Example #1
    void Start()
        dude       = GetComponent <Dude>();
        swordzDude = GetComponent <SwordzDude>();
        damageable = GetComponent <Damageable>();

        actualAttackRate = attackRate + (Random.value - 0.5f) * attackRateFluctuation;
        lastAttackTime   = -actualAttackRate;

        // HACK : get me outta here!
        animated = swordzDude.animated;         // transform.Find("graphics/bjorn");

        avoider = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Avoider>();
        if (avoider != null)
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, avoider.collider);

        sqrAttackDistance = Mathf.Pow(attackDistance, 2);
        sqrDangerDistance = Mathf.Pow(dangerDistance, 2);

        // offset the start of the think ticks to spread the load out a little
        lastThought += thinkPeriod * Random.value;
        lastReact   += reactPeriod * Random.value;

        protected override bool ShouldTeleport(out Vector3 position)
            position = Vector3.Zero;
            var skill             = Skills.Wizard.Teleport;
            var affixOnPlayer     = Core.Avoidance.InAvoidance(ZetaDia.Me.Position);
            var healthIsLow       = Player.CurrentHealthPct < Settings.TeleportHealthEmergency;
            var archonHealthIsLow = Player.CurrentHealthPct < Settings.ArchonTeleportHealthEmergency;
            var anyElitesinRange  = TargetUtil.AnyElitesInRange(Settings.TeleportEliteKiteRange);
            var anyMobsInRange    = TargetUtil.AnyMobsInRangeOfPosition(Player.Position, Settings.TeleportTrashKiteRange, Settings.TeleportTrashInRangeCount);

            if (!skill.CanCast())

            if (Player.IsChannelling || !Player.IsChannelling)
                if (anyElitesinRange || anyMobsInRange || healthIsLow || affixOnPlayer)
                    Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, $"Close Elites: {anyElitesinRange}, Mobs: {anyMobsInRange}, Health: {healthIsLow}, Affix: {affixOnPlayer}");

            Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, Settings.TeleportKiteMinDistance, Settings.TeleportKiteMaxDistance, ZetaDia.Me.Position, node => !HostileMonsters.Any(m => m.Position.Distance(node.NavigableCenter) < 15f));

            return(position != Vector3.Zero);
Example #3
    //bassed off of https://github.com/tutsplus/battle-circle-ai/blob/master/src/Assets/Scripts/AI/Avoider.cs

    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
        Avoider av = other.GetComponent <Avoider>();

        if (av != null && thingsToAvoid.Contains(av.AvoiderType))
Example #4
 private bool ShouldAvoid(Avoider a)
     return(!a.Ignore &&
            //if either avoider doesnot have a targeter it can be added to the list without further checks
            (!hasTargeter || !a.hasTargeter ||
             //if both avoiders have the same target add them to the list
             (targeter.TargetRange == a.targeter.TargetRange) ||
             //if the other avoider isnt moving and the current ranges are not the same add it to the list
             (!a.targeter.Moving && targeter.CurrentRange != a.targeter.CurrentRange)));
Example #5
    public static void AvoiderValidationCheck(GameObject obj)
        Avoider av = obj.GetComponentInChildren <Avoider>();

        if (av == null)
            System.Type[] Components = { typeof(CapsuleCollider2D), typeof(Avoider) };
            GameObject    gameObject = new GameObject("Avoider", Components);
            gameObject.transform.SetParent(obj.transform, false);
Example #6
 protected virtual void Start()
     moveHandler         = GetComponent <MoveHandler>();
     targeter            = GetComponent <Targeter>();
     entityController    = GetComponent <EntityControllerComp>();
     hasEntityController = (entityController != null);
     flagHandler         = GetComponent <FlagHandler>();
     avoider             = GetComponentInChildren <Avoider>();
     hasAvoider          = (avoider != null);
     linksToAttempt      = new List <MoveLink>();
Example #7
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other)
        Avoider av = other.GetComponent <Avoider>();

        if (av != null && thingsToAvoid.Contains(av.AvoiderType))
            if (av == CurrentlyAvoiding)
                CurrentlyAvoiding = null;
Example #8
        protected override bool ShouldTeleport(out Vector3 position)
            position = Vector3.Zero;

            if (!CanTeleport)

