Example #1
        //public static T[] SubArray<T>(this T[] data, int index, int length)
        //    T[] result = new T[length];
        //    Array.Copy(data, index, result, 0, length);
        //    return result;

        public static void useLowLevelInformationGainFeatureSelection(Instances data)
            AttributeSelection    attsel = new AttributeSelection();
            InfoGainAttributeEval eval   = new InfoGainAttributeEval();
            Ranker search = new Ranker();

            //1000 features >0, should be equal to -1 features and threshold 0.0. anyway i use 0.01.

            //int numtoselect = 1000;// 1520;

            int   numtoselect = 0;
            float threshold   = 0;

            if (GuiPreferences.Instance.IgSelectionType == IGType.Threshold)
                numtoselect = -1;
                threshold   = Convert.ToSingle(GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGThreshold);
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("Filtering using IG threshold: " + GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGThreshold.ToString());
            else if (GuiPreferences.Instance.IgSelectionType == IGType.Voxels)
                //num of vox plus above 0 cut off.
                numtoselect = Convert.ToInt32(GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGVoxelAmount);
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("Filtering using IG Voxel Amount of: " + GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGVoxelAmount.ToString());
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("error wrong IG type");


            //reeturned back to the global instance
            Preferences.Instance.attsel = attsel;

            //hIstogram saving indices and ranked to preferences for easy access
            SortedDictionary <double, int> Histogram = new SortedDictionary <double, int>();

            double[][] blah = attsel.rankedAttributes();

            for (double i = -0.05; i < 1.2; i += 0.05)
                if (!Histogram.ContainsKey(i))
                    Histogram.Add(i, 0);
                for (int j = 0; j < blah.Length; j++)
                    if (blah[j][1] > i - 0.05 && blah[j][1] <= i)
                        Histogram[i] += 1;

            for (double i = -0.05; i < 1.2; i += 0.05)
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("Threshold: " + i.ToString() + ": " + Histogram[i].ToString());


            if (GuiPreferences.Instance.IgSelectionType == IGType.Voxels)
                //SELECT K BIGGER THAN ZERO.
                int IgVoxAboveZero = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGVoxelAmount; j++)
                    if (blah[j][1] > 0)

                //this is a bit redundant, to replace this redundancy, create two vectors, selected() & ranked()
                Preferences.Instance.attsel = attsel;

                GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGVoxelAmount = IgVoxAboveZero;
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("Filtering using IG Voxel Amount of (above zero): " + GuiPreferences.Instance.NudIGVoxelAmount.ToString());
                GuiPreferences.Instance.setLog("Changing NudIGVoxelAmount to the above figure!");

            //NOTE: uncommenting this proves that ranked attributes are 0-based. this sorts them out from 0 to 204799 (Also threshold above should be 0

            /*double[][] blah = attsel.rankedAttributes();
             * double[] blat = new double[blah.Length];
             * for (int i = 0; i < blah.Length;i++ )
             * {
             *  blat[i] = blah[i][0];
             * }
             *  Array.Sort(blat);*/

            //if this code is used it will need to be ammended for numtoselect which is -1 (All) in this case

            /*double[][] ranked = attsel.rankedAttributes();
             * int indexBiggerThanZero = 0;
             * int classColumn = indices[indices.Length - 1];
             * while ((ranked[indexBiggerThanZero][1] > threshold) && (indexBiggerThanZero < numtoselect))
             *  indexBiggerThanZero++;
             * //return K features whose IG value is bigger than zero
             * int[] indicesFinal = new int[] {};
             * //less than K features, we dynamically resize an array and return it + class
             * if (indexBiggerThanZero < numtoselect)
             * {
             *  Array.Resize(ref indicesFinal, indexBiggerThanZero+1);
             *  Array.Copy(indices, 0, indicesFinal, 0, indexBiggerThanZero);
             *  //Array.Copy(indices, 0, indices, 0, indices.Length+1);
             *  indicesFinal[indicesFinal.Length - 1] = classColumn;
             *  return indicesFinal;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  //if indexBiggerThanZero is the same, all features ig values are aboce zero, we return the original int array
             *  return indices;
             * }*/