private IEnumerator PrizeBoop()
        //for prize get.....................................................................
        socket.path = "draw/";
        AwardGetReq reqGet = new AwardGetReq();

        reqGet.activityId = int.Parse(activeId.text);     = mobile.text;
        reqGet.step       = int.Parse(activityStep.text);

        // wait 3 seconds and continue
        output.text = "Please wait for 3 seconds......";
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

        //wait for response
        JSONObject resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();

        while (resObj == null)           //wait for all the time...
            Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop null, no response! ");
            output.text = "[SocketIO] AwardBoop null, no response!";
            resObj      = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));
            //yield return null;
            //yield break;

        //while( resObj == null ) resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();
        AwardGetRsp rspGet = new AwardGetRsp();

        Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop resultCode: " + rspGet.Result);
        output.text = "[SocketIO] AwardBoop resultCode: " + rspGet.Result;
        if (0 == rspGet.Result)
            output.text += " awardId:" + rspGet.awardId;
            output.text += " awardLevel:" + rspGet.awardLevel;
            output.text += " awardName:" + rspGet.awardName;
            output.text += " awardType:" + rspGet.awardType;
    //award loop ....
    private IEnumerator AwardBoop()
        // wait 1 seconds and continue
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

        AwardReq req = new AwardReq();

        req.activityId = 9900002;     = "13802881234";

        //socket.EmitBet("{GameAccountRegisterReq: {Name: 'leaftest6',Password: '******'}}");

        // wait 3 seconds and continue
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5));

        //wait for response
        JSONObject resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();

        if (resObj == null)
            Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop null, no response! ");
            yield return(null);

            yield break;

        //while( resObj == null ) resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();
        AwardRsp rsp = new AwardRsp();

        Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop resultCode: " + rsp.Result);

        //for prize get.....................................................................
        socket.path = "draw/";
        AwardGetReq reqGet = new AwardGetReq();

        reqGet.activityId = 9900002;     = "13802881234";

        // wait 5 seconds and continue
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(5));

        //wait for response
        resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();
        if (resObj == null)
            Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop null, no response! ");
            yield return(null);

            yield break;

        //while( resObj == null ) resObj = socket.GetResponseJsonObject();
        AwardGetRsp rspGet = new AwardGetRsp();

        Debug.Log("[SocketIO] AwardBoop resultCode: " + rspGet.Result);

        // wait ONE FRAME and continue
        //yield return null;