * sh.Cols = 5; * sh.Rows = 16; * } * else if (sh.Length == 70) * { * sh.Cols = 7; * sh.Rows = 10; * } * else if (sh.Length == 64) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 8; * } * else if (sh.Length == 50) * { * sh.Cols = 10; * sh.Rows = 5; * } * else if (sh.Length == 48) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 6; * } * else if (sh.Length == 42) * { * sh.Cols = 6; * sh.Rows = 7; * } * else if (sh.Length == 40) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 5; * } * else * { * sh.Cols = sh.Length; * sh.Rows = 1; * }*/ symbols.Add(sh); } } length = ah.Length; address = ah.Addressinfile; previousAxisHelper = ah; } Console.WriteLine("Found symbols: " + symbols.Count); //add injector constant SymbolHelper sym = new SymbolHelper(); sym.Varname = "Injector constant"; sym.Category = "Constants"; sym.Length = 1; //sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++; sym.Flash_start_address = 0xA005; //NOTE: this applies only for custom modified binary! sym.Cols = 1; sym.Rows = 1; symbols.Add(sym); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols) { string xdescr = ""; string ydescr = ""; Helpers.Instance.GetAxisDescr(axis, sh.Flash_start_address, out xdescr, out ydescr); //Console.WriteLine("xdescr " + xdescr + " " + "ydescr " + ydescr); if (xdescr == "Coolant temperature [Unknown]" || ydescr == "Coolant temperature [Unknown]") { sh.Category = "Temperature compensation"; } else if (xdescr == "Coolant temp ADC value [raw ADC]" && ydescr == "") { sh.Category = "Temperature compensation"; sh.Varname = "Coolant sensor linearization"; } else if (xdescr == "Battery voltage [Volt]" || ydescr == "Battery voltage [Volt]") { sh.Category = "Battery voltage compensation"; } if (sh.Flash_start_address == 0xC887) { sh.Varname = "Engine running RPM limit"; } if (sh.Flash_start_address == 0xC975) { sh.Varname = "Cranking enrichment"; } if (sh.Flash_start_address == 0xD047 || sh.Flash_start_address == 0xD063 || sh.Flash_start_address == 0xD35D || sh.Flash_start_address == 0xD379) { sh.Varname = "Temperature compensation"; } } // try to determine ignition maps probablility SymbolCollection ignition_maps = new SymbolCollection(); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols) { if (sh.Varname == "Ignition map") { sh.Average_value = Helpers.Instance.DetermineAverageMapValue(filename, sh); ignition_maps.Add(sh); } } ignition_maps.SortColumn = "Average_value"; ignition_maps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; ignition_maps.Sort(); if (ignition_maps.Count == 3) { ignition_maps[0].Varname = "Ignition map: Warmup"; Console.WriteLine("Warmup map avg: " + ignition_maps[0].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[0].Flash_start_address.ToString()); ignition_maps[1].Varname = "Ignition map: Normal"; Console.WriteLine("Normal map avg: " + ignition_maps[1].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[1].Flash_start_address.ToString()); ignition_maps[2].Varname = "Ignition map: Knocking"; Console.WriteLine("Knock map avg: " + ignition_maps[2].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[2].Flash_start_address.ToString()); } foreach (SymbolHelper sh in ignition_maps) { foreach (SymbolHelper shorg in symbols) { if (sh.Flash_start_address == shorg.Flash_start_address) { shorg.Varname = sh.Varname; break; } } } //findMapGroups(filename); SetProgressPercentage("Sorting data", 90); // sort the symbol on length, biggest on top symbols.SortColumn = "Length"; symbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; symbols.Sort(); }
private void LoadLH242File(string filename, out SymbolCollection symbols, out AxisCollection axis) { // parse the file and find the sequence 22 A2 E0 C2 E0 90 MM MM in which MM MM is the map table pointer axis = new AxisCollection(); m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); symbols = new SymbolCollection(); Int32 MapTablePointer = GetLH242MapTablepointer(filename); if (MapTablePointer != