void Awake()
     inputBuffer     = new Queue <CharacterInput>();
     character       = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();
     character.state = CharacterState.Zero;
     charCtrl        = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
Example #2
 void Awake()
     character   = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();
     stateBuffer = new LinkedList <CharacterState>();
 void Awake()
     inputBuffer = new List <Vector2>();
     character   = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();
     predictor   = GetComponent <AuthCharPredictor>();
     if (simulated)
         simVector.x = Random.Range(0, 1) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
         simVector.y = Random.Range(-1f, 1f);
    private void OnEnable()
        if (localPlayer)
            minput         = GetComponent <AuthCharInput>();
            minput.shooter = this;

        mcharacter         = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();
        mcharacter.shooter = this;
        playerInfo         = GetComponent <PlayerInfo>();
    /// <summary>
    /// let all other clients know about the change
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="playerID"></param>
    /// <param name="_state"></param>
    public static void BroadCastPlayerState(AuthoritativeCharacter _player, CharacterState _state, bool _excludeSelf)
        //save this state

        using (Packet _packet = new Packet((int)ServerPackets.broadcastPlayerState))

            if (_excludeSelf)
                ServerSend.SendUDPDataToAll(_player.myPlayer.id, _packet);
 void Awake()
     pendingMoves = new Queue <Vector2>();
     character    = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();
    void Update()
        delayForSelfUpdate -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (movesMade > 0)                          //if greater than zero
            movesMade--;                            //reduce the number of made moves
        if (movesMade == 0)                         //if no new moves have been made
            CharacterState state = character.state; //get reference to our state
            //while movemade is less than the inpubuffer available
            //and there is an input buffer
            //aka loop until there is no more moves to make
            //loop through any available moves in the input buffer and make them
            while (movesMade < character.InputBufferSize && inputBuffer.Count > 0)
                CharacterInput _input = inputBuffer.Dequeue();

                if (_input.shoot)
                    //get the shot player
                    AuthoritativeCharacter shotCharacter = AuthoritativeCharacter.serverPlayers.Find(x => x.myPlayer.id == _input.shotPlayer);
                    //move him back to the former position
                    Vector3        currentPlayerPosition     = shotCharacter.transform.position;
                    CharacterState _ShotPlayer_lastSentState = shotCharacter.server.GetLastSentStateFromTimeStamp(_input.localTickForShotPlayer);

                    int previousCharcaterStateIndex = shotCharacter.server.myPreviousStates.IndexOf(_ShotPlayer_lastSentState) - 1;

                    previousCharcaterStateIndex = Mathf.Clamp(previousCharcaterStateIndex, 0, shotCharacter.server.myPreviousStates.Count - 1);

                    shotCharacter.transform.position = CharacterState.Interpolate(_ShotPlayer_lastSentState, shotCharacter.server.myPreviousStates[previousCharcaterStateIndex], _input.localTickForShotPlayer).position;
                    //perform the raycast
                    if (character.shooter.CheckShot(shotCharacter.transform.Find("Capsule").GetComponent <Collider>()))
                        //broadcast the hit to the other players
                        BroadCastPlayerHit(player.id, shotCharacter.myPlayer.id);
                    //return the player back to his normal position
                    shotCharacter.transform.position = currentPlayerPosition;

                //change the character state using the input
                state = CharacterState.Move(state, _input, character.Speed, serverTick, transform);
                charCtrl.Move(state.position - charCtrl.transform.position); //make the physical character move according to the input
                state.position = charCtrl.transform.position;
                movesMade++;                                                 //increase the number of made moves

            //if the made moves are greater than 0
            //then we have made some moves, let the character controller know
            if (movesMade > 0)
                state.position  = transform.position; //set our position
                character.state = state;              //save our state
                //send to other characters of this sort

                if (delayForSelfUpdate > 0)
                    //dont self update
                    BroadCastPlayerState(character, state, true);
                    BroadCastPlayerState(character, state, false);
                    delayForSelfUpdate = 5;

        if (playerHasJustStarted)
            playerHasJustStarted = false;
 void Awake()
     pendingInputs = new LinkedList <CharacterInput>();
     character     = GetComponent <AuthoritativeCharacter>();