Example #1
         * Need to worry about multiple scenarios:
         *  - need to go for the longest match
         *    a b => foo      #shouldn't match if "a b" is followed by "c d"
         *    a b c d => bar
         *  - need to backtrack - retry matches for tokens already read
         *     a b c d => foo
         *       b c => bar
         *     If the input stream is "a b c x", one will consume "a b c d"
         *     trying to match the first rule... all but "a" should be
         *     pushed back so a match may be made on "b c".
         *  - don't try and match generated tokens (thus need separate queue)
         *    matching is not recursive.
         *  - handle optional generation of original tokens in all these cases,
         *    merging token streams to preserve token positions.
         *  - preserve original positionIncrement of first matched token
        public override bool IncrementToken()
            while (true)
                // if there are any generated tokens, return them... don't try any
                // matches against them, as we specifically don't want recursion.
                if (replacement != null && replacement.MoveNext())
                    copy(this, replacement.Current);

                // common case fast-path of first token not matching anything
                AttributeSource firstTok = nextTok();
                if (firstTok == null)
                var            termAtt = firstTok.AddAttribute <ICharTermAttribute>();
                SlowSynonymMap result  = map.submap != null?map.submap.Get(termAtt.Buffer(), 0, termAtt.Length) : null;

                if (result == null)
                    copy(this, firstTok);

                // fast-path failed, clone ourselves if needed
                if (firstTok == this)
                    firstTok = CloneAttributes();
                // OK, we matched a token, so find the longest match.

                matched = new LinkedList <>();

                result = match(result);

                if (result == null)
                    // no match, simply return the first token read.
                    copy(this, firstTok);

                // reuse, or create new one each time?
                List <AttributeSource> generated = new List <AttributeSource>(result.synonyms.Length + matched.Count + 1);

                // there was a match... let's generate the new tokens, merging
                // in the matched tokens (position increments need adjusting)
                AttributeSource lastTok     = matched.Count == 0 ? firstTok : matched.Last.Value;
                bool            includeOrig = result.IncludeOrig;

                AttributeSource            origTok        = includeOrig ? firstTok : null;
                PositionIncrementAttribute firstPosIncAtt = firstTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                int origPos = firstPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement; // position of origTok in the original stream
                int repPos  = 0;                                // curr position in replacement token stream
                int pos     = 0;                                // current position in merged token stream

                for (int i = 0; i < result.synonyms.Length; i++)
                    Token                      repTok       = result.synonyms[i];
                    AttributeSource            newTok       = firstTok.cloneAttributes();
                    CharTermAttribute          newTermAtt   = newTok.addAttribute(typeof(CharTermAttribute));
                    OffsetAttribute            newOffsetAtt = newTok.addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));
                    PositionIncrementAttribute newPosIncAtt = newTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));

                    OffsetAttribute lastOffsetAtt = lastTok.addAttribute(typeof(OffsetAttribute));

                    newOffsetAtt.setOffset(newOffsetAtt.startOffset(), lastOffsetAtt.endOffset());
                    newTermAtt.copyBuffer(repTok.buffer(), 0, repTok.length());
                    repPos += repTok.PositionIncrement;
                    if (i == 0)     // make position of first token equal to original
                        repPos = origPos;

                    // if necessary, insert original tokens and adjust position increment
                    while (origTok != null && origPos <= repPos)
                        PositionIncrementAttribute origPosInc = origTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                        origPosInc.PositionIncrement = origPos - pos;
                        pos    += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;
                        origTok = matched.Count == 0 ? null : matched.RemoveFirst();
                        if (origTok != null)
                            origPosInc = origTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                            origPos   += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;

                    newPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement = repPos - pos;
                    pos += newPosIncAtt.PositionIncrement;

                // finish up any leftover original tokens
                while (origTok != null)
                    PositionIncrementAttribute origPosInc = origTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                    origPosInc.PositionIncrement = origPos - pos;
                    pos    += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;
                    origTok = matched.Count == 0 ? null : matched.RemoveFirst();
                    if (origTok != null)
                        origPosInc = origTok.addAttribute(typeof(PositionIncrementAttribute));
                        origPos   += origPosInc.PositionIncrement;

                // what if we replaced a longer sequence with a shorter one?
                // a/0 b/5 =>  foo/0
                // should I re-create the gap on the next buffered token?

                replacement = generated.GetEnumerator();
                // Now return to the top of the loop to read and return the first
                // generated token.. The reason this is done is that we may have generated
                // nothing at all, and may need to continue with more matching logic.