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("LH242 maptable pointer: " + MapTablePointer.ToString("X4")); // read map addresses from this point on until we find an invalid address or 0x00 0x00 FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); fs.Position = MapTablePointer; using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) { bool invalidAddress = false; while (!invalidAddress) { int val = Convert.ToInt32((byte)br.ReadByte()); int val2 = Convert.ToInt32((byte)br.ReadByte()); Int32 addressfnd = (val * 256) + val2; if (addressfnd > 0 && addressfnd < 0x8000) { //if (Helpers.Instance.CheckForAxisPresent(filename, addressfnd)) //{ AxisHelper ah = new AxisHelper(); ah.Addressinfile = addressfnd; ah.IsLH242 = true; m_tempaxis.Add(ah); /*} * else * { * SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); * sh.Varname = addressfnd.ToString("X4"); * sh.Flash_start_address = addressfnd; * symbols.Add(sh); * }*/ } else { invalidAddress = true; } } } fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); // check all axis for a second axis and mapdata SymbolCollection m_Unknown_symbols = new SymbolCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in m_tempaxis) { // get the address information for this axus //Console.WriteLine("Filling information for axis at address: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ah)) { axis.Add(ah); } else { SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; sh.Varname = sh.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); m_Unknown_symbols.Add(sh); // later we have to add length to it based on next found value } } // copied from old routine m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { int newaxisstart = ah.Addressinfile + ah.Length + 2; if (Helpers.Instance.CheckForAxisPresent(filename, newaxisstart, m_tempaxis, ah.Length)) { //Console.WriteLine("Possible Y axis at address : " + newaxisstart.ToString("X4")); AxisHelper ahnew = new AxisHelper(); ahnew.IsLH242 = true; ahnew.Addressinfile = newaxisstart; m_tempaxis.Add(ahnew); } } // alsnog toevoegen aan collectie foreach (AxisHelper ahnew in m_tempaxis) { if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ahnew)) { axis.Add(ahnew); } } SetProgressPercentage("Analyzing structure", 60); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in m_Unknown_symbols) { sh.Length = Helpers.Instance.FindFirstAddressInLists(sh.Flash_start_address, m_axis, m_Unknown_symbols) - sh.Flash_start_address; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); if (sh.Length <= 0x200) { m_symbols.Add(sh); } } SetProgressPercentage("Determining maps", 70); axis.SortColumn = "Addressinfile"; axis.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending; axis.Sort(); int address = 0; int length = 0; AxisHelper previousAxisHelper = new AxisHelper(); int symbolnumber = 0; foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { /*SymbolHelper shaxis = new SymbolHelper(); * shaxis.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; * shaxis.Varname = shaxis.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); * shaxis.Length = ah.Length; * _workingFile.Symbols.Add(shaxis);*/ if (address != 0) { // is there a gap? int endofpreviousaxis = address + length + 2; if (endofpreviousaxis < ah.Addressinfile) { int gaplen = ah.Addressinfile - endofpreviousaxis; Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("AXIS: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); /*if (endofpreviousaxis == 0xFCC5) * { * Console.WriteLine("PREV AXIS ADDRESS: "+ previousAxisHelper.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); * Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); * }*/ // Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Varname = endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4"); sh.Length = gaplen; sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++; sh.Flash_start_address = endofpreviousaxis; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); if (sh.Length == 0x100) { sh.Category = "Fuel"; sh.Varname = "VE map"; } symbols.Add(sh); } } length = ah.Length; address = ah.Addressinfile; previousAxisHelper = ah; } // try to determine ignition maps probablility /*SymbolCollection ignition_maps = new SymbolCollection(); * foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols) * { * if (sh.Varname == "Ignition map") * { * sh.Average_value = DetermineAverageMapValue(filename, sh); * ignition_maps.Add(sh); * } * } * ignition_maps.SortColumn = "Average_value"; * ignition_maps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; * ignition_maps.Sort(); * if (ignition_maps.Count == 3) * { * ignition_maps[0].Varname = "Ignition map: Warmup"; * Console.WriteLine("Warmup map avg: " + ignition_maps[0].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[0].Flash_start_address.ToString()); * ignition_maps[1].Varname = "Ignition map: Normal"; * Console.WriteLine("Normal map avg: " + ignition_maps[1].