            // Jump into cluster for archon combust
            if (!IsArchonActive && Skills.Wizard.Archon.CanCast() && TalRashaStacks >= 2 && Runes.Wizard.Combustion.IsActive)
                Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Teleport to Archon Combust");
                position = TargetUtil.GetBestClusterPoint();
                return(position != Vector3.Zero);

            // Jump away from monsters but within cast range
            if (Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, 15f, 50f, Player.Position,
                                       n => n.AvoidanceFlags.HasFlag(AvoidanceFlags.Monster) &&
                                       Core.Grids.CanRayCast(n.NavigableCenter, CurrentTarget.Position)))
                Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Teleport to Safespot (ShouldTeleport)");

            // Try a different approach.
            var target = TargetUtil.GetBestClusterUnit();

            position = TargetUtil.GetLoiterPosition(target, 30f);
            if (position != Vector3.Zero && target != null && TargetUtil.AnyMobsInRange(20f, 3) || TargetUtil.AnyElitesInRange(20f))
                Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Teleport to LoiterPosition (ShouldTeleport)");

        public TrinityPower GetOffensivePower()
            TrinityPower power;
            Vector3      position;

            if (TrySpecialPower(out power))

            if (Core.Buffs.HasCastingShrine)
                if (Skills.Monk.BlindingFlash.CanCast() && Legendary.TheLawsOfSeph.IsEquipped && Player.PrimaryResource < Player.PrimaryResourceMax - 165)

                if (Skills.Monk.MysticAlly.CanCast() && Runes.Monk.AirAlly.IsActive && Player.PrimaryResource < Player.PrimaryResourceMax - 200)

                if (Skills.Monk.DashingStrike.CanCast() && !Skills.Monk.DashingStrike.IsLastUsed)

                if (Skills.Monk.LashingTailKick.CanCast())

            // With sweeping armada try to keep distance in the sweet spot between 10-15yd
            if (Runes.Monk.SweepingArmada.IsActive)
                var enoughTimePassed = SpellHistory.TimeSinceUse(SNOPower.Walk).TotalMilliseconds > 500;
                var isSoloElite      = TargetUtil.ElitesInRange(25f) == 1 && !AnyUnitsInRange(25f);
                if (enoughTimePassed && isSoloElite && CurrentTarget.RadiusDistance <= 10f && !IsStuck)
                    if (Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, 12f + CurrentTarget.CollisionRadius, 30f, CurrentTarget.Position))
                        Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, $"Adjusting Distance for Sweeping Armarda RDist={CurrentTarget.RadiusDistance} Dist={ZetaDia.Me.Position.Distance(CurrentTarget.Position)}");
                        return(Walk(position, 2f));

            if (TrySecondaryPower(out power))

            if (TryPrimaryPower(out power))

            if (IsNoPrimary)
                // Stay away from hostile units when Regen skills are on cooldown and under [50] Spirit
                if (Skills.Monk.BlindingFlash.IsActive && Legendary.TheLawsOfSeph.IsEquipped || Skills.Monk.MysticAlly.IsActive && Runes.Monk.AirAlly.IsActive)
                    var regenOnCooldown = !Skills.Monk.BlindingFlash.CanCast() && !Skills.Monk.MysticAlly.CanCast();
                    var needResource    = Player.PrimaryResource < PrimaryEnergyReserve;
                    if ((regenOnCooldown || needResource) && HostileMonsters.Any(u => u.Distance <= 12f))
                        Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Moving away - Low Spirit - Regen on Cooldown");
                        return(Walk(TargetUtil.GetLoiterPosition(CurrentTarget, 30f)));

            return(Walk(TargetUtil.GetLoiterPosition(CurrentTarget, 25f)));
Example #10
    void Start()
        dude = GetComponent<Dude>();
        swordzDude = GetComponent<SwordzDude>();
        damageable = GetComponent<Damageable>();

        actualAttackRate = attackRate + (Random.value - 0.5f) * attackRateFluctuation;
        lastAttackTime = -actualAttackRate;

