public void ServiceImpactedChildren()
            //Assumes that service 217 has an active relationship
            var Impact = new ImpactedServiceKeyWeb();
            var key    = new ServiceKeyWeb();

            key.ServiceID     = 217;
            key.Date          = DateTime.Now;
            key.Attributes    = new AttributeInstanceWeb[1];
            key.ChildServices = new ServiceNamedCollectionWeb[0];
            key.IsValid       = true;
            var attr = new AttributeInstanceWeb();

            attr.Name = "CoS Allocation Type";
            attr.Type = "Text";
            var value = new AttributeChoiceWeb();

            value.Value              = "Multiple COS";
            attr.Value               = value;
            key.Attributes[0]        = attr;
            Impact.Key               = key;
            Impact.ChangedAttributes = new List <string> {
                "Peak Information Rate", "eBGP Remote Peer ASN"
            var url = FscApplication.Current.Settings.FscUrls.FSCMediation + MediationEndPoints.serviceImpactedChildren;
            var Imp = ApiClient.Post <List <long>, ImpactedServiceKeyWeb>
                          (HttpTargetType.FSCMediation, "FSC Mediation Service Impacted children", url, Impact, ApiClient.ContentType.Json, ApiClient.HeaderType.FSCMediation);

            Assert.IsTrue(Imp.Count > 0);
        public void ServiceBuildChild()
            //Assumes that service Id 227 has children tha are available when product id is 570
            var key    = new BuildChildServiceRequestWeb();
            var parent = new ServiceKeyWeb();

            parent.ServiceID  = 227;
            parent.Date       = DateTime.Now;
            parent.Attributes = new AttributeInstanceWeb[1];
            var attr = new AttributeInstanceWeb();

            attr.Name = "PCATProductID";
            attr.Type = "Text";
            var value = new AttributeChoiceWeb();

            value.Value          = "570";
            attr.Value           = value;
            parent.Attributes[0] = attr;
            parent.ChildServices = new ServiceNamedCollectionWeb[0];
            parent.IsValid       = true;
            key.ParentService    = parent;
            key.Name             = "LAN PORT SERVICE";
            var url       = FscApplication.Current.Settings.FscUrls.FSCMediation + MediationEndPoints.serviceBuildChild;
            var hierarchy = ApiClient.Post <ServiceKeyWeb, BuildChildServiceRequestWeb>
                                (HttpTargetType.FSCMediation, "FSC Mediation Serv Build child", url, key, ApiClient.ContentType.Json, ApiClient.HeaderType.FSCMediation);

            Assert.IsTrue(hierarchy.Attributes.Length > 0);
        public static OffnetAttrInstanceWeb FromString(string attributeInstanceString)
            OffnetAttrInstanceWeb attributeInstance = null;

            if (attributeInstanceString.StartsWith("AttributeInstance: "))
                attributeInstance = new OffnetAttrInstanceWeb();

                // remove (address) from glm id
                int open  = attributeInstanceString.IndexOf("@#(");
                int equal = attributeInstanceString.IndexOf('=');
                if (open > 0 && open < equal)
                    attributeInstance.Name = attributeInstanceString.Substring(19, open - 19);
                    attributeInstance.Type = attributeInstanceString.Substring(open + 3, attributeInstanceString.IndexOf(')', open) - open - 3);
                    attributeInstance.Name = attributeInstanceString.Substring(19, equal - 20);

                string value = "null";

                if (attributeInstanceString.Length > equal + 2)
                    value = attributeInstanceString.Substring(equal + 2);
                if (value.Equals("null"))
                    attributeInstance.Value = null;
                    attributeInstance.Value = AttributeChoiceWeb.FromString(value);

 public OffnetAttrInstanceWeb(string name, string value, string display, AttributeType type)
     Name  = name;
     Type  = (type == null) ? "Unknown" : type.ToString();
     Value = new AttributeChoiceWeb(value, display);