public PreferredSuburbViewModel(string ContractorId)
                DAL dal = new DAL();
                // we will pass sql to the database
                //DataTable dtfieldNames = dal.Read("select  bit_skill.Skill_Id,bit_skill.Skill_Type from bit_contractor_skill,bit_skill WHERE bit_contractor_skill.Skill_Id = bit_skill.Skill_Id and Contractor_Id = 2");
                DataTable dtfieldNames = dal.Read("SELECT suburb Row, suburb FROM bit_contractor_preferred_suburb where Contractor_Id = " + ContractorId);
                PassedContractorId = Convert.ToInt32(ContractorId);
                // Add a message to the combobox for the user to select an Client
                DataRow dtfieldNames1;
                //This is not putting our DataRow into the  DataTable. Its just 'copying' the schema of the table to our row.
                //   dtfieldNames1 = dtfieldNames.NewRow();

                //   dtfieldNames1["Row"] = "0";
                //  dtfieldNames1["suburb"] = "-- Select a Suburb--"; // Here We're 'inserting' the message into that column of the row
                //   dtfieldNames.Rows.InsertAt(dtfieldNames1, 0);
                preferredSuburbColRows = dtfieldNames;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtfieldNames.Rows)
                    PreferredSuburb suburb = new PreferredSuburb(dr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not Load Contractor Suburb", "Loading Suburb" + ex.Message);

        private void LoadSuburbList()
                DAL dal = new DAL();
                // we will pass sql to the database
                DataTable dtfieldNames = dal.Read("Select distinct suburb Row, suburb from postcodes_geo where suburb not in (select suburb from bit_contractor_preferred_suburb where contractor_id = " + PassedContractorId + ") order by suburb");

                // Add a message to the combobox for the user to select an Client
                DataRow dtfieldNames1;
                //This is not putting our DataRow into the  DataTable. Its just 'copying' the schema of the table to our row.
                //    dtfieldNames1 = dtfieldNames.NewRow();

                //    dtfieldNames1["Row"] = "0";
                //    dtfieldNames1["suburb"] = "-- Select A Suburb --"; // Here We're 'inserting' the message into that column of the row
                // dtfieldNames.Rows.InsertAt(dtfieldNames1,0);
                //   MessageBox.Show("DisplayMember", +dtfieldNames.D)
                suburbColRows = dtfieldNames;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dtfieldNames.Rows)
                    PreferredSuburb suburb = new PreferredSuburb(dr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not Load Suburb", "Loading Suburb" + ex.Message);