        // HACK : get me outta here!
        animated = swordzDude.animated; // transform.Find("graphics/bjorn");

        avoider = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Avoider>();
        if(avoider != null)
            Physics.IgnoreCollision(collider, avoider.collider);

        sqrAttackDistance = Mathf.Pow(attackDistance, 2);
        sqrDangerDistance = Mathf.Pow(dangerDistance, 2);

        // offset the start of the think ticks to spread the load out a little
        lastThought += thinkPeriod * Random.value;
        lastReact += reactPeriod * Random.value;

Example #11
        //public static class FireballTracker
        //    public static Dictionary<int,TrinityActor> Fireballs = new Dictionary<int, TrinityActor>();
        //    private static DateTime _lastUseTime;

        //    public static bool IsFireballPending { get; private set; }

        //    public const int FireballSnoId = (int) SNOActor.zoltunKulle_fieryBoulder_model;
        //    public const int PendingTimeoutMs = 1000;

        //    public static void Update()
        //    {
        //        var lastUseTime = SpellHistory.PowerLastUsedTime(SNOPower.Monk_LashingTailKick);
        //        var msSinceUse = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(lastUseTime).TotalMilliseconds;
        //        if (lastUseTime != _lastUseTime)
        //        {
        //            Core.Logger.Log($"New LTK cast, waiting for fireball");
        //            IsFireballPending = msSinceUse < PendingTimeoutMs;
        //            _lastUseTime = lastUseTime;
        //        }

        //        if (msSinceUse > PendingTimeoutMs && IsFireballPending)
        //        {
        //            Core.Logger.Log($"Fireball wait timed out");
        //            IsFireballPending = false;
        //        }

        //        foreach (var actor in Core.Actors.AllRActors.Where(a => a.Type == TrinityObjectType.ClientEffect))
        //        {
        //            if (actor.ActorSnoId == FireballSnoId && !Fireballs.ContainsKey(actor.AnnId))
        //            {
        //                Core.Logger.Log($"New Fireball Found Delay:{msSinceUse}ms");
        //                IsFireballPending = false;
        //                Fireballs.Add(actor.AnnId, actor);
        //            }
        //        }

        //        foreach (var fireball in Fireballs.ToList().Where(fireball => !fireball.Value.IsValid))
        //        {
        //            Fireballs.Remove(fireball.Key);
        //        }
        //    }

        /* Speed Farm Solo Variant tested @ GR75
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Equipped Non-Set Legendaries: Items=8, Sets=1 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: SpiritStone: Gyana Na Kashu (222169) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Belt: Kyoshiro's Soul (298136) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Boots: Rivera Dancers (197224) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac (212588) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Unity (212581) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Bracer: Nemesis Bracers (298121) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: FistWeapon: Scarbringer (130557) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: FistWeapon: Vengeful Wind (403775) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Equipped in Kanai's Cube: Items=3 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: SpiritStone: The Laws of Seph (299454) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Ring of Royal Grandeur (298094) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Sword: In-geom (410946) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Set: Monkey King's Garb : 5/6 Equipped. ActiveBonuses=3/3 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Shoulder: Sunwuko's Balance (336175) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Gloves: Sunwuko's Paws (336172) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Amulet: Sunwuko's Shines (336174) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Legs: Sunwuko's Leggings (429075) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Chest: Sunwuko's Soul (429167) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Active Skills / Runes ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Lashing Tail Kick Rune=Sweeping Armada  Type=Spender
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Blinding Flash Rune=Faith in the Light Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Dashing Strike Rune=Way of the Falling Star Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Mantra of Salvation Rune=Agility Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Sweeping Wind Rune=Inner Storm Type=Spender
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Epiphany Rune=Desert Shroud Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Passives ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Exalted Soul
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Beacon of Ytar
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Harmony
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Momentum
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Equipped Non-Set Legendaries: Items=6, Sets=2 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: SpiritStone: Gyana Na Kashu (222169) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Belt: The Witching Hour (193670) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Boots: Rivera Dancers (197224) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Bracer: Spirit Guards (430290) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: FistWeapon: Crystal Fist (175939) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: FistWeapon: Scarbringer (130557) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Equipped in Kanai's Cube: Items=3 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: SpiritStone: The Laws of Seph (299454) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Ring of Royal Grandeur (298094) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Daibo: Flying Dragon (197065) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Set: Bastions of Will : 2/2 Equipped. ActiveBonuses=1/1 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Focus (332209) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Ring: Restraint (332210) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Set: Monkey King's Garb : 5/6 Equipped. ActiveBonuses=3/3 ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Shoulder: Sunwuko's Balance (336175) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Gloves: Sunwuko's Paws (336172) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Amulet: Sunwuko's Shines (336174) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Legs: Sunwuko's Leggings (429075) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Item: Chest: Sunwuko's Soul (429167) is Equipped
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Active Skills / Runes ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Fists of Thunder Rune=Quickening Type=Generator
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Lashing Tail Kick Rune=Sweeping Armada  Type=Spender
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Blinding Flash Rune=Faith in the Light Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Dashing Strike Rune=Blinding Speed Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Mantra of Salvation Rune=Agility Type=Other
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Skill: Sweeping Wind Rune=Inner Storm Type=Spender
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] ------ Passives ------
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Exalted Soul
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Seize the Initiative
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: The Guardian's Path
         * [Trinity 2.55.668] Passive: Beacon of Ytar
         * [Trinity 2.55.668][Routine] Need Spirit Gaurds Buff