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[1].Flash_start_address.ToString()); * ignition_maps[2].Varname = "Ignition map: Knocking"; * Console.WriteLine("Knock map avg: " + ignition_maps[2].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[2].Flash_start_address.ToString()); * } * foreach (SymbolHelper sh in ignition_maps) * { * foreach (SymbolHelper shorg in symbols) * { * if (sh.Flash_start_address == shorg.Flash_start_address) * { * shorg.Varname = sh.Varname; * break; * } * } * }*/ SetProgressPercentage("Sorting data", 80); // sort the symbol on length, biggest on top symbols.SortColumn = "Length"; symbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; symbols.Sort(); // end of copy } }
private void LoadLH24File(string filename, out SymbolCollection symbols, out AxisCollection axis) { // Get axis table from the binary // find 0x00 0x08 0x018 0x20 0x28 0x2E 0x32 to find the addresstable int readstate = 0; int lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; int axisaddress = 0; readstate = 0; axis = new AxisCollection(); m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); symbols = new SymbolCollection(); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) { for (int t = 0; t < fs.Length; t++) { byte b = br.ReadByte(); //00 02 05 07 switch (readstate) { case 0: if (b == 0x00) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 1"); if (b == 0x08) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 2 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x18) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 3 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x20) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 4 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x28) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 5 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x2E) { readstate++; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 6 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); if (b == 0x32) { readstate++; t += 21; fs.Seek(21, SeekOrigin.Current); lookuptablestartaddress = t + 1; //fs.Position = fs.Position + 21; } else { lookuptablestartaddress = 0x00; readstate = 0; } break; case 7: Console.WriteLine("readstate = 7 @ address: " + t.ToString("X4")); // we're reading addresses now if (b < 0x30 || b > 0x3F) { // end of table... stop reading readstate = 9; } else { axisaddress = (int)b * 256; readstate = 8; } break; case 8: axisaddress += (int)b; AxisHelper ah = new AxisHelper(); Console.WriteLine("Axis address: " + axisaddress.ToString("X4")); ah.Addressinfile = axisaddress; m_tempaxis.Add(ah); axisaddress = 0; readstate = 7; break; case 9: break; default: break; } } } fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); // now read all axis addresses upto the end marker SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis", 40); SymbolCollection m_Unknown_symbols = new SymbolCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in m_tempaxis) { // get the address information for this axus //Console.WriteLine("Filling information for axis at address: " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ah)) { axis.Add(ah); } else { SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; sh.Varname = sh.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); m_Unknown_symbols.Add(sh); // later we have to add length to it based on next found value } } // add secondary (Y) axis stuff that may not be in the lookup table m_tempaxis = new AxisCollection(); foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { int newaxisstart = ah.Addressinfile + ah.Length + 2; if (Helpers.Instance.CheckForAxisPresent(filename, newaxisstart, m_tempaxis, ah.Length)) { //Console.WriteLine("Possible Y axis at address : " + newaxisstart.ToString("X4")); AxisHelper ahnew = new AxisHelper(); ahnew.Addressinfile = newaxisstart; m_tempaxis.Add(ahnew); } } SetProgressPercentage("Adding axis, 2nd run", 50); // alsnog toevoegen aan collectie foreach (AxisHelper ahnew in m_tempaxis) { if (FillAxisInformation(filename, ahnew)) { axis.Add(ahnew); } } SetProgressPercentage("Analyzing structure", 60); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in m_Unknown_symbols) { sh.Length = Helpers.Instance.FindFirstAddressInLists(sh.Flash_start_address, m_axis, m_Unknown_symbols) - sh.Flash_start_address; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); m_symbols.Add(sh); } // now determine the gaps in the axis structure SetProgressPercentage("Determining maps", 80); axis.SortColumn = "Addressinfile"; axis.