Example #1
        private void OnLeave(object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
            HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;
            HttpContext     context     = application.Context;

            if ((_fAuthChecked && _fAuthRequired) && (((context.User != null) && (context.User.Identity != null)) && (context.User.Identity is PassportIdentity)))
                PassportIdentity identity = (PassportIdentity)context.User.Identity;
                if ((context.Response.StatusCode == 0x191) && !identity.WWWAuthHeaderSet)
                    if (((_LoginUrl == null) || (_LoginUrl.Length < 1)) || (string.Compare(_LoginUrl, "internal", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0))
                        context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
                        if (!ErrorFormatter.RequiresAdaptiveErrorReporting(context))
                            string str   = context.Request.Url.ToString();
                            int    index = str.IndexOf('?');
                            if (index >= 0)
                                str = str.Substring(0, index);
                            string str2 = identity.LogoTag2(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str, context.Request.ContentEncoding));
                            string s    = System.Web.SR.GetString("PassportAuthFailed", new object[] { str2 });
                            ErrorFormatter formatter = new PassportAuthFailedErrorFormatter();
                            context.Response.Write(formatter.GetAdaptiveErrorMessage(context, true));
                        string str7;
                        string completeLoginUrl = AuthenticationConfig.GetCompleteLoginUrl(context, _LoginUrl);
                        if ((completeLoginUrl == null) || (completeLoginUrl.Length <= 0))
                            throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Invalid_Passport_Redirect_URL"));
                        string str5 = context.Request.Url.ToString();
                        if (completeLoginUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                            str7 = "&";
                            str7 = "?";
                        string url  = completeLoginUrl + str7 + "ReturnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(str5, context.Request.ContentEncoding);
                        int    num2 = str5.IndexOf('?');
                        if ((num2 >= 0) && (num2 < (str5.Length - 1)))
                            url = url + "&" + str5.Substring(num2 + 1);
                        context.Response.Redirect(url, false);
Example #2
        private void OnLeave(object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
            if (this._fOnEnterCalled)
                this._fOnEnterCalled = false;
            HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;
            HttpContext     context     = application.Context;

            if (context.Response.Cookies.GetNoCreate(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName) != null)
                context.Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache, "Set-Cookie");
            if (context.Response.StatusCode == 0x191)
                string rawUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;
                if ((rawUrl.IndexOf("?ReturnUrl=", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1) && (rawUrl.IndexOf("&ReturnUrl=", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1))
                    string str3;
                    string strUrl = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl))
                        strUrl = AuthenticationConfig.GetCompleteLoginUrl(context, FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl);
                    if ((strUrl == null) || (strUrl.Length <= 0))
                        throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Auth_Invalid_Login_Url"));
                    CookielessHelperClass cookielessHelper = context.CookielessHelper;
                    if (strUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                        str3 = FormsAuthentication.RemoveQueryStringVariableFromUrl(strUrl, "ReturnUrl") + "&ReturnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rawUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);
                        str3 = strUrl + "?ReturnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(rawUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);
                    int index = rawUrl.IndexOf('?');
                    if ((index >= 0) && (index < (rawUrl.Length - 1)))
                        str3 = str3 + "&" + rawUrl.Substring(index + 1);
                    cookielessHelper.SetCookieValue('F', null);
                    cookielessHelper.RedirectWithDetectionIfRequired(str3, FormsAuthentication.CookieMode);
                    context.Response.Redirect(str3, false);
Example #3

        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        private void OnLeave(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
            if (_fOnEnterCalled)
                _fOnEnterCalled = false;
                return; // no need to continue if we skipped OnEnter
            HttpApplication app;
            HttpContext     context;

            app     = (HttpApplication)source;
            context = app.Context;

            // Step 1: Check if we are using cookie authentication and
            //         if authentication failed
            if (context.Response.StatusCode != 401)

            // Change 401 to a redirect to login page

            // Don't do it if the redirect is suppressed for this response

            if (context.Response.SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirect)

            // Don't do it if already there is ReturnUrl, already being redirected,
            // to avoid infinite redirection loop

            String strUrl = context.Request.RawUrl;

            if (strUrl.IndexOf("?" + FormsAuthentication.ReturnUrlVar + "=", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1 ||
                strUrl.IndexOf("&" + FormsAuthentication.ReturnUrlVar + "=", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)

            // Step 2: Get the complete url to the login-page
            String loginUrl = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl))
                loginUrl = AuthenticationConfig.GetCompleteLoginUrl(context, FormsAuthentication.LoginUrl);

            // Step 3: Check if we have a valid url to the login-page
            if (loginUrl == null || loginUrl.Length <= 0)
                throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Auth_Invalid_Login_Url));

            // Step 4: Construct the redirect-to url
            String strRedirect;
            int    iIndex;
            CookielessHelperClass cookielessHelper;

//            if(context.Request.Browser["isMobileDevice"] == "true") {
//                //__redir=1 is marker for devices that post on redirect
//                if(strUrl.IndexOf("__redir=1") >= 0) {
//                    strUrl = SanitizeUrlForCookieless(strUrl);
//                }
//                else {
//                    if(strUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
//                        strSep = "&";
//                    else
//                        strSep = "?";
//                    strUrl = SanitizeUrlForCookieless(strUrl + strSep + "__redir=1");
//                }
//            }