        public TrinityPower GetOffensivePower()
            // 853: PowerBuff0VisualEffectNone (-3243) [ PowerSnoId: ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_903_x1: 402411 ] i:1 f:0 Value=1
            // 865: PowerBuff2VisualEffectNone (-3231) [ PowerSnoId: ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_922_x1: 402461 ] i:0 f:0 Value=0
            // 588: BuffIconStartTick2(-3508)[PowerSnoId: ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_018_x1: 428348] i: 79817 f: 0 Value = 79817
            // 863: PowerBuff1VisualEffectD (-3233) [ PowerSnoId: Monk_LashingTailKick: 111676 ] i:1 f:0 Value=1

            TrinityPower power;
            Vector3      position;

            //if (FireballTracker.IsFireballPending)
            //    Core.Logger.Log("Waiting for fireball");
            //    return new TrinityPower(SNOPower.None);

            if (TrySpecialPower(out power))

            if (Core.Buffs.HasCastingShrine)
                if (Skills.Monk.DashingStrike.CanCast() && !Skills.Monk.DashingStrike.IsLastUsed)

                if (Skills.Monk.LashingTailKick.CanCast())

            if (ShouldRefreshSpiritGuardsBuff)
                Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Need Spirit Gaurds Buff");
                if (TryPrimaryClosestTarget(out power))

            if (ShouldRefreshBastiansGenerator)
                Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Need Bastians Buff");
                if (TryPrimaryClosestTarget(out power))

            // With sweeping armada try to keep distance in the sweet spot between 10-15yd
            if (Runes.Monk.SweepingArmada.IsActive)
                var enoughTimePassed = SpellHistory.TimeSinceUse(SNOPower.Walk).TotalMilliseconds > 500;
                var isSoloElite      = TargetUtil.ElitesInRange(25f) == 1 && !AnyUnitsInRange(25f);
                if (enoughTimePassed && isSoloElite && CurrentTarget.RadiusDistance <= 10f && !IsStuck)
                    if (Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, 12f + CurrentTarget.CollisionRadius, 30f, CurrentTarget.Position))
                        Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, $"Adjusting Distance for Sweeping Armarda RDist={CurrentTarget.RadiusDistance} Dist={ZetaDia.Me.Position.Distance(CurrentTarget.Position)}");
                        return(Walk(position, 2f));

            if (TrySecondaryPower(out power))

            if (TryPrimaryPower(out power))

            if (IsNoPrimary)
                // Stay away from units for belt to build stacks.
                if (Legendary.KyoshirosSoul.IsEquipped)
                    var needStacks   = Skills.Monk.SweepingWind.BuffStacks < 3 && Player.PrimaryResourcePct <= 0.75f;
                    var needResource = Player.PrimaryResource < PrimaryEnergyReserve;
                    if ((needStacks || needResource) && HostileMonsters.Any(u => u.Distance <= 12f))
                        Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Moving away to build stacks");
                        return(Walk(TargetUtil.GetLoiterPosition(CurrentTarget, 30f)));

