Example #1
        public async void WhenICallAGetMethodWithTheTokenEmbeddedInTheRequest()
            var oauthBaseHost    = _config.SelectToken("endpoint")["authEndpoint"].ToString();
            var requestParamsObj = JObject.Parse(_config.SelectToken("authBodyParams").ToString());
            IAuthenticationClass restApiAuthentication = new AuthenticationClass(oauthBaseHost, requestParamsObj);

            token = await restApiAuthentication.GetOauthAuthenticationAsync();


Example #2
        public ActionResult Authentication(AuthenticationClass model)
            //if ((model.UserName == "james") && (model.Password == "fulcrum#1"))
            //    Session["UserId"] = Convert.ToString(1);
            //    return RedirectToAction("UserDetails");
            //    return View();

            DAL datalogic = new DAL();
            int UserId    = 0;

                UserId = datalogic.Auntheticate(model);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.Message);

            if (UserId != 0)
                Session["UserId"] = Convert.ToString(UserId);
                return(RedirectToAction("DisplayDashBoard", "DashBoard"));
                TempData["message"] = "Invalid User Name or Password";
                //ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, );
    protected void uxLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         * The system against which the user will be authenticated.
        var AuthenticationSystem = new AuthenticationClass();

         * Attempt to authenticate the user using third-party system.
        bool authenticated = AuthenticationSystem.Authenticate(uxUsername.Text, uxPassword.Text);

        if (authenticated)
             * The class used to login/create Ektron proxy users.
            var EktronProxyUserManager = new ThirdPartyUserManagement();

             * Attempt login.
            bool ektronLoginSuccess = EktronProxyUserManager.AttemptProxyUserLogin(AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationSystemId, uxUsername.Text);

             * If login attempt failed...
            if (!ektronLoginSuccess)
                 * Create new user from auth system.
                 * You may want to have the user complete a more robust profile before this step.
                 * I simply chose the path of least resistance here to illustrate one of several
                 * possible scenarios.
                bool ektronUserCreated = EktronProxyUserManager.CreateEktronProxyUser(AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationSystemId, uxUsername.Text);

                 * If we were able to create the user...
                if (ektronUserCreated)
                     * Attempt to login the newly created user.
                    ektronLoginSuccess = EktronProxyUserManager.AttemptProxyUserLogin(AuthenticationSystem.AuthenticationSystemId, uxUsername.Text);

            if (ektronLoginSuccess)
                 * Redirect to ensure the cookie is properly set and to clear any postback data.
                // show error message