static void Main(string[] args)
        // create an Attribute Tester for the attribute we are interested in
        AttributeTester <ObsoleteAttribute> attrTester = new AttributeTester <ObsoleteAttribute>();

        // check to see if the attribute has been defined using the class name
        bool classTest = attrTester.TestForClassAttribute(typeof(Calculator));

        if (classTest)
            // the attribute is defined - get the instance of the attribute
            ObsoleteAttribute attr = attrTester.GetClassAttribute(typeof(Calculator));
            // write out the properties of the attribute
            Console.WriteLine("Attribute: message: {0}, error: {1}", attr.Message, attr.IsError);

        // perform the same test, this time using a calc object

        // create an instance of the Calculator class
        Calculator calc = new Calculator();

        // check to see if the attribute has been defined using the class name
        bool classTest2 = attrTester.TestForClassAttribute(calc);

        if (classTest2)
            // the attribute is defined - get the instance of the attribute
            ObsoleteAttribute attr = attrTester.GetClassAttribute(calc);
            // write out the properties of the attribute
            Console.WriteLine("Attribute: message: {0}, error: {1}", attr.Message, attr.IsError);

        // wait for input before exiting
        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to finish");