            // SW Stacks but no mana, or skills cooldown maybe, hang out just outside range of target.
            Core.Logger.Log(LogCategory.Routine, "Can't cast anything.");
            return(Walk(TargetUtil.GetLoiterPosition(CurrentTarget, 25f)));
Example #12
 private void OnValidate()
        protected override bool ShouldArchonTeleport(out Vector3 position)
            position = Vector3.Zero;
            var skill              = Skills.Wizard.ArchonTeleport;
            var affixOnPlayer      = Core.Avoidance.InAvoidance(ZetaDia.Me.Position);
            var isShrine           = TrinityCombat.Targeting.CurrentTarget.Type == TrinityObjectType.Shrine;
            var isProgressionGlobe = TrinityCombat.Targeting.CurrentTarget.Type == TrinityObjectType.ProgressionGlobe;
            var isHealthGlobe      = TrinityCombat.Targeting.CurrentTarget.Type == TrinityObjectType.HealthGlobe;

            //Teleport Activations
            var archonHealthIsLow = IsArchonActive && Player.CurrentHealthPct < Settings.ArchonTeleportHealthEmergency;
            var anyElitesinRange  = TargetUtil.AnyElitesInRange(Settings.TeleportEliteKiteRange);
            var anyMobsInRange    = TargetUtil.AnyMobsInRangeOfPosition(Player.Position, Settings.TeleportTrashKiteRange, Settings.TeleportTrashInRangeCount);

            //Teleport Delays
            var archonHealthIsLowDelay = Skills.Wizard.Teleport.TimeSinceUse > Settings.ArchonTeleportHealthDelay;
            var archonTeleportDelay    = (TalRashaStacks == 4 && Skills.Wizard.Teleport.TimeSinceUse > Settings.Archon4StackDelay) || (TalRashaStacks <4 && Skills.Wizard.Teleport.TimeSinceUse> Settings.Archon1StackDelay);

            if (!skill.CanCast())

            if (CurrentTarget.Distance < 50 && isShrine || isProgressionGlobe || (isHealthGlobe && archonHealthIsLow))
                //Core.Logger.Log($"Teleporting to Priority Target");
                position = CurrentTarget.Position;

            if ((Player.IsChannelling || !Player.IsChannelling))
                if (affixOnPlayer || (archonHealthIsLow && archonHealthIsLowDelay && anyMobsInRange))
                    //Core.Logger.Log($"Teleport for Survival! Affix: {affixOnPlayer}, Health: {archonHealthIsLow}");
                    Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, Settings.TeleportKiteMinDistance, Settings.TeleportKiteMaxDistance, ZetaDia.Me.Position, node => !HostileMonsters.Any(m => m.Position.Distance(node.NavigableCenter) < 15f));

                if (Skills.Wizard.Archon.TimeSinceUse > 19500)
                    //Core.Logger.Log($"Teleport! Archon is about to drop!!!");
                    Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, Settings.TeleportKiteMinDistance, Settings.TeleportKiteMaxDistance, ZetaDia.Me.Position, node => !HostileMonsters.Any(m => m.Position.Distance(node.NavigableCenter) < 15f));

                if (CurrentTarget.IsElite && anyElitesinRange && archonTeleportDelay)
                    //Core.Logger.Log($"Teleport! Elite too close: {CurrentTarget.Distance} Setting: {Settings.TeleportEliteKiteRange}");
                    Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, 40, Settings.TeleportKiteMaxDistance, TrinityCombat.Targeting.CurrentTarget.Position, node => !HostileMonsters.Any(m => m.Position.Distance(node.NavigableCenter) < 15f));

                var target = TargetUtil.BestRangedAoeUnit(10, 50, ClusterSize);
                if (target != null && target.Distance < 30f)
                    //Core.Logger.Log($"Teleport! Trash Target too close: {CurrentTarget.Distance}");
                    Avoider.TryGetSafeSpot(out position, 40, Settings.TeleportKiteMaxDistance, target.Position, node => !HostileMonsters.Any(m => m.Position.Distance(node.NavigableCenter) < 15f));

            return(position != Vector3.Zero);
Example #14
 private void Start()
     avoider = GetComponentInChildren <Avoider>();