Example #1
        public static async Task <bool> OnlineAppInitAsync(bool updateKeys)
                // Call the init method now and request new app keys
                var returnInfo = await AuthorizationHelpers.OnlineAppInitAsync("uwp." + SystemInformation.DeviceFamily.ToLower() + "." + SystemInformation.OperatingSystemVersion, $"{Package.Current.Id.Version.Major}.{Package.Current.Id.Version.Minor}.{Package.Current.Id.Version.Build}.{Package.Current.Id.Version.Revision}", SettingsService.Instance.AppId, updateKeys);

                if (!returnInfo.Successful)
                    await NavigationService.Current.CallMessageDialogAsync("SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: " + returnInfo.ErrorTitle + "\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.", "Critical Error");

                    // Don't run anything, app will not work.

                if (updateKeys)
                    if (returnInfo.AppKeys == null)
                        await NavigationService.Current.CallMessageDialogAsync(
                            "SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: App Keys not provided.\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.",
                            "Critical Error");

                        // Don't run anything, app will not work.

                    // We have keys! Time to update the app
                    var appKeys = returnInfo.AppKeys;

                    AppKeysHelper.SoundCloudClientId       = appKeys.SoundCloudClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.SoundCloudPlaybackIds    = appKeys.SoundCloudPlaybackIds;
                    AppKeysHelper.YouTubeLoginClientId     = appKeys.YouTubeLoginClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.YouTubeClientId          = appKeys.YouTubeClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.FanburstClientId         = appKeys.FanburstClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.LastFmClientId           = appKeys.LastFmClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.GoogleAnalyticsTrackerId = appKeys.GoogleAnalyticsTrackerId;
                    AppKeysHelper.AppCenterClientId        = appKeys.AppCenterClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.HockeyAppClientId        = appKeys.HockeyAppClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.SoundByteClientId        = appKeys.SoundByteClientId;

                // Update the app ID (this should be the same as before / update to new value)
                SettingsService.Instance.AppId = returnInfo.AppId;

            catch (Exception e)
                await NavigationService.Current.CallMessageDialogAsync(
                    "SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: " + e.Message +
                    "\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.",
                    "Critical Error");

                // Don't run anything, app will not work.
        public static async Task <bool> OnlineAppInitAsync(bool updateKeys)
                var package = Application.Context.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(Application.Context.PackageName, 0);

                // Call the init method now and request new app keys
                var returnInfo = await AuthorizationHelpers.OnlineAppInitAsync($"android.{Build.VERSION.Release}", package.VersionName, SettingsService.Instance.AppId, updateKeys);

                if (!returnInfo.Successful)
                    Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: " + returnInfo.ErrorTitle + "\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.", ToastLength.Long);
                    // Don't run anything, app will not work.

                if (updateKeys)
                    if (returnInfo.AppKeys == null)
                        Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: App Keys not provided.\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.", ToastLength.Long);
                        // Don't run anything, app will not work.

                    // We have keys! Time to update the app
                    var appKeys = returnInfo.AppKeys;

                    AppKeysHelper.SoundCloudClientId       = appKeys.SoundCloudClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.SoundCloudPlaybackIds    = appKeys.SoundCloudPlaybackIds;
                    AppKeysHelper.YouTubeLoginClientId     = appKeys.YouTubeLoginClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.YouTubeClientId          = appKeys.YouTubeClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.FanburstClientId         = appKeys.FanburstClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.LastFmClientId           = appKeys.LastFmClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.GoogleAnalyticsTrackerId = appKeys.GoogleAnalyticsTrackerId;
                    AppKeysHelper.AppCenterClientId        = appKeys.AppCenterClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.HockeyAppClientId        = appKeys.HockeyAppClientId;
                    AppKeysHelper.SoundByteClientId        = appKeys.SoundByteClientId;

                // Update the app ID (this should be the same as before / update to new value)
                SettingsService.Instance.AppId = returnInfo.AppId;

            catch (Exception e)
                Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "SoundByte cannot load. The following error was returned from the SoundByte server: " + e.Message + "\n\nPlease restart the app and try again. If this error continues, contact us on Twitter @SoundByteUWP or Facebook fb.com/SoundByteUWP.", ToastLength.Long);