Example #1
        /*  public ActionResult getWsdl(string project, string webservice)
         * {
         *    String result = "";
         *    Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
         *    using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "Get"))
         *    {
         *        result = axAccess.executeWSDL(project, webservice);
         *    }
         *    return Content(result);
         * }*/

        public ActionResult checkConnection(string project, string webservice)
            String result = "";

            Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig = ClientConfiguration.getClientConfiguration();

            using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "Get", clientConfig))
                result = axAccess.executePing();
                //result = "SOAP " + axAccess.checkConnection(this);

            AxAccessModel access = new AxAccessModel();

            if (result.ToLower().Equals("true"))
                access.Connected = "Application is correct connected to :";
                access.Connected = "Application is not correct connected to :";
        // GET: Basic
        public ActionResult executeMessage(string project, string webservice, string httpaction)
            String result;

            Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig = ClientConfiguration.getClientConfiguration();

            using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath, httpaction, clientConfig))
                    Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
                    //remove the soap envelope
                    string content = this.GetInputContent();
                    // add the  content back to the correct soap response
                    result = axAccess.executeWebservice(project, webservice, content);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = String.Format("<xml>Error: {0}</xml>", ex.Message);

Example #3
        private object makePingRequest(ClientConfiguration clientConfig)
            using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "Get", clientConfig))
                string result = axAccess.executePing();
                //result = "SOAP " + axAccess.checkConnection(this);

                return(new { isSuccess = true });
Example #4
        /*   public ActionResult getWsdl(string project, string webservice , string httpaction)
         * {
         *     String result = "";
         *     Response.ContentType = @"text/xml";
         *     string url = this.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
         *     url = url.Remove(url.Length -5);
         *     using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, url, httpaction))
         *     {
         *         result = axAccess.executeWSDL(project, webservice);
         *     }
         *     return Content(result);
         * }

        public ActionResult checkConnection(string project, string webservice)
            String result = "";

            Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig = ClientConfiguration.getClientConfiguration();

            using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "get", clientConfig))

                result = axAccess.executePing();

Example #5
        // GET: /REST/

        // GET: REST
        public ActionResult executeMessage(string project, string webservice)
            string httpaction = this.Request.HttpMethod.ToString();

            String result;

            Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";
            ClientConfiguration clientConfig = ClientConfiguration.getClientConfiguration();


            using (AxAccess axAccess = new AxAccess(this.User.Identity.Name, this.Request.Url.OriginalString, httpaction, clientConfig))
                    Response.ContentType = @"text/plain";

                    string content = this.GetInputContent();
                    // add the  content back to the correct soap response
                    result = axAccess.executeWebservice(project, webservice, content);
                    this.Response.StatusCode = (int)axAccess.StatusCode;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result = String.Format("<xml>Error: {0}</xml>", ex.Message);
                    this.Response.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                //result = "SOAP" + "" + axAccess.executewebservice(this, project, webservice, httpaction);
            //    return View();