public ActionResult GetCustomerDetail(string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, DateTime dateOfBirth, int carYear, string carMake,
                                              string carModel, string duiSelect, int speedTickets, string coverageType)
            DateTime currentYear = new DateTime();
            int      thisYear    = currentYear.Year;

            //Push the user entered data into the Quotes table in the database
            using (AutoInsQuoteEntities db = new AutoInsQuoteEntities())
                var customerDetail = new UserInfo();
                customerDetail.FirstName    = firstName;
                customerDetail.LastName     = lastName;
                customerDetail.EmailAddress = emailAddress;
                customerDetail.Dob          = dateOfBirth.Date;
                customerDetail.CarYear      = carYear;
                customerDetail.CarMake      = carMake;
                customerDetail.CarModel     = carModel;
                customerDetail.Dui          = duiSelect.ToString();
                customerDetail.SpeedTickets = speedTickets;
                customerDetail.CoverageType = coverageType;


                ViewBag.clientId = customerDetail.Id;

            //Redirect the data into the quote controller to get the quote totals
            return(RedirectToAction("MakeQuote", "Quote", new { dateOfBirth, carYear, carMake, carModel, duiSelect, speedTickets, coverageType, ViewBag.clientId }));
Example #2
        // GET: Quote create the quote totals here and enter into the database
        public ActionResult MakeQuote(DateTime dateOfBirth, int carYear, string carMake, string carModel, string duiSelect, int speedTickets, string coverageType, int clientId)
            //Calculate the customer's age
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            int customerAge = 0;

            if (currentDate.Month < dateOfBirth.Month || (currentDate.Month == dateOfBirth.Month && currentDate.Day < dateOfBirth.Day))
                customerAge = currentDate.Year - dateOfBirth.Year - 1;
                customerAge = currentDate.Year - dateOfBirth.Year;

            //calculate totals for the quote based on age
            decimal baseTotal = 50.00m;

            decimal teenDriveTotal = (customerAge < 18) ? 100.00m : 0;
            decimal underAgeTotal  = (customerAge >= 18 && customerAge < 25) ? 25.00m : 0;
            decimal overAgeTotal   = (customerAge > 100) ? 25.00m : 0;

            //calculate total if it's an old car
            decimal oldCarTotal = (carYear < 2000) ? 25.00m : 0;

            //calculate total if it's a newer car
            decimal newCarTotal = (carYear > 2015) ? 25.00m : 0;

            //calculate total if the car is a sports car
            decimal sportsCarTotal = (carMake == "Porsche") ? 25.00m : 0;

            //calculate total if the car is an exotic car
            decimal exoticCarTotal = (carMake == "Porsche" && carModel.Contains("Carrera")) ? 25.00m : 0;

            //calculate subtotal of speedtickets
            decimal speedTicketTotal = speedTickets * 10.00m;

            //calculate subtotal of quote
            decimal subTotal = (baseTotal + teenDriveTotal + underAgeTotal + underAgeTotal + overAgeTotal + oldCarTotal + newCarTotal +
                                sportsCarTotal + exoticCarTotal + speedTicketTotal);

            //add 25% of subtotal if there's a dui
            decimal duiTotal = (duiSelect == "yes") ? Math.Round((subTotal * 0.25m), 2) : 0;

            Math.Round(duiTotal, 2);

            //add 50% to the quote if it's full coverage
            decimal coverageTotal = (coverageType == "full") ? Math.Round(((subTotal + duiTotal) * 0.5m), 2) : 0;

            decimal quotePrice = Math.Round((subTotal + duiTotal + coverageTotal), 2);

            //Push the data to the QuoteTotals database table
            using (AutoInsQuoteEntities db = new AutoInsQuoteEntities())
                var quotetotal = new QuoteTotal();
                quotetotal.QuoteDate        = currentDate;
                quotetotal.BaseTotal        = baseTotal;
                quotetotal.TeenDriveTotal   = teenDriveTotal;
                quotetotal.UnderAgeTotal    = underAgeTotal;
                quotetotal.OverAgeTotal     = overAgeTotal;
                quotetotal.OldCarTotal      = oldCarTotal;
                quotetotal.NewCarTotal      = newCarTotal;
                quotetotal.SportCarTotal    = sportsCarTotal;
                quotetotal.ExoticCarTotal   = exoticCarTotal;
                quotetotal.SpeedTicketTotal = speedTicketTotal;
                quotetotal.DuiTotal         = duiTotal;
                quotetotal.CoverageTotal    = coverageTotal;
                quotetotal.QuoteFinalTotal  = quotePrice;
                quotetotal.ClientId         = clientId;



                //Setup ViewBag data for the quote page to display
                ViewBag.quoteDate        = quotetotal.QuoteDate.ToShortDateString();
                ViewBag.quoteFinalTotal  = quotetotal.QuoteFinalTotal;
                ViewBag.baseTotal        = quotetotal.BaseTotal;
                ViewBag.underAgeTotal    = quotetotal.UnderAgeTotal;
                ViewBag.teenDriveTotal   = quotetotal.TeenDriveTotal;
                ViewBag.overAgeTotal     = quotetotal.OverAgeTotal;
                ViewBag.oldCarTotal      = quotetotal.OldCarTotal;
                ViewBag.newCarTotal      = quotetotal.NewCarTotal;
                ViewBag.sportCarTotal    = quotetotal.SportCarTotal;
                ViewBag.exoticCarTotal   = quotetotal.ExoticCarTotal;
                ViewBag.speedTicketTotal = quotetotal.SpeedTicketTotal;
                ViewBag.duiTotal         = quotetotal.DuiTotal;
                ViewBag.coverageTotal    = quotetotal.CoverageTotal;
                ViewBag.quotePrice       = quotetotal.QuoteFinalTotal;
            //Open the main page in the Quote view to show the user the quote