Example #1
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author,
                                          [FromHeader(Name = "Accept")] string mediaType)
            if (author == null)

            Author authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!_repository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");

            AuthorDto authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            if (mediaType == Startup.VendorMediaType)
                IEnumerable <LinkDto>        links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);
                IDictionary <string, object> linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null);

                linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn));
Example #2
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(new UnprocessableEntityObjectResult(ModelState));

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn));
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto authorForCreation)
            if (authorForCreation == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(authorForCreation);


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                // if we handle it like this, exception creation has a cost, but the handling is solved genericly by the middleware
                throw new Exception("Creating an authord failed to save.");

                // if we handle like this, this code will be duplicated in some places, instead of handling it by the middleware
                // but no exeption creation is necessary
                //return StatusCode(500, "A problem occurred");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #4
        public void CreateAuthor(AuthorForCreationDto authorForCreationDto, string authorId)
            string sql        = @"insert into authors( au_id,
            au_lname ,
            au_fname ,
            phone   ,
            address ,
            city   ,
            state  ,
          values( @au_id,
            @au_lname ,
            @au_fname ,
            @phone   ,
            @address ,
            @city   ,
            @state  ,
            @zip )";
            var    parameters = new DynamicParameters();

            //TODO: Remove unnecessary params
            parameters.Add("@au_id", authorId, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorId.Length);
            parameters.Add("@au_fname", authorForCreationDto.LastName, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.LastName.Length);
            parameters.Add("@au_lname", authorForCreationDto.FirstName, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.FirstName.Length);
            parameters.Add("@phone", authorForCreationDto.Phone, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.Phone.Length);
            parameters.Add("@address", authorForCreationDto.Address, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.Address.Length);
            parameters.Add("@city", authorForCreationDto.City, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.City.Length);
            parameters.Add("@state", authorForCreationDto.State, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.State.Length);
            parameters.Add("@zip", authorForCreationDto.Zip, DbType.String, ParameterDirection.Input, authorForCreationDto.Zip.Length);
            _repository.ModifyDatabase(sql, parameters);
        public ActionResult <AuthorDto> CreateAuthor(AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = _mapper.Map <Entities.Author>(author);


            var authorToReturn = _mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                         as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            // return CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor",  new { authorId = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn);

                                  new { authorId = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] },
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            //when the client messes up
            if (author == null)

            //need to create a new mapping for creation dto to entity
            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            // add to our db context using our database repository service

            //call save, if it fails return 500 server error
            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");
                // return StatusCode(500, "A problem happened with handling your request.");

            // map the entity to a DTO so we can show it
            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            // return 201 created response with Method name, anonymous object containing the Id, and the author to return object.
            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn));
Example #7
        public IActionResult AddAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorToCreate = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("An unexpected error occurred while adding an actor");
                //return BadRequest(500, "An unexpected error occurred while handling your request");

            var authorToReturn = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorToCreate);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #8
        [RequestHeaderMatchesMediaType("Content-type", new[] { "application/vnd.mike.author.full+json" })]  //with versioning media types
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = author.ConvertToAuthorEntity();

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception();  //with global exception handling, we can throw exception
                //return StatusCode(500, "problem");
            var authorToReturn = authorEntity.ConvertToAuthorDto();
            var links          = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            //add links to post author, convert authordto to expandoobject
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData() as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            //need a name on the get method call to use it here
            //return CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn);
            //with links
            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #9
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto authorForCreation)
            if (authorForCreation == null)

            var authorInDb = Mapper.Map <Author>(authorForCreation);


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Something went wrong.");

            var authorToReturn         = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorInDb);
            var links                  = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorInDb.Id, null);
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                         as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                                  new { authorId = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] },
Example #10
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto request)
            if (request == null)

            Author authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(request);


            if (!LibraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Ocorreu um problema ao salvar a criação do autor");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                //global exception handler will catch the error
                throw new ApplicationException("Creating an author failed on save");
                //return StatusCode(500, "A problem happened with handling your request");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            //we are passing null because no data shaping
            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                         as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));

            //GetAuthor is name given to method GetAuthor
            //Id is the Id for Author
            //authorToReturn will be serialised in the body
            //return CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn);
Example #12
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)
                return(BadRequest()); // 400
            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!(await libraryRepository.Save()))
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");
                // return StatusCode(500, "Creating an author failed on save.");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            /* We'll do the save as with GetAuthor, expect
             * we'll pass null for the fields when shapping the data.
            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            // Since linkedResourceToReturn is a dictionary, we should use ["Id"]
                                  new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] },
Example #13
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on Save");

            var authorToReturn         = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);
            var links                  = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                                  new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] },
Example #14
        public async Task <ActionResult> CreateAuthorAsync([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = _mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            await _libraryRepository.AddAuthorAsync(authorEntity);

            if (!await _libraryRepository.SaveChangesAsync())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");
                // return StatusCode(500, "A problem happened with handling your request.");

            var authorToReturn = _mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { authorId = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            // make sure request body was correctly serialized to AuthorForCreationDto
            if (author == null)

            // map the AuthorForCreationDto to an author entity
            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            // add the entity to the context
            // save the context to the database
            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");