            // Create the CookielessHelper class to rewrite the path, if needed.
            cookielessHelper = context.CookielessHelper;

            if (loginUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                loginUrl    = FormsAuthentication.RemoveQueryStringVariableFromUrl(loginUrl, FormsAuthentication.ReturnUrlVar);
                strRedirect = loginUrl + "&" + FormsAuthentication.ReturnUrlVar + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);
                strRedirect = loginUrl + "?" + FormsAuthentication.ReturnUrlVar + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);

            // Step 5: Add the query-string from the current url

            iIndex = strUrl.IndexOf('?');
            if (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < strUrl.Length - 1)
                strRedirect += "&" + strUrl.Substring(iIndex + 1);
            cookielessHelper.SetCookieValue('F', null); // remove old ticket if present
            cookielessHelper.RedirectWithDetectionIfRequired(strRedirect, FormsAuthentication.CookieMode);

            // Step 6: Do the redirect
            context.Response.Redirect(strRedirect, false);
        void OnLeave(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
            HttpApplication app;
            HttpContext     context;

            app     = (HttpApplication)source;
            context = app.Context;
            if (!_fAuthChecked || !_fAuthRequired || context.User == null || context.User.Identity == null || !(context.User.Identity is PassportIdentity))

            PassportIdentity id = (PassportIdentity)context.User.Identity;

            if (context.Response.StatusCode != 401 || id.WWWAuthHeaderSet)

            if (_LoginUrl == null || _LoginUrl.Length < 1 || String.Compare(_LoginUrl, "internal", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0)
                context.Response.StatusCode = 200;

                if (!ErrorFormatter.RequiresAdaptiveErrorReporting(context))
                    String strUrl = context.Request.Url.ToString();
                    int    iPos   = strUrl.IndexOf('?');
                    if (iPos >= 0)
                        strUrl = strUrl.Substring(0, iPos);
                    String strLogoTag = id.LogoTag2(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding));

                    String strMsg = SR.GetString(SR.PassportAuthFailed, strLogoTag);
                    ErrorFormatter errorFormatter = new PassportAuthFailedErrorFormatter();
                    context.Response.Write(errorFormatter.GetAdaptiveErrorMessage(context, true));
                // Step 1: Get the redirect url
                String redirectUrl = AuthenticationConfig.GetCompleteLoginUrl(context, _LoginUrl);

                // Step 2: Check if we have a valid url to the redirect-page
                if (redirectUrl == null || redirectUrl.Length <= 0)
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_Passport_Redirect_URL));

                // Step 3: Construct the redirect-to url
                String strUrl = context.Request.Url.ToString();
                String strRedirect;
                int    iIndex;
                String strSep;

                if (redirectUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                    strSep = "&";
                    strSep = "?";

                strRedirect = redirectUrl + strSep + "ReturnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);

                // Step 4: Add the query-string from the current url
                iIndex = strUrl.IndexOf('?');
                if (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < strUrl.Length - 1)
                    strRedirect += "&" + strUrl.Substring(iIndex + 1);

                // Step 5: Do the redirect
                context.Response.Redirect(strRedirect, false);

        /// <include file='doc\FormsAuthenticationModule.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="FormsAuthenticationModule.OnLeave"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        private void OnLeave(Object source, EventArgs eventArgs)
            if (!_fAuthChecked || !_fAuthRequired)  // not-checked means OnEnter was not called

            HttpApplication app;
            HttpContext     context;

            app     = (HttpApplication)source;
            context = app.Context;

            // Step 1: Check if we are using cookie authentication and
            //         if authentication failed
            if (context.Response.StatusCode != 401)

            // Change 401 to a redirect to login page

            // Don't do it if already there is ReturnUrl, already being redirected,
            // to avoid infinite redirection loop
            if (context.Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"] != null)

            // Step 2: Get the complete url to the login-page
            String loginUrl = null;

            if (_LoginUrl != null && _LoginUrl.Length > 0)
                loginUrl = AuthenticationConfig.GetCompleteLoginUrl(context, _LoginUrl);

            // Step 3: Check if we have a valid url to the login-page
            if (loginUrl == null || loginUrl.Length <= 0)
                throw new HttpException(HttpRuntime.FormatResourceString(SR.Auth_Invalid_Login_Url));

            // Step 4: Construct the redirect-to url
            String strUrl = context.Request.PathWithQueryString;
            String strRedirect;
            int    iIndex;
            String strSep;

            if (context.Request.Browser["isMobileDevice"] == "true")
                //__redir=1 is marker for devices that post on redirect
                if (strUrl.IndexOf("__redir=1") >= 0)
                    strUrl = SanitizeUrlForCookieless(strUrl);
                    if (strUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                        strSep = "&";
                        strSep = "?";
                    strUrl = SanitizeUrlForCookieless(strUrl + strSep + "__redir=1");

            if (loginUrl.IndexOf('?') >= 0)
                strSep = "&";
                strSep = "?";

            strRedirect = loginUrl + strSep + "ReturnUrl=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strUrl, context.Request.ContentEncoding);

            // Step 5: Add the query-string from the current url
            iIndex = strUrl.IndexOf('?');
            if (iIndex >= 0 && iIndex < strUrl.Length - 1)
                strRedirect += "&" + strUrl.Substring(iIndex + 1);

            // Step 6: Do the redirect
            context.Response.Redirect(strRedirect, false);