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Ascending; axis.Sort(); int address = 0; int length = 0; AxisHelper previousAxisHelper = new AxisHelper(); int symbolnumber = 0; foreach (AxisHelper ah in axis) { /*SymbolHelper shaxis = new SymbolHelper(); * shaxis.Flash_start_address = ah.Addressinfile; * shaxis.Varname = shaxis.Flash_start_address.ToString("X4"); * shaxis.Length = ah.Length; * _workingFile.Symbols.Add(shaxis);*/ if (address != 0) { // is there a gap? int endofpreviousaxis = address + length + 2; if (endofpreviousaxis < ah.Addressinfile) { int gaplen = ah.Addressinfile - endofpreviousaxis; //Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine("AXIS: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); /*if (endofpreviousaxis == 0xFCC5) * { * Console.WriteLine("PREV AXIS ADDRESS: "+ previousAxisHelper.Addressinfile.ToString("X4")); * Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); * }*/ // Console.WriteLine("GAP: " + endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4") + " - " + ah.Addressinfile.ToString("X4") + " length: " + gaplen.ToString()); SymbolHelper sh = new SymbolHelper(); sh.Varname = endofpreviousaxis.ToString("X4"); sh.Length = gaplen; sh.Symbol_number = symbolnumber++; sh.Flash_start_address = endofpreviousaxis; sh.Cols = Helpers.Instance.DetermineColumnsInMapByLength(sh.Length); sh.Rows = Helpers.Instance.DetermineRowsInMapByLength(sh.Length); /*if (sh.Length == 256) * { * sh.Cols = 16; * sh.Rows = 16; * if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC43) * { * // there are 4 maps with this size in Motronic 4.3 * // the one that had lots of 127 values in it is the VE map * // and has a correction factor of 1/127 (lambda = 1) * // the others are ignition maps and have a correction factor of 0.75 ?? * if (FileTools.Instance.MapContainsMostly(filename, sh, 127)) * { * sh.Varname = "VE map"; * sh.Category = "Fuel"; * } * else * { * sh.Varname = "Ignition map"; * sh.Category = "Ignition"; * } * * * } * } * else if (sh.Length == 144) * { * sh.Cols = 12; * sh.Rows = 12; * } * else if (sh.Length == 128) * { * sh.Cols = 16; * sh.Rows = 8; * if (FileTools.Instance.CurrentFiletype == FileType.MOTRONIC43) * { * sh.Varname = "Boost map"; * sh.Category = "Boost"; * } * } * else if (sh.Length == 84) * { * sh.Cols = 7; * sh.Rows = 12; * } * else if (sh.Length == 80) * { * sh.Cols = 5; * sh.Rows = 16; * } * else if (sh.Length == 70) * { * sh.Cols = 7; * sh.Rows = 10; * } * else if (sh.Length == 64) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 8; * } * else if (sh.Length == 50) * { * sh.Cols = 10; * sh.Rows = 5; * } * else if (sh.Length == 48) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 6; * } * else if (sh.Length == 42) * { * sh.Cols = 6; * sh.Rows = 7; * } * else if (sh.Length == 40) * { * sh.Cols = 8; * sh.Rows = 5; * } * else * { * sh.Cols = sh.Length; * sh.Rows = 1; * }*/ symbols.Add(sh); } } length = ah.Length; address = ah.Addressinfile; previousAxisHelper = ah; } // try to determine ignition maps probablility SymbolCollection ignition_maps = new SymbolCollection(); foreach (SymbolHelper sh in symbols) { if (sh.Varname == "Ignition map") { sh.Average_value = Helpers.Instance.DetermineAverageMapValue(filename, sh); ignition_maps.Add(sh); } } ignition_maps.SortColumn = "Average_value"; ignition_maps.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; ignition_maps.Sort(); if (ignition_maps.Count == 3) { ignition_maps[0].Varname = "Ignition map: Warmup"; Console.WriteLine("Warmup map avg: " + ignition_maps[0].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[0].Flash_start_address.ToString()); ignition_maps[1].Varname = "Ignition map: Normal"; Console.WriteLine("Normal map avg: " + ignition_maps[1].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[1].Flash_start_address.ToString()); ignition_maps[2].Varname = "Ignition map: Knocking"; Console.WriteLine("Knock map avg: " + ignition_maps[2].Average_value.ToString("F3") + " address: " + ignition_maps[2].Flash_start_address.ToString()); } foreach (SymbolHelper sh in ignition_maps) { foreach (SymbolHelper shorg in symbols) { if (sh.Flash_start_address == shorg.Flash_start_address) { shorg.Varname = sh.Varname; break; } } } SetProgressPercentage("Sorting data", 90); // sort the symbol on length, biggest on top symbols.SortColumn = "Length"; symbols.SortingOrder = GenericComparer.SortOrder.Descending; symbols.Sort(); }