            // map the result
            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            // create all HATEOS links for new author
            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            // add links to response
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                         as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                                  new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] },
Example #16
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)
                return(BadRequest()); // return 400 error

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            // the entity has not been added to the database yet, it has been added to the dbcontext
            // which represents a session with the database.
            // To persist the changes we have to save on the repo.
            // if it fails we will return 500 error

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save");
                // return StatusCode(500, "An error occured");

            var authorToReturn         = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);
            var links                  = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", linkedResourceToReturn);
            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorToReturn.Id }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #17
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!c_libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");

            var authorDto = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            IEnumerable <LinkDto> links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorDto.Id, null);

            var linkedResourcesToReturn = authorDto.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourcesToReturn.Add("links", links);

                id = linkedResourcesToReturn["Id"]
                       linkedResourcesToReturn)); //the Response also holds the URI for the newly created resource, so its ID as well.
Example #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

                var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

                if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                    throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");

                var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

                var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

                var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                             as IDictionary <string, object>;

                linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _logger.LogCustomExceptionAsync(ex, null);

                return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Home"));
Example #19
        public IActionResult UpdateAuthor(int id, [FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)
            if (!_libraryRepository.AuthorExists(id))
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var authorEntity = _libraryRepository.GetAuthor(id, false);

            if (authorEntity == null)

            Mapper.Map(author, authorEntity);

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                return(StatusCode(500, "A problem happened while handling your request."));

Example #20
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author.IsNull())

            var authorEntity = author.Map <Author>();


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                return(StatusCode(500, "A problem happend with handling your request."));

            var authorToReturn = authorEntity.Map <AuthorDto>();

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #21
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var finalAuthor = Mapper.Map <Entities.Author>(author);

            if (_libraryRepository.AuthorExists(finalAuthor))
                return(StatusCode(409, "Author already exists"));


            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                return(StatusCode(500, "A problem happened while handling your request."));

            var createdAuthorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(finalAuthor);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = createdAuthorToReturn.Id, includeBooks = false }, createdAuthorToReturn));
Example #22
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            if (!_libRepository.Save())
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");
                //Já estou a tratar globalmente
                //return StatusCode(500, "A problem happened while handling your request. Please try again later.");

            var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            var links = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

            //transforma o DTO num expando object
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null)
                                         as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #23
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author, [FromHeader(Name = "Accept")] string mediaType)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            if (!this.libraryRepository.Save())
                throw new LibraryException("Creating an author failed on save.");
                var authorToReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

                if (mediaType == "application/vnd.nagarro.hateoas+json")
                    var links = this.CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);

                    var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

                    return(this.CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
                    var resourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    return(this.CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = resourceToReturn["Id"] }, resourceToReturn));
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorentity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);


            // _libraryrepository.Save();

            if (!_libraryrepository.Save())
                return(StatusCode(500, "Un problema guardando en la base de datos"));

            var authorReturn = Mapper.Map <AuthorsDTO>(authorentity);

                return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = authorReturn.id }, authorReturn));
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #25
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto author)
            if (author == null)

            var authorEntity = Mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            if (!_libraryRepository.Save())
                // lepsi je returnout exception - je to vykonove narocnejsi, ale kodove lepsi
                throw new Exception("Creating an author failed on save.");
                // return StatusCode(500, "A problem happened with handling your request.");

            var authorToReturn         = Mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);
            var links                  = CreateLinksForAuthor(authorToReturn.Id, null);
            var linkedResourceToReturn = authorToReturn.ShapeData(null) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            linkedResourceToReturn.Add("links", links);

            // nereturnujeme objekt autora, ale zavolame metodu
            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { id = linkedResourceToReturn["Id"] }, linkedResourceToReturn));
Example #26
        private void CreateAuthorHelper(out AuthorForCreationDto model, out string authorId)
            authorId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string bookId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            model = ObjectMocks.GetAuthorForCreation(authorId, bookId);
            _auRepo.CreateAuthor(model, authorId);
Example #27
        public ActionResult <AuthorDto> CreateAuthor(AuthorForCreationDto authorForCreationDto)
            var author = _mapper.Map <Author>(authorForCreationDto);

            var authorToReturn = _mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(author);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAuthor", new { authorId = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn));
        public ActionResult <AuthorDto> CreateAuthor(AuthorForCreationDto author)
            var authorEntity = _mapper.Map <Author>(author);

            var authorToReturn = _mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(authorEntity);

            return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetAuthor), new { authorId = authorToReturn.Id }, authorToReturn));
 public static Author Map(this AuthorForCreationDto author)
     return(new Author
         Books = author.Books.Map().ToList(),
         DateOfBirth = author.DateOfBirth,
         FirstName = author.FirstName,
         LastName = author.LastName,
         Genre = author.Genre
        public IActionResult CreateAuthor([FromBody] AuthorForCreationDto authorForCreationDto)
            var author = _mapper.Map <Author>(authorForCreationDto);


            var authorDto = _mapper.Map <AuthorDto>(author);

            return(CreatedAtRoute(nameof(GetAuthor), new { authorId = authorDto.Id }, authorDto));