Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Carrier Calculated Shipping Option with the minimum
        /// Amount of information needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shippingType">The Shipping Type to add
        /// (This must be unique)</param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue">The default cost for the shipping option.
        /// The default cost will be assessed if Google's attempt to obtain the
        /// carrier's shipping rates fails for any reason.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CarrierCalculatedShippingOption AddShippingOption(
            ShippingType shippingType, decimal defaultValue)
            //CarrierCalculatedShippingOption verifies the fractional cents

            if (_shippingNode == null)
                //don't add it until we make sure we can use it.
                GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShipping cs
                    = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShipping();
                    = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[] {};
                //This will blow up if the type is not allowed.
                _shippingNode = cs;

            if (_shippingOptions.ContainsKey(shippingType))
                throw new ApplicationException(
                          string.Format("The carrier option {0} already exists."));

            CarrierCalculatedShippingOption retVal
                = new CarrierCalculatedShippingOption(_request._Currency,
                                                      shippingType, defaultValue);

            //we need to copy the array and add an item to the end of the array
            //we would modify the xsd to be lists but it would most likely
            //confuse people.
            GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[] newArray
                = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[
                      ShippingOptionsCount + 1

                       newArray, ShippingOptionsCount);
            newArray[newArray.Length - 1] = retVal.ShippingOption;

            _shippingNode.carriercalculatedshippingoptions = newArray;

            _shippingOptions.Add(shippingType, retVal);


        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Carrier Calculated Shipping Option with the minimum
        /// Amount of information needed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shippingType">The Shipping Type to add
        /// (This must be unique)</param>
        /// <param name="defaultValue">The default cost for the shipping option. 
        /// The default cost will be assessed if Google's attempt to obtain the 
        /// carrier's shipping rates fails for any reason.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CarrierCalculatedShippingOption AddShippingOption(
            ShippingType shippingType, decimal defaultValue)
            //CarrierCalculatedShippingOption verifies the fractional cents

              if (_shippingNode == null) {
            //don't add it until we make sure we can use it.
               GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShipping cs
             = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShipping();
              = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[] {};
            //This will blow up if the type is not allowed.
            _shippingNode = cs;

              if (_shippingOptions.ContainsKey(shippingType))
            throw new ApplicationException(
              string.Format("The carrier option {0} already exists."));

              CarrierCalculatedShippingOption retVal
            = new CarrierCalculatedShippingOption(_request._Currency,
            shippingType, defaultValue);

              //we need to copy the array and add an item to the end of the array
              //we would modify the xsd to be lists but it would most likely
              //confuse people.
              GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[] newArray
            = new GCheckout.AutoGen.CarrierCalculatedShippingOption[
            ShippingOptionsCount + 1

            newArray, ShippingOptionsCount);
              newArray[newArray.Length - 1] = retVal.ShippingOption;

              _shippingNode.carriercalculatedshippingoptions = newArray;

              _shippingOptions.Add(shippingType, retVal);


              return retVal;